Read A Weekend in Heaven Page 3

closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  I woke up from my little nap and blinked as the light poured through the open window, Deacon and Jamie were still sitting on their Chesterfield sofas, they both smiled at me

  "How long did I drift off for?" I asked sleepily

  "Absolutely no idea" replied Deacon "There is no such thing as time here, a thousand years can be like a day and a day a thousand years"

  "So I could have just slept for a thousand years?" I said incredulously

  "Well possibly, who knows, the normal laws of physics, don't apply up here!" said Jamie

  "Well now I've woken up, I quite fancy visiting your place Jamie" I said

  "I'd love to take you there Cam, you'll simply love it" replied Jamie

  All three of us got up and walked back through Deacon's mansion until we reached the front door, as we approached it, it swung open and we walked onto the front steps.

  Jamie, still dressed in his Jeans, cowboy boots, white T-shirt and bushman’s hat, put his fingers to his lips and whistled.

  From out of nowhere appeared a silver coloured, open topped sports car, it looked fantastic. It drove up to the front entrance and Jamie and I got in the front and Deacon sat in the back. Jamie steered the car back down the drive and through the front gates and back onto the highway.

  The car simply purred along the road, no other cars seemed to be in sight. Soon we turned off the highway and drove down what seemed like a country lane until we reached the edge of a lake, by the edge of the lake was a jetty and moored to the jetty was a sleek silver speedboat. The three of us got out of the car, walked down the Jetty and climbed into the boat. Jamie grinned at me

  "Funny thing is cam, we could have driven the car across the water, but I like to do things the old fashioned way!" And with that he pressed a button on the dashboard of the boat and grabbed the steering wheel as it roared off across the lake at speed. The journey didn’t take long, soon a couple of Islands appeared in the distance, one appeared to be inhabited, the other appeared completely natural and undeveloped. Jamie headed for the Island that seemed to be developed. As we drew near to the island, I could just make out palm trees and small sandy coves with white sand leading down to a perfect azure blue shimmering sea.

  Jamie steered the boat to a jetty sticking out from the shore and we moored the boat and all climbed out. The island reminded me of Necker Island, we climbed up some bamboo steps up to the top of a bluff, when we got to the top of the bluff, an amazing sight met my eyes, in front of us stood a huge tiki style house with thatched palm leaves, the main structure appeared to have been built with wood and bamboo, surrounding the main house was a string of smaller tiki huts, one of which housed a bar and nearby a swimming pool.

  We strolled up to the hut which had the bar, Jamie went up to the bar and ordered a drink from a stunningly beautiful blond woman, who was standing behind the bar in her bikini, she was tanned and slim and beautiful.

  "Hi Jamie what do you want to drink?"

  "Oh the usual" he replied

  With that the young woman poured him out a Mojito into a large glass with ice in it. She then looked at myself and Deacon

  "What do you two want?" She asked

  Deacon and I both said "Same for us again" and she then poured out two more huge Mojito cocktails and placed them on front of us at the bar.

  I sipped my Mojito through a straw and turned to Jamie

  "So this place is all yours?" I asked

  "Yep all mine" he grinned Jamie just looked like the Jamie I'd always knew, about twenty something, fit and tanned, a good head of hair and that Roguish grin that seemed to go from one ear to another.

  "So what about the girl? I asked curiously "Who’s she?"

  "Oh you mean Sue?" said Jamie

  "Yes Sue" I said

  "Sue is one of many that live here with me" said Jamie nonchalantly

  "So is Sue your girlfriend?" I asked

  "No not really, you see Cam we don’t have relationships in heaven, because otherwise you would get jealous, and you can't be jealous." explained Jamie

  "Well what about friendships then? I asked"

  "Oh yes you can be friends but not boyfriend and girlfriend, and not man and wife"

  "So all these fantastic women are just good friends?" I asked, getting even more curious.

  "Yep just good friends" said Jamie grinning

  "And can you, err, can you have fun with these wonderful 'friends'?" I asked

  "Not half" said Jamie, the weird thing up here is that a lot of the things that were disapproved of downstairs, are perfectly normal up here?" said Jamie very matter of factly

  "So how do you know if someone fancies you? I asked

  "Well you just know immediately, they know that you know, and you know that they know!"

  "Sounds Amazing" I said incredulously

  "Believe me it is" said Jamie

  "So no need to bother chatting someone up at the bar and making small talk? I asked

  "No need at all" said Jamie "Its all done via telepathy, you know what they are thinking and they know what you are thinking, it’s all transparent"

  "So can you choose who comes and stays on your island? I asked

  "Yes of course" replied Jamie

  "So what do you do most of the time? I asked

  "well all sorts of things, I go windsurfing, kite surfing, chatting with the girls at the bar, whatever I want to do" replied Jamie

  "Sounds heavenly" I murmured

  "It is" said Jamie. He then went around to the back of the bar and pulled out a set of binoculars, almost identical to the ones he had the previous day.

  "Look over there" said Jamie

  I looked out to sea, in the direction that Jamie was pointing in, I could see the undeveloped island covered in palm trees, surrounded by beautiful white sand.

  "We could probably get you that island over there" said Jamie

  "really? I said

  "Yeah really" replied Jamie "Where's your goody bag?"

  I took my 'goody' bag out of my pocked and gave it to Jamie, he undid the silk bow and emptied the contents of the pouch onto the bar. Out poured some sparkling, twinkling golden nuggets.

  "Yeah I reckon you've got more than enough here" said Jamie

  "you think so?" I asked

  "Yeah definitely" said Jamie "What do you think Deac?" asked Jamie

  "Cam that’s more than plenty, you can have a great pad built over there" said Deacon

  "How long will it take? I asked

  "Not long" said Jamie, It's not the building of the thing that takes long, it’s just getting you to decide on what you want, I mean it’s got to last a long time and you need to get it right, it has to be absolutely perfect for you" he explained

  "Well I know one thing" I said

  "What’s that? Said Jamie

  "Well you've pretty much got me sussed out already!" I said

  "What do you mean? Asked Jamie

  "Well I’ve always wanted my own tropical island with tiki huts and bars and Jacuzzis, and hot and cold running women! I grinned

  "Well there we go" said Jamie "We aim to please here" he replied grinning again.

  "I'd quite like my own little helicopter" I said

  "Helicopters it is then" said Jamie

  "Just so long as it’s got a nice bar like yours with lots of cold drinks, I'll be happy" I grinned

  "Here's to staying here" and as I raised my glass (which had automatically topped itself up) the three of us clinked our glasses once more.

  Suddenly a very strange thing happened, I started to feel very sick, I started to go very very pale

  "What’s wrong Cam?" asked Deacon

  "Sit down on that couch over there" commanded Jamie

  I had suddenly come over very peculiar, all at once I felt sick and pale and not well

  Deacon and Jamie peered over me and saw how I was going whiter and whiter, paler
and paler

  "I think he is having a reversal" said Deacon

  "What's a reversal? I moaned

  "Well I've never seen it happen yet until now", said Deacon. Deacon turned to Jamie and said "Dial 911 immediately Jamie, this is serious, I think he's been summoned back down"

  Jamie went behind the bar and picked up the cordless phone, he dialled 911 and spoke to the operator

  "Hello is that the operator?" he asked

  "We have a guy here that we think is having a reversal, we need to call him a medivac chopper, it looks serious"

  Within a few minutes a medivac chopper appeared from nowhere, It seemed to me to look a bit like a Black Hawk, I was put on a stretcher and placed inside the chopper lying on my back. Before I left Jamie and Deacon both held my hand and told me they would look after my nuggets and promised to get my house built.

  In moments the chopper had whisked me back to the airport, the chopper landed directly on the runway, and I was bundled, still strapped to a stretcher onto a plane, which quickly hurtled down the runway and took off.

  The next thing I know, I am lying on a hospital bed with doctors and nurses all around me, above me a nurse holds two big electrodes, just like you see in the movies.

  "He's come round" someone muttered

  "That’s amazing" said someone else in a green coat

  "I've never seen that before, ever" muttered another doctor

  As I came around, I opened my eyes, sat bolt upright on the bed and muttered "Anyone seen my Mojito?"

  The End (well maybe the end)

  If you want to find out what the real life Cameron Thompson has been up to recently the please go to


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