Read A Touch of Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 5) Page 18

Braden drew close on the left side of the table and petted the cat. Once more, Sheba purred at the wolf’s touch.

  She approached the glass containers and let the spell talk to her. She drew mint from the shelves, no surprise there. She went down the rows one by one and kept pulling them to the counter.

  There were nine in all.

  She quickly worked through the compound. Her witchy senses knew what she was doing, though she couldn’t say she understood the purpose of the potion or what exactly the result might be. All she knew was that this was for Braden.

  She felt his tension and glanced at him. Then she understood. “Don’t worry. I’m not adding emerald flame.”

  She spooned or tweezed the required quantities into her mortar. When she had the right combination, she ground the elements together into a fine powder. She added water but this time, she heated the brew just until warm.

  She poured it into a small red ceramic dish-like cup and tried to hand it to Braden. He even held out his hands, the willing man that he was.

  Instead, she felt the familiar resistance and understood. For some reason, though she was certain the result was meant for him, she was supposed to drink the potion herself.

  She always trusted her witchiness. Unlike just about everything else in Five Bridges, she never went wrong when she stuck with her instincts. She brought the dish to her lips.

  “Hey. I thought it was for me. I don’t get it.”

  “I thought it was, too, but I’m supposed to drink it. Though, I’m sure this is intended for your benefit, so we’ll have to see what happens.”

  He eased back and she drank the potion.

  She barely tasted it, but by the time it reached her stomach, images began to flow through her mind. She wasn’t exactly seeing a future event as she was receiving instruction on what she was supposed to do.

  She took his hand once more. Near the writing table was a small, arched wooden door. She never took anyone inside with her, not after the workman had finished. She’d made all the adjustments and improvements herself.

  The room was dark to begin with since there were no lamps in the space. But when she closed the door behind them, it was pitch black and dead quiet. “Stay put, or can you see in the dark like this?”

  “Well, I’m good, but not that good. I need a speck of light. What is this place?”

  “I meditate in here.” And other things which she might tell him about if the moment presented itself.

  She felt her way to the inset stone shelf to the right of the door and lit the lone candle.

  Everything she’d experienced in Five Bridges converged in her mind in this moment. Right now, especially with a new potion moving through her blood, she felt the mystical nature of their world.

  Braden looked around. “You’ve got a garden down here.”

  Vines hung from the walls. Shrubs and flowering plants lined the space on all sides except the door wall. A broad bed of furs, where she often collapsed after her night’s work, took up the center of the room.

  Earlier, when she’d brought the faux furs to use on the stone floor in front of the fireplace, she’d taken them from here. She’d never quite understood why she’d created this space in the first place. She had recessed gro-lights that ran on a timer during the day and every vine and shrub was planted in the earth. She mulched, she watered, she tended.

  She’d called this place her sanctuary and loved the oxygen rich air. But the walls were still stone and way under the earth.

  The same blankets formed a thin mat between the numerous furs and what was a stone floor. Otherwise, the space was as close to nature as if it was outside.

  “You created a burrow.”

  “You mean a wolf burrow? I guess I did.” The reality of it stunned her, but her newly developed wolf senses now confirmed the truth. Very mystical.

  She turned toward him and let the towel fall to the floor. “Braden, did I know you were coming? Did I create this for you?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Honestly, I think I must have.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Braden had lived a decade in Five Bridges, but in all that time he’d never seen anything as extraordinary as what Maeve had created. He’d been in a number of burrows before. He and his wife had created and shared one. Most were deep in the earth but fitted out like a home.

  What Maeve had created went to his wild nature. To say he loved it, would place too small a meaning on what this meant to him. The word ‘home’ kept circling through his mind.

  He’d lost so much when Laura died, his partner of over twenty years. They’d wanted a family, but had never conceived, then they’d landed here as alter wolves.

  Odd to think her death had led him to Maeve, to her huge heart, her willingness to save those abandoned in the Graveyard, even to risk her life to save Kiara and the other captives. She was an Alpha female, a woman he could mate with.

  He was in love with her and tonight he would mark her.

  Yet, to come here, and to see that somewhere in her consciousness she’d felt compelled to create a burrow of unequaled beauty, moved him beyond words. For a moment, he wondered if his wife, well beyond the grave, had been at work to fashion this space as well. Even she had reached out to him encouraging him to give Maeve a chance.

  He dropped his towel as well and approached her. He took her hands in his. “Maeve, there’s something I want to say to you that I never thought I’d say to another woman again. I’m in love with you. I want you to know that.

  “But I don’t think it started with your rescuing me from the Graveyard, either. I think it began when I first met you. Then with every meeting after, I started looking forward to being with you.

  “I know there’s a lot standing between you and me having a future. I know you’re still grieving for Frank and that our world causes you a constant source of distress. But I’m here and I’m offering you a partnership in Five Bridges. The truth is, I never expected to love again, not after Laura died.”

  She stood staring at him, unblinking. But her light blue eyes were soft with tears. “I’m scared, Braden. I’m scared that if I love you, I’ll lose you like I lost Frank and you lost your wife. I don’t know if I have the courage to do this. I’m drawn to you. I ache for you, but I’m scared.”

  She’d spoken the essential nature of her misgivings. She didn’t want to grieve again. He didn’t either.

  He released her hands and pulled her into his arms. He held her tight. Nothing had felt so good in a long time. He kissed the top of her head over and over. He didn’t say anything. These were her struggles just as he had his own. At least now she knew how he felt.

  Finally, she drew back, but not so far that he couldn’t keep his arms around her. “I know I’m ready to accept your wolf mark. That much I can do. It’s a big step for me. In some ways, I’m letting go of my human life by doing this.

  “But it doesn’t change that this world still scares me badly most of the time. It’s shocking to me what evil alter folk will do to humans or other alters of their own kind. Veyda seems more typical than not.”

  He squeezed her arms gently. “There’s a flip side, Maeve. There’s you and people like you. Most of the Border Patrol Officers I serve with are good men as well and put their lives on the line every night. The majority of the wolf-packs make a decent contribution to Savage. And I’ll bet you’ve found many witches who would never think of joining a dark coven.”

  “I have. But the powerful in Five Bridges seem to dominate the majority of what happens here. How do any of us counter that? How can we truly make a dent?”

  “Like you do. You’ve done amazing things at the Landing. Look at the people you’ve saved. You’ll be part of a ripple effect that will one day turn the tide for all of us in Five Bridges. You’ll see.”

  “You really believe that.”

  “I do and here’s why. As violent as you think Five Bridges is today, it was twice as bad ten years go. Your finding me in the Graveyard wasn??
?t my first brush with death, it was my hundredth. I don’t know why I’m still alive, although I’d like to think it’s because one day I’d meet you. Then maybe, just maybe, we could build something powerful together, a bigger way forward to help change our world.”

  She shook her head as tears filled her eyes. “Oh, Braden. You give me hope but I’m so afraid to hope.”

  “It takes courage. And that’s something you’ve got by the bucket-load even though you don’t think you do.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. He was surprised, but he wasn’t so stupid he didn’t know what to do.

  He kissed her back and began a slow massage of her shoulders. He gradually moved lower until he was caressing her bottom and pressing her against his growing arousal.

  I want to do this. Her voice in his head sounded rich and needy. Her lemon-lavender scent rose and flooded his brain with all kinds of wolf-endorphins. The potion she’d taken had enhanced her scent as well.

  He felt his cheeks elongate, and fur rise on his face and the backs of his hands. While still holding her firm against him, he lifted his right hand and drew back just enough to stroke her face with his fur.

  She gasped and turned into his hand to bury her nose. Your wolf scent, Braden. It’s getting to me. Her body rolled against his.

  He picked her up and carried her to the thick pile of furs. She’d been here often. He could smell her scent everywhere.

  He laid her out on the makeshift bed and settled himself on top of her. He ran his fingers through her curls. “You spend time here, don’t you?”

  “I have a terrible confession.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’d always come here after you and I would meet at my candle shop. I couldn’t help myself. I used to think it was because you were so handsome or that I needed the distraction. Now I know it was always so much more than that.”

  He ground his hips against her. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “I am. I imagined being with you while I touched myself. I was always so aroused by the time you left my store.”

  He thought for a moment. “And I always thought what I was smelling was the candles, but it was you, wasn’t it? I’ll confess as well. I would return to my hotel room and get in the shower. I took my time with my fist. Did you take your time?”

  “I did. But now we’re here. Together.” She caressed his face and drove her nails against his fur. His lips pulled back. She touched his fangs. “But I have to say, this is so much better. Your heavy body pressing against mine.” She grabbed his arms. “And all this muscle. Braden, you need to bite me and bite me hard.”

  Those words brought a growl from his throat. Her eyes flared. He pushed at the side of her face until she rolled her head. He opened his jaw wide and took as much of her vulnerable throat in his mouth as he could.

  She whimpered and wrapped her legs around him. Braden, I need you inside me.

  He used his hand to guide his cock. She tilted her hips which helped him find her opening. Given the sounds she was making, he wasn’t surprised he slid right in and it was heaven.

  He knew he belonged here and he belonged to her. She had a distance to go yet, but he was all in. She was what he needed, what would ease forever the loss of his wife. Maeve was his alpha-mate and he’d wait for her as long as he needed to. He’d also do everything he could to warm up her affection for him.

  Still holding her throat tight, he began to thrust into her. He set a strong rhythm. They were both close and once he initiated the marking process, it wouldn’t take long.

  Then suddenly, he began to see images in his head, an arousing image that trailed from her mind to his.

  It’s the potion, Braden. This is for you. I understand it now.

  The images were of Maeve, but in wolf-form, with a reddish-brown coat. She was racing through the pine forest of Savage. He was chasing her, also on all fours.

  He didn’t know how she was doing it, but he could feel the rough ground beneath his paws. He could smell her wolf scent combined with the ever-erotic lavender and lemon. His cock grew hard, like flint. His balls tingled.

  But he needed to bring the female wolf down, hard. She needed to know he was her master.

  She ran faster. He put on more speed. He thrust into Maeve at the same time, his hips like a steam engine. He heard her moaning heavily.

  In the images within his mind, he closed the distance. Maeve’s reddish tail was only inches away. With a quick boost, he launched through the air at her and landed on her back.

  Maeve moaned heavily. I can feel you Braden. I can feel you on top of me. Your teeth are in the back of my neck. You’re entering me. Oh, God. Braden.

  He heard her shout her pleasure and as he entered her like a wolf, he began to pulse. Ecstasy tore through his cock, he released her throat and rose up roaring. The images still played of him releasing into Maeve in wolf-form. He loved her fur, her scent, everything.

  Time swirled through his head. He was in her burrow, he was in the forest. He was in a new world of their making.

  His body started to ease down.

  Then the wolf leaped away from him and the chase was on. Again. He got hard once more.

  For you, Braden.

  He ran after her. Only this time, she half-levitated as she flew through the forest.

  On the bed of furs, he pumped his hips into her and again latched onto her throat. He increased his girth as he’d done before.

  Yes. Her voice whispered through his mind. More. Faster.

  He increased the speed of his hips as he flew through the air. He was ready. He launched at her, caught her midair and brought her once more to earth. He again bit the back of her neck to control her.

  This time, in both real-time and in the image, he released his marking scent. It swelled over him.

  Braden, that scent. You’ll make me come.

  Those were all the words he needed. He slammed into her, and moved wolf-fast, faster than a human male. He felt her body writhe against him and heard her cries once more.

  As the orgasm rushed through his cock, he held on and fixed the mark with his teeth, his scent and his semen.

  What happened next stunned him. His inner eye could see within her body. He watched his sperm move through her, as pleasure mounted pleasure. Up through her uterus, like lightning. The journey led to an egg. No, two eggs and his sperm pierced them both.

  Life began.

  A boy and a girl.

  A third orgasm tore through him. He released her throat, overwhelmed and overcome. He roared, only this time it was with the knowledge he’d created life with Maeve, unexpected, stunned beyond reason.

  She screamed her pleasure one last time and as the sensations dimmed, he looked at her. She met his gaze.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Braden. Did you see that? Was it real? Will I carry your children?”

  “Yes.” He knew it as well as he knew his name and her scent and how beautiful she was as he remained connected to her. He almost asked her to bond with him then and there. But he knew something still wasn’t right with her. So, he held back.

  He kissed her instead and kept on kissing her. Then he kissed her neck and afterward blew some raspberries until she was giggling and begging him to stop.

  “Thank you for this, for the lovemaking, for the potion-based images that were hot-as-hell, for taking me into your burrow. I love it here. I hope we come back to this room, or cave, or whatever it is, again and again.”

  She leaned up and kissed him. “Me, too.” She opened her mouth then closed it. “I have no words.”

  He felt it as well, that what had happened here, the beginnings of life, had them both overcome.

  ~ ~ ~

  An hour later, Maeve sat in a chair beside Kiara’s bed. She held the witch’s hand. Her color was good but she looked worn to the bone. Weeks of torture had taken a toll.

  The only visible poison-burn was the one on her neck. The tissue had
mostly healed leaving behind a patch of silver streaks that would remain with her the rest of her life. She’d seen these scars on a couple of her human rescues, more of Veyda’s handiwork. She knew there would be horrendous scarring on Kiara’s abdomen, where most of the painful torture had taken place.

  Maeve hadn’t seen the damage herself, but Alfonso had given her the details.

  “You seem different.” Kiara’s voice was hoarse.

  “I do?” She looked away from Kiara as images of being with Braden rolled swiftly through her mind. It all seemed so surreal. Braden had marked her. But was it really possible she was pregnant? With twins?

  Yet, every witch sense she possessed told her it was true.

  She was alone with Kiara and maybe for that reason didn’t mind telling her at least some of what was going on. “I’ve been with Braden. We’ve gotten very close.” She chuckled nervously. “Maybe too close.”

  Kiara’s lips curved. “I’m so glad. Braden is such a good man. My heart broke for him when Laura died. And now it seems so strange that you’ve hooked up with him. I mean, Laura died the same night you killed those witches. Maybe for that reason, fate brought you together.”

  Maeve knew she was to some extent sharing Braden’s wolfness. But at these words, she felt his wolf, or maybe it was her wolf now, come to the fore. Her nostrils flared and her mind sharpened. She could feel some of the fog dissipate around her memories of what happened that night when she’d gone berserk.

  She felt oddly outside of herself as she spoke these words. “You’re right. Laura died the same night.”

  “What do you mean? Are you remembering what happened?”

  “Maybe.” She glanced down at her hands. They were clasped in her lap, the knuckles white. She forced herself to relax.

  Kiara rolled onto her side facing Maeve. She reached over and grabbed Maeve’s joined hands. “You can do this. The timing feels right to me. As your friend and as your mentor, you can bring your faulty memory forward.

  “You need to see what really happened that night. You’ll never full embrace your future with Braden until you’ve faced and accepted what happened in Veyda’s killing room.”

  “Kiara, I know something horrible happened that night, something worse than even taking the lives of those witches.”