Read A Wedding Disaster... Or Was It? Page 14

  Returning to the exam room in under three minutes, the nurse now returned to his right side, inserted a hypodermic filled with serious pain medication into the IV tube. Victoria knew it was potent, because an almost immediate wash of relief came over his face, and he sighed deeply.

  "I'm guessing by the smile on your lips, the pain is gone?" Victoria ventured.

  "Yeah. Wow! What is that stuff? I'm feeling pretty good."

  A grinning nurse answered, "Ask Dr. Baynor. He'll tell you all about it. He'll be here shortly, but first let's get some x-rays taken."


  After two long hours in the ER, during which time Trevor's left leg was put in a garish neon blue cast, and his left wrist and hand were securely bound in another cast (also neon blue), a second orderly wheeled Trevor (accompanied by Victoria) out to the waiting room, where they expected to be greeted by wedding attendees. Victoria had only made it out to the area once during their time there, and after handing her tulle overskirt over to Connie for safe-keeping, she gave an accurate report to the gathered family and friends of Trevor's broken leg bone and three breaks in his left wrist, then returned to Trevor's exam room. Now, everyone was gone. Everyone was gone!

  "Where'd everybody go?" Victoria threw the question up to the entire room, which was empty, other than one young Latino woman with her baby. Apparently she didn't speak English, because she just shrugged her shoulders and said something in Spanish, which was lost to Trevor and Victoria, both having only studied French in high school and college.

  The orderly deposited them in a quiet corner of the room, said goodbye, and then strode out of the room, disappearing through now closed doors.

  "Where did everyone go?"

  "I have no idea, Trevor. And, this kind of leaves us in an interesting situation.

  "Neither of us has our iPhone, no money, no credit cards, no car, and no one to tell us what we do now. We can't go to a hotel and get a room, because we're not married. And, if that weren't enough, the left arm and leg of your tuxedo is gone and you're in a wheelchair. Not to mention the fact that my feet hurt so bad in these shoes that I wish they'd just go completely numb and put me out of my misery."

  With gusto, Victoria kicked off her shoes and put her feet up under her on her chair.



  Holding up his hand as though he had a long-stemmed champagne flute, and waiting for Victoria to do likewise, Trevor offered Victoria this toast, "Victoria, I love you more today than the day I met you. Yes, I fell in love with you the very moment I saw you peeking in the Singles class door window. You mouthed to me, 'Is this the Singles class?' When I nodded my head yes, you walked in and sat right down beside me. I thought you were the most enchanting woman I had ever seen. But, time has proven you to be so much more. You are my personal gift from God. We have waited a long time for this, our wedding day, and now that this special day has come and gone, I am so blessed to know that we are going to share our life together as husband and wife... well, as soon as we can find a minister to officiate. Here's to you, my very own Un-Wife!"

  Victoria giggled at his toast, then added her own, "Trevor, I will love, honor, and obey you all the days of my life. And, I can honestly say I will never forget our wedding day as long as I live. Here's to you, my very own Un-Husband!"

  Clinking their pretend glasses, they mimicked taking a sip of a sparkling beverage.

  "Victoria and Trevor, will you follow me, please?" It was Dr. Baynor.

  He gave no further instructions, so Victoria grabbed the handles of Trevor's wheelchair and they began to follow the doctor to the end of the hall. Turning left, they continued their trek down a second hall, turned right, went about fifteen feet, then halted, following Dr. Baynor's lead. A second doctor joined him in the hall. They exchanged a few words Trevor and Victoria couldn't hear, led the couple down the hall, then veered left to a set of double doors. Each doctor took a door handle and together they grandly swept them open.

  And, that's when it happened... the tears began to flow from both Victoria and Trevor... tears that would not stop for another twenty minutes...


  In the last two hours all those who loved Trevor and Victoria had created a wedding fantasy that awaited their entrance.

  In the center and front of the hospital chapel pulpit, a vase of one dozen all-white roses were perched on a small table that was draped with a white floor-length cloth. On one side of the roses were two communion glasses filled with grape juice. On the other side was a pair of snow white ballet slippers with a small white bow at the toe. Victoria recognized them. They were the shoes Cynthia purchased that day they selected and purchased their bridesmaids dresses. Victoria knew Cynthia bought those shoes for herself to go with a cute black and white halter dress she'd treated herself to. This was a sacrificial gift from this dear friend.

  Along the middle aisle were long looped strands of white tulle, which were attached to the end of each row chair from the back to the front row chair with a large white ribbon and white-tipped ivy dripping from them. The ivy that was in her mother's backyard garden, and the all-white roses... Oh, mother, you cut your prized white roses just for me, another sacrificial gift.

  All the bridesmaids and groomsmen were already in their proper positions on either side.

  Trevor's best man walked solemnly to the back of the chapel and took the wheelchair handles from Victoria. He ceremoniously pushed the groom into his position up front.

  Softy, from a lone flute, began the strains of Canon in D. Victoria looked toward the origin of the music to see Cynthia's younger sister, Lauren, soulfully playing, with eyes reverently closed.

  A little smiling girl that neither Victoria nor Trevor knew, maybe three years old, long auburn curls resting on her shoulders, and dressed in a soft blue lacy ankle-length dress, walked out alone from the left last row chair, prompted by her mother, and positioned herself in front of the bride, who had now been joined by her father, as he passed to her the long-stemmed white rose he had been holding. He presented his arm for her to grasp, whispering to her that her dress was lovely. Oh... she forgot she was wearing the short version. Remembering this made her instinctively reach to her head. Her tiara was still in place, but the long attached lace veil that had swept seven feet on the floor behind her in the church sanctuary was now gone. She didn't remember taking it off... when had she taken it off?

  Their little "flower girl," minus any flowers, took several steps, then turned, and said to the bride and her father, "C'mon." When they stepped up to her, she took several more steps, turned, and told them again to come on. It took four repetitions for them to arrive to the front.

  Once Victoria was standing before Pastor Art, separated from Trevor only by her father, the pastor spoke.

  "Before this man and woman are joined in holy matrimony, we will observe 'The Bridal Wedding Shoe Exchange.'" Everyone lightly laughed. Everyone present knew that he was referring to the ballet slippers residing on the communion table.

  Victoria's father reached for the slippers, but their little auburn-haired beauty took them right out of his hands and said with authority, "Here, let me do it." Again, there was a chapel-wide wave of laughter.

  "Gemme yer foot." Victoria raised her right foot. When the slipper was placed on, it was the left-foot slipper. So, Victoria, wanting to spare the little girl any embarrassment, said, "I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I should have given you my other foot." The little child smiled and responded, "That's ok."

  Once the ceremonial "Bridal Wedding Shoe Exchange" was completed, Victoria's father gave her daughter's hand to Trevor. Having responded with his proper "Her mother and I", he moved to his seat beside his wife, but only after placing a chair next to Trevor's wheelchair, and helping Victoria to sit down.

  "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to try a second attempt at joining this man and woman in holy matrimony..."


  "... I now pronounce you to be husband an
d wife. Trevor, you finally get to kiss your bride. Don't disappoint us." He didn't!

  The flute began playing again, only this time the music was something Victoria didn't recognize. But then, she wouldn't. Lauren had written this piece just weeks ago. It was an original. Soulful and magnificent it was.

  Victoria stood and her father moved the chair aside. She then took her position behind Trevor's wheelchair and walked her husband back down the aisle.

  Just before exiting the rear doors, Victoria turned back to face the attendees. They were unsure of her reason, but they stood stationary and watched her respectfully.

  Victoria knew that this was turning out to be the wedding she had asked the Lord for. Only two things remained to be fulfilled.

  First, she counted the attendees in the room. Exactly thirty-five. Her already-existing grin grew even larger.

  Second, she turned back around and was handed an invitation. Beautiful! Elegant! White background with gold writing:

  Please join us

  In the Bridal Suite Sitting Room

  Eighth Floor


  Hanover's Highland Inn


  Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Errington's

  Wedding Celebration Buffet Dinner, Dance


  Cutting of the Wedding Cake

  As Victoria wheeled Trevor out the doors and began the group exodus from the chapel to the reception celebration at Hanover's Highland Inn across the street, she lifted her heart to the Lord in simple praise.

  "Jesus, thank you for my dream wedding, this godly man that is now my husband, and the two-tier white wedding cake that I know is awaiting us across the street. You're amazing!"

  Chapter 29

  My email to KiirstiAan:

  Hey, Sweetie. Good news!

  Aunt Serena is awake and alert. Although she has physical issues as a result of the stroke, the doctor is releasing her in a couple of days.

  I am going to stay tonight and tomorrow night, then I'm coming home. Uncle Bill says that she'll have plenty of physical therapy ahead, but nothing I need to stick around for.

  I don't know right now exactly what flight or when, but I'll get that information to you as soon as I've booked my return flight. Your dad will pick me up, so you don't need to do anything. I just want you to be in the loop.


  KiirstiAan's email reply to me:

  I'm so thankful for Uncle Bill and Aunt Serena. Uncle Bill has always adored her and I know he'll take good care of her when she goes home.

  I'm glad that you're coming home. I have wedding things I need to get your feedback on and your quick counsel on something.

  I've read (and re-read to Evan) the conclusion of your story. Together we came up with the name of the story, Wedding from the Heavenlies. We, of course, loved it. But, I'll wait to ask some questions we have about it until after you get home.

  We'll pray for your return-trip safety.



  KiirstiAan's email to me:

  Mom, I know you're traveling home later today. And, I probably should have waited until you got home for this, but I'm kinda panicked.

  The Weeping Willow phoned me yesterday afternoon to say that their floor is under several inches of water from all the rain we've had in the last few days. They're not sure if repairs will be completed in time for my wedding reception.

  They've put us on some kind of 'wait list.'

  Evan and I have driven over there and it's a mess!

  Please pray with us that it will work out ok. The wedding invitations have already arrived and I've gone ahead and addressed more than half of them. (That was supposed to be a surprise for you when you got home. They would have all been done and ready for mailing.)

  My email reply to KiirstiAan:

  I have absolutely nothing to do until your Uncle Bill gets home later.

  You can't keep me hangin'.

  What feedback, quick counsel, and what questions about the story ending?

  KiirstiAan's reply email to me:

  1. Feedback is on the girl's shoe choice. I've tentatively decided on a shoe, but want your input before sending them back to actually purchase them. I forgot to take a picture, or I'd email it to you.

  2. Quick counsel is on the thing I already told you about... The Weeping Willow flooding dilemma and what to do. Right now there's nothing. So, we'll put that off until you get home.

  3. Actually, the story ending is great, but Evan, his mom, and I are dying to know all the details (who did what to make the chapel wedding and reception happen). You said they only were in the ER for two hours. That's not much time to make so much happen! But I can wait on this until you get home.

  That's it.


  My email reply to KiirstiAan:

  I immediately began praying that the Lord would take care of the reception venue dilemma. I had even done some online searches for other locations right after praying. But, as per His usual, the Lord was way ahead of us.

  I called The Weeping Willow and spoke with the owner. He told me that not only would it be completed about two weeks before your wedding, but that you are going to be ecstatic with the two upgrades that are being added.

  Remember the twenty foot wall on the one side of the ballroom that you and I said we'll have to think of something dramatic to do with? He said they're having that wall completely covered in white pin lights. It's going to be put on a three-way switch: solid white lights, sparkling and blinking white lights, and color-changing lights. He said you could have your choice which is set that night. Or, he said, you can even change during the evening (maybe start with solid white, change to blinking when the dancing begins, etc.).

  He said a two-foot elevated bridal party table platform is being added. Twenty feet long! I can't remember where he said it's being placed. I just remember thinking that you were going to LUV this!

  Now, as for the story...

  1. Victoria's maid of honor, Cynthia is a nurse at the hospital, so she was able to reserve the chapel in minutes.

  2. The tulle runners were brought by one of her bridesmaids (Candace), whose aunt owns a fabric store. She met Candace at the store, opened it and gave her several bolts of it.

  3. The white roses and white-tipped ivy came from Victoria's mom's garden. And, the white communion table covering was from her also. She put the tulle chair runner decorations up herself. I don't know if from a loving heart, or fear it wouldn't be done right if somebody else did it. (Wow! Did that sound caddy? I can't believe I just wrote that. As soon as you read that, conveniently forget it so that you still have a pristine picture of my perfect character. Deal? Deal.)

  4. Cynthia donated her white ballet slippers and the flute-playing services of her sister. (You already knew this.)

  5. Lacie (one of her bridesmaids) is a computer whiz. She ran home during those two hours, designed the reception card, printed it out and brought it back to the chapel.

  6. Victoria's collective bridesmaids decided to make the wedding evening special for themselves so they all went in on the bridal suite. They were going to spend the night there celebrating just among themselves after the evening wedding festivities. The suite apparently has a large central entertaining/living room (where the reception ended up being held), with two bedrooms, one on either side. The bridesmaids were going to flip a coin for which two girls shared the bridal bedroom with its king size bed, fully stocked mini fridge, and Jacuzzi bathtub, while the remaining others would have to figure out how to split up who shared the two double beds in the other room. This was an expensive sacrifice on their parts. Oh, I did find out that they had management lock the door to the spare bedroom before the bride and groom arrived. Still not sure why!

  7. Another bridesmaid went to the Inn during those two hours. (I can't remember which one, but I guess it doesn't matter since you don't know them anyway.) Anywho... She went into the bridal bedroom, sprinkled silk rose petals a
ll over the bed, and placed a boxed romance game there. (Maybe you've heard of the game... An Enchanting Evening.) Then, she went downstairs and got a silver tray, two white linen napkins, and a bottle of sparkling white grape juice (all complimentary from the inn), returned to set them up on a silver tray on the bed, next to the game.

  Let's see...

  8. Dr. Baynor had apparently told Trevor that he was released, but that he would need to return to the hospital to return the wheelchair and get a set of crutches before leaving on his honeymoon. Instead, one of the nurses on duty wrapped them together with thick white ribbon and a big bow with streamers hanging from the top. Attached was a one hundred dollar bill and a handwritten note that said, "What are you hanging around here for? Catch that plane and start celebrating! Dr. B" The nurse placed them in the hands of Victoria's father, who ran them across the street and set them against the wall behind the food table, which had been brought up to the suite and decorated by the inn's kitchen staff.

  9. A whole reception meal was provided for the thirty-five. Apparently, Victoria's mother called the cell phones of a number of reception attendees, told them what to bring and where to bring it. They did, then disappeared as quickly.

  10. There was music, but I don't remember who provided it, or how. I only remember there was music, because I was told that Victoria sat on Trevor's lap in his wheelchair and they "danced" around that way.

  11. Pastor Art was the only officiant, as the Lord knew he should be.

  Oh, and this, I think, is the best part...

  12. Yes, there was a white two-tiered wedding cake, as per Victoria's wishful prayer. How it got there, and why only two layers were gone from the wedding cake at the reception, nobody knows. (Nobody's talking!) But where it came from was seen by every attendee at the original wedding venue location... a gigantic white and blue wedding cake, minus... the top two layers.

  If I've left anything out, I'm sorry, but your Uncle Bill and Aunt Serena just drove up. (I didn’t think she was coming home yet.) I want to spend a few minutes of time with them before Lizbeth comes to take me to the airport.

  Although I still have fourteen more stories to commit to paper to complete my book, (maybe a fifteenth as well, still trying to decide on one of them)... I need a break!