Read A Whisper of Eternity Page 13

Chapter 13

  After tuckingTracy into bed, Dominic wandered through the house. ThoughTracy had only been under his roof for a short time, her influence was everywhere - her shoes were on the floor beside the sofa, there was a jar of roses on the mantel. The very air in the house was filled with her scent, along with the odor of food, both cooked and raw.

  The bathroom held bottles of peach-scented shampoo and conditioner, lipstick and perfume, and myriad other feminine articles, all with their own unique scents.

  He went into her studio, curious to see what she had been working on. To his surprise, he found she had painted his portrait again, not as a vampire this time, but as a mortal man. He moved closer, studying the lines of his face. He looked as he had the last time he had seen himself in a mirror. Kitana had not told him that vampires cast no reflection. Even after all these centuries, he could remember his shock the first time he had looked into a mirror, expecting to see his face looking back at him, and seen only the room behind him. It had made him feel as though he no longer existed.

  Kitanahad laughed at his chagrin. "Didn't you know?" she replied with a laugh. "Vampires have no souls - therefore, they have no reflection. "

  "No soul?" The thought had astounded him. Though he had never been a deeply religious man, he was a believer nevertheless. How could a body move and have life when it was nothing but an empty shell? How could he live without a soul?

  "But you are not alive," Kitana had said airily. "You are Nosferatu . Not dead and not alive. "

  "Not dead and not alive?" He had scoffed at her. Of course he was alive!More alive than he had ever been before. His sight was keener, his touch more refined, colors were brighter, textures deeper and richer. His hearing was nothing short of phenomenal. A tear slipping down a cheek, a raindrop sliding down a leaf, the movement of a spider over a web, the delicate flutter of a moth's wings, he could hear them all. He was never sick, never tired,never cold. How could she say he was not alive?

  And it had been a good life, whenTracy was there to share it with him. It was only when they were separated, when he was on the earth and she was not, that he felt dead. Dead inside and out. His existence had no meaning without her. In the beginning, he had tried to find fulfillment in the arms of other women, but their beauty paled beside hers. Physical gratification alone was not enough. He neededTracy , needed her love. Itmattered not what body she inhabited, the color of her eyes or her hair, whether she was tall or short, dark or fair, whether she was bound or free. Without her, he was nothing but a dry, empty husk, a shell of a man with no reason to live and nothing to live for.

  He left the house and wandered aimlessly through the gardens. For centuries, the moon had been his sun, the night his day. With his preternatural eyesight, he saw everything distinctly - each individual leaf on each tree and flower and shrub, the small creatures of the night scurrying through the dew-damp grass, the thorns on the rose bushes,each crack in the wall that surrounded the house. He heard the distant hooting of an owl, the sighing of the wind through the trees, the ripple of the water in the stream beyond the wall. He had so many wondrous abilities, yet they meant nothing withoutTracy .

  Tracy. She tasted sweet, so very sweet, like the finest nectar. He had thought one taste might be enough, but now that he had tasted her once, he was eager to do it again. And again. To drink of her sweetness until he was sated, until the taste of her, the very essence ofher, filled all the empty places within.

  His hands clenched at his sides. It would be so easy to take her, to take her and bring her across. He could cloud her mind, bend her will to his, make her yield to him that which he had so long desired, and yet that was something he would never do. She must come to him willingly, without doubts, without hesitation. He had seen what happened to those who'd had the Dark Gift forced upon them. Some went mad and had to be destroyed. Some became little more than killing machines, slaking their unholy appetite in an endless river of blood, heedless of the misery and suffering they caused. Some refused to accept the gift and destroyed themselves by walking into the sunlight. It was not an easy life, to be a vampire. It took a great deal of courage and strength to live a life against nature. Only those who freely embraced the Dark Gift were able to endure it for more than a century or two.

  He wondered ifTracy had any idea of how difficult it was for him to be with her, to kiss and caress her, but never make love to her as he so longed to do. Love and desire were closely intertwined with the hunger that was ever within him, making it both pleasure and pain to hold her in his arms. And always, in the back of his mind, was the memory of other lives, past lives, when she had loved him, when she had made love to him and let him make love to her in return.

  He glanced up at the house, his gaze moving instinctively to the window of the room where she lay sleeping. If he touched her mind with his, would he find that she was dreaming of him?

  He took a deep breath, blew it out in a long sigh. In this life more than any other, he at least had hope. In this life, she was neither slave nor queen nor wed to another. She was her own woman, free and independent, able to do whatever she wished.

  In this life, she could be his.

  Tracywoke feeling wonderful. She stretched languidly,then padded downstairs to put the coffee on. Standing at the window, staring out at the yard, she lifted a hand to her neck. She had let Dominic drink her blood. Last night, it had seemed so right. Now, in the cool light of day, she couldn't believe she had actually let him do such a thing.

  What had she been thinking?

  She shook her head. Obviously, shehadn't been thinking, or she never would have agreed to it. But she had been moved by the soulful look in Dominic's eyes, touched by the gentle pleading in his voice.

  He had promised it wouldn't hurt, and it hadn't. He had also promised he would take only a taste and she knew, on some deep, primal level, that he had taken more than just a taste. And yet, to tell the truth, his vampire kiss had given her such pleasure, she had not wanted him to stop.

  Tracy Ann Warner, vampire blood bank.

  She turned away from the window and poured herself a cup of coffee. No matter how pleasurable it had been, it couldn't happen again.

  After a quick breakfast of toast and cereal, she went upstairs for a shower,then spent the rest of the morning painting another seascape for Mr. Petersen, deciding that if he didn't like her work, she could always sell it to someone else. There was a small art gallery in Sea Cliff that accepted paintings on consignment.

  A little after noon, she went downstairs to fix a sandwich for lunch. She added a slice of watermelon, a handful of chips, and a can of root beer and carried her plate outside.

  It was quite pleasant, sitting there with the sun shining down on her. A gentle breeze kept the heat at bay. She stared at the house, wondering how old it was and who had lived there before Dominic bought it. She hadn't thought of it before but now it occurred to her that he must be a wealthy man,which made her wonder why he hadn't bought Nightingale House. It seemed strange that he would live in a house he didn't own, and own a house he didn't live in.

  Strange. She laughed at that. With Dominic St. John, everything was strange.

  He came to her just before sundown. She was sitting in the living room working a crossword puzzle when he entered the room. Herheart skipped a beat when she looked up and saw him standing there, clad in brown leather boots, buff colored trousers, and a loose-fitting white shirt. He reminded her of a hero out of a Regency novel.

  "This came for you. " Crossing the floor, he handed her an envelope. It was addressed to her in care of aMaine post office box.

  "Thank you. " She opened the envelope and withdrew a sheet of paper. It was a letter from Mr. Petersen.

  "Good news?" Dominic asked.

  "Yes. " She glanced down at the letter again. "Mr. Petersen says he's pleased with my work. He wants a dozen seascapes to be delivered within sixty days. " She looked up at Dominic. "I don't hav
e that many canvases. "

  "I will take care of it. "

  "Thank you. "

  "I brought you something else, as well," he said.

  "Oh? What?"

  He left the room, only to return a moment later carrying a huge cardboard box and two smaller ones.

  Tracyread the lettering on the cartons. One held a 36-inch television set; the others contained a stand and a combination DVD/VCR player, yet he carried the boxes effortlessly, as though they weighed no more than a pound or two.

  Dominic set the boxes down and began opening them. He lifted the TV set out of the carton and put it on the floor. "Where do you want it?"

  "Over there, I guess," she said, pointing at the wall across from the sofa. "We can move that table. "

  They spent the next few minutes assembling the stand and rearranging the furniture. Dominic plugged the set in and after a little trial and error, had the VCR hooked up.

  "What made you buy a TV?"Tracy asked.

  "You cannot paint or read all day, every day," he replied with a shrug. "I did not want you to get bored. "

  "Thank you. "

  "Is there anything else you want?"

  "Cable would be nice. Oh, and a stereo. "

  "I will see what I can do. "

  "Too bad we don't have any of my DVDs," she remarked.

  He smiled a sly smile,then left the room. Moments later he returned with a cardboard box.

  "What's that?"

  "Your movies," he said, dropping the box on the sofa beside her.

  "You never fail to amaze me," she said, grinning.

  They spent a pleasant evening watching a DVD ofThe Mummy . Dominic admitted he hadn't watched many movies. Books were more to his liking, but he seemed to get a kick out of watching this one. Tracy had seen it several times before but she never tired of watching Oded Fehr . Or Brendan Fraser, for that matter.

  About halfway through the movie,Tracy went into the kitchen and came back with a bowl of popcorn and a can of root beer.

  Sitting down, she looked at him and shrugged. "I'm hungry. "

  His gaze met hers and then he glanced at her throat, his eyes darkening. "So am I. "

  Tracystared at him, her mouth suddenly dry. "Dominic. . . "

  He didn't say anything, only looked at her, his whole body still, waiting for her decision.

  She saw the need in his eyes and while the thought of letting him drink from her was instinctively abhorrent, on some deeper level, she wanted to take him in her arms and ease his pain.

  When he stood up, she reached for his hand. "Where are you going?"

  "Out. "

  "Didn't you. . . do that earlier?"

  He nodded.

  Then why. . . ?"

  "Your nearness arouses me in more ways than one," he said bluntly. "Good night. "

  And just like that, he was gone.

  Tracyblew out a sigh of exasperation. Why should she feel so guilty because she didn't want to let him drink from her? But feeling guilty wasn't the worst of it. Stronger than her guilt was the unexpected surge of jealousy that burned through her at the thought that he might be going out to ease his physical desire with someone else.

  "Oh, girl," she muttered, "you're losing it. "

  She slippedThe Mummy Returns into the DVD player, put on a fresh pot of coffee to keep her awake, but Dominic didn't come back. She couldn't help wondering where he had gone. Was he prowling the streets here, inMaine , or had he taken off for some distant land?

  She stayed awake until she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer; then, filled with resentment and jealousy, she went to bed.

  Her dreams were frightening that night, filled with shadowed images chasing her down unfamiliar paths. She heard distant cries for help, never certain if they were her own or someone else's as she ran through a maze of dark streets. Leering eyes watched her; maniacal laughter filled the air and echoed off the sides of buildings. She felt the hell-hot breath of her pursuer on the back of her neck. Her breathing was labored as she ran across a wobbly wooden bridge, praying she would find refuge on the other side. She screamed when it collapsed beneath her, dropping her into a river that ran red with blood.

  She woke with the sound of her own screams ringing in her ears. Sitting up, she switched on the light.

  Trembling, she wrapped her arms around her waist.

  In the distance, she heard the melancholy howl of a wolf. The sound, filled with the loneliness of eternity, tugged at her heart and brought tears to her eyes.

  "Dominic," she whispered. "Where are you?"

  Outside, a large gray wolf ceased its restless pacing as the sound of Tracy's voice drifted through the window. He heard the fear and the loneliness in her soft lament, sensed her confusion. She was caught up in a world she did not understand, had questions only he could answer. He knew she was torn between loving him and wishing they had never met. Her life had been peaceful until he found her. He could not fault her for wishing to return to that time, but he could not let her go, not when he had just found her again. But perhaps he could ease her pain, comfort her until the sun chased the moon from the sky.

  He was about to change shape and go to her when a new scent was borne to him on the wings of the night.

  Lifting his head, the wolf sniffed the air, hackles rising as the scent of danger filled his nostrils.

  After all these centuries, Kitana had found him.