Read A Twist of Eternity Page 5


  The following morning, I awoke early and found myself thinking of the mysterious ranger Serinae and her actions in the tavern the previous evening. In truth I felt mixed feelings towards her, some mistrust in that she had exhibited great anger towards Tezrin and thankfully much skill in the control of her sword to which I felt great admiration. Perhaps I was a little jealous of her free and completely independent manner; she seemed to be in complete control of her destiny, unlike myself always at the beck and call of others throughout my life. She certainly seemed to have the respect of her travelling companion Teouso and she quite obviously returned that respect. I assumed having arrived together, that they were travelling companions since escaping the goblins as she described briefly. I didn’t know what, or who goblins were and it was one of many things I would like to have asked her about. I wished I had more opportunity to have spoken with her during the evening, she had smiled at me while she ate, perhaps recognising me to be T’Iea’Tarderi she had a natural feeling of friendship towards me.

  In the end I had to admit to myself that I would love to know more about her, where she came from and her history, I was in no doubt she could be a formidable adversary, but could she also be a good friend? What would I give to have her as an acquaintance, able to draw upon her experiences? Little did I know how that opportunity would arise, and how soon. But for now the abbey beckoned and this day promised to be another day of spiritual witness and learning, patient practice with the monks and alas more paying attention! As I gathered my things and washed my face my thoughts wandered back to Serinae and what would be different if I had chosen the path of a ranger all those years ago.

  Slowly though I became aware of something unusual. I became slowly aware that something is not quite right, some nagging doubt in my subconscious was getting more and more attention. Eventually I sat back on my cot and listened intently, but I could hear nothing. A weak light was filtering though the thin veil of linen that hung across the window of my simple room, yet something was missing, but for the life of me I could not decide what it was. I shrugged, rose and made for the door but hesitated in opening it, a trouble persistently lay upon my heart like a dark shroud. What was different? Then it came to me, I listened again, intent on hearing what I would normally expect to hear this time of day, but no, there were no bird calls, no dawn chorus. I realised my senses, naturally attuned to the world, had detected the strange lack of cacophony that usually accompanies every morning here in the forest and it had taken me time to recognise the fact.

  I ventured across to the window and drawing the thin curtain aside, looked out. My eyes cast along the thick branch of the tree in which a few small houses similar to my own were situated. I could see nothing unusual, after all it was still quite early, and no one was about, at least not in this quiet corner high above Corbon’s roads and alleyways. Other than the fact that not a single bird or any other creature could be seen or heard, everything else appeared normal. I glanced downward lowering my gaze to the edge of the wooden platform on which my house was built and then further down to what could be seen of the ground below over the edge of the platform. There slowly I could discern a puff of inky black smoke close to the ground some short distance from the base of another tree. I had not seen anything like it before, initially I had assumed it was a mist that had gathered during the night, but it was not wistful like the forest mist, which does not usually congregate in such a confined area but spreads across the forest floor for a greater distance, and curiously forest mist generally doesn’t swirl and boil like this greasy smoke, at least when the air is as still as it was on this particular morning.

  Now that my curiosity was aroused, I looked further around the view from my window and noticed more puffs of similar greasy smoke across the forest floor similar to the first one I had spied. What were these strange phenomena? Suddenly a surge of concern arose in me, a horrid feeling of foreboding swept across me like a swoon. I felt something was very wrong so I made for the door deciding that I should try and raise the alarm.

  I gathered up my belongings once more from where I had left them and reached for the latch, but before I got a grip upon it the door opened and the ranger Serinae slipped into the room her finger pressed against her lips in such a manner that I stifled my words of alarm and surprise. She was already dressed as she had been when she arrived at the tavern the evening before, her cloak slung across her shoulders but open at the front. I could see she had all her gear about her person. But this time her long bow was in her hand an arrow notched ready. She quickly looked me up and down, seeing I was fully dressed and had all my gear like her, she beckoned for me to follow her, I left the room keeping close behind her.

  Outside we were joined by Teouso in his human form his eyes moving around the forest floor over the wooden railing that surrounded the platform on which we now stood. I wanted desperately to ask what was going on but felt that would not be the best thing to do at the present time. Teouso beckoned to us and we followed him to the bridge that joined this platform to the next. 

  Whilst crossing I looked down and was able to discern strange movements within the oily smoky rings, the movement looked like a summer heat haze rising from a hot surface, looking through these areas it was difficult to focus upon the ground beyond, in fact the ground within seemed to move and change, one second grass and foliage could clearly be seen and then a grey, barren, featureless place of what looked like course sand or gravel and then back to the grass again. It was quite apparent that some kind of arcane energy pulsed around these puffs of smoke, but what kind I could not fathom from up here, I was going to suggest we investigate by moving closer but the few I had originally noticed had now been joined by many more as we moved across the walk way and I felt it would be unwise to approach now that there were so many in close proximity.

  The next platform had a slope down to ground level and it was this that Teouso was obviously headed for. We moved silently down the slope and my feet finally touched the grass on the ground. Both Teouso and Serinae stopped with me between them, they both scanned the surrounding area, obviously trying to find the route to somewhere, I made to ask them what they were looking for thinking that I, knowing the town so well, would be able to tell them, but a hand was quickly thrust across my mouth. My anger slightly rose in my breast, I was only trying to be helpful after all, why make such a rude gesture? But then the hand was removed from my face and moved to grasp my right wrist and I found myself firmly pulled in a direction between two of the nearest hazy smoke rings. As we passed between them I could just hear a strange sort of billowing sound obviously emanating from within, it sounded just like a sheet flapping in the wind as it hung to dry on a washing line and I could see clearly a desert-like landscape within as if the smoke ring was a window looking out to somewhere else, another place altogether from Corbond and the forest that surrounded the town.

  All of a sudden another haze materialised directly in front of us, Serinae and Teouso stopped dead, and as we watched this haze seemed to expand in the centre and to move out and back in upon itself. Once more I clearly glimpsed a grey desolate landscape within, seen as if through a window. A small discoloured spot grew rapidly in size in the centre. Then to my horror something that looked like an arm with a gauntleted hand reached out of the discoloured spot, something was emerging slowly as if crawling through the window. I watched transfixed as I could just see the beginnings of a shadowy face, hideously featured but still partly shrouded by the haze, it was looking directly at me. A figure emerged from the hazy area and crouched low to the ground, it hissed and silently raised a rusty sword then stood and charged towards us at a fast pace, hatred shone out from its hideous eyes. I was transfixed, unable to move, still in disbelief perhaps that such a thing should actually be happening here in Corbond. The figure ran on and drew the sword back ready for a strike. I lifted my arm up in defence, but before I could close my eyes in readiness for the blow, an arrow pierced the centre of that foul fo
rehead and the figure fell forward lifeless, its final breath escaped its body and I retched as foul air heavy with the aroma of rotting things reached my nose. Serinae, her bow in her hand with another arrow already notched dragged me forward, my muscles suddenly awoke and I ran. Serinae released my hand once she realised I was following close and shot more arrows as more figures emerged from the hazy rings, it was then I became aware that I was jabbering on, I can’t remember what I was saying but I do remember thinking of the town alarm bell, Serinae stopped and looked at Teouso, and after a moment’s hesitation we changed course between the trees running back toward the centre of the town. I remember thinking this may not have been the best of moves but never the less I was powerless to resist deeming it safer to stay with these two experienced fighters than try and make my own way to safety. I remember feeling quite surprised that my initial fear had gone and pure concentration had replaced it.

  Serinae raised her bow once more and let loose an arrow, I followed its flight, arching up and over it flew some hundreds of metres and hit the town alarm bell squarely. The chime of the bell quickly followed. The sound obviously shook the guard on watch into consciousness because his head rose above the parapet surrounding the platform on which the bell was mounted. He looked shocked and bemused, but thankfully after a few seconds he obviously spied the many smoke rings and his training and presence of mind made him reach up to the bell rope and he began to ring the bell frantically.

  Guards started to file out from the guard houses below, questioning looks upon their faces, as I watched, a bright blue flame like an electric storm struck one in the chest and he fell to the ground his clothing smouldering. I gasped but didn’t have time to think more on this because I found myself being pulled uphill towards the village gates, as we ran it seemed that now all of the hazy rings were disgorging dark beings onto the grass. All where nightmare creatures with hideous expressions, the only form of garb they each had was a mismatch of various pieces of rusting armour and tattered rags, I had brief glances at helmets that seemed to be missing large pieces, breastplates that only covered a portion of the body, mail that seemed to hang in torn shards about their lower bodies, there skin was grey and wrinkled and in some areas silver grey and no hair was apparent on their bodies.

  Serinae was now firing arrow after arrow at the beings for many had gathered on the grass, as each arrow left that magical quiver it seemed to take on a more solid appearance, so by the time it was slicing through the air at great speed it sounded like any arrow should, each singing its path to the target. My people call this sound Dun’Y’Illiee, the ‘song of the swift’. Teouso half crouched and moving like a cat was stabbing at the beings that came within arm’s reach with two long-bladed stilettos, or throwing some strange metal objects that looked like a metal star with serrated edges. A lethally thrown weapon, as each one that found its mark shredded the flesh around where it struck. I remember being abhorred at this sight but too much was happening and so quickly I did not have the time to dwell on it.

  Serinae then placing her longbow over her shoulder and drew her two short swords, she swung each with great accuracy slicing, chopping and dealing lightning fast stabs aimed accurately at the area of the torso where normally can be found the heart and other important organs. Many creatures fell to this skilful sword play. I felt a sudden a nausea in the pit of my stomach. But again we were moving so fast my overarching concentration was firmly fixed on running and staying upright, if I fell I would become easy prey to these attackers. We ran on through the town in this manner until we were at last through the gates of the town and continued on to the abbey road. Behind us the town’s folk were now obviously rising and many people were now alerted to the danger, the crescendo of fighting was growing ever louder, the intensity of shouts, cries and screams was rising by the minute.

  It was then I thought of Jondris, yes of course the monks they could help in fighting off these terrible creatures invading the town. We headed up the road and finally bursting through the front gate of the abbey met with a number of monks already running in our direction.

  Jondris was at their front, he turned and saw me, and running up grasped my hands and said, “Minervar, thank goodness you’re alright. I awoke early and came back to the abbey. I was about to return to get you when we heard the town alarm bell?”

  Before I had drawn a breath to respond Serinae shouted out to the monks, “gather weapons, darkness looms this day within Corbond!”

  In response to this call to arms the monks ran towards Serinae, Jondris looking into my eyes dropped my hands, his attention switched and he turned and ran. Looking back over his shoulder he shouted at me to stay here in the abbey grounds, and quickly the whole company of monks who had by now grown to many strong, along with Serinae and Teouso set off back towards the town at a great pace.

  Something within me felt wrong, I quickly decided I could not stay here while my friends and allies fought this unknown danger, as a healer my place was in battle by their side to aid as my training dictated. So after they had been gone a few moments I followed. As I looked down on the town I was shocked to see flames licking up around many of the trees and buildings, some fully alight and burning, I think at this point I suddenly realised the enormity of the situation, confusion gave way to anger and my feet raced along the road with renewed speed. I caught up with my friends just as they burst back into the town, Serinae firing arrows so rapidly from her bow, her arm a blur and the enemy falling wherever an arrow found its mark, and every shaft did. Teouso now in wolf form was tearing at throats and limbs to left and right, Jondris was using his, feet and fists to strike wherever he was sure of a mark and the other monks were no less aggressive in their intent. Probably it was a good thing that I did not realise that this was the first real battle situation I had experienced and that this would be a real test of my training and knowledge. On returning to the town amongst a fighting host of many I realised that actually the enemy were not that great in number, the town’s people now joining the battle outnumbered them easily, but there seemed to be more coming from every direction, from wherever one of those smoky rings appeared. 

  I do not know how to this day I had remained calm in the heat of battle, but the fear that I knew must have been within seemed to be hidden by far more important feelings, concern for my fellows. For that day I used my hard earned skills of healing. But it seemed to me as we moved forward through the town, that for every healing act another warrior was to fall, a town guard, or a monk, or a fleeing resident. I started to find it difficult to decide who to heal and who to delay administering to, there were too many fallen, too many injured it seemed. I became terrified that the decision over life and death fell upon my very shoulders, for the first time I felt the heavy pressure of such a great responsibility.

  I do not know how long we fought in the town, but as we got close to the centre of town, right outside the Wild Boar Tavern, in front of us walked a figure in dark robes and behind him a mass of the foul beings that had appeared through the misty rings. They made not a sound, but huddled around the robed figure as if their very existence relied upon this person. The figure raised his hand and power shot from it towards the Wild Boar, where the power hit fire erupted and the wood of the building quickly caught light. I was wandering how to put the fire out when I felt cold eyes staring at us, cold hatred seemed to shine forth from them. We stood transfixed within this presence of great evil, it was as if death itself had materialised before us, mocking our very existence. I could not actually see the hooded figures features, but I just knew they was smiling, gloating over our faces drawn with fear. The figure lifted its hands skywards, I felt the sudden draw upon a great deal of arcane energy, it seemed to pulse upwards from the earth beneath the figures feet. I was surprised at the quantity being drawn up, no mage or any other I had met could draw upon so much in my experience. Jondris ran forward, possibly anticipating an attack, the figure brought their arms suddenly down and clapped their hands together wi
th a sound like thunder, blue flame extended from its clasped hands and shot towards Jondris striking him on the shoulder, the crackling blue power arched and bent holding Jondris in its grasp as he writhed in agony. The hairs on my head flowed towards the pulsing energy as if blown by a strong wind, but I knew what the figure was, part of my training instructed on such enemies as this. The figure was a pyromantic mage, a wielder of dark arts, trained to deal in death not in life. The very opposite to my own disciplines, my blood ran cold, for I knew he was drawing Jondris’s life force from out of his body.

  I watched in horror as the dark pyromancer mouthed some silent words under his breath, the blue energy streaming from his hands seemed to be increasing in strength. I felt helpless as Jondris fell to the ground writhing, his screams echoed in my ears and I felt helpless. But suddenly the blue fire faltered and Jondris was released, but he rolled on the grass every muscle in his body taught in his great pain and anguish. The pyromancer fell backwards and lay on the grass, his hood fallen from his features, he breathed his last; an arrow had struck him through his left eye. Everything slowed to unreal motion and time, my feet would not move, my mind would not work as I watched his contorted form there on the grass. The creatures that had been following behind the mage surged forward, they screamed in anger and hate, now their leader had fallen they had nothing more to do but attack. Serinae moved and stood over Jondris those two short blades of hers drawn, the expression on her face was one of set concentration, her eyes flamed green just as I remember they had in the Tavern the night before when she exhibited great anger towards Tezrin. She struck out wherever a target presented itself, her eyes met mine briefly and all I could see were those piercing orbs calling me to action, I heard one word, or I thought I did, shouted into my mind, ‘HEALER!’. I immediately ran to where Jondris lay, as I stooped to see to him a creature, dark drool dripping from its lips raised a sword with a serrated edge and started to bring it down intent on striking me. To my horror its head left its neck and a spout of dark blood shot into the air as its body fell sideways, its sword was deflected and shot sideways where it embedded itself in the chest of another right up to the hilt. Crouching I tore at the clothing on Jondris’s shoulder to reveal the wound he had suffered, surveying the possible ailment that had Jondris in its grasp, the split second decision, the check list of preparations remembered from the book so many times. My mind cleared, concentration tight across my brow, the accompanying uttered ancient prayer, the flare of my own draw upon arcane energy, but this time used for a wholly different purpose. I directed the flow around Jondris’s shoulder beneath my extended fingers enclosing the area in its warm healing light and at last Jondris opened his eyes. Serinae smiled at me as she sheathed one of her swords, her fingers briefly touched lightly upon my shoulder. She offered me her hand, I took it and was raised to standing, the battle had all but ended, none of the enemy beings were left standing, Serinae made some comment that I heard but did not register. It was beyond her I looked. The pyromancer lay in death upon the grass the hood fallen from his head, his undamaged eye staring vacantly, clouded in death, I was shocked and transfixed by his appearance for revealed before my eyes were the features of a T’Iea. I walked towards him but stopped in my tracks, I couldn’t take my eyes off the smashed and bloody face. How could it be? One of my own people attacking a human town? I was then unceremoniously picked off the ground and the beat of rhythmic feet striking earth matched the pounding of the blood in my head and the pounding of the muscular body carrying me. Then tears fell, hot on my cheeks.

  I lay with my head in my hands, my knees drawn up close to my chest. I couldn’t remember how long it had been since we fought. I didn’t know what had happened in the intervening time, I just felt emptiness. How could one of my own people be commanding a force so evil? It was against everything I knew. He had killed so many, wrought death and destruction in Corbond, more death than I could ever hope to counter. Perhaps his presence and who he was made me feel more wretched, but I felt I had failed the town, perhaps I thought that somehow my own people had failed all who had fallen. I heard voices in my head; perhaps the voices of those who had died, the utterings and complaints of those I had failed to save come to haunt me forever. But no, I realised these voices were not in my head, but just close by, I detected brightness through my closed eye lids, I felt the warmth of the sun, a welcome feeling. I came back into the light; I blinked into full awareness.

  The world flooded back into my mind, chased away all my dark thoughts, sunlight streamed through the trees, the sound of running water, and voices, guarded in whispers. Plainly an argument was going on. I sat up and was aware of a presence behind me. Turning there sat Teouso, smiling at me showing his awful dentistry. He had one of his stilettos in his hand and a sharpening stone in the other, he broadened his smile revealing more of those yellowing and cracked teeth, as our eyes met he gestured with a movement of his head obviously indicating a track through the scrub beneath the trees, he smiled again and stood. As he walked past me towards the track I stood shakily and followed.

  Looking around I could see I was in a place that I did not recognise, the trees were the same varieties as those surrounding the town, but I did not recall this place. I looked up to the heady heights that they reached and could see the sky beyond, deep blue and broken here and there by wispy clouds. I imagined the tree spirits reached out to welcome me to this place, my fears and suspicions subsided, but underlying this welcoming feeling there was also great concern. But we were entering a clearing and there in the midst of a grassy bank I saw Jondris and Serinae deep in conversation, each fell silent and turned toward us as we entered onto the grassy area, both smiled and Jondris walked forward smiling at me. I ran to him and jumped to his embrace. “Thank the Maker,” my eyes closed I whispered into his ear, “you are alive and with us yet.” I released my grip around his neck, wiped the wetness from my eyes with the back of my hand and stood back a little to take another look at him.

  Smiling he took me by the hand and showed me to a place where a small meal had been prepared. I sat and Jondris served me with a few morsels to eat, he sat opposite me on the grass. “Are you feeling alright now Mini?”

  I felt overjoyed that Jon was recovered from the attack, my fears now forgotten I nodded in confirmation that I was, but I still felt a little concern, “but what about you, your shoulder?” I asked. 

  He responded by rubbing his shoulder and wincing, “thank you Mini you did a wonderful job, it is almost fully restored.”

  He told me how the pyromancer had been killed by Serinae’s arrow before he could direct the full force of his power, so Jon thankfully had only received a diminished effect. He described how he felt a sensation of power erupting through him, entering his arm and moving through him, reaching slowly for his heart. He knew that if that power had reached his heart he would not be standing here now.

  I thought back to that time in the town, of the anguish I felt and the black thoughts that overtook me, but I was relieved that I had still managed through all the distractions to concentrate on healing, I had after all been able to call upon all the training I had received and this gave me a deep sense of encouragement. I had finally experienced battle and had managed to perform what I had trained for like second nature. I felt like I had passed some kind of trial, but I suspected that this was a test in my own mind, a personal hurdle had been crossed and somehow the way forward was now clear before me. 

  I found out that I had been carried from the field of battle by Teouso and that the enemy were routed by the soldiers of the town guard and there was no need for us to fight any longer. We had left the field escorting remnants and survivors of the town and ran into the forest to escape the unbearable heat and choking smoke of the fires. Thankfully many had escaped with us, they had since returned to Corbond. Scouts had reported that the enemy were no longer to be seen. Serinae had gone back with them to see what was left, it seems that the town had suffered much damage and many trees an
d buildings had been set on fire, but strangely it remained a mystery what was the intention for the attack and who had been responsible. “What were those things, the beings that attacked Corbond?”

  Jondris’s face was grim and he looked downwards to the ground before answering, “I don’t know Mini I have not seen or heard of anything like them before.”

  I looked at Serinae, I thought maybe she would know, her obvious travels and much experience had perhaps had her facing such evil before, but she did not look at me and did not offer any explanation.

  I asked Jondris if we could return to the town. His response after some thought was to tell me about the discussion that he and Serinae had a few minutes before, it seemed that Jondris wished to return to the abbey and the town to help rebuild and to continue his responsibilities there. Serinae on the other hand wanted to pursue another task that Jondris did not seem too clear upon. 

  “But Jon, surely you can go your separate ways, you to the town, and Serinae to wherever her thoughts take her?”

  But it seemed Jondris wanted Serinae and Teouso to remain in case more attacks where immanent, at the very least help in the town to repair and bury the dead. Serinae however had something else in mind she expressed an urgency to go elsewhere and believed that Jondris could go to and help her to accomplish this pressing and seemingly very urgent need of hers, whatever it was. 

  Serinae had walked away down the path, Jondris after frowning at her retreating back, he muttered something about rangers. He shook his head and taking my plate dished me up some more food. I sat and looked towards the place where Serinae had disappeared. I mulled over what had just been told to me. I was not particularly hungry and just picked at the food on my plate, I thought that I would go and talk to Serinae to try and find out more and told this intent to Jondris who nodded in agreement.

  I stood and placed the plate I was holding onto the grass at my feet. I turned to walk down the path where Serinae had ventured. I found her after a short distance sitting close by the tumbling stream that ran through the forest at this point. As I approached I could see that Serinae was packing things away and was obvious she was getting ready to travel. In truth I did not want her to go, did not want to be parted from this ranger so soon after meeting her, I wanted to know her better, wanted to hear her story.

  Before I could say anything she greeted me. “Hello Minervar, I hope your Monk friend has not sent you to try and make me stay?” 

  As she turned I could see a frown on her face. 

  “No, although he told me that you and he disagree. I just wanted to find out what the argument was about, that is all.” 

  Her face lightened a little. “Come sit here beside me and let us drink some tea,” was her response. She revealed a flask and taking a couple of rather battered looking wooden cups from her bag she poured us both a cup of cool tea from the flask. “We have not had the chance to talk since our paths crossed and I was very impressed with your healing skills and the way you commanded your composure back there in Corbond, it took a lot of self-awareness and control to do what you did. I am sure you will continue to become a fine healer Minervar.” 

  This remark took me slightly by surprise, but never the less I found it was welcome, I felt quite proud of her generous words. So I told her how I felt, back there in the town, how I was frustrated and felt that I had failed in not being able to heal so many people in need. 

  “Alas you cannot be everywhere Minervar, there are never enough healers in battle. If there were, then the army would never be able to fight for there would be so many on the battle field they would not be room enough to wield a sword!” She smiled at me. “Most of the time Minervar you will find you can only stretch your concentrations to two or three warriors at any time, and you will be lucky to keep one alive in most circumstances.” 

  I felt in awe of her, she obviously spoke from experience, “you have seen much battle then?” She did not respond. So I wondered just how much fighting Serinae had seen, how many battles had raged around her, I suspect she certainly was no stranger to conflict of many sorts.

  When she did eventually speak she said, “anyway, you administered to Jondris extremely well; he would not be in such good shape as he is now if you had not countered that dark energy burst the pyromancer had sent.” 

  This prompted me to thank her for the well-sighted arrow, she laughed and said, “well healers aren’t the only life savers, each has to look out for the other in the heat of battle Minervar.” 

  She looked back up the path in the direction of Jondris who I could just see was tidying away what is left of the simple meal that had just been eaten. Sipping her tea, she said, “that’s why I would like Jondris and you to come with me and aid us in what lies ahead. The quickness of his arm and the quickness of your mind would be most welcome.” 

  Now my imagination and curiosity were both stirred. She wanted both of us to go with her? I wondered what purpose drove her so that she would ask us to accompany her on her travels. I had dreamed that Serinae was independent and proud and would never need anyone else to help her out. Part of me wanted to be the same and the prospect of adventure did indeed excite my imagination, but the other half of me was unsure, my studies were still incomplete, I had so much to still to learn.

  As if in response Serinae said, “you know Minervar sometimes it does a student good to get away from the classroom and gain real experience in the world. Sometimes the world has more to teach us than our learned tutors.”

  I had to agree that real experience would be beneficial, perhaps my small success in Corbond had made me hungry for more, perhaps what Serinae was telling me made perfect sense, or maybe I just wanted to get away from the abbey for a while and find freedom from a life that perhaps I regarded as mundane.

  She continued, “Jondris is suspicious of me Minervar, he thinks that I have my own ends in mind, my own agenda for following Tezrin. Perhaps he thinks I wish to recover the necklace for myself.”

  Before I could stop myself I said, “do you?”

  But Serinae was still talking “Jondris doesn’t trust me, mainly because he has misunderstood the conversations that took place in the tavern last night. He is thinking of excuses for why you and he need not go. Such a human reaction, so predictable.” 

  This made me a little angry, I felt protective towards Jondris, I knew him well and knew he would have his reasons to disagree with Serinae. “Do you not think much of the race of men Serinae?” I asked.

  She looked into my eyes and said, “Do you?”

  I remarked that I had no reason not to like them, after all they are people much the same as the T’Iea, I have even known mixed marriages between the two races. I had grown up with humans to an extent, for they populated much of the same region in Gel’Te’Ertenya. But not one of them had given me any reason to dislike them.

  Serinae nodded at this, she smiled, “you are right, we should learn to trust them, after all they will dominate in the future, our world will become theirs, we cannot afford to alienate them if we are to live alongside one another.”

  I was dumbfounded at her words, “seems to me it is our own people that we should be wary of, the mage we fought in Corbond and Tezrin in the tavern?”

  Her eyes flared and pierced into mine, I took a step back. But she calmed herself. She shrugged her shoulders. “The rogue fled. I woke this morning early to catch him, I knew he would leave, but I missed him. When I approached his door it already lay open and when I pushed it aside he was gone, long gone. His bed had not been slept in last night.” 

  “Who is he?” I asked.

  She surprised me by laughing and saying, “how pleasant it is to be in the company of one of my own once again. It has been a long time since I enjoyed the inquisitiveness and spirit of the T’Iea’Tarderi.”