Read A Wicked Truth Page 17

  “This discussion isn't over,” Dad said.

  It was for me, but I didn't say that. They'd figure it out when nothing they said worked.

  “I'll talk to you guys later then,” I said.

  “We love you, Reed,” Mom said.

  “Love you too.” And it was true. I did love them. I just didn't want to be like them.

  I ended the call and headed for the bathroom. First on the order of business for today was breakfast. After that, I planned to check out a few places I hadn't seen yet. I did appreciate good art and Paris was the perfect place to enjoy that. I was thinking two more weeks and then I'd be ready to move on again. I didn't want to overstay my welcome. I hadn't yet decided where I wanted to go, but wherever it was, it sure as hell wouldn't be Philadelphia. Not anytime soon.

  Chapter 3


  Paris, France.

  I'd never been allowed to come here alone before. I threw a glance over my shoulder and scowled. I supposed I wasn't truly alone now either, but at least the two hulking masses behind me weren't my overprotective parents. When my parents had told me I would be allowed to take a trip across Europe after my college graduation, I'd been thrilled, sure that I had finally earned my freedom. After all, I had spent twenty-two years being the dutiful daughter. I did as I was told, everything from what classes to take, to who my roommate was allowed to be. I had been a good girl and stayed in my room studying while others went to parties, flirted and drank. I had disobeyed only once and my parents didn't know about the night I'd snuck out to see my friend, Aaron.

  I sighed as I thought of him. Aaron Jacobs. He'd been a friend since freshman year. Sweet, kind. The kind of man a normal girl would've been thrilled to take home to her parents. I hadn't allowed myself to become attached because I'd known that it would never work between the two of us. I'd been honest with him upfront, and he, in turn, had been honest with me. We'd become close friends, and my parents had been nervous until I introduced them to Aaron's boyfriend.

  Well, I supposed there was that one little thing that would've given some parents pause. Aaron was bisexual. I hadn't told my parents that though. Not because they would have freaked out about him being attracted to men, but because being bisexual would've meant he could've still wanted me. No, I'd simply made sure he had his current boyfriend present the first time I introduced him to my parents and they'd never worried about him after that.

  I smiled to myself. They should have. I'd made it clear to Aaron from moment one that we couldn't have a relationship, but as graduation had approached four years later, I'd asked him for a favor. He'd been single at the time and I'd been adamant that I wasn't going to go home a virgin. My bodyguards had gotten a bit lax those last couple weeks, prompted, I supposed, by the previous four years of good behavior. Whatever the reason, I'd been able to get to Aaron's dorm, do the deed, and get back before my guards realized I was gone.

  I didn't regret it, especially now. I scowled at my reflection, hating the face that looked back at me. I had my father's chin and nose, my mother's cyan eyes and figure. The dark brown curls and tanned skin were the result of combining my mom's fair coloring with my father's darker coloring. I'd been told more than once that, had I not been barely five feet tall and on the curvy side, I could've been a model. The exotic look was all the rage.

  I almost wished I had been tall enough. I could only imagine the look on my father's face if I had told him I planned to be a model. My parents weren't completely old-fashioned, but there were certain areas where tradition still held a high bar, and my sex life was one of those areas.

  I'd said that Aaron would've been the kind of boy a normal girl could've taken home to her family. The problem was that I wasn't a normal girl. I was Princess Nami Carr, eldest child of King Raj and Queen Mara. My family had ruled the tiny island nation of Saja for thousands of years. No one had really ever heard of Saja. We pretty much kept to ourselves, didn't bother with world politics or anything like that. We didn't crave the spotlight or had any important natural resources to exploit. We had nice beaches and pretty waterfalls, but we didn't sell ourselves as a tourist trap. We were fairly self-sufficient and liked it that way.

  I loved my home, and my family. I just didn't love being a princess. I knew there were millions of girls who'd kill to be in my shoes, but they didn't get it. I wasn't just another princess. I was the crown princess, which meant I was destined to rule one day. And that meant there were certain things I didn't get to do.

  Like choose a career.

  Fall in love.

  Choose whom I would marry.

  Which is what brought me back to my current situation. My parents' graduation gift had actually been more of a bribe, or at least a way to put me in a better mood for when they dropped that particular bombshell on me.

  Once I returned from Europe, I would be marrying a man they had already chosen. There would be an official engagement announcement, of course, and some sort of party for us, but the betrothal was set and the wedding would follow shortly. Most likely within a couple months of my arrival. Everything but the dresses, color scheme and flowers will have already been planned by the time I arrived home. As the princess, those were the only things I had a say in. My attendants would be picked for me, members of other noble families who my parents needed to keep happy. The only one I could count on would be my maid of honor, my sixteen year-old sister, Halea.

  The guest list would be carefully selected and pruned until every seat was filled and no one important was offended. The location would be the palace, naturally. Saja was a nation of myriad religions and my parents wouldn't want to insult any of them by seeming to favor a specific location or have one religion oversee the officiating. That would be my father's job. As king, he would conduct the ceremony to ensure that no one religion was shown preferential treatment.

  The finest dressmakers in Saja would be on call when I returned to do any necessary alterations to whichever dress I picked. That selection would come from a small number of appropriate dresses chosen by my mother. The same would go for my bridesmaid's dresses and the flowers.

  As for my future husband, I knew nothing about him. My parents had said only that he would be handsome and from a good family. That was what mattered to them. To his family, I knew what they would care about. Saja's ruling line was very clear. Eldest child to eldest child, regardless of gender. Ironically, I would one day govern the entire island, but until my father passed, I had no say in my own life. While my husband would be king in name, I would be the ruler. But, once I had his child, his family's bloodlines would be forever linked to the throne. That was why my virginity was so important. The family would want assurances that it was their son's child I bore and no one else's. His virginity and fidelity didn't matter to them. Even as king, no bastard of his would have a right to the throne. He could have as many of those as he wanted.

  Maintaining my purity was the main reason Thug One and Thug Two – otherwise known as Tomas and Kai – had been assigned to me the moment I'd left Saja. On the island, everyone knew who I was and no one would dare put themselves in a situation where anything improper could even be insinuated. A lot of girls assumed that being a princess meant always having dates to events like dances and proms. Not for me. What guy was brave enough to approach a girl flanked by security and ask her to go out with him? The answer was none.

  I'd graduated from Princeton with a degree in political science – my parents' choice – and a minor in classical literature – my choice – but had nothing else to show for my four years in America. No friends aside from Aaron, and I knew I'd never see him again. No adventures or whirlwind romances. I couldn't even claim to have had four years where I didn't have to think about my responsibilities. I'd hoped this trip would be that opportunity for me, even if just for a couple weeks. Instead, it was just another reminder of what was expected of me.

  “Princess, are you ready?” Kai spoke from his position at the door. His accent was rougher than mine, d
enoting the part of Saja he was from. “Your dinner reservations are in thirty minutes.”

  Of course they were. I had a schedule to keep. Appearances to make. My parents had managed to turn my graduation present into a royal event as well. I was expected to be seen in all the right places. I'd gone straight to London after graduation and stayed there for three days. Now, it was a few days in Paris and then on to Italy where I'd have a couple days before going home. Today was my last day in Paris and I'd been to several museums, five-star restaurants and taken in some of the sights. And I'd been bored out of my mind. I supposed I wouldn't have minded as much if I'd had someone to enjoy things with, but my bodyguards were strictly professional. They spoke only when spoken to; offered no opinions save ones that had been given to them by the king. And, most importantly, made sure I behaved.

  I turned away from the mirror. “No, Kai. I'm actually not feeling well. I think I'll spend the rest of the night in bed.”

  “Do you need for us to call a doctor?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “I'll be fine.” I walked back into my bedroom and closed the door. I looked in the full-length mirror. I'd dressed the way I was expected to dress for a dinner out. My parents may have made a big deal about my virginity and modesty in dress, but they both understood fashion. The pantsuit I wore had been designed specifically for me for this trip and I looked poised, elegant, and like I was about to walk into a courtroom or board room. All business.

  I wanted fun.

  I stripped off the clothes and hung them over the desk chair. My heart was pounding as I picked up the bag I'd carefully hidden from my bodyguards. We'd gone shopping earlier today and I'd purchased several outfits of clothing appropriate for a princess...and one dress I knew my parents would have instantly vetoed. Tomas and Kai hadn't seen it because I hadn't modeled any of the clothes, but I'd had to give the saleswoman cash and ask her to ring the dress up separately, putting it in a small bag inside the other bag.

  I opened the bag now and pulled out my small act of rebellion. I slipped it on and looked at myself again. Now I looked like a twenty-two year-old college graduate ready to enjoy Paris. It was a deep shade of blue that made my eyes stand out and flattered my curves. The hemline hit me mid-thigh, still modest but far shorter than anything my parents would've let me wear. The neckline was plunging, nearly revealing my bra, but still covered more than some of the things I'd seen the women here wearing.

  I pushed my hair back from my face, tousling the curls into their usual haphazard mess. I'd cut it short my first day in London, butchering it purposefully so I'd have no other option than to go to a stylist and let her trim it even shorter. Tomas and Kai hadn't been happy about that and I knew they were dreading my parents' reaction. I didn't care. I was tired of being good and I knew that I had a lifetime of decisions being made for me or decisions made based on what was best for my people. For this short bit of time, I wanted to do things my way.

  I glanced towards the balcony. So far, my rebellion had been little things. My hair would grow again. No one had to see the dress. Now, however, was the defining moment and I had the feeling that if I went through with it, things were going to change.

  I walked over to the doors and opened them, stepping out onto the balcony. I was on the fourth floor, which meant it was too far for me to risk jumping, but I'd come up with a plan yesterday when I'd first started batting this idea around. When the family traveled, we always bought out the rooms on either side of where we stayed to ensure extra privacy. My parents had done the same thing when they'd made my reservations. The room on the right had a balcony too, only a couple feet away from mine. I'd slipped the maid some money this morning to make sure the doors to the balcony were unlocked. Even in this dress, I wouldn't have a difficult time getting to that balcony. Once there, I'd go through the room, into the hallway and off to freedom.

  For a few hours anyway.

  Chapter 4


  I couldn't believe that it actually worked. Getting across to the balcony had taken some balance, but it had been easier than I'd hoped. The maid had left the door unlocked and neither Tomas nor Kai had come out into the hallway when I'd slipped out of the room. I made it down to the lobby without anyone seeing me and then gave the desk clerk a little nod and a wave like I wasn't doing something wrong. Even if he thought to call up to the room, it wouldn't do any good. I'd left the hotel phone off the hook.

  I caught a cab without any problem and was then on my way. Free, for a few hours at least.

  It was too early for the best clubs to be open, but I didn't care. I'd get there eventually. I was a bit overdressed for regular sight-seeing, but I ignored the funny looks I got when I walked into the bookstore I'd spotted yesterday. It, of course, hadn't been on the list of approved stores for me to visit, but now I could spend all the time I wanted browsing the titles. No one there cared how I was dressed.

  It was nearing eight by the time I made it to a restaurant to eat, and I purposefully chose one that wasn't five stars. The food was great and the atmosphere noisy. I loved it. I relaxed in my corner table, enjoying my food, and watching the people. Like most of the people on Saja, I spoke my own native dialect as well as English. I'd also been taught French, Russian, Spanish and some basic Chinese and German. I had a bit of Italian too, but not much. That was one of the things my parents had mentioned I'd be learning when I got back. We might not have had much interaction with other countries, but we were always prepared. Most of the people in the restaurant spoke English or French, so I listened to snippets of conversation, appreciating the banality of it all. Ordinary lives fascinated me.

  When I left the restaurant, I finally headed to a club. The driver assured me that this was the hottest place in the entire city, if I could get in. That wasn't a problem. I was fully prepared to flash my passport since it contained my royalty status, but I ended up not needing it. The man working the door immediately waved me through and I stepped into the pulsing chaos.

  It took a moment for my eyes and ears to adjust to the lights and the music, but as soon as they did, I was in heaven. No one here was whispering about me. Looks were either admiring or dismissive. A bit of jealousy from a couple women, but I knew it was based on appearance only, nothing more. No one here knew who I was.

  At college, I'd wanted to keep a low profile, and since there were a lot of other people from prestigious or famous families, I'd thought it would be possible. Then, during freshman orientation, a cute guy had decided to sit next to me and strike up a conversation. Tomas and Kai had put a stop to that, announcing to the entire group that I was a princess and off limits. After that, Aaron had been the only one with enough guts to talk to me. Even the girls who would've normally tried to suck up to me kept their distance.

  I wove my way through the crowd, heading for the bar. I had no intention of getting drunk, but I was strung tight and needed something to take the edge off. Ditching Tomas and Kai had been bad enough, but being here would piss my parents off to no end if they found out. I also had absolutely no clue how to behave. This was so far out of my element that, for a moment, I considered leaving, sneaking back into my room and curling up in bed like I'd told Tomas and Kai I'd intended to do.

  “Bonjour, belle. Puis-je vous offrir un verre?”

  A deep voice came from behind me and I turned towards it. His French was flawless, but I detected the American accent that marked him as not being a native.

  “I already have a drink, but thank you.” The words were out of my mouth before I stopped turning and I immediately regretted them as I found myself staring at one of the most gorgeous men I'd ever seen. Messy golden blond hair, eyes that looked black under the club lights. He was tall, easily over six feet, and lean, but not skinny. Features that were just a hint too masculine to be pretty, but close. Full lips that curved into an easy smile.

  “You're not French,” he said, leaning closer so he didn't have to speak so loudly.

  I shook my head, but didn't exp

  “You don't sound American either,” he said. His eyes narrowed like he was studying me, trying to puzzle me out.

  “I'm not,” I said. “Are those my only two options?”

  His smile widened. “Reed Stirling.”

  “Nami Carr.” I found myself returning the smile. There was something about him that appealed to me, and it wasn't just his looks.

  When I'd first met Aaron, there had been this kind of click between us. I'd never experienced it with anyone before or since, until now.

  “Let's dance.”

  Reed grabbed my hand and I gasped as a shock ran all the way up my arm. Based on the look of surprise on Reed's face, he'd felt it too. I could've written it off as some sort of static shock, the kind a person got when they touched metal, but I didn't think that was very accurate. Heat burned its way across my skin from the point where our hands touched and I knew I was blushing. I never blushed.

  He pulled me towards him as we reached the dance floor and then released my hand. I had a moment to be disappointed and then he was moving to the music. He had the sort of feline grace that sometimes came with someone of his build and I wondered how that translated into the bedroom. My blush turned to flame and I silently scolded myself as I started to sway in time with the music. I'd come here to let loose a bit, not hook up with some random American, no matter how hot he was.

  Then he put his hand on my waist and it was like I could feel every cell in my body waking up. His fingers curled possessively around me, pulling me closer to him so that our bodies brushed together as we danced. The music thrummed around us, but despite the sea of people, my world narrowed down to just him and me. His eyes locked with mine, pools of warm darkness, and I couldn't look away. My pulse pounded against my chest, my heart in my throat. I'd never been as aware of someone as I was of him right now.

  Without consciously thinking about it, I raised my hand and pushed his hair away from his eyes, the strands damp with sweat. My fingers traced down his cheek and I felt the muscles in his jaw tense. The hand on my waist slid around to my back and he drew me against him until there was nothing between us but our clothes. I felt the swell of him against my stomach and it sent a thrill through me.