Read A Touch of Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 5) Page 6

  “Were they performing, as in music of some kind?” He wanted as much data as he could gather.

  “It was the most horrific sound. Like chanting but all in dissonance constantly. Something was in the center of the space, though I’ve blocked that part out. I can’t remember what it was at all. The only thing I knew was that Veyda was forcing my induction into her dark coven. I was horrified. I’d only been in Elegance Territory two weeks, yet I knew enough to despise what these witches did. Everyone knew about the human and alter sacrifices they made.

  “Somewhere in there, I went berserk. My killing power lit up and in order to escape I killed those two witches. I produced the strangest glittering gold streams of power.”

  She lifted her left hand and stared at it. “I haven’t used it since.” She took a moment to take a few deep breaths. “Veyda never bothered me again after that. I think I did more than kill those witches but I honestly don’t remember. The next thing I knew, I was standing in front of Kiara’s door.”

  “Who were the witches you killed? Do you know their names?” He’d asked her before while his investigations. But it couldn’t hurt to pose the questions again.

  Her gaze shifted to the empty grate. She shook her head. “I can’t even remember what they looked like. I can see a lot of other things, like the scarlet velvet drapes, the general beauty of that terrible room. It looked high-end. But I can’t recall the witches in any detail. Only that I killed two of them.”

  “You don’t regret it, do you?”

  “Not at all. I hate that I’ve taken lives, but there was so much darkness in that room. I could feel how many people had died there. I’m convinced, too, that it’s the same place Veyda has been torturing Kiara and the other women in those cells.”

  She shook her head back and forth several times. “I’ll never forget Kiara’s kindness to me when I showed up that first night. Do you know she hugged me? She wrapped me up in so much love I fell apart then and there. I sank to her entry floor and wept. And you know, I’m not a weeper, Braden. I never was until I landed in this horrible place. But that hug broke down enough of my walls to start talking. I owe Kiara so much.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, but he smiled. “It’s her witch magic. She did the same to me. Got me to talking.”

  Maeve shifted her gaze to him, her light blue eyes firing up. “Not everything a witch does is about her magic. She’s just…gifted.”

  “I agree. I was being—”

  “Ridiculous?” she offered.

  He chuckled. “No. I guess I was trying to be clever. I knew it wasn’t magic. I felt like I was talking to a friend. Much good it did. She urged me to go back to Savage, to pick up my life. But I couldn’t. Though Warren keeps pushing me to get my furry ass back to my pack, I can’t leave Elegance. I’m committed to finding out what happened to Laura, how she died that night.”

  He considered her for a moment. He hadn’t told her earlier about her alpha-mate capacity, but if they were going to work together, she needed to know. Even as he watched her, his mating drive kept opening up. He’d shut it down several times already, but he wasn’t sure how easy it would be to control if they were going to spend a lot of time together in close proximity. “I have something I need to tell you.”

  “What’s that?”

  Well, she was a no-nonsense woman, so he said it flat out. “You’re alpha-mate material, even though you’re witch.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Kiara said something earlier about that. I told her I could smell your Madagascar scent. She said she’d heard that kind of scenting could indicate I might be able to bond with an alpha. Though I should say it makes no sense. I’m a witch. What would I have to offer a wolf pack?”

  Okay, he liked this woman. “I don’t know. But Alpha Fergus recently bonded with a fae.”

  “Right. But she’s a veterinarian. She could offer a bunch of wolves her surgical services, if nothing else.”

  He chuckled. There was so much more to being the alpha female of a pack, but he didn’t go into that. He didn’t see the point. The last thing Maeve would want was to move to Savage and join a wolf pack. He’d heard her views on the violence of wolves enough times to know she’d be miserable in Savage Territory. “Mary’s a good, strong woman. Big-hearted and she’s changed Fergus’s life for the better. The pack will benefit from her leadership.”

  He decided to switch subjects. “So, we’re agreed then that we’ll work together to get Kiara out of Veyda’s compound.”

  She nodded and rose to her feet. “Yes, but we’ll need to understand the level of each other’s power and abilities. For instance, I have a few spell-tricks that would stop you in your tracks before you even got started.”

  “And I’d have you flat on your back before you could blink.”

  She tilted her head. “Do I smell a challenge, Officer?”

  One thing he knew about Maeve, she meant what she said. But if he gave her free rein, she might set him on fire if her killing power suddenly lit up. She was a young witch and had resisted developing her powers the entire time he’d known her. The fact she’d killed a couple of witches while in a rage, made him wary about what she was capable of. “All right. Let’s take this down a notch. How about you show me what your witchy spells or you kill power can do without destroying me or your apartment.”

  She smiled then laughed. “It’s probably best I take it easy, especially in my own home where I care about keeping everything safe. But I am competitive.”

  “Yeah, I got that.”

  “All right, go to the bottom step of the stairs, like you’ve just arrived then come at me as though you mean to do me harm. But come fast. Use all your wolfness.”

  Braden pivoted then levitated swiftly. The moment he reached the stairs, he didn’t give her time to even think. He swung back her direction in a blur of wolf speed.

  He’d intended to grab her up in his arms and levitate her in a circle. Instead, he found himself on his back and on the stone floor. “What the hell?” For a moment, he wasn’t sure where he was.

  He blinked a few times. His recollection of what happened came back to him. He’d reached the bottom step then shot in her direction. She’d smiled as she’d waggled her fingers at him.

  Her left hand.

  Her killing hand.

  A wave of energy had hit him and knocked him to the floor. Only ‘knocked’ wasn’t the right word. More like pressed him there. He hadn’t felt the impact of his body connecting with the stone at all.

  “Can you sit up?”

  He tried, but found it almost as difficult as when he’d first awakened from his coma. But it wasn’t physical weakness. This time, he could feel the spell on him.

  He struggled and eventually came to a sitting position. She sat on the side of her sturdy coffee table, her knees crossed at the ankles.

  He looked up at her. She wasn’t gloating in triumph.

  “I always had the impression your abilities were undeveloped, but you’ve had some training, haven’t you?”

  “A little. Kiara worked with me as much as she could. But before she was abducted, she was really busy. She’d be gone for days at a time.”

  “Doing what?”

  “She didn’t tell me and I didn’t ask. I didn’t want to pry. I think she would have worked with me more but to be honest, I wasn’t ready.”

  “I know. You still don’t like being a witch. But back to your abilities, can you do a repeat of what you just did to me?”

  “Of course.”

  As he rose to his feet, he decided on a precaution. “Maybe just use a quarter of your juice this time.”

  “Sure. Why don’t you stay right where you are and let me know when you’re ready.”

  He drew a deep breath. “Do it.”

  She smiled then barely lifted her fingers of her left hand. The wave arrived a split-second later, lifted him up and carried him back five feet.

  He settled his hands on his hips and shook his head b
ack-and-forth several times. “I’m amazed. So, you can do this, just like Kiara. Yet neither of you can take Veyda on.”

  “Unfortunately, no.”

  Maeve had so much ability but a lot of it was undeveloped. She couldn’t levitate, either, something he now suspected she’d be able to do with just a little practice.

  He considered the entire situation. “All right. Tell me more about what happens when you reach the compound.”

  She then explained about some kind of spell-powder she used as well as Veyda’s purple and black rolling fog.

  Braden considered all facets of the problem before him: Maeve’s abilities, how witches and warlocks could be-spell him, and especially her unique killing power that could be used to stop him. He needed more information.

  He narrowed his eyes. “I want to experiment. You game?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  Her enthusiasm stopped him for a moment. He admitted he loved it. He almost felt like they’d become partners without a word having been spoken. “Good. I’m going to shift into my wolf form and I want you to try your powers again. I want to see how effective you are against my fur-bearing form.”

  “Let’s do it.” She adjusted her stance then lowered her shoulders. Yeah, she was game. She even looked more wolf-like, another sign of her alpha-mate capacity. When two people were compatible, they could take on some of the attributes of their mate. In Maeve’s case, the longer she was around him, she’d experience wolf qualities. Which in turn meant, he could expect to take on a few warlock abilities. It didn’t mean they would ever bond. It was just part of the process when a female could mate with an alpha.

  He turned around once more and levitated toward the doorway. As he pivoted, he shifted to his wolf state and launched at her.

  In the second it took to reach her, he saw her wave her hand. He felt the sudden swell of power hit him, but it seemed to pass straight through his wolf body.

  With great care, he struck her down so that now she lay on her back on the stone floor and he was on top of her. He took care not to let her feel his full weight. Levitation rocked.

  He looked at her through his wolf’s eyes and saw what he already knew to be true. She had a golden aura, something he could only see while in his wolf’s form. The gold shimmer around her was the most telling sign she was alpha-mate material.

  Probably because he was in his wolf state, he felt the call of her deep in his bones. An ache formed in the pit of his stomach and sudden desire had him hard.

  He watched her smile dim. But in its place was something he could now smell drifting from every pore of her body, a lemon-lavender feast meant for him.

  But was she open to a physical relationship?

  She reached up and grabbed the fur on either side of his neck. I’m willing if you are, Braden

  Her voice in his head had him growling.

  ~ ~ ~

  Maeve held Braden’s fur tight. She didn’t want to let go. The moment he’d pushed her onto the floor in his massive wolf state, desire exploded. Somehow, all that black fur and the sight of his fangs got to her.

  She knew then he’d spoken the truth. Though she was a witch, she could bond with this Border Patrol officer and serve as his alpha female.

  Slowly, he shifted back to his human form, a seamless process reflecting his decade in Five Bridges. She released his fur as it disappeared through her fingers.

  His green eyes held hers tight. She couldn’t have looked away if she’d wanted to. He said, “I need you to understand what you’re getting into here. This will be without one shred of emotion. What happens here is strictly physical, very physical. I have no interest in you otherwise, despite your alpha-mate capacity.”

  She smiled. “Got it. No strings and yes, I’m game.”

  He leaped to his feet, reached down and plucked her off the floor like she was feather. He lifted her into his arms then carried her into the bedroom, slamming the door shut with his foot.

  She’d been wanting this for weeks. Months, maybe.

  He took her to the bed but before he let go of her, he pulled the covers back. Then he dropped her so she bounced on the mattress.

  She would have been happy to get her clothes off, but he went to work like a madman. He tugged off her shoes and jeans, then flipped her onto her stomach.”

  “You’ve got a beautiful ass, Maeve.”

  Then his mouth was on her bottom and she sank into the bed. It had been well over a year since she’d been with a man. She’d missed this so much. She’d loved sex with Frank. How much she’d lost when he died.

  Braden licked her bottom all over then stripped off her thong. He wasn’t kidding when he said it would be physical. She bounced with every toss and tug. She couldn’t help but laugh. She loved it.

  When he had her completely naked, she glanced over her shoulder and watched him move like lightning as he got rid of his clothes. Since he was barefoot, he had no troublesome boots to contend with.

  He got on the bed on his knees, pushed her legs apart and rubbed his arousal over her sex. You want my mouth on your neck, don’t you?

  Yes. I want to feel your fangs.

  How about this first?

  She didn’t even have time to ask. He leaped backward again and dragged her hips to the edge of the bed so that her legs hinged right over the side.

  Before she could utter a sound, his tongue was against her sex and taking long, wolf-like swipes.

  His fingers dug into the flesh of her ass and she moaned.

  You even taste like lemon and lavender. She heard him growl after these words hit her mind.

  Is that what I smell like to you?

  Oh, yeah.

  She moaned. I love your voice in my head.

  Using his hands, he spread her legs wider. She groaned heavily, knowing what would come next. His tongue penetrated her and she cried out.

  “Oh, God, that feels so good.”

  He began to thrust in a steady, familiar rhythm. He increased the tempo.

  Her hips rocked. But he didn’t seem to want that because he pressed on her bottom with his hand to hold her in place.

  His tongue went faster and was a thick, strong muscle working her sex. She grabbed the sheets and squeezed. Suddenly, the speed of his tongue-thrust seemed impossibly fast.

  She groaned and at the same time an orgasm took her straight over the edge. Her whole body was one tense organ, holding onto the pleasurable sensations as he continued to pummel her. She shouted against the sheet.

  He didn’t stop until her hips eased down and her legs relaxed against the bed.

  She lay in a limp, satisfied state. She felt him stand up, but she knew what she wanted first and she knew he’d love it.

  She flipped over and waved a witch hand at him, intending to stop whatever he had planned. But his eyes flashed. No, you don’t.

  He morphed into his wolf-state and landed on top of her again. He pinned her to the bed then slowly reverted to his human form.

  He kissed her. “Not gonna happen.”

  “You don’t even know what I had in mind.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I wanted to suck something, a lot of things. Your neck for one, then your shoulders though I’d probably do some biting. I want your thick pecs in my mouth. Then the head of your cock. Any of that appeal to you, wolf?”

  He leaned closed and latched onto her neck. He bit down, and her sex clenched all over again. Yes. All of it. Where do you want me?

  When he released her neck, she said, “Here on the bed and on your back. Legs spread.”

  He levitated them both and flipped midair. Very physical and arousing.

  When he was on his back, she moved to the side. He was a feast in every respect. She slid her hand up his erect stalk. He was a big man and the thought of having all that inside her made her shiver head to toe. She couldn’t wait.

  But she needed this first, to enjoy other parts of him. She didn’t know when she’d have the opportunity again.

/>   Still caressing his arousal, she moved on her knees to reach his throat. Lift your chin.

  When he’d given her enough access, she drew close. Maybe it was her alpha-mate potential, but she was feeling wolf-like. She opened her mouth as wide as she could then be bit his throat. Hard.

  His cock jerked in her hand and a powerful groan left his mouth. She stroked him as she ground her teeth into his skin. His legs shifted about and his hips rocked. She could tell he was loving this. His response, especially the Madagascar vanilla flooding the air, was causing streaks of pleasure to fly up and down her sex.

  She sucked on his throat and left his arousal to drive her fingers through his hair. She twisted until she had control of his head and pulled him sideways. She bit him again, though along the side of his neck this time.

  His body flipped in her direction. But with the strength she’d gained from hauling the near-dead out of the Graveyard, she pushed him back. Patience, I’m not done.

  She released his throat, drew back and met his gaze. His green eyes sparkled like emeralds. His pupils were dark and dilated, but golden rings rimmed the irises.

  Her gaze fell to his lips. She kissed him and when she parted her lips, he drove his tongue inside. Her turn to moan.

  He did the same thing he’d done to her sex and began a strong pummeling of her mouth. She caressed his face and let him thrust swiftly until she was crying out.

  She needed to cool down a little. A show might help.

  Staying to the side of him, she rose up on her knees and stripped out of her t-shirt and bra. She then touched her breasts, tugging at her nipples. She watched his eyes flare, but he didn’t move. She felt the tension in him, though, like it took everything he had to keep from attacking her.

  She settled her gaze on his shoulders as she massaged her breasts. When her mouth watered, she moved in his direction once more, angling across his massive chest and settling her mouth on his left shoulder. She took her time and let her tongue trace the contours, then she bit him.