Read A Wolf in the Fold Page 39

  She stood. “Bullshit. You had no idea.” She headed for the door. “We’ll see you at dinner.”

  Ortega followed her out before taking the lead. When they were safely down the hall, he stopped her, turning her to face him. “Why did you tell him that? I never even told him that. I knew he loved his mate. Why did you take that from him when he’s still mourning her? I’ve never known you to be so cruel.”

  She sweetly smiled. “Just because he needs to live, for now, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t suffer for what he took from others. Believe me, if it wasn’t for that baby, and for Marston’s future role, he’d be dead already even at the risk of me insulting your hospitality.” She took his arm. “Now, how about showing me to my room so I can freshen up?”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  They were only home a week, and the tropical storm fizzled into a harmless clump of rain, when the urge got too great for Elain to stand any longer. She walked into the office after dinner and closed the door behind her.

  “I need to go back to Maine,” she said.

  Ain frowned as he sat back in his chair. He’d been working on paperwork at Cail’s desk. “Why?”

  “I…just need to go.”

  He didn’t speak for a moment, but she waited him out.


  She nodded.

  “Seer stuff?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded.

  “Is it something you don’t want to tell me, or can’t tell me?”

  “I don’t know yet. It’s a feeling. I really need to go take care of it before it drives me nuts.”

  “Nothing we can do to help?”

  “I don’t think so.” She tried to soften it. “I just need to do this, I think. It’s nothing against you guys, I promise. Depending on what I find, I might be able to talk with you about it when I get back.”


  At first, she didn’t understand what he said. “Okay?”

  He nodded. “Okay. Is there anything I can do or get for you to make the trip easier?”

  Surprise and relief threatened to overwhelm her. She’d expected at least a little push-back from him. Not…this. “You’re not upset?”

  He frowned. “Why? Should I be? You’re a grown woman. You have a very important role. If you tell me you think this is something you need to do, as long as you promise me you’ll stay safe doing it, then okay. Considering the cockatrice are probably lying low for right now, I’m guessing you’ll stay safe.”

  She rounded the desk and sat in his lap, her arms draped around his neck. “Thank you. I really appreciate this.”

  He nuzzled the side of her throat. “It’s been a rough year. Well, close to a year. You three especially have been through a lot the past few months. I’m still not sure Jim’s over what happened to him in Yellowstone. If whatever you need to do helps you with all that, then go. If you want one or all of us to go with you, fine. If you want to go alone, that’s okay.”

  “But not fine?”

  His lips curved a little. “I’m not going to lie and say I won’t be concerned about you while you’re gone if one of us isn’t there to keep an eye out. But if I was worried, I’d be demanding at least one of us go with you for the traveling part of the trip, even if it meant staying at a hotel or something while you did what you needed to do. I will insist you take your gun with you and keep it with you.”

  She rested her palm against his cheek, late-day stubble scratching her flesh. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  His gaze softened. “I have no reason not to trust you, Elain. I love you. All I ask is you keep checking in, and that if you find you do need help, you get one of our Clan up there to help you. And, please, check in with Blackie and Callie when you get there, okay? At least keep them posted. I’d feel better if you did.”

  She touched her forehead to his. “I promise.”

  He kissed her on the lips, warm and tender and sweet, but not begging for more. “Thank you.”

  “My gentler, kinder Prime.”

  He switched to a Scottish brogue. “My sweet lassie. How I love ye.”

  Heat pulsed in her core. “Keep that up, and you’re getting yourself laid.”


  She got up and locked the office door before walking back to him. Meeting his grey gaze, she unfastened her shorts and shoved them and her panties down her legs. He turned his chair around, quickly unfastening his jeans and freeing his stiff cock.

  She climbed into the chair, facing him, straddling him. He lifted her shirt up and off her, followed by her bra.

  With her hands on his shoulders for balance she settled her pussy down onto his cock, letting out a sigh as he filled her cunt, bottoming out inside her. He grabbed her, pulling her close, her nipples rubbing into hard peaks as they chafed against the fabric of his shirt.

  He buried one hand in her hair, pulling her head to the side and exposing her neck. “If you think,” he mumbled against her flesh, “that I’ll send you off without marking you myself, you’re mistaken, mate.” He sank his teeth into her neck, making her cry out as an orgasm exploded through her. Her hands balled into tight fists as she squirmed, impaled on his cock while he growled.

  “That’s it, mate,” he thought to her. “You just keep coming on my cock until I tell you to stop.”

  Now it was her turn to bite down on his shoulder as the edict kicked in, getting a mouthful of fabric to stifle her screams of pleasure. Her entire body felt like it was on fire, her pussy grabbing and squeezing his cock while she tried to fuck him and he just wouldn’t move.

  His chuckle rumbled through her brain. “Just like that, baby. Come until I let you stop.” He stood, turning them until he could set her on the edge of the desk. She wrapped her legs around him, writing in ecstasy, the pain of his teeth amping up her uncontrollable orgasm.

  In her mind she both cursed him and begged for it to never end. She didn’t know how it was possible for her to experience this much pleasure without it killing her, but she decided not to question it.

  And no way in hell would she ask him to stop.

  He didn’t move except to softly growl while her body undulated beneath him. She couldn’t count how many times she came, because it was one long blur melded together. He finally unlatched from her neck, licking her flesh, before leaning in again, this time to capture her left breast in his mouth.

  He bit down there, too, not as hard as on her throat, but a huge mouthful that had his teeth embedded in her flesh and his tongue flicking against her nipple. She closed her eyes and shoved her hand in her mouth, trying not to scream and alert the whole house that they were fucking in the office. He repeated it with her right breast, driving her insane with pleasure, her cunt still trying to milk his cock.

  He raised up and examined his handiwork. “Good,” he whispered. He straightened and grabbed her hips and began fucking her. “You can stop coming after I do,” he said, a playful tone in his voice.

  She forced her eyes open and watched him fuck her, watched him watching her, her body no longer hers, belonging totally to him.

  If he didn’t come soon, she was worried she might pass out from the pleasure.

  His strokes grew harder, faster, deeper, and both relief and disappointment mixed as he came, his balls emptying inside her, filling her until he fell still. He leaned forward and kissed her while she tried to catch her breath.

  Grabbing her, he sat back in the chair, her still impaled on his cock, her head lolling weakly against his shoulder. They sat like that in silence for several minutes until a knock on the door startled them.

  Brodey. “I smell sex,” he softly said.

  She buried her face against Ain’s shoulder and laughed. He kissed her forehead. “Go away,” he said.

  Brodey knocked again. “No fair hogging her.”

  Ain let out a sigh. “He’s not going away. You realize that, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Hold on,” he said. He stood and carefully
deposited her in the chair. Pulling up his jeans, he tucked himself in before walking over the door. He tried to ease it open a crack but Brodey pushed through and raced over to where Elain sat curled up in the chair.

  Ain closed the door again.

  “Aha!” Brodey said, triumphant and already working on his shorts. “I knew I smelled sex.” With both hands on the arms of the chair, he leaned in and kissed Elain. He shot Ain an accusatory glare. “Did you wear her out?”

  He leaned against the door with a smile, his arms crossed. “Ask her.”

  Nose to nose, he whispered, “Do you have any energy for me?”

  She could never refuse her sweet bonehead. She draped her hands around his neck. “How about you do a quickie now and make it up to me later?”

  She let out a squeal as Brodey scooped her up out of the chair and set her on the desk again. His cock was already inside her and fucking her, hard and fast, before she got her bearings.

  He nibbled the side of her neck. “I see Prime marked you good, hmm?”

  “Yeah. I think he wanted to show ownership before I leave.”

  Brodey fell still, the sudden lack of movement startling her. He straightened and looked at Ain. “What the fuck? Leaving? What?”

  She tried to regain Brodey’s attention. “We can talk about it later.”

  He pulled out. “Uh, no, we’ll talk about it now. What’s going on?”

  She didn’t think anything could derail Brodey’s mind when it came to sex.

  Apparently, she was wrong. He pulled her up and put her back in the chair, his cock already wilting.


  “She’s going back to Maine,” Ain told him. “Alone.”

  “What? No.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I told her it was okay.”

  “You didn’t think to ask us first?”

  She reached out and clutched his arm. “Seer stuff,” she gently said. “Just for a little bit. A few days. I really need to do this.”

  Brodey looked crestfallen. She hated seeing that expression on his face. Trying to distract him, she reached for his cock with her other hand. “Come on, sweetie. Let’s finish what you started.”

  But he grabbed her hand and made her let go of his cock. “No, let’s talk about this. Does Cail know?”

  “We haven’t gotten that far yet,” Ain said. “She just asked me.”

  “And you didn’t think to come get us? What, you were too busy fucking her brains out to think, ‘Hmm, maybe I should talk to my brothers’?”

  “You can’t stop her from going,” Ain said.

  “She’s also sitting right here,” Elain added, crossing her arms over her chest and feeling more than a little irritated.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  “What’s going on in there?” Cail called out.

  Ain opened the door enough to let him in, closing and locking it behind him.

  “Guess what Prime prick agreed to without involving us first?” Brodey said.

  “Steak and a blow job, from the smell in here. That desk is where I work, you know.”

  Brodey snorted in disgust. “No. He told Elain she could go up to Maine by herself.”

  Elain stood and grabbed her shirt and shorts from the floor. “Elain is a big girl who can do shit on her own without needing your permission.” She yanked her shirt on, then her shorts, and headed for the door.

  Cail stepped into her path, his expression serious. “Whoa, wait a minute. What’s going on? Can someone please fill me in?” He glanced at his brother. “And Brodey, dude. Pants on, please?”

  Brodey glared at him but yanked his shorts up.

  “She needs to go up to handle some Seer stuff,” Ain said, not moving from in front of the door. “I told her it’s okay.”

  Cail scrunched his mouth up. “I know you’re Prime, but Brodey’s right—”

  He threw up his hands. “Thank you!”

  “—that you should have consulted with us out of courtesy.”

  “I am not a child,” Elain said, her anger starting to seethe. “I have shit I have to do, and you two aren’t making it any easier on me.”

  “Whoa, babe,” Cail said, holding up his hands. “I’m not saying no—”

  “What?” Brodey protested.

  “—I’m saying this is one of those group things. Calm down.” He shot Brodey a glare. “You, too.”

  “Hey, you’re Gamma, I’m Beta.”

  “And I’m the mate,” Elain said, glaring at them both. “Code of the Ancients, make mate happy, right?”

  The two younger brothers fell silent.

  She took a deep breath to regain a hold on her emotions. Stepping forward, she took one of each of their hands in hers. “I love you guys, and I know you want to protect and help me. But this is something I need to do.”

  “Did you talk to Lina and Mai about it?” Cail asked.

  “This isn’t Triad stuff. It’s… You just have to trust me when I say it’s something I need to do. Alone. I’ll be back after I finish.”

  Brodey blew out a long, resigned breath she knew meant he didn’t like it, but he would go along with it. “Fine,” he muttered.

  She looked at Cail. He shrugged. “I’m not happy about it, but I can’t stop you.”

  She pulled them both in for a hug. “Thank you.” Maybe she could distract them. “Can I show you my appreciation?” she asked with what she hoped came out as a seductive tone.

  Brodey still wore a pouty look. “You just think sex fixes everything, huh?”

  Cail snorted. “Since when doesn’t it with you?”

  Elain realized Brodey was deliberately holding out and nudged Cail in the side. She turned to Brodey and cupped his face in her hands, giving him a long, slow, sweet kiss. Finally, he started to respond and pulled her close.

  “Dammit,” he muttered, “you know how to get to me every time.”

  “Okay, can we please take this to the bedroom?” Cail asked. “This is my frigging desk. I don’t care if her DNA is all over it, but I really don’t want to be smelling you two dudes.”

  Ain opened the office door and glanced out into the living room. “Coast is clear.”

  Elain, Brodey, and Cail headed for the bedroom while Ain stayed behind to finish his paperwork. “I’ll catch up with you in a few.”

  Cail no sooner had the bedroom door closed behind them than Brodey had stripped and grabbed Elain. “Maybe I should spank you for not waiting to tell all three of us together,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

  She ground her hips against him. “Aw, are you really mad at me?”

  He blew out another snort. “No, dammit. I can’t get mad at you.”

  Cail tugged on the back of her shirt. “Hey, why aren’t you naked?”

  After quickly rectifying that, all three of them climbed into bed. Brodey took charge, lying on his back and pulling her down on top of him, impaling her with his cock.

  Cail grabbed a towel and lube. “We’re going to give you a little reminder of our own,” Cail said as he squirted lube down the seam of her ass.

  Brodey held her cheeks open for Cail. He squirted lube onto his fingers and slowly massaged her rim until he had one worked into her.

  She closed her eyes, head on Brodey’s shoulder and unsure if she’d be able to come again.

  But it’d be fun trying.

  Brodey decided to stack the deck. He reached up and grabbed her by the hair, making her look him in the eye. “Listen up, babe. Once Cail’s got his cock inside you, you will start coming and not stop until we do.”

  She whimpered, the edict overriding her control over her body.

  A slow smile curved his delicious mouth. “That’s right, baby. You cannot start coming until he starts fucking you. Aww, poor baby. You’re all horny again now, aren’t you?”

  She nodded, unable to speak. The unscratchable itch built, a need she couldn’t slake, her clit throbbing, her cunt aching, her ass wanting to feel Cail’s cock inside her.

like it when we play dirty like this, don’t you?”

  She nodded, whimpering again when Cail worked up to two fingers in her ass.

  His gaze narrowed, sexy, smoldering. “You know who you belong to, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “Take your time, Cail,” Brodey said, never breaking eye contact with her. “Make her wait for it.”

  “Fuck you, I’m horny.”

  “Hey, I’m not coming yet.”

  “Yeah, but your cock’s in her pussy.”

  “You can’t tell us to stop,” Brodey told her, “because you like this, don’t you?”

  Heat filled her face. She nodded.

  His playful grin widened. “You like it when we make your body do things you didn’t even dream possible, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Heh.” He lifted his head to look down her back and see Cail. “Dude, I have an idea.”

  “What?” He stopped, his two fingers halfway in her ass.

  “I say we stack the deck in our favor.”


  Brodey’s fist in her hair tightened. “You trust me?” he asked Cail.

  “Um, sure.”

  Brodey laid his head back and held her gaze with his. “This is an edict, baby. Once you leave us and head to Maine, you will not have any orgasms until you’re back home with us. And you will be horny for us. Understand?”

  “That’s going a little too far,” Cail said.

  “Okay, fine.” He brought her face down closer to his. “You won’t stay horny all the time. But even if you try to play with yourself, you will not be able to come until you’re back home with us and we make you come. If you can’t handle that, speak up now, or that edict stands.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded.

  He pulled her in for a deep, probing kiss. “Such a good girl,” he whispered.

  Cail picked up where he left off. “Okay, that sounds fair.” He laughed. “Mean, but fair.”

  Elain squirmed on Brodey’s cock, the torment only driving her need higher as Cail worked her up to three fingers. She felt suspended by pleasure, hanging in that realm between desire and release while Cail took his sweet time loosening her up. She was vaguely aware of the door opening and closing, and the bed dipping a moment later.