Read A White Cat For Christmas Page 5

  I got a phone call from both the kids for Christmas. With one eight hours away and the other in basic training, I didn't expect it. Niky couldn't talk long, but 'Hi, Ma, Merry Christmas and I love you' always works for me. Lisa and I didn't speak too long, but just hearing from her and knowing she was well, made my evening.

  This time of year, full dark is at 4:30. By this time, the snow began to pile up, and I figured I might as well clear the walkway to the house. I don't have a garage with access through the house. So keeping ice melt and grit on the walkway is essential as is keeping the snow off it.

  After clearing the walk, and making sure the car was plugged in, I was ready to make a pot of tea and settle down to read. I had a book; I looked forward to finishing. Not in the mood to cook, I made a sandwich and ate that.

  Since it was Christmas Eve, I had the crock pot set up on the counter with a small roast in it for the next day. Between the aroma of roasting meat and the tea, the house was warm and comfortable.

  I've got a couple of pairs of men's flannel p.j. bottoms I wear around the house. The bottoms and a long sleeved extra, extra large tee shirt pass for lounge wear for me. The minute I walk in the door the bra and panties come off and get tossed into the dirty clothes.

  As I settled in for the evening, I caught the flash of headlights. You don't find yourself on my driveway by accident. Almost a mile back into the trees, it is off the road and not too many people know how to get here.

  As high as the headlights were off the ground, someone was coming to visit with a big pickup. I discounted any possibility of health problems with the kids. It had only been a few hours since I heard from them. There was no reason for the Troopers to send anyone back in here. I mentally ticked off who in the world might be visiting.

  No one immediately came to mind. I didn't plan to get dressed, but being a woman alone back here off the beaten track makes caution a good idea. I took the little automatic pistol off the top of the cabinet by the door that holds outdoor gear and slipped it in my p.j. pocket.

  Not paranoid, I am careful. The clock said 9:00 pm, I was alone, and it was two miles out to the main road after leaving the driveway. I watched through the window as the truck pulled in and when the inside light came on I was shocked to see big Mr. Irate Homeowner at my door.

  The first question I had when I opened the door was, "How the hell did you find me?"

  The big man bailed out of the truck, turned around to get something and strode up to the front door that I held open.

  "It's what I do for a living, find people and things. Brought you a present. Can I come in? You need to shut the door anyway, no use letting all the heat out."

  Speechless, I let the big guy in and closed the door behind him. "Present?" That was about all I managed to stammer out. The guy and I were about to have a serious talk.

  He unzipped the parka and all thought of being irritated with him flew out the window. The dainty head of a big eyed kitten poked out of the opening. I immediately reached for the kitty that launched itself away from him.

  "Dang!" He yelped. "That cat of yours has sharp little claws."

  As I held the kitten to my chest, I grinned madly. "How did you get it? That damn raven made so much racket I didn't have a chance earlier today."

  "Thought as much." After shrugging out of the bulky jacket, he spotted the coat tree by the door and hung it up. "I saw where you parked. Then there was the empty cat food can in the middle of the yard. It had bird tracks all around it."

  "Sorry. I didn't mean to leave you a mess." I felt slightly guilty for leaving the can for him to dispose of.

  Bo slid his head up against the big guy's leg. My visitor leaned a little to one side and scratched behind the dog's ears. Bo immediately became best friends with the man.

  Then he grinned at me. "Angelina, what do you like to be called, Ang, Angie or 'Lina?"

  "Showing off are you? I'm not telling you until I know who you are. How about a name, Mr. Bounty Hunter?"

  With a broad smile that crinkled up his dark eyes, he nodded while still scratching the dog's ears. "Hamilton Michael Reston with a Christmas delivery, at your service, Ms. Angelina Jo Brown. I'm a finder of lost objects, lost people and the server of notice of due process for several attorneys in this town."

  After taking a glance at my right-hand pocket, he nodded. "I see you're a cautious woman. Very commendable, given that you live alone out here in the God forsaken boondocks. But I haven't accosted a woman in ages. That handgun is pulling your pants down a little on your right side. If it keeps that up, you might wind up looking like some ditzy kid. Oh, and you can call me Mike. Ham is a terrible nickname."

  I giggled, something I hadn't done in ages. "Okay. You have me there." As I held the kitten close to my chest with my left hand, I removed the gun from my right-hand pocket and put it back on the shelf.

  When I glanced down at the little thing, I noticed it wasn't quite as dirty as it first appeared. I saw no reason give the poor thing a bath right away. Fleas are few and far between up here. Since this baby was crawling around under a foundation, I guessed dust was what made it look dirty.

  Mike grinned at me. "You don't have to worry about some male spraying all over the house." The man's smile was 100 watts. "I'm sure you are the proud owner of a girl kitty."

  "Thanks, Mike. I appreciate your catching her. Day after tomorrow I go back to work and was planning on spending every spare minute trying to get this little baby."

  I motioned toward the sofa, with one hand, and walked in that direction. "Tell me how you managed to corral her. How about a cup of tea? I have a big pot here and some extra cups."

  In about fifteen minutes, both of us sat on the couch. Bo had his head on Mike's knee. The kitten was curled up in my lap, and we sipped our hot tea.

  Mike told me he used a trail of cat treats to lure the kitten out. Once the kitten got a taste of the good stuff, she took a chance at the pile. He slammed a landing net over kitty. Mission accomplished.

  "What made the whole thing easier, I remembered ravens don't fly around after dark."

  "I have to tell you I came close to doing that damn bird in."

  "When I saw the can, I knew what happened. I picked up the kitty treats when grocery shopping. I intended to give them to you, regardless."

  "When did you decide to check up on me?" I didn't look at him as I waited for an answer.

  "The first day. I took your license plate number and looked you up after I went inside. Like you, I tend to err on the side of caution. There are a few people out there who might give me a bad time if they ran across me."

  I glanced up at him and noticed he was staring at the lab-husky as he stoked Bo's head. The dog was in seventh heaven.

  Still smiling, he glanced back at me. "Certain types wouldn't be above trashing my place if they could get away with it. If someone was determined to find me, they could."

  Nodding agreement, I took another sip of tea while I watched Mike. As he stroked the dog's head, he seemed to stare off into space.

  "I see where your job might put you in some people's cross hairs. Checking up on me is a reasonable precaution. I would have done the same."

  The grin came back. "Any woman who answers the door with a handgun in her pocket is okay in my book. I assume the Nickolas Joseph Brown and Lisa Jo Brown are your kids?"

  "You are thorough! Yes on both counts. Niky is in basic training right now and Lisa if off touring Europe as a present to herself before coming back home to work."

  "Shucks, ma'am, it was easy. Both kids have been co-owners of vehicles with you when younger. They've had fishing licenses for several years. You and the kids must have gone out every summer."

  "You're a big braggart, aren't you? What else do you want to ask that you don't know, Mr. Reston?"

  "Since you mentioned it, how come Nickolas P. Brown doesn't show up past that one year? There's no fishing license, no nothing after that."

  "Cause he hated it up he
re. One winter was all it took to get rid of that particular flea."

  "Ouch! Why do I get the idea you're not happy with the ex? And I’m assuming he is an ex."

  "Because he insisted on selling off everything we owned and moving up here. Then the first winter, he decided he couldn't stand the cold. The rat took off without a word. He left the kids and me to our own devices. That is calculated to piss off any woman. He was 'ex' as soon as I had enough money to make it legal."

  Since the man knew a lot about me, I thought it time to even it up a little. "How come you live up in that big house alone? I saw the motor home, and I understand why you keep the truck in the garage, you don't want to put up with vandalism. Married, divorced, separated, what's your tale of woe?"

  "Angie, my ex, and she is 'ex' was a lot like yours. We didn't have any kids for her to take off with, thank goodness."

  That huge smile lit up his face. I was beginning to like Mike Reston. "Mike, would you like to join me and the zoo, for Christmas dinner. Roast beef to be served with side dishes around noon?"

  "I would be happy to join you and the critters. How would you like to join me in ringing in the New Year? I've got a standing invitation to a private party and would be very grateful if you would bail me out by coming along. I get tired of being 'set up' by certain people claiming to be my friends."

  "Exactly how upscale is this private party?"

  "Not fancy at all. We're all going to take our snow machines out to the lake at my friend's place, build a big bonfire and sit around shooting off fireworks. I thought I'd take the RV. The couch makes into a bed, and I could sleep on that while my date took the big bed."

  "Date? This is in the nature of a date?"

  "Sure is, Angelina Jo Brown. Definitely a date. Are you up for it?"

  "Indeed. Anyone who brings me a fantastic Christmas present has the potential to be good date material."

  The dog sighed, the kitten purred in my lap and Mike was smiling. The New Year was looking quite a lot different than I thought it would be. I was reasonably sure his big bed could hold two people. Exploring the possibility might be interesting.

  Waiting for Angie to tell me if she would go to the New Year's bash with me was the pits. I prayed she would say yes, but I was scared silly, all at the same time. I wanted this woman to like me.

  I didn't think I was as big an ass as my ex always said. Well, not entirely. After all, the ex swore Alaska was a frozen hell hole, and she couldn't have been more wrong.

  Angie had turned out to be a nice woman. It didn't hurt that the nice part was packaged pretty good.

  The pistol had tugged down her pajama bottoms enough for me to get a look at some skin beneath the hem of the Tee shirt. A few excess pounds might be on her frame, but I looked at it like I would a good steak, a little extra fat won't hurt a thing. No big deal.

  I possessed a few chauvinistic traits; I'm quite aware of them being in the mix, but if I watched what I did, they might be useful. I didn't think this woman would mind if I opened doors for her or carried the heavy bags. But I had a suspicion the protective instincts should be kept low key and not allowed to get out of hand.

  Don't screw this up! Was my mantra at that moment, and the extent of my inner dialogue. I had grown up a lot since the ex blew town. All the time spent working with the ladies at the attorney firms had given me some insight into dealing with strong, independent women.

  I didn't plan on trying to push her into bed. I sincerely wanted to get there and wanted to do so as soon as possible. But pushing on this woman could easily derail my whole plan.

  The plan consisted of getting to know Angie and letting her get to know me. I hoped neither of us would spend another holiday season alone. With any real luck, I might convince her to move into my place, eventually.

  I understood having recently become single for real, with her kids off and away, she was as vulnerable as they come. We needed to find out how we fit in other ways before diving into the mattress.

  As the word "indeed" slipped out of her mouth, I relaxed. She would let me date her. Now, let's see how far this thing could go.

  Her little place felt cozy. I was content to hang around on her couch petting the dog and listening to the cat purr. I reached out a hand and gave the kitty a couple of strokes. This little Christmas cat may well have put an end to both our days of coming home to empty houses.

  My fingers are tangled with Mike's as we look at each other. I don't know what he's thinking, but I have a feeling he's reliving the past couple of months just as I am. It wasn't whirlwind; it was more in the nature of two puzzle pieces fitting together well enough to overlook certain other habits learned while living alone.

  Neither of us wants to be single again, and since everything else went together so well, we're willing to compromise on the piddley stuff. I don't care a hang if he never puts the toilet seat down. He doesn't mind if I don't always wash the dishes until there's enough for a good load.

  He wants to put the laundry away as soon as it's dry. I know his shirts and pants have to look presentable for clients, so I take care of his stuff and mine hangs out in the laundry room until the spirit moves me.

  We're content in his place and with each other. That's worth a lot. Our relationship is stable enough that when he asked me if I would quit my job and work with him, I gave thirty days' notice.

  Smiling at each other, he leans over to give me a kiss. Lisa, it seems, feels ignored and harumphs loudly. My cheeks heat, and I see he is coloring up a little too.

  With that 100 watt smile, he nods. "Want to go first?" Mike asks quietly.

  "Sure," I reply and turn to my daughter.

  "On the way home from work I saw this poor little kitten slinking around beside the garage.........."

  1Thank you for taking the time to read A White Cat for Christmas. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  Other books by Cherime MacFarlane:

  "Highland Light" Is the first of the MacGrough Clan series.

  Gideon is a ward of the Master of the Croatia Temple belonging to the Knights Templar. The Knights escape execution and flee to Scotland. The master of the Temple strikes a bargain with Robert The Bruce. In exchange for safety, the eighteen men will marry into various clans in the Bruce faction. Ailene saw him entering the Abby and will have him and no other. Gideon has honored the Templar vows of chastity. With no knowledge of women, he and Ailene must learn together.

  But Gideon owes his new King service. No matter how much he wishes to stay with his wife, he has a duty. Scotland is fighting for its life against England. At the same time, Gideon's new home is locked in a vicious internal struggle for power. Enemies are everywhere. The clan is in danger from all sides. The small bedroom they share is the only place where the young couple can find peace.

  "Bare Wires"

  The prequel to Wired For Sound follows Lori and Hamish as their lives slowly come together. Lori gets the break she needs when she comes to the attention of a gallery owner in Brighton, England. The small celebration she treats herself to turns into a disaster when she discovers a horrible truth about her lover.

  Hamish and the band are finally poised to break into the entertainment industry. But two big problems stand in Bushmaster’s way. There is the bass player’s growing addiction and Vincent’s inflated view of his worth. Hamish must learn to manage his problems with insomnia while trying to keep Bushmaster together.

  Two young people's lives will intersect one night in an art gallery in the resort town of Brighton.

  "Wired For Sound"

  Gideon and Ailene's descendant, Hamish MacGrough's story continues. It is 1988. The band Hamish co-founded, Bushmaster, is on its 4th album and 2nd US tour. Vince, the front man, and Hamish started the band as young college students. Now, Vince's nastiness has caused someone to exact the ultimate revenge, death.

  After coercing L
ori into marrying him, Hamish isn't sure how long she will stick around. His focus has been on keeping his wife happy and getting out of the band. With a recording date in Glasgow, a deadline and backers waiting, he needs to be back in Scotland. But in Los Angeles, everyone in the band is a suspect, as far as the police are concerned. Hamish's artist wife, Lori, may have been involved with Vincent before she met Hamish. Fearing she could be the murderer, Hamish must find the killer. But when he finds the murderer will he be forced to protect that person?

  In a race to find the answer before the police, MacGrough has to use every resource he can, including the wife he fears may have had a hand in the murder.

  Already burned by one man, can Lori trust her Scottish keyboard playing husband? Will their marriage survive this last gig?

  "North by Northeast"

  Hamish has what is called the sight in Scotland. With his wife, Lori, attending a gallery show, he suddenly finds the lament swirling about in his head. Half a world away, Hamish is terrified. Lori is gone, and there is no ransom note. The remnant of his old band, Bushmaster, comes together to help Hamish as he searches for Lori. The pursuit takes them from Seattle to Canada and into a ghost town North by Northeast of Seattle.

  Lori has no idea why she is being held. Hamish is the musician, the famous one of the family and a partner in WarLoch Productions. What is the reasoning behind this? Will she live to find out?

  "Rhythm and Blues"

  Lurch Walker is the bad boy of the band Bushmaster. A rock solid, rhythm guitar player, he finally finds a woman he is ready to settle down with. Hamish's au pair and mutually adopted sister stakes a claim to Lurch’s heart. But Lurch Walker's past is about to put an end to his dreams of home and family. Lurch and Hamish must make a stand as those threatening Lurch have now threatened Hamish's family and his adopted sister.

  "Family Knots"

  Lori is recuperating from the birth of their third child. But things in the Glen are starting to take a decided otherworldly turn. Hamish suspects his oldest son, just a young boy, has a great deal more of the sight than he has.