Read A Voyage Interrupted Page 3

  “What was wrong with them?” The question will be asked for millennia. Were they that ignorant? I wish I knew. I just wish I knew.

  Amid all this, our captain has his private lifeboat with extensive crew and provisions for him and his backslappers to escape the disaster to reemerge unscathed to continue his evil. With complete control of the sources of information, he will even be hailed as a hero as having saved the few that survived and led the search for the imaginary culprits that caused the disaster – certainly someone other than he will be declared the perpetrator – maybe even you or I or other good people who opposed him. Of course it will be whoever the “villain du jour” may be. For you see our captain can tell the havoc that is ahead because he and his conspirators gave it birth and sustenance.

  Even now, when our ship is mortally damaged and destined to sink into the darkness with all hands on board except for the few chosen in the lifeboats, most are playing mock hockey with the ice chunks on deck, engaged in frivolity, sipping tea in the main dinning room, vying for a place at the captain’s table, having sex in the cargo hold, or listening to lovely music on the outer deck gazing at the wonder of the stars.

  All is good. All is OK. The sand is oh, so nice and warm and comforting with our heads buried in it. But, remember, when your head is in the sand, your butt is in the air for someone to kick or worse.

  Here is a remarkable quote from our leaders, “The barbarians can’t all be killed so we need to have compassion and understanding and listen to their plight as they behead us. They need job training to redirect their anger.”

  “But, we cannot win this war (whatever war she is referring to) by killing them, we cannot kill our way out of this war," Maria Harf, spokesperson for the United States of America State Department and formerly of the CIA said. "We need, in the longer term, (and) medium and longer term, to go after the root causes that lead people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs." Really?

  She said this on video broadcast to the world and to be seen by people who know her and all her offspring, forever. Jen Psaki and Lois Lerner are no better. And, Jen is pregnant. “The offspring of Jen Psaki,” what a disconcerting thought- ignorance and arrogance in one tiny package. Have we lost our minds, soon to be followed by our heads? Our enemies consider us as a joke. What about our friends? We no longer have friends or allies.

  The “allies” we had who were perfectly willing to benefit from our protective umbrella all these decades are dead or gone and now distrust us, quite understandably. The trust has been decimated by an obvious embracing of our foes and ridiculing our friends amid laughable reasoning and contorted logic that could be refuted and decimated by a grammar school debate team. We indeed, have lost our ability to think pragmatically. We have lost our ability to think at all. We have become a country of sheep to the slaughter.

  Over fifty years ago, starting my college career, I began to notice the beginning of the brain-washing of young minds as the progressive wave surged from Seattle to the East Coast and then backwashed over the heartland. The brain-washing began with radicals who now are “professors” in the “elite” (ha) schools.

  The indoctrination worked its way down through graduate assistants, graduate students, undergraduate students, high school students, the elementary grades, day care and now entering our homes to influence preschoolers with video and the internet.

  As the brain-washed zombies enter the real world from this indoctrination, clear-minded and patriotic citizens and parents have no chance to reverse their damaged minds. When attempting to challenge their self-destructive world that was created for them the people who cared for them become the enemy.

  The progressive philosophy is cannibalistic, consuming, and destroying to anyone and anything that stands in its way. Once established and entrenched, it allows no dissent and uses the ever increasing power granted to it by mindless minions to become stronger and eliminate their enemies. Once ensconced in a position, these loyal followers never leave and only allow like-thinkers into their circle of co-conspirators.

  We could replace our leadership tomorrow and the millions of infiltrators that were placed in every level of government will stay until they are replaced with their clones. It is like trying to eliminate zombies from a “B” movie. They are just replaced with new ones that appear mindlessly out of the darkness.

  Don’t people ever wonder why communist and socialist governments are displaced from power only by revolution by the people? Once the people give up the reins of power to tyrants, they are trampled by the horses that drove their freedom. Do we want that? And yes, we do have a socialist government. Look up the definition and compare it to how our country operates. Freedom, capitalism, and democracy have been slowly and despicably replaced by socialism in the midst of our ignorance.

  The defunct republic we once had, along with its accompanying freedom are then accused and convicted as the source of the failure of government to serve the people. The detached, disinterested, and unconcerned population doesn’t even have a clue that the bait and switch was even perpetrated on them and mindlessly believes that the great government we once had caused its collective suffering.

  Under the near tyrannical government we now have, no one of an opposing view is in leadership positions. Their mode of operation has become to defeat their enemies, meaning those who don’t subscribe to their view of the world, by attacking the head, so the body bloodlessly follows commands. Reward those who comply and destroy those who do not - so cleverly using their stolen labor and possessions to fund their control and their own demise.

  Study the operations of the NSA, TSA, IRS, and the DHS . . . The reason the federal government uses so many acronyms is they would never all fit on the page in their full form. They are all part of a multi-headed serpent slithering through our lives and spreading its deadly venom with one goal – control.

  To do this they need to manipulate the population and gain the support of the masses through any means necessary. (Yes, exactly like Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran) The ploy is always to create imaginary “enemies” from which they can “protect” the public. No one is immune from their treachery.

  Stay in line or you, your family, your company or your organization will be destroyed. If you think that you are immune, think again. They are treacherous. They eat their young and yours. Once in power they never leave except by force or rebellion. History has proven this so many times. That is why the progression is to control communications, keep the population ignorant, take away their means of defense, and to oppose, and finally make them powerless, dependent and subservient. We are almost there.

  Senator Robert Menendez, D-NJ – blindly voted lock-step for 9 years for Democratic Party agendas, including or especially, our leader’s agenda his entire time in congress – an obedient, panting, drooling puppy dog. March 3, 2015 he awakened from his stupor and spoke to the AIPAC conference loudly protesting the outrageous nuclear “treaty” with Iran. Good for you, Bobbie. You finally got it.

  But, Booby, sorry Bobbie, you didn’t get the memo, did you? Never ever criticize the master. Day’s later, yes, days later; the hammer fell. It was announced by the “Justice” Department, that Menendez was being indicted for corruption. What a coincidence it was? He actually looked genuinely surprised.

  I have no love for Menendez. He is a political hack of the worst kind and most likely guilty of the most egregious acts of corruption that are charged against him. But, imagine the depravity of an administration having dossiers of “dirt” on everyone, including its loyal supporters - dossiers that, with a complicit press, can destroy a person in a moment’s notice to serve as a lesson to everyone else:

  “Don’t mess with me or you will be annihilated.”

  There are hundreds of examples of enemies of this administration being destroyed and cooperative cohorts being rewarded using every resource of the government for personal power. T
his is all done blatantly and openly, from

  “You’re toast Bobbie.” And they were such good “friends”

  From the White House to the Big House in just a few days

  And, that was such a big hug you gave him

  Hillary to lowly tea party organizers, and yes, even lowly common citizens like us. Don’t you dare get on their radar screen. This is America, land of the free? Where is the press? They are intimidated, cowardly and afraid too. They are just beginning to get the message, but way too late. Remember, “And when there was no one left, they came for me.”

  Do you remember Bob Woodward, the darling of the witch hunt of “Watergate?” With his ground-breaking journalistic acumen, might think he discovered a cure for every disease known to man. He was worshiped by his cohorts for a generation. He was a hero. I am surprised they didn’t give him a tickertape parade through the streets of New York. It warranted a Robert Redford movie – the height of human accomplishment and of course, he blindly and loyally supported our current leader on every issue . . . at first.

  To his credit, a while back, even he began seeing monumental abuses of government at the federal level. Abuses that made Nixon and the Clintons look like rank amateur boy scouts. Woodward began appearing on talk shows and interviews expressing his dismay and being critical of the gods. Was he once again worshiped by his disciples? No tickertape parade this time, Mr. Woodward. No gushing adulation and genuflection ensued.

  A month later the guy fell off the face of the Earth in irrelevancy. How perfectly ironic, abandoned by this press buddies in favor of the new “messiah.” Once again remember, “And then they came for me.” It was his turn to go – such loyalty – crushed by the bulldozer of power and buried by the backhoe of personal destruction politics.

  The current “enemies” of state are we conservatives, supporters of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, life advocates, patriots, protectors of our sovereignty and freedom, defenders of states rights, guardians of our borders, and law abiding and benevolent practitioners of a legitimate religion steeped in love, morals, mercy, forgiveness, and a desire to help their fellow humans and improve society. You know, like the founding fathers.

  The “friends” of the state are, of course, any misfit group descendant from the former enemies of the state: friends of the earth, global climate change fanatics, race baiters, union thugs, abortion advocates, environmentalist and believers of junk science and political correctness, any group of discontents, and in general gullible types who have no ability to think and apply logic. There actually seems to be a reverse relationship between the ability to think and the level of formal “education.” I guess that one will really get me in trouble.

  Before you get angry, and say, hey, “I am a member of one or more of those groups described as “friends” of the state and I am a good person, moral, intelligent and clear thinking. I resent your accusation.”

  You probably are a “good and compassionate person.” But, a good and compassionate person who cannot or will not listen to reason or common sense or who does nothing in the presence of evil is a bad person – a person complicit in harming humanity. “The only thing that evil needs to flourish is that good men do nothing.” Are you good men who do nothing?

  Remember, there are two distinct groups within the “friends of the state.” There are the leaders who know these issues are bogus, created them, and use them to establish substantial power bases using manipulation, and falsehoods to gain and keep power. They are arrogant, evil, self-aggrandizing, and despise everyone who stands in the way of their real goal, not their stated goal.

  They are, quite frankly, criminals and enemies of mankind seeking unlimited power, control, and subservience of and over their fellow humans. That is what it has come down to. Really, folks, that is what the condition of man has always been throughout history. We just never learned the lesson and therefore we repeat the tragedy over and over.

  These leaders establish their power base on an issue and work good people into a frenzy to join their group. The groups have several common traits which give them power as a conglomerate – They hate traditional values, they have marginal relation or no relation at all to God, they are their own god, they have no morals or principals, they are almost always narcissists, sociopaths and yes, even psychopaths. Seriously research these descriptions and compare the traits with our current leaders. Be honest to yourself and be objective. You will be shocked at how they fit the mold.

  The second group within the “friends of the state” is basically composed of good people who want the best for the planet and its inhabitants – both worthy aspirations. Some are guilt ridden for their prosperity and their success and use membership in or support of “good causes” to satisfy their consciences

  Some are victims of clever marketers and manipulators. Some are just along for the federal free ride and are influenced by whoever gives more free stuff. Some are attracted to those of like backgrounds, characteristics, races, or genders. Others wish to keep the federal largess flowing into their pockets, their organizations, their companies, or their institutions.

  As basically benevolent as many of them are, they have been robbed of being able to think and evaluate independently by our high-jacked “educational” system, or they are just detached from what is happening around them. A surprising number are products of affluence and “higher” education. These groups taken individually are not consequential to affecting our future, but combined, in recent years their numbers have reached critical mass and even have become the majority. This then becomes the most dangerous tipping point, the point of no return. We are there now.

  Taken together, they are the majority, and clever politicians cater to their desires in custom oratory tailored for the group they are addressing and then work their evil through their contrary actions later.

  The “Occupy Wall Street” movement in 2011 was a superior example of such a confluence of disparate groups combining for a single cause – general chaos, and disruption of the public sphere. These groups had nothing, have no values, believed in nothing and thrived on anarchy. They were against many things sometimes everything, but for nothing. They had nothing constructive to offer their fellow man or society. Tear down what exists and replace it with nothing.

  Interviews during the demonstrations revealed that many had no idea of what they were protesting. It was a chance to get naked, to meet new friends, generally offend, get high, get drunk, defy authority, destroy property, and copulate in the park – truly great goals worthy of a great nation and its citizens. Sort of like “spring break” without the sand and beer bongs, maybe just without the sand. Oh, please, that’s for another book.

  A society that is filled with obscene, rude, narcissistic citizens and leaders, laced with incivility and lack of respect for others, their property and the law will never retain its promise of freedom. Unlike all of humanity before us, we were given this priceless gift of freedom by God and 55 unassuming and brave men and our generation has squandered it. Shame on us. Shame on us. Shame on all of us – every one of us – yes, you and me included. How can those that follow us ever forgive us?

  In the end, the very rich become obscenely rich, the almost-rich become poor and despondent and the poor become destitute physically and in spirit. The offspring of the two poor groups are left by their parents with nothing but debt and heartache and a country that is a dysfunctional shell of its former self.

  The despicable leaders, panjandrums, and counterfeit messiahs that suckled the life from the national teat like leeches slip out the back door with their ill-gotten booty, diverting the blame elsewhere. The process recycles endlessly as the people who started and maintained the engine of democracy become dispirited and eventually out of pure despair become rebellious or suicidal.

  You have heard all of this: “He” is not a U.S. Citizen.” “He” is not a Christian.” “He” is a Moslem.” “He” wears a rin
g praising Allah.” “He” wants to destroy America.” The debates, the controversies, the deliberations, the altercations go on and on to infinity, without end to the point of oblivion. When scandal or opprobrium reaches a peak, another crisis is inserted into the public forum as a distraction before the previous one reaches critical mass or resolution.

  In the aftermath of all of this, the complicit villains who arrogantly defy the “justice system” are rewarded with “paid leave,” bonuses, and full pensions for their fifth amendment declared silence and evasion of justice. Many of these lowlifes that participated in felonious acts are even promoted for their loyalty to a position of greater responsibility for all to see the dispensed “reward for blind allegiance.”

  To the contrary, meanwhile the “whistle blowers,” the protectors of the public purse and cause, are vanquished and crushed by the federal apparatus funded by their own toil as examples to others who dare reveal the truth. With the help of a complicit press, the full weight of the government machine is used to destroy them and their families. This activity is despicable, treasonous, felonious, and rips at the fabric of society and civilization – damnable – certainly rising to the burn-in-hell-for-eternity level.