Read A Yondering Page 7

porch, and ate the peaches. I went back in and purchased some oats for the stock. The oats had a little molasses mixed in it, and the mule, and horse enjoyed the oats, as well as we enjoyed the peaches.

  “That will spoil the stock for sure Jason.” Rafe said around a mouthful of peaches.

  “No more than us sittin’ here eatin’ peaches out of a can.”

  “How do you reckon they get them peaches in them cans Jason?”

  “Back east in New York they got ways a doin’ things, why, I heard tell New York is miles of town.”

  “I don’t believe that Jason, that many people all in one place?”

  “A fellow down to Asheville said he had been there, and seen it with his own eyes, I reckon it be true enough.”


  “If you are through studying that peach can, can we go now?”