Read A new place Page 2

just moved!" He tried to complete. Marla held her head in both her hands still not making the whole situation. She exchanged the looks with the doctor. He got a slight idea that she still was confused or maybe he already knew that he always got this hyper while explaining any such situation and people mostly never got it. He sighed heavily. "Err Sorry Miss! I thought I did my best but I still can try to explain better if you ask any question and then I'd be proceeding." He cleared. Marla opened the file and started reading the pages, so she started to know the situation better. Rebecca Anthony lived with her parents and she had a younger brother, she always wanted to be a surgeon so she practiced medicine, In her younger age, she tried to hurt her brother or any younger child around her to amuse herself. In the beginning her parents ignored her behavior thinking that their children were young and at this age such things? no big deal. So, she started studying and moved ahead in her life, she remained all normal in front of her family, somehow became rather sober but that was for a while short. She got married to some man in Melbourne; they shifted to 'THAT' house where currently Marla with her daughter was staying on rent. Later her husband died due to some accident that no one could know of. Weird! It was from that time onwards when Rebecca was caught doing weird things in the neighborhood and then they advised her family to show her to Doc.Mathews who once checked her before in her childhood. He brought her here so Marla being the psychatrist might help in this case.


  "So what's the lead on this? you're keeping her?" Marla asked. "Certainly yes! Since we saw her with much bruises unconsciously lying half naked on the street. We cannot take risks untill we figure everything out" He replied. "She should've gotten checked long ago by then but maybe I had have to come here to help her out. So Doc.Mathews I'd like some time alone with Miss.Rebecca if you could wait outside. Umm?" She asked while writing few things in the file. "That's exactly why I brought her here to you. I'd be outside. Have your time." He got up and turned towards the door, he spoke again while keeping his hand on the doorknob. "& be careful!"

  The next minute Doc.Mathews was outside the room and Marla started talking to that lady and thought to make a friendly approach by giving an introduction about her own self ! As she kept talking she noticed that there were no such emotions on Rebecca's face ! blank like a paper. Just as if it was a letter with no address pasted on it, so one doesn't know where to send, how to proceed. Marla recalled when she noticed anger & vengeance on her face a while ago when she talked about past events of Rebecca's life to Doc.Mathews! She frowned and said "Look Miss.Rebecca, I'm here to help you out. I'm here for your good, Neither I'd like anything bad happen to you nor I'd like the hospital authorities to send you to some asylum! We certainly want to speak out the whole problem so we get to know how it all started, who was faulty, who did this bad to you? We'd be keeping acumen we assure you! Please speak to us." Marla spoke and looked her face. No change of expressions still. She sighed while shaking her head. "Okay so you're afraid of someone? who's that someone? Tell us and we'd be tracking that criminal down. Who?" She asked! "Demon" Rebecca whispered.


  Hannah was tired after so much of walking around, she dropped the keys on the table and sat on the sofa, took her feet out of the skin colored bumps to relax her legs on the sofa, she thought to take a nap and after a few more hours, her Ma will also be back so she'd get ready something for lunch right then. Pasta maybe? but lasagna would be good too. It's been quite some time they had it in lunch. She soon closed her eyes while planning the lunch. Her eyes suddenly opened as she heard some cacophony and it felt as if someone stabbed her while she was asleep. Quickly looking at the clock, she noticed she could only sleep for twenty minutes and then a tremendous noise! that woke her up. She could feel her heart beating in cadence but sweat was all over her face, she rubbed her palms and got up to check from where she heard that noise coming. She moved forward and realized it was no other room but the storeroom of this house. She entered, switched on the light, that smell she sensed the other day, was still coming from the boxes. Books maybe? She held the box in her arms, turned to check the storeroom again but she could find no other presence there. She took it upstairs to her room and started going through the stuff placed in the box. Feeling a bit itchy, she looked down at her sweatpants she could feel few drops of some dark colored fluid there. She rubbed her palm there over her thigh and checked. She felt as if the ground slid from underneath her feet, it was blood. She opened the book and tried reading it, "much hard task?" she thought! this was in Latin. "something seriously was wrong with this place, No way! This house!"

  She brought out the laptop and connected the wires, sat there half frozen, typed in all the Latin words she could see clearly. Clicking the 'enter' tab, she started reading all the information that appeared on the page.


  With a chuckle, Marla rested her back on the chair comfortably. "Listen Rebecca! I'm telling you again. This ain't no joking time but I believe you are in the mood of doing some sort of joke and 'tryin-a-be-funny-person.' Tell me why you started doing bad things to your brother? then what happened to your husband when you two moved in to that house on Georgia street?" Marla asked. "You'd know everything very soon" Rebecca answered clenching her teeth. Marla was still confused but she didn't want to restrain from making the lady sitting right next to her, spit out everything. "I'll make just one single call and the authorities may arrive any minute here to take you to asylum. It didn't happen at all, If all the serious incidents wouldn't have been related to you one way or the other. Just clear me it all. Answer me what I asked and you'd be off to your house" She added. "I may spit everything but it will neither be of my help nor of yours. If you still ask I'll tell But death seeks. No escape!"

  She warned! Marla tried to understand the situation and thought not to take that lady seriously as she seemed mentally a bit sick so she continued anyway, "So tell me from the beginning! A to Z" Marla starred at her keeping her hand on the side of her face. Rebecca clenched her fists and teeth, leaned forward to the table, placing her elbows there, took a few hair off her face, cracked her knuckles and looked Marla eye to eye. Marla saw this lady quite differently now than before, she had bruises all over her skin. Seemed as if someone used a blade on her, her one brow was shaved! spaces between her teeth.. Marla could see a whole new Rebecca Anthony..


  Gasping badly she turned a few more pages of the book she was holding tightly in her hand, it was all coming to her, reading the information she had in front of her. So basically there was some lady who came here who started her work with some black magic. Someone passed it on to her, how? why? she didn't know! wasn't written in either of the two books but yes the house was haunted! That woman had antipathy towards her religion so she went for some black magic. That's what she wanted to learn. There was a guiding map in one of those books that helped to show how and where exactly the people were buried in this house, "buried ???" Hannah cried out! A specific place for the burning of people, cutting of their sensitive parts and .. Her heart wasn't much amenable to read further but she had to ! It was written clearly 'whosoever holds the books further will be transferred the black magic, demons will haunt him and he'll have no other option but to listen them by first sacrificing the most beloved person in life, else demons will avenge doing something atypical, by causing destruction throughout the blood relations, by killing them one way or the other in a two-day time' Hannah could imagine her young cousins, aunts, Uncles, everyone. At one side : her mother, while on the other whole maternal & paternal side. Two days? Time will soon be over. Curse will fall. She got up being lost in thoughts, walked out of the door, her eyes caught the attention of the dirty door of the room adjacent to hers, she opened the door. There was no light, she thought maybe there was no electricity connection in this room, going back to her room, she searched for a torch and returned. Wooden floor was badly cracked, she could see, she took a closer look at the walls, and stood stunned again
. "Damn! Human finger nails?" She rubbed her palm on her face to clean her vision from the sweat on her face. Hair! Lots of hair were on the walls as if they were spread along with the paint with the brush. She used a rod placed near her, she held it and tried to open the wooden floor to see what was underneath!


  "Science! Humph.. Better than Religion! What do you think?" Rebecca eyed Marla.. Still starring at this whole-new-lady in front of her, Marla gathered her senses and tried to talk "They both have own place. I'll compare neither of the two! Come to the point Mrs.Anthony. We ain't got much time left!" Marla answered. With a loud dreadful laugh Rebecca spoke with a callous voice coming from inside her. "I hated religion, there always was some agnostic inside of me, I loved playing with flesh though.. Surgery: what I opt for. Just alleged It'll help further, It did you see." Rebecca scratching on the table. "I see! So you admit of doing all those appalling stuff?" Marla asked trying to ignore the carping thing Mrs.Anthony was up to. "Humans are most delicious thingies you know! Oh you don't! But