Read AWARE Page 2

difference being…?


  Loads of eye contact and loads of kissing like everywhere and hair pulling and nail raking and breathless ‘I love you’s and very deep thrusting [breaking stride to give an example] you know cause you just want each other closer. You just want your souls to touch. Because if they touch that’s it right? [Looking to The Boy for eye contact] We have achieved the ancient human life goal that we’ve been put here for. The melding of two souls [sucking on a clean bone and letting it sit there like a cigarette in the mouth of an American 80’s detective]

  The Boy

  [Throwing a bone on the street absentmindedly] Riiight?


  See God put us down here right and pulled our individual souls apart and put them into two different bodies. And he was like, ‘live and grow and develop and undo what I have done. Put your souls back together.’ So the original people tried and tried. Got close. But failed. So generations and generations went on and eventually they were like- ‘marriage! That’s two souls becoming one we’ve done it we won!’ See we try to fix things with words and laws and rules and shit but it wasn’t done. We can’t just say it and it is. We are not gods.

  The Boy

  So what happens when two souls become one? Like for real?


  I’m not sure. I’m thinking superpowers

  The Boy




  The Boy

  Well its worth a try if that’s the prize I suppose


  You mean us… try… together? [Kicking her legs higher with each step, like a high hippie Nazi]

  The Boy

  [Nervous laughing] No I…just meant in general


  Oh yeah. Totally.

  Cut back to The Boy’s room. He’s lying on his side of the bed again with his hands behind his head. Her is going through his bookshelf on the other end of the room. The Boy is checking Her out as the sun and Her’s hair plays games.


  [Excited] Murakami?! You’ve read Murakami?

  The Boy

  Yeah just two


  [Happy angry] And?

  The Boy

  He’s amazing [she smiles with her shoulders dropping. Tension dissipated]


  [Not really to him. More so to the book in her hand] So amazing

  The Boy

  It’s kind of like poetry. I only noticed after I tried to read another book after reading two Murakami’s and it just didn’t flow as well you know?


  Exactly [putting the book between her thighs, proceeding to tie her hair into a loose ponytail] I’m a writer you know?

  The Boy

  [Not surprised] Really..



  The Boy

  Of what?


  Mostly erotica but also fashion blogs and music blogs [putting the book back on the shelf and turning to The Boy with a hand on her hip]

  The Boy




  The Boy



  Most guys are like [generic guy voice] ‘oooh erotica…like what hehe’

  The Boy

  ‘Hehe’? Well I guess I’m not most guys…though that does sound too cliché


  I write femdom erotica [Sitting on the bed, facing The Boy] do you know what that is?

  The Boy

  Female domination, right?


  Yeah exactly, I dunno, I got a commission to do this femdom piece for some guy’s birthday present from his wife and it stuck. Cause you know writing is all about power right, like you have control over your characters and everything like that. But to write about domination is this whole other power trip. Kinda addictive

  The Boy

  So I’m assuming you do your own researching for your writing?


  Yeah obviously, I’m a great writer, I would be famous but I don’t want that

  The Boy

  Of course


  Do you want to be part of my research files? [Toothy grin reappears]

  The Boy

  What would that entail?


  For you…[leaning in towards his face]…a lot…but what do you do Mr. Mononoahwaray? [Jumping off the bed, putting both hands on her hips]

  The Boy



  I’m a writer and you’re a…?

  The Boy

  A lawyer, well studying to be anyways


  [Squinting and tilting her head to one side with her ponytail following] You don’t look like a lawyer [sticking out bottom lip slightly]

  The Boy

  Yeah I know, I just have this vision or whatever of interviewing a murderer or a rapist or you know some really bad dude and saving the day


  Woo [Flashes him]

  The Boy

  See that’s the kind of reaction I want in the courtroom!


  [Laughing] of course


  You have a fridge in your room! [Pointing really dramatically to the space by the bed, which if we could see, which we cannot, because of the bed, we would see a red mini fridge]

  The Boy



  [Bends down and rummages through the fridge. We hear bottles clinking mostly. She takes and lifts up a bottle of champagne] and this is for?

  The Boy

  No particular reason, it was on offer the last time I went shopping so…


  [Smiling with teeth] So…?

  The Boy

  [Smiling without teeth] So…?


  Should we?!

  The Boy

  Haha if you want, I don’t mind, I’m not too badly hungover from last night anymore [lying]

  Cut to both in bed, sitting up watching The Wackness on the TV at the foot of the bed, drinking champagne from the bottle


  This is a great movie

  The Boy

  Really is


  [Passing the bottle] should really start an appreciation club for this thing man

  The Boy

  True…[as he’s drinking she puts her hand down under the sheets again. The Boy chokes on champagne. Her stares hard at him and eventually smiles an empty smile]


  Walk me to the station after okay

  The Boy


  Cut to exterior, both walking to the station, holding hands, not interlocking fingers



  The Boy

  Most definitely



  The Boy

  We are yeah


  [Smirking]…why are we here?

  [The Boy looks at a open door as they walk past and looks back soon after]


  The Boy

  Nothing I just never seen that door open before



  The Boy

  Never, I walk past nearly everyday to go uni, it’s weird to see it open, I just assumed it was abandoned or something


  [Stopping and pulling him back] Let's go 

  Cut to them walking up a set of narrow stairs, walls on both sides of them, still holding hands. Her leads, The Boy follows. They stop at the top of the stairs in front of a half red and half blue door, cracked open

  Her holds just The Boy’s pinky finger in her hand now and pushes the door with her other. Creaking.

  Lying on the ground is a clearly dead man

  Fade on gr
owing faint smiles


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