Read Abba's Apocalypse Page 3

  Chapter 3: The Revelation

  I am more rested than ever before. I close my eye lids while savoring the final moments of this night. I spread my arms basking in the knowledge I have a Heavenly home. The vacuum of this vision has brought home an adoring aroma that drifts around me. It’s like lying in a bed of sweet grass right after its cut, but better! I smell it wisp gently away under the vibrating footsteps climbing the stairs to my room. Dave drags along a familiar depressing odor. It’s the stench of realization now beginning to fill my bedroom.

  I sit up to a slight tapping on my door. “Good morning sleepy head; looks like you had a good night’s rest. Did you hear the commotion early this morning? It sounded like it came from a few blocks away. I heard a girl screaming frantically as she was running away. Then, there was nothing. I peeked out the window to see if danger might be coming, but everything quieted down. I figured you were dead tired to sleep through all that, so I just let you sleep. Seems you needed it. I was up and down all night keeping an eye on things.” Dave ends his information bombardment long enough for me to squeeze in, “What a night!” Dave replies, “That’s what I’m saying buddy.” If he only knew!

  I turn and sit facing him as the palms of my hands massage each of my eyes awake. My left hand continues this maneuver as my right hand pats my mattress welcoming Dave to come sit. My patting hand moves several times up then down while pointing to my bed. I command Dave “Come.” He sits knowing I have something important to say. My right hand now clasps my chin while I stare forward into space. “Dave, I had a revelation.” All his senses come to attention as they fix themselves on my next words. “I stood before God last night!” I feel funny after saying this. “It’s true, I was in Heaven. Jesus gave me a mission.” Under normal circumstances I’d expect him to think I’m some sort of “nut job.” These are not normal times though.

  “I knew it, I knew there was a reason you didn’t wake up.” While still staring at the fixed point in space, I slowly nod my head up and down. “There’s something He wants me to do that will change my life. It will change everything Dave.” He sits more attentive while leaning further forward. He places his hands on his knees while his face snaps toward mine. I tell him, “I’m scared Dave.” I sit motionless as he wraps his left arm over the top of my shoulders and tug several times, “That’s why I’m here buddy. I’m your buddy, right?” I force a small grin and say, “That’s affirmative.” Dave requests I give him all the details of what happened. “Later Dave, later,” I reply. I know in my heart he’s the guy I’d like to sit back to back with in battle. Even if we were faced with impossible odds; he would stay at my side. There’s no one alive I’d rather shake the pillars of Heaven with. But, I know in my soul I’ll be facing this mission alone. This is my cross to bear.

  Our purpose was just to stay hidden and survive six days a week. It was to help others keep away from “Trinity’s” brand. It was to study the Bible learning what to expect is coming the next three years. That’s changed now. My mission is to spread His message. I have to give up my defensive position and attack the “high ground.” This is something I have to keep hidden inside me for now.

  I suggest we go eat our daily meal. We make our way downstairs as I think how I must risk everything. I think about being caught and what the Demons will do to me. But, I feel the power of God touching me and quieting my impending fears. His spirit equips me with an arsenal of trust in the message found in the passages displayed at “T”. As we continue to the kitchen I’m given another weapon. My mind retrieves a verse my momma would say: “I can do all things, as long as God is with me.” I think now, “I can stand all things.” But, I realize there is one thing I can’t stand. It’s the thought of what will happen to Dave if something happens to me.

  We make it to the kitchen. I tell Dave to take a seat. He looks at the damaged door and repents of his action. I lift a trap door in the kitchen cupboard floor, where I hide supplies and trash, while telling Dave, “We need to fix that door today.” I pull out two packs of MRE (meals ready to eat). I tell him, “We’re going hungry tomorrow,” seeing these are the last of my MRE. Members of “T” only take enough supply of MRE to last a week. One reason is: this is the safest maximum amount a member can smuggle back home. Second, it is to preserve “T’s” supply in the event a member is captured. I tell Dave, “Today’s Friday, and I’m giving you my Saturday ration.” He thinks a second and gratefully acknowledges my gift. “Thanks Joey, I’m sorry for the trouble I’m causing you.” I reply, “We’re in this together brother.” His face draws up in reaction to what I just said. I see a tear begin forming and hanging just off the corner of his eye. His left arm forms a brace for his head on the table as his hand tries to hide his emotion. I guess he’s overwhelmed with the fact someone could still care about him in this despairing time. My coarse cactus coating blocks a tear from forming in my eye.

  We cautiously limit the sound we make opening the foil packets, and chew its contents quietly. I peal back the Velcro cover protecting my precious Army surplus watch revealing its 8:08 am. “Boy, I did sleep in.” I scold myself to the fact I’m always up at dawn. I wind it as my eyes look to Dave’s wrist. I wonder why he wears that useless quartz watch. All exposed electrical devices were “fried hard” about a year ago. That’s when “Trinity” started using nuclear weapons; three years after it promised everyone eternal world peace. It fed the world deceiving lies promising order, restoration, peace, and prosperity. This happened right after “Harpazô Day” and the Middle East attack on Israel.

  I remember hearing the news stating, “The Middle East is preparing for war.” Three different armored battle lines were forming to attack the tiny nation. There was also a Russian led armada sitting just off Jerusalem’s coast. These band of countries were preparing to verge from all four directions of the compass. Islamic Clerics believed the vanishings were a revelation to usher in their long awaited coming messiah. They proclaimed Israel’s destruction was the “linchpin” holding back fulfillment of prophecy. The major world powers chose sides escalating the threat of world destruction. Innocent Israel miraculously survived the perpetrators unscathed. Their attackers’ were left total devastated though. The remains of the war became choleric poison to the world economies. That’s when “Trinity” birthed. It promised protection, future prosperity, and (most importantly) food. All the chaos scared most sovereign countries into gladly surrendering their freedoms and pledging their alliance to “Trinity.” The “Pale Horse” of starvation soon forced more packs with this devil. It seemed like their only hope at that time. “Trinity” pledged to bring immediate salvation. It did in a way.

  “Trinity” played on their fears and stole their sovereignty. Its instrument was a token symbol contracting a final Middle East peace accord for seven years. This ended the threat of any war in the world for over three years. Their lying nature was soon revealed. “Trinity” started using its newly acquired arsenals by dropping nuclear bombs on non complying countries. This tactic was to demonstrate its power scaring the final sovereign’s in to submission. Some bombs were detonated in the air over these countries. These types of explosions cause an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) burst which results in destroying any exposed electronically driven devices from ever operating again. It has something to do with the electrons going permanently “berserk” in the copper components. That means anything electrical touched by the EMP blast was “fried hard.” “Trinity” used just one on us. My fallen United States lives in the 1800s now.

  I guess Dave wears his useless watch to check time in a difference sense. It reminds him of a better time. I stare at Dave and silently pray, “God please pity us both.” My heart sinks in my throat, but I know this time there is coming a better time.

  I remove my small Bible from the supply chamber. I return to the table and open it to “Mathew.” Dave scoots close so he can read as I whisper, “Chapter seven.” I begin with, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find it
....” These are the words I need for today. I say a prayer asking for divine guidance and protection for us this day. I order Dave to stay inside today and be quiet. He asks what I’m going to do. I tell him, “I’m going on a ‘seek and you will find’ mission.” Dave asks me, “When will you be back?” I grab the spare Bible and close the secret supply chamber. I subtly remove the chair securing my back door, then slowly open it. “Soon Dave, it should be by dark.” I exit the house cautiously running to my back fence. I climb over, then leap into the ally. I have no idea of where I’m going. I just feel my spirit tugging at me to just get going. I let my shoes choose the direction, and I let God reveal our mission.

  My head pans back and forth. I walk close to the fences lining the ally giving me some concealment. I am not as scared as I have been. It’s like someone is walking with me as I experience a peace I cannot explain. I reach the end of the ally and peer past the last fence rampart. I peek left, then right to find both coast are clear. I pull back, and then lean back on the fence to meditate. I think, “Which way Lord?” I wait and listen for a sign. I wait, and wait, but nothing happens. I am kind of angry being left so wide open without any way to defend my position. I whisper, “God, I need some help here. I’m risking everything. Please show me where to go and what to do.” Still nothing happens. Desperate, I decide to keep walking straight down to the next ally, and the next, until I get some kind of sign. I stop at the end of the third alley and peer checking for LD. Quickly and quietly I robotically walk across the street. About 20 feet into the ally I stop and lean my back on the fence behind me. I listen to see if anyone noticed me crossing. I tremble slightly as I regain my composure.

  The stress of this constant maneuvering is beginning to wear me down mentally. Time stands still as I notice a Blue Jay land on the adjacent fence. He sings this most wonderful soothing bird song. I am harmonically hypnotized in the moment. I forget this world and feel Heaven all over. He ends his song and freezes all his movement. I feel he senses something is coming. He jumps up and abruptly flies off. I decide maybe he’s the sign, so I follow him.

  Strangely, his flight path follows the direction of the alleyway system. It lands on the last fence of this ally and begins his beautiful beckoning song again. It seems inexplicably quiet today as I methodically approach his welcoming song. All of a sudden I see an LD appear at the end of this ally. I know he’s one; my spirit tastes its evil. I become a wood slat on this fence behind me hoping to become invisible. I silently pray, “Please Lord, protect me.” The LD seems to be hypnotized by the bird’s song. He strolls toward him, and then stops and stares into his eyes. Yet, this brave bird continues singing unafraid. The tempo of my heart races knowing he’s got to sense me. Only 20 feet of empty space separates me from certain doom. The bird leaps and flies to a tree branch at the beginning of the next ally. The LD’s trance is immediately broken and his head turns directly towards me. I stare into his dark eyes seeing only his empty tortured soul. I’m so focused I can read his “Trinity” brand in his forehead. The terror overpowers me as I stand frozen. He drips with a demonic presence. The Blue Jay again starts his song. My soul says, “Pray Joey,” as it reasons it’s impossible that he does not see me.

  Quietly, I mumble as my spirit cries, “Help me Lord. Send your Angel of protection.” I close my eyes tightly and wait to be slaughtered. The next thing I hear is a faint voice say, “Job, Joey-Job.” I crack my left eye open a slither while my eye lid fights to remain shut. He’s gone? The Demon filled LD is gone! I shake the wooden slats supporting my exhausted body as I slide down to the ground whispering “It’s a miracle.” My whole body begins screaming, “Thank you


  I sit for several minutes silently praising my redeemer. I pry my pocket Bible out of my back pocket and fumble open to the pages in “Job.” My thumb flips through the chapter pages stopping at number 23. I feel in my spirit I should start reading here. I begin at verse 8. "Behold, I go forward, but he is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive him; on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him; he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him. But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold. My foot has held fast to his steps; I have kept his way and have not turned aside.” I say to myself, “My God.” God gives me exactly what I need when I need it most. I know His invisible presence guides me towards His will.

  Amazingly, the Blue Bird has not moved from his tree branch. It’s still singing his harmonious beckoning song. I push along with purpose trusting I have God’s guidance and protection. I close in on this mysterious bird as he begins to stare at me. He continues his soothing message as I whisper to him “I’m naming you Flicker, because you flicker a little flame of hope in this miserable world.” He quirkily tilts his little head seemingly to say “Yes” in agreement to his new name. Flicker suddenly leaps and takes to flight once more. I follow him in and out of alley ways, and even across intersections unafraid. My spirit tells me I am suppose to follow him wherever he might go. I make it to the street corner and turn towards the direction of Flicker’s whistling song. Immediately, I see a herd of LD ushering what must be an Irreverent straight towards me. I watch Flicker abandon his post and alarmingly fly off. I chant silently, “I have God’s protection” while proceeding robotically and unemotionally up the side of the street and into the jaws of this living hell.

  The closer they come the more my stomach churns. My spirit rebukes their vile presence. I begin to see the poor soul in their clutches. He screams in agony as they torture him. I sense two LD are Demon possessed. These two restrain and easily drag along their rather large captive. I can see from the distance that their eyes are red bottomless pits of darkness. I continue towards the herd acting like I am an LD. My spirit seems hid from their detection, but I try and maneuver as far away from them as possible without acting suspicious. I swerve to the right of the approaching mob and up to the remnant of the sidewalk. I fill my face with emptiness and walk with a purpose. My acting seems to be working and my fake forehead brand seems to have tricked them. They pay no attention to me, seeming more interested in torturing the poor soul in their merciless parade. I continue with my statuette solitary procession going in the opposite way.

  I see out of the corner of my eye several LD sprinkling broken glass in front, while the confined Irreverent is forced to walk barefoot every step of the way over it. I hear the glass crush and grind into his bones. The possessed laugh every time the Irreverent screams. The other LD march just behind; and are equally sided to the left and right. They fittingly look like pallbearers. My compassion battles inside me. I desperately want to help the battered man, but my spirit warns me to keep going. I pray God grant us courage and him mercy, as I march right past him. His benevolent spirit briefly commingles with mine. He shouts toward my direction, “Save my family!” The LD following him punches him into unconsciousness. One LD thinks the message was for him as he smirks, “‘Trinity’ is their only salvation.” I hear the top of this big man’s feet dragging away the broken glass while blood squirts out his gruesome trail. The shoes of the LD following him crunch up and down while slurping through the red sparkling goop. I now know today’s mission. Loud moaning turns the corner suggesting his revival. His crying moves away as today fades back into its eerie silence.

  I weep inside my spirit, and then I put aside my compassion. I know I need to concentrate on what the big man asked. I pray, “Show me the way Lord.” Magically, my little Flicker appears. His song leads me along several more alleyways to and abandon auto garage. My little friend sits atop a dusty fuel pump covered in webs. He stares and sings in my direction. I approach him while thinking how this would be an excellent place to hide. There’s no use for gas stations any more. The EMP blast ruined the unprotected electrical pumping system. And, there’s no way to deliver gas to this station anyways. I ask him, “Is there someone here?” He stops his song and jerks his head pointing it toward the stations entrance wa

  I cautiously tread through piles of aged leaves blocking the doorway. I lean my head in peeking at the empty shelves and wrappers of debris. I see no signs of life. I turn back to view my little friend for reassurance, but my little Flicker has flown off again. For some reason my eyes notice something I did not before. I see slightly dust covered footprints surround by a carpet of dust. They lead away from the garage bays. I figure the trail to be fairly fresh by the thin film of dust filling the shoe prints. I gingerly step inside to investigate and immediately force up a small wafting dust cloud. I swipe the choking mist out of my view while noticing a dim crying sound appear. It grows louder as I move toward the far side of the mechanic’s bay. As I step down into the leaves filling the chamber, I notice a pressed path leading back to a stack of boxes. I try moving them as the crying suddenly stops. They will not budge. I carefully direct my voice towards the stack saying, “I’m here to help you. I’m not EVIL; I’m Irreverent.”

  The stack of boxes begins to magically disappear away from me. They are attached somehow to the face of this hidden door that move as the door swings open-inward. A majestic halo begins to bend around a dark silhouette, as two smaller halos form on each of its sides. I proclaim to the silhouettes, “I’m here to help you.” The entity grabs my sleeve and pulls me quickly inside.

  My eyes adjust to the light filling this cave as my ear’s fill with, “Who are you, and what do you want?” I sense the fear in her voice while observing her draw the two tattered Angels close. This beautiful dirty woman commands, “We will not take the brand no matter what you do to us!” My spirit forces me to stand motionless at attention in reverence to her amazing courage. My soul romantically utters a firm soft, “God bless you.” A deathly embrace follows as her joyfully squeezing forces the air out of me. She whispers in my ear “You’re really here to help!” I reply, “Yes, I am.” She responds, “You used the word God.” She abruptly reseals the entrance door now that she feels completely safe.

  I look around as she moves back. She hurries to remove the clutter hiding her dining table with one arm, as the other waves towards me to come and sit. Her face turns back to sadness with worry. I stare around this one large room resembling a sort of home. I shift my way over and around the clutter, and then sit as she commanded. She sniffles out, “My husband went to look for food two days ago. I don’t know what happened to him?” I sit unresponsive thinking I don’t dare inquirer about him. I realize now he may have been the man being dragged away. I don’t think revealing this news would help either of us in any way.

  “My name is Joey. Believe it or not, a little bird told me where to find you.” Her hands begin fumbling with their fingernails, as a slight smile makes a disbelieving “Uhnt uhnt” sound. “I’m Katie. This is Jordan, my big boy-who’s five, and my darling Hanna-three. We moved in here three years ago. This used to be the supply room for my husband’s garage.” She continues to volunteer all aspects of her daily life as a secure feeling comforts the children enough to begin playing.

  I ask her how they get their electricity for the lights. Katie explains how her husband installed several wind generators that he hid in the trees behind the garage. This underground store room seems to have been protected from the EMP burst, and where he got the supplies needed for his electrical project. This system utilizes auto generators,

  batteries, wire, and PVC pipe. He ingenuously cut some fan blades from some PVC pipe he found in the building, and then hooked it all together to make small electrical producing “windmill” generators. Her husband also made artificial light bulbs to light the interior. They’re simply clear plastic two liter soda bottles filled with water to magnify the sunlight. The bottles are angled downward and stick through the tops of the wall on the sunny side of the building. I ask her, “How is the light inside hid from being seen outside; especially at night?” Her husband used the black removable stands that came on the bottom of the bottles and cut them in half. She tells me that he hung it just under the exterior part of the protruding bottle. This hides any escaping light from this chamber while hiding the bottle from the line of sight of anyone outside. Light comes in, but it doesn’t go out. They even have a table top garden inside that utilizes the pumped in light. This also helps make fresh air at the same time. He seems like my kind of guy.

  After several minutes sharing information I ask Katie if she was a Christ follower. She tells me she is not, but she wants to know all about Him. Katie explains, “I’ve seen the evil in “Trinity,” so I know there must be good somewhere. She reminds me, “You can’t have one without the other. I always ask my husband to find a Bible on his food missions.” I pull the spare I brought and hand it to her. I tell her to open it to “Romans” 10:9. I ask Katie, “Would you like to know how you and your babies can receive the promise of eternal life in Heaven? How about having a personal relationship with Jesus, our creator? Would you like to experience the supernatural protector who promises to provide for all your needs?” Katie answers, “Yes, yes, and yes.” I tell Katie to read this passage aloud.

  She reads it stating, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.” I ask her to repeat the same prayer of repentance I said some time ago. She repeats after me: “Dear Jesus; I do believe you are God. And, I do believe you came to save me. I believe you died and rose again. Please come live in my heart and guide me. I believe with all my heart that all my sin is now forgiven.” I give her a hug of congratulations and tell her she is saved.

  Katie weeps with the knowledge she now has something wonderful to look forward to. I tell her, “The little Bible is yours to keep.” I explain how her children are under God’s gift of grace too. I begin showing her prophetic passages of what is still coming on the world, and when Jesus will return to set up His kingdom on this world.

  After talking for quite a while, I peel back my watch’s Velcro cover and see it is getting to be late in the day. I explain briefly about “Project T.” She tells me that she and her babies’ have one day’s food ration left. She also alerts me about another couple that ran from the brand, living nearby. I promise Katie I will return in a day, or two, with food and another Bible for the couple. Katie tells me she will treasure her little Bible always, and she will tell the couple about Jesus and me. “I got to go before it gets dark!” I proclaim. Her face seems to glow with her new found comfort and strength. We hug as I leave Katie with a parting prayer, “God watch over Katie and her family.” She quickly opens the door and abruptly shuts it behind me. I rustle leaves up the stack of boxes trying to hide the door by making the surroundings look naturally desolate. I back away while fluffing up the path of leaves leading to the concealed entrance. Finally, I drag a rag behind me wiping the footprints I made out of existence, and sprinkle a handful of crumbled leave to replace the missing dust.

  I exit the gas station trying to remember my return path. I immediately notice how dark it’s getting and see the sun set. I walk quickly and pray inside, “God help get me home safely.” I decide to chance a shorter route than the one I took to get here. I’ll need to walk down more streets chancing LD detection, but I should be able to get home before it turns pitch black. I know this is when the Demons come out in force.

  I turn a corner four blocks away and see a gruesome sight. He looks like the large man the LD drug off. I can’t tell exactly, because of all the blood covering most of his body. He is tied to a telephone poll. I guess they left him for dead, and as a sign to scare other Irreverent brothers to convert. I press the side of his neck with my fingers and feel he has a slight pulse. It’s faint, but it’s steady. I whisper into his ear, “I am here to save you.” I untie the restraining prison of ropes freeing him. He falls into my hands as I realize his weight. I pray, “Jesus, give me the strength.” Somehow, I find the strength. It takes every ounce of my energy just to lean him on my back. I waddle away carrying him “piggyback,” struggling to cart this
prisoner of war away. I rush to get as far away as possible before the Demons’ realize my victory.

  After two alleyways I fall down face first dazed and confused, and in complete and utter exhaustion. Suddenly, I realize I am disoriented to which way home is. His warm blood drizzle down my face as he lay dead still on my back. I hear words begin to babble out of his torn lips. He quietly and slowly repeats, “Save my family, please save my family.” I whisper back, “They are safe and saved.” I force myself up and find some supernatural power to continue. It seems my words have comforted this large man enough to allow him to drift back into unconsciousness. Just as he does, I hear Flicker. I cannot see him, but I know his wonderful joyous beckoning song. I follow the melody ahead as it continuously leads us to another location.

  I exit the gas station trying to remember my return path. I immediately notice how dark it’s getting and see the sun set. I walk quickly and pray inside, “God help get me then fall down in utter exhaustion. I wake sometime later peering the dark and realize I pasted out. The cold of the night grips and slaps me, chilling the perspiration soaking me. I turn my head and see the large man is lying next to me with a small pillar of steam percolating out his swollen mouth. This tells me, at least he is alive. I force myself up and yank myself over the top of the fence. I fall into my backyard loud enough to alert Dave with my thump, and the sound of all the air rushing out my lungs. I see the back door open slightly and hear Dave ask, “Joey?” I gasp back to him, “Yeah buddy; come give me a hand.” Dave swings the door open and quickly “low steps” across the dark backyard to help me.

  “I thought they got you. I’m so glad to see you Joey.” Dave helps me by pulling me upwards off the ground. I lean over to brace my tired legs by clasping them with my exhausted arms’. “Dave, I’ve brought you a special gift. I need a hand getting it over the fence though.” A puzzled expression fills his face as he confusingly replies, “A gift?” I chuckle a sigh of relief and say, “It’s good to be home.”

  Both of us jump over the fence as quietly as possible. Dave looks unbelievingly at the bloody mess of a human laying here. Dave whispers, “Is he alive?” I feel his neck again to check his pulse as he begins to become conscious. I whisper to him, “We need your help to get over this fence.” Dave grabs his other side as we heave up the large man. I lean into him and tell Dave, “Leap over the fence and I will push him up from this side.” I think about the insurmountable six foot height of my fence as I bend down under the large guy’s propped body. I pray for the super strength I’ll need while I leverage my shoulder under his rear, and push up. I strain lifting him as I tell the large guy, “Try and grab the fence and pull with everything you have left in you.”

  I see him agonizingly strain to grab the top of the fence and pull himself over. Dave grabs his arms from his side of the fence, pulling him as hard as he can. The large guy’s bloody body greases the top of the fence aiding us in sliding him up, and over. Dave has problems maintaining his grip,

  because of the gummy mess, as I feel the immense weight of the guy increase. “Once more, ” I tell both of them. One last push up, and then he flops over the rest of the way onto the backyard. He thumps on the hard ground as all the air rush out of him. I know what he must be feeling. I quickly leap over and grab his arm. Dave and I begin dragging him in the house as fast and as quietly as possible. Dave shuts the door behind us as I finish dragging him over to the kitchen wall.

  “Dave; get the bucket from under the sink, and then fill it with water.” I scramble to get my sewing kit located in the bottom of my hutch. “Here’s the water,” Dave whispers. I tell Dave, “Now, go get several glow sticks and light them.” While Dave retrieves the sticks, I go get some worn towels and a warm blanket. I return to the glowing kitchen floor and begin dunking a towel into the clean water. I dab off the blood still slowly oozing out his many wounds. Immediately, his scabs stick to the towel. The pain from peeling the scabs off his body helps revive him. “Dave, help me drag his head onto my lap.” I whisper in the big guy’s ear, “You’re with friends and we’re taking care of you.” He shakes with fear, and possibly due to lack of blood, but it subsides in my embrace.

  Tears start to come out his eyes as he regains his faculties. “My babies, my poor babies!” he cries out. He then flops around in his attempt to try and get up. “I got to get them before those Demons do.” I secretly whisper in his ear, “Do you have a wife named Katie, a son Jordan, and a daughter Hanna?” Every part of his body jumps to life. He grabs and tugs my sleeve while exclaiming, “You’ve seen them!” “Yes, and they’re just find. Lay back down and I tell you all about my meeting with them.” All the excitement causes him to pass out once again. But, he does it with a slight smile this time. I tell Dave to take over blotting the blood. “It’s a good thing he passed out. I need to stitch close a lot of lacerations.” We spend a good two hours removing glass from his wounds and sewing closed numerous cuts over his entire body. I think, “He will need antiseptic and antibiotic medicine if he’s going to make it.” We decide to leave him in place and cover him. I roll up a spare towel and slide it under his swollen head using it as a pillow. I dump the blood filled bucket down the sink and then store it. Dave grabs the glow sticks from this room as we leave the battered man to rest.

  We move to the opposing front room and sit up against the wall. Dave quietly asks, “What happen to him? Do you know him or something?” I reply, “I stole him from the hands of ‘Trinity.’ You won’t believe the miraculous day I had.” I fill Dave in on all today’s details as I begin to feel myself fighting to stay awake. After, I tell Dave to quietly fetch me a blanket and pillow from upstairs. He leaves and returns with the requested bedding supplies. I tell Dave, “take my bed for tonight. I’m going to stay here just in case Katie’s husband wakes up. I’m sure he’ll want to know immediately about his family.” Dave tells me, “Goodnight,” and then follows my instructions. I cover myself over as my stomach begins to ache. I think to myself, “Here are four more mouths to feed, but I’ll trust you God.” I begin to dose off with the comfort of knowing He listens to my prayers.