Read Abel (5th Street #4) Page 14

  “No, I know so,” he said, kissing her as sweetly as he had last night when he came out to find her outside of Noah’s. There was so much unspoken sentiment. “I can’t get enough of you,” he said, lifting her against the shower wall.

  She wrapped her legs around him like she had in the ice vending room on the cruise, kissing him a bit more frantically, and then gasped with pleasure when she felt him slip inside her. Okay, she’d be insane to walk away from this now.


  Andy was at it again about the media. He’d called three times since last night when Abel had decided to turn off his phone and give Nellie his undivided attention. So when Abel turned on his phone as he got in his car, he saw the missed calls. He didn’t bother listening to voicemails just hit speed dial as he drove out of Nellie’s driveway.

  He was going on about a photo shoot and interview that Fitness Magazine wanted to do with him. “Is this part of the fight contract?”

  “No, but hear me out. There will probably never be a better time for you to do this kind of layout. Your body is in its prime, and since the fight is right around the corner, they want you on the cover. This would be huge. It would also be great publicity for 5th Street, and I think I might even have another way to add a positive spin to it that you might like for once.”

  Abel rolled his eyes. There was always something Andy wanted to add to the circus that the media was already making of this. “What’s that?”

  “We can get a few of the gym’s regulars and up-and-coming hopefuls to be featured, so it’s more about the gym than you. I figured you’d like that. Not only are you giving some of your people from your own gym the opportunity to get noticed but the spotlight and interview isn’t completely about you.”

  He had to admit that it wasn’t a bad idea. “That might work, but I wanna see a list of the questions they’ll be asking. I want this interview to be strictly about my training for the fight and the gym. They get nothing personal.”

  “Of course,” Andy assured him. “I’m already here at 5th Street, and Noah’s given me a rundown of who he thinks might be good to feature. But you’ll get the final say.”

  “Whatever Noah says is fine with me. I trust his judgment.”

  He got off the phone and called his mom to let her know she wouldn’t be seeing him again until later tonight and that was only while he blew in and out to grab his stuff for tomorrow. Between the media crap, training, and now making time for Nellie in between, he’d hardly been home at all lately. And as long as Nellie didn’t protest, he planned on spending a lot more nights at her place. Maybe without him having to actually put his feelings out there, his staying would deter Nellie from going out on any more damn dates.

  Clenching his jaw as he drove into the 5th Street parking lot, he pushed aside the annoying thoughts of Nellie on any dates with someone else. Before he could even get out of his car, he saw Rachel hurrying toward the car. Well shit. He glanced around casually to see if he spotted any paparazzi. They’d long since posted signs all over warning of charges being pressed on any unauthorized photographers or paparazzi who were ever found trespassing anywhere near 5th Street’s private property. That included the parking lot, but he knew that that never stopped those vultures. During Gio’s mess and even when Felix had visited since then, they’d been known to pay people who lived in the nearby apartment buildings whose windows faced 5th Street to camp out by their window to try and get that perfect shot of something.

  “Abel!” Rachel raced up to him her hands clasped in front of her face. “Oh my God, I just heard about the Fitness Magazine photo shoot thing.” She spoke a mile a minute. “This would be such an enormous opportunity for me. To get featured in a magazine of that caliber would do wonders for me. You know I’ve been trying to get into fitness modeling, and this could be just the break I need. Andy said you had the final say, and I just wanted to say that I’d be willing to do anything—”

  He lifted his hand, stopping her right there with a smile. “You’re in.” Her eyes opened wide, and she brought her hands over her mouth, her eyes instantly swimming in tears. It only made him smile bigger and feel better about doing this. “You’re right. This is exactly why we’re featuring regulars from the gym. You’re a perfect candidate for this. It is an awesome opportunity, and I agree this could do wonders for you. They take one look at you and you’re golden.”

  She shook her head, apparently too overwhelmed with emotion to speak, so he pulled her to him and hugged her, chuckling. “You’re gonna do great.”

  Wrapping her arms around him tightly, she jumped up and kissed him, missing his lips by an inch. “Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  “I do actually,” he said, pulling away from her and realizing that if the media did get any footage of this they’d have a field day. That’s the last thing he needed, especially now that he sensed he was making strides with Nellie. Maybe her damn date was just what he already knew—something she’d had planned long before their time in San Francisco. Luckily, it wasn’t even eight yet. It was probably too early for the vultures to be lurking. He squeezed her arm. “Let’s go tell Andy.”

  Her eyes opened wide again; only this time she looked alarmed. Grabbing his hand, she tugged him along, laughing, but practically broke out into a sprint. “We gotta hurry. He mentioned that Noah had already made his choice. And even though he said you’d have the final say, I don’t want Noah telling any of his choices that they’re in and then say that it’s too late for me.”

  Abel hurried along with her, assuring her she was in no matter what. Just as they got to the door, she brought her hands to her face again, her eyes doing the crying thing all over. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I cannot thank you enough.” She laughed against his neck. “As soon as we talk to Andy and Noah, I’m calling my dad. He’s gonna flip!”

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, Abel couldn’t help smiling. Finally, Andy had an idea that wasn’t purely about getting publicity or sponsors. This might actually make the interview and photo shoot worth it.

  Chapter 12

  For the past forty minutes, Nellie had practically pranced around her bedroom, going through her outfits for tomorrow. She’d decided to ignore Sam’s text asking if she was going to be able to join him for brunch. Roni would be furious, especially because her decision to ignore him was a direct result of her night and morning with Abel.

  There was no question about it now. She was definitely picking up on a vibe from Abel. She wasn’t alone with her growing feelings, but she was still too chicken to dare say anything. Their second night in a row together, although she wasn’t counting on it, might shine some light on things. She knew there was only so much small talk they could make before delving into personal stuff. Already Abel had broken some of the unspoken rules on more than one occasion.

  That reminded her that she still didn’t know much about his opponent, and they’d certainly be talking about his fight from here until the big day that was fast approaching. Last night they’d filled her in on their meeting with the director of PR, someone she’d be meeting with in a couple of days.

  Since she was in the middle of a load of laundry, she decided to have some coffee and do some homework on this Hammerhead fellow they spoke of last night with such disdain. Apparently he and his camp were all about playing ugly in the media. She’d be handling all the fight-related events at 5th Street leading up to the fight where there would be reporters, cameras, and such present. It was best if she knew a little of what she was getting herself into.

  Firing up her laptop on her dining room table, she pulled up a browser and typed in “Abel Ayala’s opponent.” Immediately, Nathanial “Hammerhead” McKinley came up. She scrolled through the photos first. There was something very familiar about him. Maybe she had been paying more attention than she originally thought because she’d definitely seen this guy before. She read the short bio under one of his photos. He was born and raised in Highland, M
ichigan, where he and his brothers stayed out of trouble by joining the local boxing gym instead.

  That made her smile. As much as the guys spoke so sourly about McKinley and his brothers last night, they had something huge in common with them. They couldn’t be too bad, right? And they all agreed that the kind of trash talking that he and his brothers did was all part of the hype. Abel just didn’t want any part of that. So he refused to do any.

  She skimmed through all the need-to-know stuff about McKinley: how long he’d been the champ, who he beat to win the title, what his weaknesses were, etc. Just a few minutes later, she’d had enough. She figured she didn’t have to know everything about the guy, just the key things, and she’d covered them all.

  With a smirk, she deleted the word opponent, hit enter, and then walked away to pour herself some coffee. She’d rather drool over photos of Abel than read boring boxing stats of someone else any day. Her phone rang, and she frowned when she saw that it was Roni. She had a feeling why she’d be calling this early, but she answered anyway.

  “Good morning,” she chirped, sounding a little too cheery.

  Roni was quiet for a moment before speaking. “Someone’s in a good mood. Is it because you’re busy getting ready to go on your brunch date?”

  Nellie did the Roni thing and crinkled her nose. “Um, I haven’t talked to Sam, actually.” She picked up her mug, still feeling the little skip in her step as she walked back toward her laptop. “We didn’t make for sure arrangements, so I figured since I haven’t heard from him he changed his mind.”

  Okay, that was a little white lie, but it was necessary. Roni knew her too well, and if Nellie told her she’d changed her mind, Roni would know exactly why. Already last night she’d cornered her in the kitchen and teased her about her and Abel not being able to keep their eyes off each other. Nellie had assured her they were just flirting, reminding her once again that they were fuck buddies after all. Of course, they’d be flirting. But as always, she’d seen the worry in Roni’s eyes. Though to her credit, Roni kept her promise about keeping her nose out of it and let it go.

  “Did you and Abel . . . you know . . . last night?”

  “Maybe,” Nellie said, her smile going flat the moment she sat down in front of her laptop. She didn’t even hear what Roni said next as her eyes were glued to the latest headline about Abel and the photos just beneath it.


  Never had her mood done such a wild and abrupt about face. She literally felt the air sucked out of her. The wheezing in her breathing was already feeling heavier with every breath she took, and she reached for the inhaler in her purse. Taking a big hit from it, holding it in until she felt the pressure in her lungs ease, she exhaled slowly.

  The time on the headline said it was uploaded less than an hour ago. Among the new photos of Abel and the fucking juice girl, there was one of her running out to meet him as he pulled into the 5th Street parking lot. He wore the very tank and basketball shorts he’d pulled out of his trunk just that morning and changed into. She appeared to be very excited to see him. Nellie’s heart sank at the sight of Abel, who’d had to practically pry his arms off Nellie just before he’d left, pulling this girl to him with that same sweet smile she’d seen on him so often lately.

  Nellie hadn’t even realized she gasped at the photo of them embracing until she heard Roni’s worried words. “What’s wrong?”

  Knowing there’d be no way she’d be able to hold a conversation with Roni now without her best friend picking up on her mood change, she said the only thing that might excite Roni more than worry her. “That’s Sam on the other line. Let me call you back.”

  “It is?” Roni asked, not sounding nearly as excited as Nellie thought she’d be. “Oh, okay, well, call me back.”

  The strangeness in Roni’s reaction made Nellie wonder what all she’d missed of Roni’s remarks after she’d confirmed that maybe she and Abel had . . . you know. But her mind was still completely wrapped around something else to give it too much thought.

  With a deep breath, she clicked the photos, her chest tightening with every different one of Abel’s sweet encounter with Rachel. “Don’t do this,” she whispered to herself as her eyes remained glued to the photos. “This is just how the paparazzi work.”

  Her head argued with her heart that she needed to give him the benefit of the doubt. After the night and morning they’d had, she owed him that much. Each photo she clicked on with him smiling so sweetly at Rachel as he took her in his arms wounded Nellie’s fragile heart a little further. Still she held out hope that it was just an innocent exchange—that even though Abel had reached out for her first, the girl was just a touchy-feely bitch who couldn’t keep her hands off him, and what was Abel supposed to do? Then she froze at the sight of the photo of them kissing, the ache in her pounding heart unbearable.

  Wiping the stupid tears from her eyes because they’d blurred her vision, she was determined to look through every last goddamned photo of him and this girl. As much as it hurt, her delusional heart needed this. Furious with herself now, she clicked on every picture, staring at them even as she swatted tears away. Of course, Nellie had been completely taken by him. The man was beautiful and he said she was beautiful. But the worst thing was that she was actually beginning to believe him. Of course, he’d be into fitness models. Why would he settle for anything less? His body was perfection, and he may be the next heavyweight champ. So it made perfect sense that he’d seek out perfection, not some older divorcee whose husband had left her for her own damn sister!

  “No!” she stood up with a sudden conviction, her eyes still stuck to the photo of Abel and Rachel embracing yet again as they reached the entrance of 5th Street. “I am not just a divorcee, and I may not be a fitness model, but I can hold my own!”

  Sam was very good looking, and she could admit it now without feeling the ridiculous guilt she’d felt last night when she couldn’t bring herself to use the word to describe his eyes—they were beautiful. And he seemed to have taken a liking to her immediately. In fact, he’d flirted with her outrageously the entire night and then said he’d really hoped to see her again before he left town—tonight.

  Picking up her phone, she ignored her shaking hand as she scrolled through her texts. She slammed her laptop closed and started to her room just as she found the text from Sam that morning. Without another thought, because she knew if she even hesitated that she might change her mind, she responded.

  Sorry I slept in. Just now saw this. Does the offer to get together for brunch still stand?

  Her phone beeped before it even hit her bed where she’d tossed it. Infuriatingly, the tears were still coming, and she continued to swat them away as she picked up the phone.

  Of course! I was still holding out hope that I’d hear from you and hadn’t made plans. You feel like Mexican brunch? The place I mentioned came highly recommended, and I was told I HAD to try before I leave Cali. It’s a couple of hours away in La Jolla. I’m told it’s absolutely worth the drive. But you’d be looking at spending most your day with me. Not sure if you’re up for that just yet. ;)

  Still struggling with the pain of those photos that were now burned in her memory, she swatted more tears away. But they were angry tears now. She just wasn’t sure who she was angrier at: Abel for being so good and making her feel so damn special or herself for falling for it so hard. Using the very words she once used on Abel, she responded.

  I’m game if you’re game. Just give me about thirty minutes to get ready.

  Sam told her to just text him her address when she was ready. Nellie knew she’d regret agreeing to do this, and she did almost immediately. What the hell was she thinking? An entire day with this guy? She hardly knew him! But the thought of Abel and his fitness model bitch had her looking for her most provocative outfit that was appropriate for a brunch.

  Maybe she wasn’t fitness model material or worthy of h
aving such an amazing guy all to herself. While Abel may be outstanding at a lot of things, he couldn’t possibly be this good of an actor. She did have it in her to turn on even an incredible guy like him. Of that she was positive. There were some things a man couldn’t fake. And as much as it hurt how quickly he’d run into another woman’s arms even after the amazing night and morning they’d had, a part of her still believed that he thought her beautiful. He’d said it with such sincerity.

  She needed this now more than ever—needed to feel sexy, attractive to someone who might not just be saying it out of lust. She was not about to fall back into the dark place that she’d spiraled into with Rick. She refused. She’d come too far and worked too hard for that. Even her therapist had agreed that she was ready to stop her therapy. At the moment, she yearned to speak with her again—needed to be talked off this ledge—but she held her head high and stared in the mirror at the puffy red-eyed women before her. “You got this, babe,” she sniffled. “You’ve been through so much worse.”

  But had she really? She’d just established this morning that losing Abel would be a hundred times worse than losing Rick. Hell, who was she kidding? It’d be a million times worse. Then again, this didn’t have to mean that she was losing Abel. This just changed the game back to how she’d originally agreed to play it. She had zero intentions of sleeping with Sam, but agreeing to go on this date with him was part of what she kept insisting she was doing: letting loose.

  Taking another much needed hit from her inhaler, she grabbed one of her one-piece office dresses, the kind that Abel had told her more than once drove him nuts. Her mind was made up. “Time to free that spirit, girl,” she muttered as she searched the rest of her closet. “Getting hung up on the first guy you sleep with after your divorce isn’t exactly freeing shit.”

  Studying the dress, she chewed her lip, wondering how to sexy-it-up more. She could un-business-it-up by wearing higher heels than normal, and since it was snug but sleeveless, she usually wore a coat over it. Today she had the perfect thing to wear over it instead: a sexy black bolero that she’d been saving for a special occasion.