Read A Wedding Disaster... Or Was It? Page 9

  I'm already confused. Remind me never to go traveling to Italy.

  If I heard one of the nationals say, "Ciao", I would say, "Yes, absolutely", because I'd think he was saying, "Chow", and as you know, I'm always hungry!

  Let's continue tomorrow, k? I'm so tired. I need to go to bed.


  KiirstiAan's email reply to me:


  Chapter 19

  My email to KiirstiAan:

  Hi, Cutie.

  I am free as a bird today, so I am using the entire day as a wedding planning day.

  I have never been one for extensive lists like you, but I wanted you to see the one I'm working off of right now. That way you can add to it, if you feel like it's necessary.

  Nothing is in any kind of order. It's very random. Right now I just want to make sure everything is included.

  1. Church Venue?

  2. Reception Venue?

  3. Officiant? I'm assuming you want Pastor Regan, but haven't asked since we don't have a date yet.

  4. Music? You've talked about organ and trumpet, so that's what I'm working toward.

  5. Florist? Looks like we'll be going with Evan's friend, Timothy.

  6. Caterer? First I need the venue and date. Some venues have their own catering staff.

  7. Bakery? Well, I know Tricia and her husband are making the wedding cake, but you never said if you wanted a groom's cake or not. It might be better if we get something really special for his cake from a bakery.

  8. Color Theme? Blue.

  9. Flower Girl and Ring Bearer? You've never really mentioned about these, so you can get back to me whenever.

  10. Wedding Invitations and RSVP Cards? I know which stationer I'm planning to use, but can't get started on invitations until the church and reception places/date are locked down.

  11. Bridesmaids? I know you've asked Tricia. Do you have any others decided on, or are you waiting for the date/venues? Your dad is going to pay for all dresses (bridesmaids, flower girl, my dress). You'll need to decide what shoes they are to have. They'll need to buy those themselves.

  12. Wedding Gown? I am sooo glad you already have your dress. The story behind why and how you have already had it for a year and a half will make a great story to tell your kids and grandkids.

  13. Bridal Accessories? You have your Victorian Boots, but we still need to make decisions on headpiece, hair accessories depending on how you plan to wear your hair, undergarments. Also, small things like nail polish, lipstick, anything that you might want something special just for that day.

  14. Groomsmen? Has Evan mentioned who his attendants are going to be, other than Jonathan, who will be his Best Man? Get him to thinking about it. You haven't said, but I'm assuming you'll want the same number of attendants apiece? If not, that's ok, but you two just need to be thinking.

  15. Male Attendants' Tuxes? I assume (have you noticed that I do a lot of that?!) you'll want to give some thought to what will look best with your wedding gown and English Country Garden theme. This will be for the best man, groomsmen, ring bearer, your dad and Evan's dad.

  16. Decorations for Church and Reception Venues? We can't do this, of course, until we know the venue locations and date. (I'm thinking like sparkly white lights, tulle, anything else that would decorate the room (or church) themselves.

  17. Photographer? For engagement pictures, bride's portrait, and wedding. We'll need to schedule the engagement pictures and bride's portrait soon. One goes into the newspaper announcement, and the other is for framing and sitting in the entry of the reception venue.

  18. Videographer? I'll ask around. Surely someone from church has some ideas.

  19. Reception Dinner Menu? Once I locate a venue and caterer, I'll get the menu options back to the two of you as quickly as possible so you can decide together what you want for the dinner menu.

  20. Reception Music? You've never said if you prefer a stringed quartet, dj, canned music.

  21. Wedding Music? Any ideas on a soloist?

  22. Ballerina? I don't know if I mentioned or not, but the McAllisters at church have a fourteen year old daughter, Nadia, in the church worship dance group. She is very accomplished and said that for your dad and me she would joyfully do an opening performance for your wedding. She said she'll use whatever music you want and just needs to be let into the church the day before the wedding so that she can choreograph it. Trust me, she is amazing! What do you think?

  That's about all either you or I can handle right now. I just really need to get the venues nailed down. There are so many things that depend on them.

  I have three church venue appointments and two reception venues scheduled for today. That is the only mission I have today.

  I will get back to you as soon as I know anything.

  By the way, just to whet your appetite, the name of the next story is going to be, Twinkly, Twinkly Wedding Sight.


  KiirstiAan's email reply to me:

  "Talk to you later." I got it. (You're really getting into this texting thing, aren't you?)

  Either email me or give me a call tonight and we'll hash over whatever you find out today.

  Wow! Your list is huge! If there's more, don't tell me right now. What you've put down to paper is already overwhelming. I can't take in any more.

  Oh, the one thing you can go ahead with is the ballerina. I have never, ever been to a wedding where a ballerina danced to open the ceremony. I just looove it! Would it be appropriate to have her stand with my bridesmaids when she's finished, as though she were also an attendant? Evan counted up the men he wants as his groomsmen and he has one more than I do. If the ballerina stood up there with my girls, it would be even on both sides. We can even have a bouquet made for her, leave it on the front pew and she can pick it up as she joins the bridesmaids after her dance. I think I really like this idea!

  One more thing while I'm thinking about it...

  I don't know one single little girl and boy to act as flower girl and ring bearer. I guess that's inevitable when you're an only child, your fiancé has three brothers, but all of them are younger and unmarried, having no children, and all your cousins that have children the right age live on the West Coast, while you're on the East Coast. I'm going to leave this one entirely in your hands, Momma.



  My email reply to KiirstiAan:

  Changed my mind. I'm calling this next story, Angel White, Twinkly Bright Nuptials.


  Chapter 20

  The church was old. Stately and old. The kind of old that included a stone exterior, tall spires, a bell tower, and the typical side yard graveyard with lavish headstones that spoke of deceased members who came from "old money."

  Although neither Melissa nor James were members, the church minister had assured them that the only concern was that the couple were born-again believers in- and followers of Jesus Christ.

  After sharing their salvation testimonies with the elderly man, Reverend Johnson Reeves grinned from ear-to-ear and said his church would be glad to host their nuptials. Nuptials? Really? They'd never heard anyone use that phrase in this century, so although they knew the word and it was used by the old minister correctly, they broadly smiled at each other. No doubt, the elderly man thought it was because he had just told them they could marry here, but in reality, while that was partly it, it was mainly because of the term itself, which frankly tickled them.

  Upon being accepted, Melissa and James shared with the minister that they would like their own pastor to be the lead officiant, but would be honored if he would be co-pastor, whose responsibility would be prayer in the wedding service.

  "I would be most honored to co-pastor the wedding of my younger brother and sister in Christ."

  Melissa smiled the huge smile she was known for, and responded, "Thank you, Reverend Reeves. James and I are blessed to have you there celebrating with us."

  As they left the church property, M
elissa turned around and gazed at the building one final time. She squealed, "Yea! I can't believe we're going to be married in this gorgeous church!"

  James grabbed hold of the hand of this woman he so loved, and they strolled back to the car. Happy at having completed one of their gazillion wedding planning duties, they drove off to the Dairy Queen down the street to celebrate their success at having secured their wedding venue. Yes, a hot fudge sundae was definitely the earned reward!


  The sanctuary had needed little embellishment to be adorned for a wedding. It was regal. Everything about it was visually awe-inspiring. So, all Melissa had needed to do was place a large spray of white roses on the communion table at the base of the pulpit and add a large white satin bow on both sides of the inside aisle at the end of every third long carved wooden pew, then loop a length of white tulle to connect them. Wedding decorations done.

  Melissa could not believe that her wedding day had come so quickly, although not quickly enough for her.

  As she stood outside the church on the arm of her beloved father, she leaned closely to him and half whispered, "Daddy, look at the sky. Have you ever seen a night sky with this many stars?"

  "No, I don't believe I ever have. And, don't think it didn't cost me a boatload of money to arrange it."

  Melissa giggled and punched his arm slightly. "Daddy," she said, as she shook her head in disbelief at his levity right before this holy service.

  "Thank you for my beautiful wedding. James and I are both stunned that you let us have just about anything we asked for. This is a dream come true!"

  "Sweet Girl, your mom and I are so proud of the woman you are and continue to become by your life decisions. And, of all the men in the world, I truly think we would have chosen James for you."

  Melissa swiped a small unbidden tear from her eye.

  "Daddy, would you pray with me right now, that the attention tonight will be on Jesus, not us? Today is nothing if Jesus isn't the honored guest."

  His response was typical, "Would you like to pray, or shall I?"

  "I will. This will be the last time we'll pray together before I'm a married woman."

  Bowing their heads, Melissa began, "Jesus, Thank you first that James and I both know you. Please be with us as we vow before you and all these witnesses to love and cherish each other for the rest of our lives as husband and wife.

  "We know that not everyone here tonight knows you. Please make this wedding service a holy and worshipful time. Make it beautiful for Yourself, Lord, and take all the glory. Amen."

  "Amen!" Andrew wondered how this godly young woman could have come from him. He felt unworthy.

  Andrew squeezed the hand of this beautiful young woman that was his daughter.

  She squeezed back.

  Within a minute after their shared petition before the Lord, they were summoned by the wedding planner to come into the vestibule.

  As Melissa and her father walked through the church doors into the vestibule, Melissa could hear through the double doors into the sanctuary the strains of beautiful classical music on the organ. She had always dreamed of hearing the music of the old classical masters, then walking to James during the strains of Canon in D.

  The first chord of Canon in D was struck with authority on the organ.

  "Here we go, Daddy."

  The sanctuary doors flew open due to the simultaneously fast work of the wedding planner at one door, and a woman Melissa did not know at the other door.

  In her quick glance in, Melissa saw all the wedding attendants, the two pastors, two hundred and fifty smiling guests. Her eyes ultimately rested on her beloved James.

  And at that instant, the unthinkable happened...

  A loud boom (or was it a bang?). The entire church became as black as a midnight with no moon or stars. The organ abruptly stopped, and the entire congregation was engulfed in darkness, totally silent black darkness.

  For whatever reason, Melissa began counting. One, two, three... Are the lights ever going to come back on? ... eight, nine, ten... Come on, come on! ... thirteen, fourteen... They aren't coming back on, are they?!

  This was just the worst wedding disaster... ever! Or was it?


  Chapter 21

  Two months earlier...

  "Hey, Rev. What 'r' ya doin' outside on a day as cold as ‘dis?"

  "I could ask the same of you, Angel."

  "Just doin' my fiddle thing. What 'bout you?"

  "Well, I guess a couple of things. I'm on my way to the coffee shop for some breakfast and a cup of hot coffee before I begin my workday. I could have driven, I suppose, since I pass the coffee shop on the way to the church, but if I don't walk, then I would miss your 'violin concert'."

  "Rev, how long you been stoppin' here to stand and listen to me play?"

  "How long have you been playing the violin at this sidewalk corner, Angel? A year and a half?"

  "Two years come November."

  "Then I have been coming to listen to your playing for two years come November."

  Reverend Reeves tossed a ten dollar bill in Angel's open violin case.

  "Rev, you don't need to do ‘dat every time you come by here."

  "True, but if I don't, you may find some other location downtown like the civic center that's more lucrative, and I would miss your 'concerts' terribly."

  "Well, since I ain't got no car, that might be a bit of a walk. Let's see... seven miles one way, ‘dat's fourteen miles roun’ trip. That's an awful lot a' hours wasted ‘dat I wouldn't be gettin' no earnin's in my fiddle case."

  "Well, then I guess my little pittance has helped convince you to stick around.

  "Ok, Angel, get to playing. I always pray while I walk, and having your violin accompaniment helps. How about making your next selection, 'Sweet Hour of Prayer.’ Oh... you want your usual? Sausage and cheese biscuit and large coffee, no cream or sugar?"

  "You got it, Rev. Oh, Rev? If I kin ever do you a favor of any kind, you'll let me know, right?"

  "You know I will, Angel. And right now you can play 'Sweet Hour of Prayer'."

  "Gotcha covered, Rev."


  Chapter 22

  KiirstiAan's email to me:

  Angel? Who's Angel? I'm going to assume that he fits into the story somewhere further on? You haven't inserted any flashbacks in the other stories. Come to think of it, you've never had any flashbacks in any of the wedding disaster stories you've personally told me.

  And, while I'm questioning things...

  Why did you only email me the first part of the story? You must have known that I'd be chompin' at the bit to find out what happens. (Still trying to fit the guy Angel into the scheme of things.)

  I've already gone through and made some spelling corrections and put some quotes and commas in their correct locations. Oh, I also corrected a run-on sentence. So, I'm ready to go on to the conclusion of this story.

  Oh... It just now clicked that the title of this story, "Angel White, Twinkly Bright Nuptials" has the word 'Angel' in it. I'm going to assume that the guy whose name is Angel makes him have something to do with this story. Really having trouble figuring out, though, how some homeless person would even remotely fit into it. (Hard to believe I'm so smart, huh?! My momma didn't raise no fools!)

  Mom, I've got a new thought for a reception venue, but it's too much to email about. I'll call you tomorrow and we'll talk. It's sooo gorgeous!

  I'm at Evan's family house. Evan, his brothers, his parents, and an aunt and uncle are all here for dinner and we're reading them all the stories you've written so far. They were asking so many questions about our wedding plans that we couldn't answer that Evan diverted their attention by suggesting we read your stories to them. I was hoping I'd have the rest of this story, so that I could read it to them also.

  See... You're already a famous author!

  Oops, gotta go. Evan's mom just called us to the table.



  My email reply to KiirstiAan:

  Well, before you go congratulating yourself on not being a fool...

  What makes you think Angel is homeless? Bad assumption, Cutie. As a matter of fact, he's not. He has a small apartment down the street from the corner he plays on. He leads a basic no-frills lifestyle, but he's definitely not homeless.

  I know you're going to ask me how I know if he's homeless or not, and how I would know where he lives. So...

  Nope, on second thought, I've decided you have to wait. (The suspense is killing you, isn't it?!) I feel so powerful!

  I'll talk to you sometime tomorrow. Give me a call anytime after nine in the morning. I'm going to bed shortly and plan on sleeping in. Your dad has a pretty bad headache and he really needs a good night's sleep. So, we're going to crawl in bed. He'll probably go to sleep right away. I'm just going to read a while first. So, don't call us when you get home from Evan's parents' home.

  I'm looking forward to any ideas or suggestions you might have on reception venues. The good news is that I have a couple of possibilities in a holding pattern until we thoroughly talk it through and make a decision. (Typical stuff. Each has tradeoffs. Some great things, some not so much.)

  I put a deposit down on both places, so we need to make a decision within the next two days so I won't lose the deposits.

  Your daddy just said, "Tell her I love her and goodnight."

  So, "Your dad loves you and goodnight."

  I LUV U 2

  KiirstiAan's email reply to me:

  It's almost midnight, so I know you won't read this until morning. But, I just wanted you to know that the venue suggestion I had is no longer in the running.

  Neither of us was feeling great so we left early, and I had him drive by the place. There is a FOR LEASE sign in front. You would have loved this place, Mom! It kinda looks like an old southern plantation. Even its name is cool, The White Rose Manor.

  I'm glad you have two on hold.

  We'll talk in the morning.

  BTW... Finish the story, would ya?!

  P.S. Ok, so I messed up on assuming Angel is homeless. But, at least I did figure out that he's in the story. Does that make me just half foolish?!


  KiirstiAan's email to me:


  I think Daddy's illness is contagious. After Evan drove me home last night, I started getting a horrible headache. Within an hour of getting home, I threw up three different times. My rib cage is so sore this morning.