Read A Wedding Disaster... Or Was It? Page 11

  "I once was lost, but now I'm found, t'was blind, but now I see."

  Almost as though on cue at the conclusion of the song, and joining of the hands of Melissa and James, the lights came back on with a slight jerk.

  The entire congregation moaned in unison. The sound clearly translated to,

  No, wait, wait. Don't come back on. This is so indescribably beautiful. Please don't come back on. But, when the lights did come on and remained steady, each person blew out his candle and held it.

  Angel lowered his instrument and bow, smiled and walked to the organist. By now, Pastor Jerry was beginning the vows so Angel wasn't noticed when he lowered his head and whispered into the ear of the woman, asking her if he could please have the privilege of escorting the bride and groom out at the end of the ceremony. She replied with a grin and slightly nodded her head affirmatively. He then walked to the end of the front pew and sat down.

  Pastor Jerry smiled and spoke solemnly.

  "Beloved family and friends, please be seated. Witness now the vows that Melissa and James profess to each other before the Lord."


  "... and now, it is with great joy as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that Reverend Reeves and I together pronounce you to be husband and wife.

  "Melissa and James, you shared during your counseling sessions that you have saved your first kiss until this very day. So, James, what are you waiting for? Your bride awaits!"

  The entire church body as one began applauding and cheering. There was even one wolf call from one of the groomsmen which initiated laughter from all present.

  James took hold of one of Melissa's hands, swung her around in a complete circle, then dipped her low as their lips met for the first time.

  But, when they parted, it wasn't over. In a giggling response, Melissa took James' face in both her hands and kissed him right back. Hard and long!

  When they turned to face the congregation and exit the church, it was expected that the organist would begin her recessional arrangement. However, in an unexpected move Angel stood, walked back to his leading position in front of Melissa and James, and escorted them back out the same way he had brought them in.

  Only this time, his violin song was a salute to victory, as he played with great enthusiasm, ‘The Hallelujah Chorus.’

  Once the bride and groom had been led out through the sanctuary double doors, into the vestibule, the doors were shut. Melba, the organist, began softly playing her original recessional selections as the guests left through each side aisle rear exit.

  After their next kiss, which was in the narthex, they turned to thank their violin-benefactor for his participation in the ceremony. But, alas, he was gone.

  James softly asked the same question Melissa was asking herself, "Who was that violinist?"

  Melissa answered correctly, although she didn't know it at the time.

  "I believe the Lord graced us on this day by sending us His ‘Angel.’

  And, indeed He had.

  Chapter 24

  KiirstiAan's email to me:

  Oh, Mommy, I want Angel to play for my wedding, too! If he's local, I really do think I'd love to have him do the same for us.

  You should see me. I'm sitting here sobbing. (I'm such a sucker for this kind of thing.)

  I just now finished up the story, 'cause I'm on my morning break. I'm gonna have to get these tears stopped before I can even focus in on the paperwork before me.

  Oh, ugh. I just pulled out my hand mirror and was going to wipe under my eyes. You should see me. I look like a raccoon! Serious makeup repair needed.

  Why am I like this?

  And, I am serious about having Angel in my wedding. We'll have to talk about this on the phone.

  The only difference I would make is leaving the lights on the whole time.

  I realize that Melissa and James had no control over the lighting situation. It's so cool the way it worked out for them, though. What a blessing!

  I loved the candle thingie too, but I don't really have a desire to have lights off at all. I think it would be great if the church we ultimately decide on has dimmer switches. Do churches have that, or am I delusional? I could see the lights down low with a multitude of candles glowing from stands all over the place. Wow! (I can see it vividly in my head.)

  Since we're talking about the story first, I have some questions.

  Was it ever revealed to the family and friends who Angel was? Did people ask about him at the reception? Did he ever show up again, or was he gone for good? Other than the wedding itself, did anything good come from it for Angel?

  I think I'm kinda stunned that Angel is a college grad. I am going to take a wild guess and assume that Angel's degree has something to do with his skills on the violin. Right? Like maybe performance or teaching?

  When you email me back, don't leave out anything!

  Ok, on to other stuff.

  You left off at number twenty-three on the wedding to-do list. But, I want to add another one.

  When you were telling about the baskets with the candles at Melissa's and James' wedding, it made me realize that we need to get a basket and flower petals for the flower girl.

  I know our church won't let you sprinkle real flowers on the carpeted aisles, so I'm assuming other churches may do the same. So, I went online today and Googled "artificial rose petals." I found a number of places that carry silk ones in a multitude of color options. But, I found this one site that has heart-shaped ones. Do you believe that? Heart-shaped! Am I allowed to make a request for them, instead of regular ones?

  Oh, now that I think about it, we'll need a ring bearer's pillow, right?

  That means I've just added:

  23. Heart-shaped light to medium pink artificial rose petals and a basket

  24. Ring bearer's pillow with probably blue trim (to fit in with the blue color theme)

  And, finally, what's the status with the churches? Did either of the two work out?


  My email reply to KiirstiAan:

  I'll tackle the questions on the story first, mainly because it's weighing on my mind. I feel such sadness about it.

  Angel was killed in a car accident about two months ago.

  It was prom night at the local high school. Angel always played until nine or ten p.m. on prom nights each year, because the attendees returned from the prom using this avenue.

  Because it was the main route to all the nice restaurants, the kids came back this way after prom, drove slowly by Angel, and tossed money into his violin case on their way to their dinner reservations. (Normally, the kids are in high spirits on prom night and have a tendency to be generous with Angel on that night.)

  Unfortunately, several of the prom-goers were drinking alcohol from their car trunks even before they left the prom. The school didn't allow it, but it's amazing how kids can manage a way to do anything they really want to.

  The bottom line, when the drunken prom-goer who was the driver swerved for the passengers to toss money into Angel's case, his foot hit the accelerator and he struck Angel down right there. He died upon impact.

  Apparently Pastor Jerry announced it from the pulpit, but your dad and I must have been gone that weekend. Several of our friends said he broke down and openly cried when he told the congregation about it. I don't think many people knew Angel, but Pastor knew quite a few of the families that had attended Melissa's and James's wedding, and at least knew of him.

  Reverend Reeves held the memorial service at his church. We didn't know about that either, or we surely would have attended.

  Sweetie, your dad's calling me. Apparently, one of the churches has called me. I'll email you after I talk with him.

  Before I go...

  Do I put the church on hold if they're calling to say we can have the church that evening, or do you want me to ask you first? I'll leave my email open while I'm on the phone, so get right back to me, 'k? If I don't get an email response, I'll tell them yes, I guess.

  KiirstiAan's email reply to me:

  Oh, mom, I can't believe this! Was Angel a believer? Please say yes.

  Do whatever you think about the church. Yes or no, whatever you think. Evan and I trust you.

  Either email or call me after you talk with them.

  My email reply to KiirstiAan:

  I am on the phone and checking your response at that same time. They said we can have it. So, I've just told them yes.

  I'll email you as soon as I'm off the phone with them.

  Yay! (I can't believe I'm spelling this like kids do today.)

  My email to KiirstiAan:

  This is just so exciting!

  You're getting married at Friendly Bridge Bible Church.

  Do you know that church? If not, you need to go online and look at it. They even have a 360 degree camera view of its interior. You said you were not going to go inside, but you have the option to see the inside on their site, if you guys want to.

  Any way...

  You're going to love it! It couldn't be any more charming.

  Email me your reactions after you take a look at it!

  You're going to get married at Friendly Bridge Bible Church, then have your reception dinner at The Weeping Willow.

  I am so excited for you!

  Now, for the not-so-fun talk:

  I know what you're feeling about Angel. And, to put your mind at ease about this, yes, Angel became a Christian just a short time before his "home-going." He even led one of his street friends to Jesus.

  It was Reverend Reeves that kept sharing Christ, even when Angel didn't want to hear it. Finally, he gave in and said that he was tired of fighting, and asked Jesus into his heart and life. My understanding is that he turned that little corner of his into a mission field, sharing Jesus with anyone and everyone who would listen.

  Apparently he began attending Reverend Reeves' church. He was only there a number of weeks before his death.

  Maybe you would like to have a candle somewhere in the church or narthex to honor his life. I know you didn't know him, so it's entirely up to you, Sweetheart. Maybe since you didn't know him, it wouldn't make any sense to you. I guess I was just thinking about the number of people coming to your wedding that did know him, or at least of him.

  I won't drive you crazy in this email, but I think starting tomorrow we need to start prioritizing our To-Do List(s). (I don't know if you see the list as ours, or if we each need our own responsibility list.)

  I'm anxious to hear what both you and Evan think of the church. It might be a slightly tight squeeze to fit in the number of guests you plan on having, but to have my wedding in a church like that, I'd definitely be willing to cut my list of guests... way down! (You don't need to do any cutting. I'm just saying that it would be worth it.)

  KiirstiAan's email reply to me:

  Evan and I are together this evening at his parents' house. We came over to watch a video movie and eat snacks, so it's kinda laid back. Evan and I are going to sneak into the study while his mom is getting the snacks ready and check out the church online.

  I won't have a chance tonight to get back to you, but we'll connect by either phone or email tomorrow.

  Mommy, thank you for all you're doing to make this wedding happen.


  P.S. Don't think because Evan and I are taking a break tonight, that you can. I expect to have the start of a new story as soon as possible, as in five minutes ago! Just kidding! But, only kinda kidding.

  P.P.S. Oh, I didn't mention this before, but in addition to the movie tonight... I just found out it's a Netflix movie we haven't seen... Evan's folks want to hear the newest story you wrote, "Angel White, Twinkly Bright Nuptials." So, before the movie, we have to read it to them. And, Mom, they're the type that have to thoroughly discuss after hearing each one. (It's really kinda cute. I'm glad they're like that. It makes it more fun.) So, there will probably be thirty minutes or more talking about it, then the movie begins.



  My email reply to KiirstiAan:

  I know you just said you wouldn't be emailing me back tonight, but just in case you happen to check your email tonight when you go home, I am in a quandary about the next story. I'm not sure if it qualifies as a wedding disaster or not. Some might say no, while others would say yes.

  Maybe I'll just give you the short version and you can let me know if I should expand and use it, or use the other one I'm considering, that truly was a disaster. (I did leave out some of the hilarious detail, but this will give you the gist of it.)

  Pastor Jerry's second oldest daughter just got married. It was just beautiful, but the funniest thing happened during the ceremony. I guess it's a toss-up if it qualifies as a disaster or was just plain funny, I mean really, really funny.

  Lyndy had asked the parents of one of the little girls in the church if their daughter could be her flower girl. And, in a church as ginormous as ours with all the kids available, I guess the parents thought it was quite an honor that their daughter was "the chosen one." Of course, they said yes. Lyndy told them that any time she was in the pre-school department during second service and little three-year-old Kelsey was there, she was the "shining star." She wasn't afraid of anyone, wasn't shy, and had no problem with being in front of big crowds. So, she would absolutely be the perfect choice for flower girl.

  Pastor Jerry and Ruth purchased the dress for Kelsey. It was magnificent. And, once she was dressed in it, with that blonde, blonde hair hanging down almost to her fanny, she looked beyond beautiful. It had layer after layer of great big ruffles, the last one ending about at her ankles. Wow, was she adorable!


  Lyndy was on Pastor Jerry's arm. They had just begun the walk up the aisle. Kelsey was maybe eight or ten steps ahead of them. She was tossing the flowers in the aisle. But, not like any other kid would do.

  She would take about three steps, stop, tilt her head to the right, then reach in with her right hand and get some rose buds, toss them into the air and watch them float to the floor, then she'd take a few steps, tilt her head to the left, and use her left hand to toss the next handful of rose buds. Very dramatic! Very, very cute!

  Meanwhile, Pastor and Lyndy were walking up the aisle.

  About half way up, apparently Lyndy remembered that she had forgotten to take her engagement ring off and place it on her right hand, so that once the wedding ring was placed on her left ring finger during the ceremony, she could simply slip the engagement ring back on the outside of the wedding band, not ever removing the wedding ring again. It's all about tradition, right?!

  So, she was trying to do this ring transfer while holding her wedding bouquet, Pastor's arm, and walking up the aisle. Bad news is that she managed to drop both the bouquet and the wedding band.

  Kelsey heard the bouquet drop, turned around and flew into action.

  She screamed for everyone in the sanctuary to hear, "It's ok. I got it covered!"

  She took her basket, held it over her head, and turned it upside down, dumping the entire contents. The whole huge clump of rose petals fell at her feet. I guess she wanted to feel like she'd completed her duties before helping.

  But, instead of stepping over them, she ran through them toward Lyndy and Pastor Jerry, slipped, and catching her shoe in the bottom ruffle, she partially ripped out the lowest layer of ruffles, and splatted on the floor. Now, most kids would cry or something, right? Not Kelsey. While lying on the floor and waving her hand, she yelled out, "I'm ok! I'm ok. I'm comin', Lyndy!"

  She jumped right up and began running to Lyndy. But, it wasn't until she was picking up the bouquet, that she heard Lyndy whisper to her dad, "I dropped my engagement ring. It's somewhere on the floor."

  And with that little bit of knowledge, Kelsey literally dove underneath Lyndy's wedding gown to look for the engagement ring.

  She completely disappeared under the skirt of Lyndy's princess ball gown, but you co
uld hear her talking loudly to Lyndy from underneath, "I can't find the ring. Pastor Jerry, move your left foot. Ok, now move your right foot. Nope, not there. Ok, Lyndy, lift up your right foot. I think I feel something ketched on the heel of your shoe. Yep, it’s the ring. Take off your shoe and I'll get it off."

  Lyndy did as she was told. She stood there, slipped off her shoe, and apparently Kelsey was able to get the ring off. All the while, Canon in D regally accompanied everything that was happening.

  By now the entire church was cracking up, including Lyndy and her dad.

  But it got even worse.

  Having retrieved the engagement ring, Kelsey couldn't figure out how to get out from underneath Lyndy's skirt. She actually stood up, still under the skirt, and began kicking the skirt, trying to find a way out from under it, all the while yelling, "How am I supposed to get out'a here? Where's the opening?"

  Lyndy by then was laughing so hard that she was crying and couldn't answer her.

  Pastor Jerry let go of Lyndy's arm, and began lifting up his side of Lyndy's skirt. When the skirt was lifted high enough for her to see a means of escape, Kelsey was able to come out from her "cage" and stood in front of Lyndy. She said, "Here ya go. Are ya all right now?" Lyndy, still laughing and crying, nodded yes.

  With total pomp and circumstance, Kelsey turned around, faced the front of the church, and began her walk again, throwing imaginary rose petals into the air. When she got to the front, she turned around to the congregation, deep curtsied, and with all seriousness in her words, she said, "Don't worry about my dress. Mom and dad didn't pay for it anyway. Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen," then took her position in the second pew beside her mother.

  By the time Lyndy reached the front with Pastor Jerry, it took her several minutes to stop laughing and for the ceremony to continue. Even after Pastor gave her hand over to Curt, and walked up to the pulpit to officiate, the couple was laughing so hard that Pastor Jerry had the soloist go ahead and do her song early to give them time to collect themselves.

  The rest of the ceremony was faultless.

  But, after the ceremony was over, Lyndy, Curt, and all the bridal attendants unabashedly laughed all the way back down the aisle as they exited.

  Apparently, it was the hit of the evening!

  Ok... so I left off a lot of details, but that's basically it.

  What do you think... in or out?
