Read A Voice to Love (Fallen Tuesday Book One) (A Brothers of Rock Novel) Page 18


  Amy put her phone on the desk and looked at it.

  Luke was on his way.

  The past couple days Amy had suffered through a few harsh truths about life. After receiving two more texts from Denny, she came to the conclusion that the Denny situation wasn’t going to go away. If Amy went to the police things would probably end up worse. She had made the rash decision a few years ago to take money from Denny to help save the restaurant. There were intentions to pay it all back to him when she owned the restaurant but that time hadn’t come yet. And it wouldn’t for a long time. As long as Uncle Tom was alive, the restaurant would be his.

  Amy then wondered if she managed to open a bakery, maybe she could just give all the money she made to Denny. To show him she was paying everything back. Denny was a very rich man. A scary biker with money. He didn’t need the eighty thousand dollars, but it was the principle that he gave it to Amy with the intention of getting it back.

  The darkest secret of Amy’s life.

  The morning news weatherman came on the screen and compared the chilly temperatures in the northeast to the temperatures of California. When Amy saw the city spelled out - Los Angeles - she thought of Luke. He was there. Thousands of miles away. Three hours behind her schedule. They were living two completely different lives and there was nothing Amy could do about it. The texts with Luke were flirty and sexy. Seeing him, having him touch her body was nothing but pure passion, but that’s where it ended. Amy had always been the kind of woman that fell hard and fast, which was how she fell for Denny. She met him at a party and before she knew it she was on the back of his motorcycle. Their whirlwind relationship took Amy to dark places and left her with a heavy debt to pay.

  It was the same thing with Luke. She had been the damsel in distress, walking home at midnight in the cold weather. She had been afraid and managed to bump into the hottest guy she’d ever met in her life. On top of that, he was the lead singer for one of the biggest bands and turned out to be someone who wanted to protect her.

  Luke was back in New York and was coming to see her.

  Amy’s body tingled for his touch, but her heart was torn. She didn’t want to fault herself for wanting Luke, but if she finally slept with him and started that kind of relationship she wasn’t sure if she could handle the distance.

  The office door opened and Uncle Tom stood there. “Need to talk to you.”

  "Am I in trouble?" Amy asked.

  "Either way, I need to talk to you."

  "This is the office," Amy said.

  "Why don't we step out of the restaurant?"

  Uncle Tom didn't allow Amy to respond. He turned and walked away. That wasn't a very good sign at all. The only thing Amy could pinpoint was her rambling about the bakery. Had she said too much about it? Did she give the impression that she didn't want or need the restaurant?

  Amy stepped outside and hugged herself. She should have grabbed her coat.

  "I want to bring something up," Uncle Tom said. "But I can't do it in the restaurant."

  "Of course," Amy said. "Is everything okay?"

  "I'm thinking," Uncle Tom said. "I've been thinking my entire life. Now I'm thinking for you."

  "You're thinking for me?"

  "Yes. Why did you bring up this bakery idea?"

  Amy sighed. She knew that had been a big mistake. "It was nothing. Just an idea. Something I've been thinking about."

  "Would you have thought this if you owned the restaurant?”

  The question was powerful. Very powerful. Amy stared at Uncle Tom and wasn't sure how to answer him. Would she have been interested in desserts and baked goods if she owned the restaurant? Yes. Would she have opened a second business just for that purpose?

  "I don't know," Amy said.

  "I've let you down then," Uncle Tom said. "I'm pushing you away from this place."

  "No," Amy said. She hurried to Uncle Tom and grabbed his hand. "No. Not at all."

  "You don't want to be here. Rightfully so. You're a smart woman, Amy. You shouldn't have to be in the shadow of an old man."

  "I'm not in your shadow," Amy said.

  "Yes you are," Uncle Tom said.

  "Okay... fine... I am. I thought it would be nice to have something else too. That's all. I've got the kitchen running well enough. I sometimes feel like I'm in the way of the restaurant, trying to find something to do. I could have two places to be at once."

  "You'd have no time."

  "Who do I need to have time for?"

  "Yourself," Uncle Tom said. "Your guy friend."

  Amy blushed. Of course Uncle Tom would bring up Luke. Luke was on his way to the restaurant already.

  "I don't know what else to say," Amy said. "I was just talking out loud with you. I'd never walk away from this place. I couldn't even imagine actually opening a bakery. I have no money for that."

  "Life isn't always about money," Uncle Tom said.

  "But it sure helps things," Amy said.

  Guilty pain swelled throughout her body. Money was a big problem and an even bigger secret. There was another opportunity to tell Uncle Tom about Denny and the money she had taken from him, but she let the moment pass.

  "I just want to apologize if I'm driving you away," Uncle Tom said.

  "You're not," Amy said. "I think, I dream, like everyone else. There's a little place next door that would be a perfect bakery. That's all. I saw it, I thought of it..."

  "Then you should do it," Uncle Tom said.

  "Sure thing," Amy replied with a smile. "I'll shake the money tree and get everything worked out."

  "You never know," Uncle Tom said. "Go for a walk, Amy. Clear your mind. You've been cooped up in the restaurant all day."

  "The dinner rush..."

  "It's fine."

  Uncle Tom hugged Amy and then walked away. Amy slowly walked, moving along the side of the restaurant. She knew she shouldn't have brought up the subject of the bakery to Uncle Tom. She knew better than that. Of course he would take it to heart. Of course he would look beyond what it actually meant. Not that any of it wasn't really true. Confusion had officially set in by the time Amy walked to the end of the restaurant. To her right was the building that had the open space for her dream bakery. She didn't want to look but the urge was too great. Her head and heart were playing games, torturing and teasing, thinking about Luke, thinking about the bakery.

  Amy walked to the empty end space and stood at the door. Everything was dark and desolate, a dream waiting to become a reality. She touched the door handle and tugged. Part of Amy dreamed that it would be unlocked and be hers, but that required more money than Amy had or ever would have.


  Amy turned slowly when she heard the voice and felt like she had been struck by a truck.



  Amy stepped back and hit the door to the building. She put her hands down to the glass and realized she was trapped. Her mind raced as she stared at Denny in a black leather jacket, messy black hair and beady eyes, hell bent on causing trouble for Amy.

  "Denny, what are you doing here?"

  "I thought I would come and see what the fuss about this place was all about."

  Denny moved toward Amy and she slid away, wincing. Denny put his hands to the glass and looked inside.

  "I don't get it," he said.

  "Get what?" Amy asked.

  "This is what you want. An empty building."

  "I don't have to talk to you."

  Amy took one step and right on cue, like the strike of an angry snake, Denny's hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. It was his warning move, the one Amy had endured many times.

  "Actually, you do have to talk to me," Denny said. "You owe me, baby."


  Amy cringed. She turned her head. She was so close to the restaurant. Her safe haven.

  "Go ahead then," Denny said. He released his grip on Amy. "Go run to your uncle. Tell him how mean I am."

sp; Amy took a step but stopped herself. What was this going to do? If she ran to the restaurant and asked for help from Uncle Tom the truth would come out.

  "He still doesn't know," Denny laughed. "You gave the old man money and he thought it was yours. I never pegged you for that kind of person, Amy. The kind that steals."

  "I didn't steal a thing," Amy said. "You..."

  Amy lost her words. It wasn't worth it with Denny. He wouldn't listen and he definitely wouldn't care.

  "Do you have my money?" Denny asked.

  "What do you think I'm going to say right now?" Amy asked.

  "I don't know," Denny said. "You're looking at this place. Maybe you've been saving a ton of money and were planning on ignoring me."

  "No, Denny, I don't have tons of money."

  "There's a line outside that restaurant. Where's the money?"

  "It's not my restaurant," Amy said. "Uncle Tom kept it. He can't walk away."

  "Maybe it's time someone makes him."

  Denny made a move toward the restaurant and Amy put her hands out. She touched Denny's chest and hated it. The thought of something happening to the restaurant worried her, but the thought of something happening to Uncle Tom, that scared the hell out of Amy.

  "Stop making threats," Amy said. "Or..."

  "Or what? You'll tell him? You'll tell police? Please, do so. You're the criminal. I always knew you were a bitch."

  Amy gasped and a trigger snapped in her. Amy's hand came around before she realized what was happening. She slapped Denny's face. Amy had been dreaming of doing that for a long time and it had finally happened. Probably at the worst time. They were in the dark, mostly alone, and Denny looked ready to strike again.

  "You're tough now," Denny said. "Finally able to speak up and take a swing."

  "It's not like that," Amy said. "I'm sorry I did that."

  "No, you're not. I bet you want to do that again."

  "Denny, please," Amy begged. "What happened between us... it's all over, okay? I will do something to get your money. If I can open this bakery, I'll give you everything I make until you're paid back. It'll be my business and nobody will have to know a thing about what I'm doing."

  "That's the big plan? Screw me first, take my money next, then push me away. Now I have to wait some more. What if I said I was done? What if I said I was going to go into that restaurant and tell the old man what you did?"


  "I like when you beg," Denny said.

  He inched his way closer to Amy until there was no more room between then. "Tell me the truth, Amy. Do you want to hit me again?"

  Amy's mouth had run dry. The thought of looking for help had expired; if she broke eye contact with Denny he would hit her, Denny was just that kind of man.

  "Amy?" Denny growled, his voice indicating he was losing patience.

  "Yes," Amy said. "Yes, I want to hit you again. For everything you did to me. The things you said. The lies you told. You're the reason I wasn't more involved in the restaurant and the reason why I needed that money and the reason why I'm stuck."

  "Of course I know you don't have the money," Denny said. "Maybe we can work something else out."

  "Oh yeah? Like what?"

  Denny put a hand to the glass window behind Amy. He was slowly blocking her in, trapping her.

  "I miss you sometimes, Amy. Being together. Controlling you. That innocent look on your face each time you saw my bike or saw me punch someone in the mouth. Let me have you for the night, tonight, and I'll cut what's owed a little."

  "I'm not a whore," Amy said.

  Denny grabbed Amy's jaw with his other hand. "Yes, you are. You're my whore, Amy. Now it's time to pay up..."

  Denny started to smile and the scene rapidly changed. Denny's hand came off the glass and he fell forward, almost hitting Amy. He then turned and Amy realized it wasn't Denny moving like that on his own. Someone had pulled Denny from the glass. When Amy looked she couldn't believe her eyes.

  Luke had Denny's shirt twisted in his fist as he pulled Denny close to him.

  "Luke, don't," Amy cried out.

  That was the wrong thing to say.

  Denny started to laugh and Luke looked ready to kill.

  "Luke," Denny said. "I take it you know Amy?"

  "I take it you're Denny," Luke said. "The one who threatened to burn down her uncle's restaurant."

  "Aw, you read her text messages," Denny said. He turned and looked at Amy. "This must be serious. I wonder if you've told him everything..."

  "Tell me then," Luke said as he shook Denny.

  Denny looked at Luke and laughed again. "Don't trust a pretty, innocent face, Luke."

  "How about I smash yours in?"

  Amy moved to get between them, knowing how bad it could get. Before Amy could get close enough to stop anything, Denny threw a right fist and hit Luke in the gut. It caught Luke off guard and Luke released his grip on Denny. Denny then came with a left fist that connected with Luke's face.

  Amy let out a cry and wasn't sure what to do.

  Denny stood tall and hovered over Luke. Denny wasn't a one punch kind of guy. He made a fist, ready to unleash again on Luke. Thankfully, Luke moved faster than Denny, catching Denny with a right fist to his face. Denny stumbled back and Luke made his move. He swung again, hitting Denny back some more. Then Luke looked at Amy. She could only imagine how terrified her face looked in that tense moment. Luke curled his lip and went for Denny again. Denny threw a fist and hit Luke in the gut again. As Luke let out a groan, he came down at Denny, finally knocking Denny to the ground. Denny scrambled back and Luke made another fist. Amy finally saw her opening and hurried to grab Luke's arm.

  "Stop this," she said. Tears filled her eyes. "Just stop."

  "If you get up I'll knock you down again," Luke warned.

  Denny touched his face and lip. He was bleeding. He slowly brought himself to his feet, keeping a distance between he and Luke and Amy. He nodded as he smiled.

  "You're tough now, Amy," Denny said. "Because you've got someone to throw your punches for you. Wonder what he'll think when he learns the truth."

  "Get the hell out of here," Luke said.

  "I'm just passing along," Denny said. He tugged on his leather jacket and laughed. "It was great to see you, Amy. Great to meet you, Luke. Watch your backs."

  Luke stepped and Amy gripped his arm tighter. Denny would do anything to goad someone into throwing one more punch to start everything over again.

  Denny walked away and when Amy felt safe she turned and looked at Luke.

  "You're really here," she said.

  "And he's really dangerous," Luke said.

  "Yes, he is."

  There was a silence and Luke started to move in for a kiss. Amy stopped him and touched his face instead. With her thumb, she touched where she saw blood.

  "I can't believe he hit you," Amy said.

  "I can't believe what he said to you," Luke said.

  "How much did you hear?"

  "I was going to sneak up on you and surprise you. Then I heard voices... when he called you a whore..."

  "It's okay," Amy said.

  "It's not okay," Luke said.

  "Maybe I deserved it."

  "Nobody deserves that. Ever."

  "Let's get you cleaned up and I'll leave work early."

  Amy started to walk and when Luke put his arm around her, she felt safe. Finally. The guilt ran through her body like wildfire as she walked Luke along the side of the restaurant. She brought Luke through the back, hoping to keep him hidden as best as possible.

  "Stand here," she said. "I'll get you cleaned up."

  Amy left and came back with a wet cloth. She started to hand it to Luke when Uncle Tom appeared from nowhere.

  "What the hell happened here?" he asked. "Did you do this, Amy?"

  Luke let out a laugh and wiped the blood from his mouth. "No."

  "Who did this?" Uncle Tom asked.

  Amy looked at Uncle Tom and
her eyes gave it all away.

  "Ah, damn," he said. "I can't stand that guy."

  "Denny?" Luke asked.

  "Yes," Uncle Tom said. "He hit you?"

  "He got worse," Luke said. "Trust me."

  "This guy... he's no good."

  "It's fine," Luke said. "I took care of it. He needed someone to stand up to him, that's all."

  Amy didn't say a word because that wasn't the case at all. Denny wasn't some bully who would back down because someone socked him in the face a few times. This ran deeper than anyone knew.

  "I'm going to get Luke cleaned up," Amy said. "I'm leaving."

  "Get him patched up," Uncle Tom said. "Then call the damn police and get Denny put away."

  "Uncle Tom," Amy said. "Relax."

  "If Luke wasn't with you..."

  "But I was," Luke said. "Amy is okay. She's safe."

  "I'm sorry, Luke," Uncle Tom said. "That guy, he's a piece of work."

  "A piece of something else," Amy muttered.

  "Everything is good now," Luke said.

  Uncle Tom backed away and Amy took Luke by the hand. "I don't want to be here anymore."

  "We're leaving then," Luke said. "Where do you want to go?"

  Amy, feeling enraged, guilty, and reeling from the butterflies in her stomach, grabbed him by the shirt and pulled at him. They were inches from kissing.

  "I want you to take me to my bed," Amy whispered.