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  Triple Trouble 6

  A Wolf in the Fold

  Cockatrice, wolf-otes, and dragons, oh, my. All Elain Pardie-Lyall wants this Christmas is for life to settle down and give her a break, so she can enjoy her three hunky wolf shifter hubbies Ain, Brodey, and Cail Lyall, as well as her extended family.

  Fat chance of that. Current events are woven from ancient vengeance. The future of the new mega-Clan and lives of countless innocents hinge upon the Triad of Elain, Lina, and Mai untangling threads from the tapestry of the past.

  Fate's a real bitch…but so is Elain. She isn't a wolf to be trifled with, especially where loved ones are concerned. It's time for her to embrace her heritage and her destiny, and she's determined to do so with open paws. With lives on the line, Elain must dig deeper than ever before and figure out how to walk her new path, or risk losing everything when she discovers lurking amongst them A Wolf in the Fold.

  Note: This book contains graphic violence and depictions of torture.

  Genre: Contemporary, Fantasy, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 126,227 words


  Triple Trouble 6

  Tymber Dalton


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Tymber Dalton

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-277-3

  First E-book Publication: February 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To Hubby and Sir, who both somehow manage to keep me going. It is no exaggeration when I say I couldn’t do this without their grounding presence.


  I don’t talk about it a lot, to respect my son’s privacy, but I am the mom of a special-needs child. My son was born with spina bifida. (I used some of our real-life adventures as the basis for events in my book, Cross Country Chaos.) I’m blessed that he has grown up to be a remarkable young man, a talented wheelchair athlete, and even earned his Eagle Scout ranking.

  The poem referred to in this book is called “Welcome to Holland” by Emily Perl Kingsley. You can read the full text at: When my son was first born, it was something that helped me immensely.

  The events of this book pick up immediately where Out of Smoke and Ashes (Triple Trouble 5) leaves off.

  Yes, “hashing” is a real thing. Yes, there are groups all over the world. And yes, it’s even more fun than it sounds. No, you don’t have to drink alcohol to participate. (I only drink water.)

  And no, I don’t know how many of those hashers might really be shifters. On-on!

  If you haven’t read the previous books in the series, it’s strongly suggested you do so. Otherwise, events in this book might not make sense.

  The correct reading order for the entire series, including the prequels, is as follows:

  Boiling Point (Tasty Treats, Vol. 3) - Triple Trouble prequel

  Steam - Triple Trouble prequel

  Fire and Ice - Triple Trouble prequel

  Trouble Comes in Threes - Triple Trouble 1

  Storm Warning - Triple Trouble 2

  Three Dog Night - Triple Trouble 3

  Triple Dog Dare - Triple Trouble 4

  Out of Smoke and Ashes - Triple Trouble 5

  Also, some of characters from other books and series make appearances. I’m sorry, I can’t help what the voices tell me to write. Dang pushy Alphas, anyway. You can find Ryan Ausar in my Good Will Ghost Hunting series, and Wyatt Belaforte, of the alligator shifters and the dolphin shifters, in my Placida Pod series. The vampires who run Yellowstone (even though you don’t meet them in this book) can be found in my Brimstone Vampire series.

  All titles are available from Siren-BookStrand.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Author's Note


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Chapter Fifty

  About the Author


  Triple Trouble 6


  Copyright © 2014


  Way, way, way back yonder.

  None were happy about the reason for the Gathering. The Elders from most of the Clans had already consulted with the Seers, who had handed down their decision in private to those they knew they could trust.

  Unfortunately, they knew they had no way of preventing Ahriman and his cockatrice Clan from attending, short of openly declaring a Clan war against him.

  None had the desire to do that. In fact, by making the decision they had, they wished to avoid that very outcome. Their hope was that, after seeing all of the Clans in allegiance against him and the cockatrice, Ahriman would simply withdraw and quietly leave.

  They also knew that wasn’t very likely.

  Thus as the Gathering was called to order, with representatives from all the shifter Clans in the known lands in attendance, no one would meet the cockatrice leader’s gaze. Ahriman stood tall, hand on the hilt of his sword, daring anyone to challenge him or his presence.

  Oddr, the leader of the rapidly dwindling Seer Clan, stepped into the center of the circle, his brown robes swirling around his aged and gaunt frame. “I will dispense with the pleasantries. As you all know, for some time now our Seer ranks have been under attack by unknown forces.”

  A rumble of discontent reverberated around the circle, with most of it directed toward Ahriman. No one doubted the cockatrice were likely behind the abductions and murders of the peaceful Seers.

  The problem lay in proving it.

  Oddr continued. “Our people, now numbering less than five score, can no longer attempt to live independently. Although it pains us greatly to admit this.” He turned and faced Ahriman, his head held high, his ancient spine as straight as a fir tree. “We have lived peaceably since before the memory of prophecy with the Clans, and even with humans. All save one Clan.”

  Ahriman remained still and silent, his heavy glare falling upon the Seer like a foul cloud, even as the other Clan representatives let out another low, rumbling chorus of displeasure toward the cockatrice.

  “We have discussed amongst ourselves our various options,” Oddr said. “Stay sovereign and risk complete annihilation. Or, pay extortion suggested by certain parties and risk them trying to enslave us.”

  He turned his back on the cockatrice and addressed the others. “Our other option, of course, was appealing to the other Clans and offering to join them and merge with them. This, my friends, is our decision, despite it paining us to splinter our unique heritage and bloodline. Therefore, as you have already been made aware, we are bidding our farewells to each other today, joining with your Clans as agreed, and returning with you to your respective territories.”

  With that declaration, Ahriman broke his silence. “What?” he roared. “No one consulted with me or my Clan about this!”

  Oddr wheeled around. “That is because we know it is your Clan behind the misery now befalling us. Because you and yours have attempted to take control of our gifts by force and trickery as a way of gaining an advantage over your fellows. We have decided that never shall we assist the cockatrice. We have, as one, sworn allegiance with the other Clans and against yours. Never shall a Seer ever willingly utter a word or lift a finger to assist a cockatrice. For the first time in our existence, we have declared an enemy.”

  Oddr didn’t retreat as Ahriman drew his sword and stepped forward. The cockatrice immediately found himself surrounded by forty-plus sword tips when the other shifters moved as one to surround him.

  While several wolf Clans were represented, Merrwhin, the leader of the oldest and largest wolf Clan, and in whose territory the Gathering was assembled, spoke. “I suggest ye turn your back and leave this place now if ye wish to survive.”

  Gremall, the head of the largest dragon Clan’s flagyer, also spoke. “Agreed. We are aligned with the other Clans and the Seers. We shall allow you to leave here, but if you ever cross our paths again, we shan’t hesitate to destroy you down to the last one. Cockatrice have done nothing but bring misery and strife wherever they slither to in this world despite our repeated attempts to live amicably with them. We are done trying to make peace with you when you obviously have no desire to live thusly.”

  Ahriman slowly sheathed his sword. All the while, his black gaze remained sharp and heavy on Oddr. “Know you this, Seer. This affront shall never be forgotten, nor forgiven. And as the Goddess of All is my witness, know this as well—we shall rule this world and wipe out those who stand in our way, even if we have to destroy the world and die trying to do so.”

  Merrwhin stepped forward, the tip of his sword pressing under Ahriman’s chin. He forced the cockatrice to raise his head and expose his throat. “Ye can try, ye bloody bastard, but it will spell the complete annihilation of yer people. Go, now, before we kill ye where ye stand.”

  Merrwhin spit in the dirt, near the toes of Ahriman’s leather boots. The men standing behind Ahriman stepped apart, allowing the cockatrice to slowly retreat between them.

  “Hear me now and hear me well,” Ahriman growled. “This is the beginning of a war you shall wish you had never declared.” He turned his back on them and quickly strode to his horse, easily swinging up onto its back. He headed out of the clearing, but he stopped at the edge and wheeled his mount around. Before anyone could react, he launched a fireball toward the group. It caught Oddr in the chest and blasted him ten feet through the air before he slammed to the ground. With a triumphant crow, Ahriman spurred his mount and took off through the trees.

  When some tried to go after him, Oddr motioned for them to be called back. They all gathered around the fallen Seer. Merrwhin and Gremall knelt on either side of the dying man and held his hands.

  “Promise me,” the Seer rasped. “Promise me all, that you will not rest until you wipe them out to the very last.”

  “We promise,” Merrwhin said, his voice hoarse with emotion.

  Gremall nodded. “To the very last.”

  The other Clan representatives nodded. “To the very last,” they all echoed.

  Oddr slowly nodded as his eyes fell closed for the last time.

  Chapter One

  The here and now.

  Elain Pardie Lyall sat and stared across the kitchen counter at the other woman, a woman she’d heard more than her fair share about, but whom she hadn’t met.

  Until tonight.

  Baba Yaga, in the flesh.

  Well, so to speak, since Elain’s body was still sound asleep in bed at home in Arcadia, Florida, and she was only there in Baba Yaga’s kitchen mentally.

  And she had no idea where the Immortal’s kitchen was physically located.

  Frankly, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

  She suspected she would awake in the morning regretting this little overnight disembodied chat with her friend Callie’s eldest sister.

  Elain also struggled to process everything she’d just learned from the woman. Not just the interesting flashback of how the cockatrice became the sworn enemies of all the other shifters.

  The more personal information was what had ground her brain to a halt. Like how she, Lina, and Mai formed a new Triad, taking the place of the one previously composed of Baba Yaga and her younger sisters, Brighde and Callie. And that Mai was also a Seer like her and Lina.

  Oh, and the craptastic fact that wily wolf shifter and asshole extra
ordinaire, Rodolfo Abernathy, is still alive, although apparently someone’s captive.

  “It’s been, what, several weeks now,” Elain said aloud. “Close to two months, right? So who’s running his organization? Those two guys who kidnapped Mom seemed to be in the ‘no love lost’ camp. They were quick to boogie out the door and—” She snapped her mouth shut on her next words, the cliché too obvious even for her.

  “Toss Rodolfo to the wolves?” Baba Yaga wore a wry smile.

  “Yeah. That.”

  “A wolf as old and canny as Rodolfo Abernathy no doubt has mechanisms in place to protect his organization and keep it running indefinitely in his absence. Frankly, I don’t concern myself with him. He is merely incidental to the larger picture.”

  “He wasn’t incidental to my life.”

  The Immortal tipped her head. “True.”

  “In fact, he’s been a major pain in my fricking ass my whole life, although I didn’t know it until recently.”

  “Again, true. I did not mean to belittle your experiences. However, the world and the situation are far larger than perhaps you are able to grasp at this time. Not that I’m saying that as an insult,” she quickly added. “This is all very new and very overwhelming to you, I’m sure. It’s been not even six months since you were brought into this by your mates.”

  “You got that right,” Elain grumbled.

  In fact, it felt like a lifetime. What started that past July as a simple assignment, covering the Arcadia Highland Games for the Venice TV station she worked for, had turned into mating and marrying triplet Alpha wolf shifters.