Read A Wicked Truth Page 43

  The belt came again, hard enough to leave welts. Once, he hit my cheek and I cried out. That's when I heard the door open.


  I barely had enough presence of mind to try to cover myself as Kai and Tomas stepped into the room. I watched their eyes go from me to Tanek and back again. The expressions on their faces, more than how I felt, told me how bad I looked.

  “Leave,” Tanek hissed. “Return to your duties with Princess Halea, or I swear I will kill Namisa and claim I saw you two do it.”

  They looked at me and I knew they would do whatever I said.

  It wasn't even a question.

  I needed my sister safe.

  “Go to Halea,” I said. My voice was hoarse. “Keep her safe.”

  They left, but not before I saw the anger in their eyes.

  The interruption seemed to have taken the majority of Tanek's anger and he tossed the belt away. “Slut.”

  I heard more than felt him spit on me, and then the door was closing and I was alone.

  I wanted a shower, but I didn't want to move. I never wanted to move again. For the first time in my life, I actually considered how much easier it would be to just kill myself. I could almost feel it, a razor across my wrists, up my forearms. Blood pouring down my arms, releasing me, freeing me.

  But then I remembered what Tanek had said he would do if I wasn't there. If I died, he would take my sister.

  A felt a new kind of cold spread through me, something I hadn't felt before. This wasn't like ice. This was steel, hard and unbendable. The kind of cold I would need if I was going to protect Halea. The kind of cold I would need to kill Tanek.

  Not in self-defense, not in a heat of the moment kind of thing. I was talking something calculated. Planned. First degree, cold-blooded murder. The kind of thing that could get me executed if I managed it. But it would mean Halea would be safe and I would be free.

  My entire body pulsed with pain, but I pushed myself up, first onto my hands and knees. I stood, first leaning on the wall for support, and then managing it on my own two feet. First, a shower, and then, I would start figuring out the best way to kill my husband.

  Chapter 11


  I would've written my bogus confession right away if the cops had brought me a pen and paper. As it was, I didn't get either until mid-day on Sunday. I was pretty sure Tanek had told them to make me wait until then, wanting me to have to spend at least one night in jail. If I hadn't been so worried about Nami, I actually wouldn't have cared. The bed wasn't the most comfortable thing I'd ever slept on, but it wasn't too bad. I was alone in my cell, probably because Tanek didn't want me talking to anyone about what had happened, and I was unselfconscious enough that I didn't care about taking a piss out in the open.

  But here I was, and that meant I spent Sunday writing out the most miserable piece of filth I'd ever seen. I tried being vague, simply writing that I'd met the princess in Paris, come to Saja and when I found her married, I'd kidnapped her. Halea had walked in so I'd taken her too. We'd gone to a hotel and I'd forced Nami to have sex with me.

  I was sick to my stomach when I handed the paper to the officer, and then even more so when he gave it back.

  “Prince Tanek was very clear. You must provide a detailed motive as well as be specific as to what you did to the princess.” The cop looked almost as ill as I felt and I would've felt sorry for him if he hadn't been following the orders of a complete ass. At least it seemed like he thought he was doing the right thing.

  I went back to the bed and sat down again. This time, I elaborated as to why I'd come to Saja, using at least some form of the truth in that regard. I said I'd fallen for the princess and wanted to court her. Then the lies started again. I said that when I found out she was married, I tried to make a pass at her and she rebuffed me. I was angry and decided that I would have her no matter what. I took her and Halea when the latter interrupted us.

  I had to stop when I reached the part where I was supposed to elaborate on what I'd done to Nami. The moment I thought of putting pen to paper and coming up with lies as to how I'd violated her, my stomach heaved. I tossed the papers aside and barely made it to the toilet in time for my breakfast to come up.

  I sat there for a few minutes, eyes closed, waiting to see if I was going to throw up again. I didn't want to do this, but I knew I had to. If I didn't do it exactly how Tanek wanted, he'd find some way to motivate me, and I didn't even want to think about what that would be. Plus, I knew the longer I was in jail, the more time he had to hurt Nami.

  I stood, flushed the toilet then went to the sink and rinsed my mouth out. I splashed water on my face and looked in the mirror. One whole side of my face was swollen and bruised from where Tanek had hit me. It wasn't bad enough that I couldn't see clearly, but it wasn't comfortable either.

  “Pull yourself together,” I told my reflection. “You know what he's doing to Nami, and the only way you can help her is if you lie. Stop being such a pussy.”

  With that pep talk, I went back to the task at hand. As I began, I remembered how Nami had related Tanek's assaults to me, and I used what she'd said. When she and Halea were safe, I'd make sure this confession was brought out and the truth told about who had really done these things. Nami might not have filed a complaint against Tanek, but her experiences would be written down.

  I finished and handed the confession over to the officer. He skimmed it and I watched the disgust and anger grow on his face. I wanted to tell him that it hadn't been me, that I'd never do anything like that to any woman, much less Nami, but I kept my mouth shut. My reputation wasn't important right now. Once the princesses were away from Tanek, I would consider everything else.

  Finally, he nodded. “This will do. A car will be here in the morning to take you to the airport.”

  Tomorrow. One more day and I'd be out of here and on my way to figuring out how to save Nami.

  I went back to the bed and stretched out. I knew I wouldn’t sleep well tonight either. My brain was already buzzing with a thousand different plans, each more unlikely than the next. At least I had the rest of the day with uninterrupted silence to think.

  When the cell door opened the next morning, I'd managed only a couple hours of sleep, none of it restful, and I wasn't any closer to figuring out what to do than I had been when I'd first started.

  “Time to leave.”

  One of the cops who'd arrested me came into the cell, the expression on his face telling me that he fully believed the charges. He looked like he wanted nothing more than to finish what Tanek had started, but I wasn't about to give him an excuse to hit me. I stood and put my hands in front of me, making sure he could see that I wasn't going to try anything.

  He grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the door. I wanted to pull back, but I refrained. Just a little bit longer and I'd be free. A black town car was sitting in front of the station and the cop gave me a shove towards it.

  “I pray you come back to Saja,” he said. “It will give me great pleasure to make you suffer.”

  I was off to a great start, winning the hearts of Nami's people. I only hoped that when all was said and done, people like this police officer would understand why I'd done what I did.

  I climbed into the back seat of the car, realizing for the first time how completely grimy I was. I was still wearing only the boxers they'd let me put on before leaving the hotel and I hadn't showered. I assumed this had been another way of Tanek trying to humiliate me. I grimaced at the smell. I couldn't get on a plane like this. If nothing else, I at least needed a shirt.

  “Hey.” I tapped on the black glass separating me from the driver. “I need to go to my hotel room and get my things.”

  No response.

  “I at least need some clothes. They won't let me on a plane like this.”

  The window didn't come down, but I felt the car turn and slow.

  Oh shit. A stab of panic went through me. I'd really thought that Tanek had meant to le
t me go. Having me put on trial or killed while in police custody would've caused some serious international relations with America. My godfather was a retired Congressman who still had clout in Washington.

  However, if I should happen to be found dead in a seedy part of the city – even in a place like Saja, there had to be some unsavory parts, right? – the victim of a robbery, it would be sad, but officials could say that they were doing everything in their power to bring the killers to justice. Even better, if they made it look like I'd been involved in something illegal – gambling, prostitution, drugs – they could almost guarantee that the US would stay out of it.

  I heard both the front doors open and my heart began to pound. This was definitely not good. One person, I might be able to fight off, but not two, not on as little sleep as I'd had. Still, I tensed as the back door opened. I wouldn't give up without at least trying.

  A familiar face looked in at me though it took me a moment to place it since the expression was actually friendly.


  I climbed out of the car, wondering why Kai and, I saw as I straightened, Tomas, had been chosen to escort me to the airport. Kai shut the door behind me and tossed me a shirt. My shirt, I saw with some surprise.

  “Tanek has all of the family's cars under surveillance,” Tomas said.

  I pulled on my shirt. I would've felt better with pants too, but at least this was something.

  “We know you are innocent of what Tanek says.”

  I stared at Kai. “What?”

  “We have been assigned to Princess Halea, and she told us the truth of what happened,” Tomas said. “The night the princesses returned, we went to see Princess Namisa, to ask her what she wished us to do in regards to Princess Halea's claims.”

  Kai's face tightened as he continued from where Tomas left off. “Tanek was beating Princess Nami.”

  My hands curled into fists.

  “We wanted to stop him,” Tomas said. “But he said he would kill the princess and frame us for the murder.”

  “Still, we would have tried,” Kai insisted. “But Princess Nami told us to go to her sister.”

  I didn't doubt that. Even if she was being attacked, Nami's thoughts would've been to keep Halea safe.

  “We spoke with the police,” Tomas said. “And they told us you had written a confession. This was Tanek's doing?”

  I nodded. “He said if I didn't, he'd make sure Nami had to testify to all sorts of horrible lies in front of her parents, and that I'd be waiting for a trial for a year, knowing that he was hurting her the whole time.”

  Tomas and Kai exchanged a look. It was Tomas who spoke, “Will you answer us honestly?”

  I probably should have asked what the question was first, but I nodded instead. I was starting to suspect that Kai and Tomas wanted to protect Nami as much as I did.

  “We know that you slept with Princess Nami in Paris and in Venice,” Kai said.

  “I did,” I admitted, hoping this wasn't the part where they decided to kill me to avenge her honor. I didn't think so, but I could've been wrong.

  “But then you came here for her,” Tomas said.

  “I did.”

  “Why?” Kai asked.

  “Why?” I echoed.

  “Why did you come here?” Tomas asked. “Paris and even Venice made sense, but lust does not inspire a man to come halfway around the world for a woman. Nor to risk what you have risked for her.”

  “I love her,” I said. “I came here because I love her and I want to marry her.”

  “You have already put your freedom in jeopardy because of her,” Tomas continued. “And now you have a free pass to go home. If you would like, we will drive you to the airport, as per our instructions.”

  “And if I don't like?” I asked.

  “Then we would ask for your help,” Kai said.

  “Help with what?” I needed to hear the answer from them.

  Tomas answered, “Help getting Princess Nami out of the country and away from Tanek.”

  Relief flooded through me. I wouldn’t to have to do this alone. First, they had to know all of it. “We need to take Princess Halea too. That's how Tanek has been keeping Nami quiet. He's threatened to do to Halea what he's been doing to Nami.” The words almost choked me.

  The fury on the guards' faces made me take a step back.

  “Tomas will take the car to the airport as planned,” Kai said. “And then drive it back to the palace.” He looked at me. “He will then meet us at my apartment where we will be planning.” He pointed towards an older car sitting at the other end of the alley. “That is my car.”

  Tomas walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk. Inside were my bags. He pulled them out and set them on the ground next to me. “You will need proper clothing for us to do this.” He frowned at me. “And a shower.”

  I sighed. “Tell me about it.” I picked up my bags. “All right, let's do this.”

  Chapter 12


  We didn't have a lot of time to plan, I knew, because as soon as Tanek realized I wasn't on the plane, he would know that Tomas and Kai were helping me, and there wouldn't be any doubt as to what they were helping me do. The last thing we needed was for Tanek to either call the police or to add more security around the girls. I was pretty sure he wouldn't do the former, not now that I had Kai and Tomas helping me. He knew they'd seen what he'd done to Nami and since they'd been her long-term bodyguards, their word would carry a lot more weight with the king and queen than mine would. In fact, if the king and queen had been in Saja, I would've been tempted just to go to them, but they wouldn't be back until Wednesday and we couldn't wait that long.

  While we waited for Tomas to join us at Kai's apartment, I took a shower and changed into clean clothes. When I came out of the bathroom, Kai had food waiting. By the time Tomas arrived, I was feeling relatively alert, though I gratefully accepted one of the energy drinks that Kai handed out as we settled around his small kitchen table.

  Tomas took a drink and then spoke, “Shortly after the wedding, Tanek removed Kai and me from Princess Nami's detail. He convinced the king and queen that it would be better if Kai and I moved to protect Princess Halea as she would be coming of age. We assumed Princess Nami asked to have us moved because...” He hesitated and then shrugged. “Because of you and everything that happened when we were in Paris and Venice.”

  “Oh.” I grimaced. “Sorry.”

  He shook his head. “We see now that it was not the princess. Tanek replaced half of the guards with his own men. I can see now that Tanek knew he would not be able to harm the princess while she was under our protection.”

  “You may have been able to arrange time alone with the princess,” Kai said. “But we knew that was because she wished it. If she did not, we would have stopped you.”

  “And we would have stopped him,” Tomas said.

  “We'll stop him now,” I said.

  The men nodded.

  “And you two being Halea's guards is going to work in our favor.” A plan was slowly forming. “We need to get her away someplace safe before Nami will even consider leaving. If I have the two of you taking care of Halea, then I can just worry about Nami.”

  “It will not be enough to simply remove them from the palace,” Tomas said.

  “Yeah,” I said dryly. “I figured that one out all on my own.”

  Tomas glanced at Kai and then looked at me. “One of the reasons we thought you would be able to help us is that you have resources that we do not.”

  Ah. Right. Money. A lightbulb went off. Not just money, but connections outside of Saja. I had the resources to get the princesses out of the country.

  “I might need some help with connections, but I think I have an idea.” I leaned back. “I know there's the one airport, but does it deal with private planes?”

  They both nodded.

  “Then here's what we're going to do,” I said. “I'll pay for a private plane to be ready this evening.
You find some excuse to get Halea out of the palace and get her to the airport. I'll follow with Nami. Once we're on the plane, you two can do whatever you can to make yourselves safe until we can get Tanek put away.” I looked at Kai first and then at Tomas. “You know he's going to come after you.”

  “We know,” Kai said.

  “But we promised to protect the princess and we failed,” Tomas said. “We will not fail this time.”

  I nodded. “Can you come up with something that won't make Tanek suspicious?”

  “We will tell Halea that we're taking her someplace safe. She knows enough about what's going on to understand that the palace is not safe for her or her sister. We will have her tell the other guards that she wishes to go shopping for the king's birthday next week,” Tomas said. “They will not wish to do that, so we will take her.”

  “That's good,” I said. “What about Tanek? How do we make sure he doesn't interfere?”

  “Most Monday evenings, Tanek spends the evening drinking the king's finest wine.” Kai didn't even bother to try to disguise the contempt in his voice.

  “Good,” I said. “So we don't have to wait. While you two are getting Halea out of there, I'll go for Nami. I can get into her room.”

  Kai raised an eyebrow and my cheeks grew hot.

  “She showed me that I can get in through the maid's quarters.”

  “I knew we should have locked those quarters up,” Tomas said with a sigh. “But it does not matter. She is no longer in that room.”


  “She and Tanek were moved to the bridal suite after the wedding.” Tomas looked down, as if suddenly realizing that I might not want to hear that.

  “Where's that?” I asked, my chest tightening. I didn't want to think about what had been happening in that room.

  Kai stood and walked across the small apartment to a cluttered desk in the corner. He rummaged through some things and came up with a piece of paper and a pencil. He brought it back to the table and began to draw.