Read A Wicked Truth Page 41

  She let her weight settle more firmly on my lap and I knew she could feel my cock hardening against her ass. Her eyes locked with mine and she slid her hand across my chest. I put my hands on her hips, fighting the urge to take control. I'd told her the truth, but mere words weren't enough to convey the depth of what I felt for her.

  “I need you inside me.” Her nails scraped across my nipples and I hissed. “Do you need...?”

  She didn't need to finish the sentence. I knew what she wanted. I wanted it too. I shook my head. “What about...?”

  Her face hardened for a moment. “The one thing I can say is that even if he has been with others, he would not dare risk the health of a possible child. He's healthy and has been faithful.” The last word held more venom than I'd realized she could possess.

  I reached up to run my fingers down along Nami's cheek. “Are you sure? I would never ask you to do something you don't want.”

  She flexed her hand, digging her nails into my chest. “I want.”

  There was a ferocity in those two words that sent blood rushing to my cock so fast that it almost hurt. She leaned forward and our mouths crashed together hard enough to bruise. She pushed her tongue between my lips and my hands bunched the fabric of my t-shirt. I wanted to feel her skin so badly that my hands were shaking.

  I broke the kiss, my chest tight. “I need to know...”

  She froze in my arms.

  “I need you to tell me what to do.” I kissed her jaw and she relaxed. I looked at her and realized what she'd thought I was going to ask. “I will never ask you to re-live any of that,” I said, tucking a curl behind her ear. “I'll be an ear if you need one, but will never ask.”

  She nodded.

  “Now.” I kissed the corner of her mouth. “Tell me how you want me.”

  “On top.”

  My eyebrows went up at that. I'd thought for sure she would want to be in control. Not that I would complain. I didn't care how she wanted me, only that she did. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded.

  I wrapped my arm around her waist and managed to turn us over without either one of us falling off the couch. As I settled between her legs, I slid one hand up over her thigh and hip, venturing under the t-shirt to answer my previous unspoken question. My hand found nothing but skin beneath the cotton.

  Nami's hands pushed at the waistband of my shorts and I could feel the shift in the air between us. There was an urgency now that hadn't been there before. An edge of desperation to the need that we both had.

  “Inside me.” Nami's breath was hot against my ear. Her hand slid around my hip and wrapped around my cock. “Now.”

  I covered her breast with my hand even as I surged forward, burying myself inside her. Her back arched and I saw her bite her bottom lip to muffle her cry. My entire body shook with the effort to stay quiet. I rested my forehead against hers for a moment, struggling for control.

  “I love you,” I whispered. My hand tightened around her breast.

  “Then love me.” She rested her heels against the back of my knees.

  This wasn't the tender, gentle love-making I'd imagined she would want. This was something deeper and our bodies moved against each other with an almost primal need. My fingers moved beneath her t-shirt, rolling and tugging on her nipple as soft, whimpering sounds fell from her lips, mingling with my own harsh breathing.

  It wasn't long before she began to gasp and moan, the sounds of pleasure that I'd been dreaming about. I could feel my own climax coming and fought it, determined to feel her come around me before I let go. I leaned down and pressed my face against her neck. As I nipped at her throat, her nails dug into my shoulders and we came together, her pussy tightening around my cock as it pulsed inside her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  I could feel hot tears against my skin as Nami held me to her. I hated the circumstances that had brought us back together, hated what had happened, but I loved having her back in my arms. For her, I'd thought I'd left behind my home, but I knew now that wasn't the case. She was my home.

  Chapter 7


  I was deep in the best sleep I'd had in weeks when a loud bang jerked me out of it. For a brief moment, I couldn't remember where I was or what was going on, but then I saw the men coming into the room and immediately reacted.

  I rolled off of the couch, hearing Nami make a noise but not looking at her. She was safe at the moment and I had to keep her that way. I needed to get between her and the men. I barely even registered the fact that I was naked.

  It was only after a few seconds that I realized the men were cops and they had guns pointed at me. I automatically put my hands up, but I didn't move from my place in front of Nami.

  I heard her suck in a breath as Tanek came into the room and it was only knowing that I was shielding her that kept me from going after him.

  “Down on your knees!” one of the cops shouted.

  “Not until he leaves.” I jerked my chin at Tanek. “You get him out of here, keep him away and then I'll get on my knees.”

  I wasn't sure where things would've gone from there because the bedroom door opened and Halea stepped into the room. Before I could move or speak, Tanek was there, grabbing Halea and pulling her towards him.

  As soon as I heard him speak, I knew what he'd done.

  “Please tell me he did not harm you as well, dearest.”

  My jaw dropped, my attention caught for a split second, just long enough for the cops to move. As I was thrown to the ground, my arms yanked behind my back, I managed to get out a question. “What are the charges?”

  “Kidnapping.” The cop jerked on my wrist and a sharp pain shot up my arm.

  “And rape.”

  Tanek's voice cut through the chaos and I heard Nami gasp at his words.

  “I am so sorry, my darling,” Tanek continued. “That I did not arrive in time to stop him.”

  One of Tanek’s personal guards came into the room and Tanek pushed Haley toward him. “Bring this innocent child to the car and wait for us. She shouldn’t witness this horrible crime scene.”

  As soon as they’d left, I was pulled to my feet and one of the cops grabbed my shorts from the ground, roughly forcing me into them. Nami was on her feet now, the blanket wrapped around her. Her face was pale and I could see the panic on her face. She didn't know what to do.

  “It's okay. Let me handle this.” I mouthed the words and prayed she would understand them.

  I didn't want her to think that I expected her to refute the charges, or that I would be hurt that she didn't tell the truth. I knew why she had to stay silent. I didn't want Halea in Tanek's custody any more than she did, and if it meant that my reputation had to suffer for a little while, then that was a sacrifice I was more than willing to make.

  Her eyes met mine and I saw the pain in them. She understood, but it didn't make her hurt any less. My own heart twisted inside me and I wanted to go to her, wrap my arms around her, take her pain away. I hated seeing her this way and I hated even more that I had to leave her, but my only other option was to put Halea at risk and, as much as I loved Nami, I couldn't do it. In fact, it was because I loved Nami that I couldn't speak the truth.

  If it had been Nami's honor at stake, I would've kept myself quiet and waited until we could come before the king and queen to set things straight. With Halea being in Tanek’s custody, however, Nami was at his mercy and I knew that we didn't have time. Once he had them alone, he would most likely release Halea, but I knew he would take out his anger on Nami.

  I pushed the thought aside as the cops started to drag me toward the door. I couldn't think about what Tanek might do. If I did, I wouldn't be able to think straight. It would be a toss-up between trying to kill someone and trying not to throw up. Neither one would help Nami.

  I kept my eyes on her as long as I could, forcing the cops to physically pull me from the room. I didn't care about how my arms were hurting where they gripped me or how my shoul
ders felt like they were going to be pulled out of their sockets. I didn't care about the people staring at me as I finally began to walk down the hall.

  My head was swimming, thoughts racing. I couldn't get them in any order, couldn't make sense of them. And yet I knew I needed to focus. I had to figure out how to get out of this and save both Nami and Halea. At the moment, though, the only thing that was clear to me was that I'd failed them; I'd failed her.

  Chapter 8


  This couldn't be happening. It had to be some awful dream, some nightmare that I couldn't seem to wake up from. I'd been dreaming about the events of last night, reliving every wonderful moment from my reunion with Reed in the garden to falling asleep in his arms after we'd made love. And then I'd heard a loud bang and jerked out of my lovely dream to the horror that unfolded in rapid-fire images that I couldn't stop.

  Reed putting himself between me and the men pouring into the room.

  Grabbing for a blanket to cover myself and wondering, for one sleep-addled moment, why half a dozen cops were pointing guns at Reed.


  My blood turned to ice and I couldn't think.

  And then the worst possible thing. Halea came out of the bedroom.

  I knew what would happen, but I couldn't stop it. Tanek grabbed her and handed her over to his guard. I barely heard what he said, but then the cops were throwing Reed to the ground and my brain finally registered the answer to his question.

  Kidnapping and rape charges. I stared at Tanek in horror. I'd known he was a vile man, but I'd never imagined that he would have Reed arrested for rape. Tanek wasn't stupid. Having an American arrested was bad enough. The kidnapping charge would've been easy to dispute without any repercussions and Tanek could claim ignorance. No harm done.

  Or, I realized, it would have been if the cops hadn't caught Reed and I naked on the couch.

  This was all my fault.

  Halea in danger. Reed arrested.

  All of it was my fault.

  There was no way this could end well. If Tanek had Reed formally charged, then all of this would go public. This could go two ways. I'd be forced to tell the truth, ruin my reputation, and be responsible for Tanek assaulting my sister in revenge. Or I would have to lie under oath and condemn the man I loved. Either way, I would be in disgrace, whether publicly or privately. Even worse, it would all have to be done in front of my parents. The Saja judicial system was similar to many other's, save that capital crimes such as kidnapping, rape and murder were always tried in front of the king and queen. They couldn't recuse themselves. They would have to hear every detail, whether real or made up.

  I watched, helpless, as they dragged Reed from the room.

  “We must take the princess to the hospital. She need to be examined by a doctor.” The police officer speaking with Tanek was slightly older than my husband, but it was clear the man was out of his depth.

  “No,” Tanek said firmly. “If the princesses go to the hospital, someone will talk. We need to keep this quiet.”

  I could feel his eyes on me.

  “Princess Namisa is my wife and I would not have her dishonored this way.”

  I ground my teeth together and prayed for the self-control I needed not to rush at Tanek and attack him. With Haley in the hands of Tanek’s guard I couldn’t do anything, for now at least.

  “What do you wish us to do, Prince Tanek?” the officer asked.

  “You may secure this as a crime scene regarding the charge of kidnapping. Let people think it was for money.”

  I almost laughed at that. I hadn't looked into Reed's family, but I knew they were wealthy. All he had to do was hire a good lawyer who'd submit his bank statements and it would be clear that Reed wasn't after money. Then I remembered what he'd said about having given up much to be with me. If that had included his family's fortune, Tanek might be able to sell the kidnapping charge.

  “I will take the princesses back to the palace,” Tanek continued. “From there, I will summon a discreet physician who can examine my wife.”

  I risked a glance now. Tanek wasn't looking at me. The cop, however, was. He looked nervous and I didn't blame him. It was clear that he wasn't entirely sure what to do. He knew protocol and he wanted to protect his princess. He just wasn't sure how. I gave him a slight nod and saw the relief in his eyes.

  “Very well, Prince Tanek.”

  “And, Officer?” Tanek spoke as the cop was about to walk away. “Make sure your men know not to breathe a word of the secondary charge. I am sure the king and queen wouldn't look too kindly on those who disparaged their daughter’s reputation.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I felt a faint stab of vindictive joy at the anger on Tanek's face at not being referred to as 'your Majesty’. It was bad enough that he could demand to be called Prince. As heir to the throne, I was referred to with the same honor as both of my parents. Tanek would be unable to demand that title until I became queen.

  And I didn't intend for him to be at my side when that happened.

  “Princess Namisa.” Tanek turned to me, eyes still flashing at what he considered to be an insult. “You should get dressed before we leave.”

  I nodded and hurried into the room and grabbed the clothes I'd been wearing yesterday. After a moment's hesitation, I took a t-shirt from Reed's bag and pulled it on over the camisole I'd been wearing. I could claim modesty and Tanek wouldn't argue, not in front of anyone. I closed my eyes and allowed myself a moment to feel the soft cotton on my skin, to breath in Reed's scent. It calmed me, and I opened my eyes.

  When I walked out into the room, I kept my shoulders hunched, my arms crossed against my stomach. For all intents and purposes, I was the victim. As long as I played my part, my sister was safe. Tanek would know that it wasn't real, especially when he realized I was wearing one of Reed's shirts, but that didn't matter.

  “Are you ready to go home?” Tanek made his question seem friendly, concerned, but I knew the truth.

  “Yes.” I allowed him to take my arm, stifling a wince as he dug his fingers into my flesh.

  The police officers all bowed their heads as I walked past and I knew it wasn't only a sign of respect, but an acknowledgement of what they thought had happened to me. I kept my eyes straight ahead as we came out into the hallway. The hotel wasn't very full, but what few guests they had on this floor were in the hall, wanting to know what was going on. I could feel their eyes on me, hear whispered rumors. As we reached the elevators, Tanek shifted, putting his arm around me instead. I guessed he wanted the gesture to look comforting, but he still managed to situate himself so that his fingers could pinch my waist.

  Outside the hotel, I was relieved to see no reporters, only a car. The driver opened the door and Halea was there. She looked concerned but thankfully, unhurt. No matter what happened to me, I was determined to protect my sister. As we settled in the car, Tanek pulled me close, sliding his hand under the t-shirt and grabbing my breast. I made a small pained sound as his grip tightened and that seemed to satisfy him for the moment because he didn't make it worse.

  He pressed his mouth against my ear, pitching his voice low so that Halea couldn't hear him. “You will pay for what you did.”

  My stomach flipped and I twisted my fingers together to keep my hands from shaking.

  “Your parents are gone until Wednesday. They do not know anything about what happened, so they will not be coming home early to rescue you from your punishment.”

  I pressed my lips into a flat line, refusing to give him the satisfaction of another sound.

  “Every night from now until they return, I will beat you until you learn your place. If my fists cannot convince you, then perhaps I will borrow a whip from the stables.” His fingers grasped my nipple, twisting it painfully. “Once I have finished with that part of your lesson, I will use you in whatever way I please.” He switched from our native language to English. “Your mouth. Your cunt. Your ass. You are mine. You will bear my son
and he will make this country great.”

  I had no doubt that he meant it all, or that once I gave him a son – I knew he wouldn't be satisfied with a mere daughter – my life would no longer have any importance. What I feared was that he would become impatient if pregnancy proved as difficult for me as it had been for my grandmothers and my mother. Would he simply get rid of me and take Halea? It wasn't something likely to happen soon, but I had a feeling that he wouldn't wait very long, probably only until Halea turned eighteen.

  All of our guards came to greet the car and I wondered how Tanek's men had explained the escape. I was actually surprised to see them all there rather than in jail or beaten to a pulp. Tanek couldn't have been happy when he'd discovered Halea and I were missing.

  “Kai, Tomas, take Princess Halea to her room.”

  Both men glanced at me as they gestured for Halea to come with them. I avoided meeting their eyes. They couldn't know what Tanek had done to me. They would either kill him or go to my parents. While the first would relieve me of my problem, it would also put them in prison, no matter what their reasons had been. The second would put Halea in more danger.


  A tall guard of French descent stepped forward. He was a grim-looking man, the kind that would've looked more at home lurking in a dark alley than he did here.

  “Escort Princess Namisa to our chambers.”

  Claudel gave Tanek a sharp nod.

  “Keep the princesses in their rooms. Lock them in if necessary. They are not to leave.”

  What was Tanek doing, I wondered. Was he going to lock me in my room for hours, letting me imagine all the things he planned to do to me?

  He switched to English as he answered my unasked question. “I will be going to the police station to deal with the criminal who dared kidnap our princesses.” He glared at his guards. “And I will expect, upon my return, a competent explanation of how this happened, who is to blame and what is being done to prevent it from happening again.” He threw a glance in my direction before returning to the guards. “Punishments will be dealt out when I return.”