Read Aberrant (short) Page 5

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  Hell on Earth

  If such a place as ‘Hell on Earth’ truly exists, then my high school gym class was it. As Echo had never been home to a professional athlete, from any sport, the only logical reason that I can see for our forced participation in the daily demeaning popularity contest, was for the self-satisfaction of our perverse gym teacher Mr. Prunkle. He didn't even seem to hide the fact that he was looking down the girls’ tops or up their shorts during class. He touched inappropriately and licked his lips often in such a way that made me want to vomit. He always paid Katie and the other Perfects extra attention, as long as they showed up to class and stuck around, they received 100 percent no effort required.

  I hated the way the Perfects were able to treat the rest of us right under the teachers’ noses. But gym class was the worst. Mr. Prunkle let them all do pretty much whatever they wanted, especially because they always asked him in the most flirtatious way possible. They would lean over so he had a clear view down their tops, or they would rub his old chubby arm while smiling and batting their eyelashes, in true bimbo fashion.

  “Okay kids, let's go. It’s rope time!” Mr. Prunkle shouted, obviously excited. This was his favourite activity. We all lined up behind the two ropes, girls in one line, boys in the other. Most of the girls were never able to get too far up the rope, just high enough for our pervert teacher to get a clear view. If the boys were not able to get to the top, he would pull them off the rope and laugh as they crashed to the mat bellow. Humiliation. I would never understand the satisfaction behind it.

  “Mr. Pruncle, I hurt my hand last night while I was doing Yoga, you know from all the bending? I don't think I should climb the rope today,” Katie said, flipping her hair and sticking out her chest. The pervert looked down her shirt and smiled. I wished he would get a bigger pair of shorts.

  “No problem Sweetheart, you can hold my stop watch.” Mr. Prunkle gave Katie the stopwatch, giving her hand a little rub. Making my skin crawl.

  “First two, up the ropes. Let's go.” I was at the back of the girl’s line, thankfully. Four boys were thrown to the mats, and Jenny Aims almost fell off the ropes, but luckily-I suppose- Mr. Prunkle was right under her. He reached up and supported her, his hand exactly where it should not have been.

  When it was my turn I was prepared to fall if needed. I reached up and wrapped my legs tightly around the ropes, attempting to hide the view. I pulled myself up, I was doing great, better than I ever had before. It must be from rowing to the island, my arms were getting stronger. I shouldn't have been so confidant, my hands slipped a little burning on the rope as I slid down. My feet let go of the rope. Before I could wrap them back around, I felt the tug on my shorts. I held on tightly to the rope; I wasn't prepared to fall as I thought. But it wasn't Mr. Prunkle, I could see him chatting to a student in the far corner. It was Katie, she was on Kevin’s shoulders. She pulled hard on my shorts, pulling them to my ankles. I heard the roar of laughter from the class. I was hanging there totally exposed. I had never been more thankful for the oversized gym shirt I had been forced to wear since the Perfects cut mine up. I looked over to Mr. Prunkle, who was just staring perversely in my direction, and then I saw Sebastian looking up at me. I panicked, what could I do? I was getting hot. My arms were shaking, trying to hold on to the rope. I started to choke. I couldn’t breath. Then everything went black.

  I woke up in the hospital.

  “It’s good to see you awake dear. Your parents have been called, they are coming as soon as they can,” a nurse said sympathetically to me. She didn't know my parents; if she had she would have been as surprised as I was that they were even coming at all. The nurse stayed in my room and told me what happened while we waited for the doctor. I had passed out, right there on the ropes. I inevitably fell to the floor, snapping my wrist and hitting my head and being knocked unconscious. My head pounded and I felt groggy and a little cold, the paper thin hospital blanket was not helping. The room was cold, the stark white walls had no pictures on them, just some buttons and a hook for a clip board. There was a curtain around half of my bed that the nurse could pull around if I needed privacy, but even that didn't make the room feel any less sterile.

  When the doctor came in he explained the extent of my injuries. He assured me that the brake would heal fine on its own, no surgery required, just a cast for the next eight weeks. I was thrilled - no gym.

  I had a slight concussion. Because of that, and the fact they were not sure why I passed out on the rope - they decided to keep me over night for observation. I was happy to be excused from school for the remainder of the week. I wasn't sure how I was going to face anyone at school, especially Sebastian. I could feel my pillow getting wet with my tears, but I didn't care - everywhere hurt too much to move and wipe them, and trying to stop them from falling was out of the question.

  “Are you in a lot of pain dear?” The nurse asked, alarmed at my tears. I must have managed a slight nod because she quickly left the room, returned with a needle, and injected me in the thigh.

  “That will help, Dear. You will fall asleep and the pain will go away. Push the button if you need me, okay?” I mumbled and she left the room again, leaving me to cry myself to sleep.

  It was the next morning when I finally awoke. The nurse told me I had had two visitors while I was sleeping, one was my dad, and the other was a boy my age, but he refused to leave his name.

  My mind raced; who could it have been? Jack, Sebastian? But it didn’t seem likely that it was either one of them. I didn’t have much time to think about it as both my parents came to pick me up. My mom didn’t even seem mad at the inconvenience.

  “Do you need me stay home with you, Delilah?” she asked. She seemed genuine but I wasn't sure how she would react if I said yes. I assured them both I was completely fine, and that I was willing to go back to school if that would make them feel better. They insisted I listen to the doctor and stay home for the rest of the week. I agreed - I would have been devastated otherwise- and they agreed to continue on with their week as planned. They didn’t need much convincing really.

  Within an hour of being home from the hospital I convinced both my parents to go back to work. They seemed as relieved as I was.

  I ran the bath, as showers were out of the question for a while thanks to the cast on my arm. I went to my room to fetch my iPod, and noticed a picture was missing from my desk. The picture was of me dressed up fancy for an event I was forced to attend. My mom taped the picture to my computer, insisting it was the best photo of me so far. It was odd for it to be missing. I looked around my room and noticed that there were other things out of place. My bed looked as though someone had laid on it, and one of my drawers was slightly open. It must have been my parents, looking for things to bring to the hospital. But they hadn't even brought me a change of clothes. I threw my gym-strip in the laundry basket and went back to the bathtub. I planned to ignore the nagging feeling that something strange was going on.

  The hot water and bubbles felt great, I felt so dirty after the incident on the rope. My music played as I relaxed until the scolding water turned cold. I struggled and cursed but finally managed to get dressed one-handed; brushing my teeth wasn't bad, but brushing my hair properly, was a challenge. I made myself a ham and cheese sandwich and washed it down with a glass of milk. I tried to read a book and rest but I couldn’t stop thinking about Jack. I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to go back to the island. I had promised to return. He wouldn’t know why I didn’t show up.

  It was too early yet for Jack to be there, he would still be in school. Although his school must finish earlier than mine as he was usually there before me. But how did Jack get to the island? Even if he lived in Echo, his school was a long way from here. Did someone drive him everyday? If so, who? He told me his dad was ashamed of him, pays him to stay away. Maybe he didn’t mean that literally, maybe he just meant he gets anything he wants to not bother his dad? It wasn't t
hat much different than my family really, we didn't spend much time together. I wonder if my parents would drive me forty-five minutes to school and back every day? The mere thought made me laugh out loud as I neared the harbour.

  I stood on the dock and felt the anger start to build. How on earth was I going to row myself to the island with this stupid cast on my arm? I stood there staring at the six rowboats, getting angrier, and angrier. The Perfects! This was all their fault. My arm, my embarrassment, my exposure in front of Sebastian! How was I ever going to look at him again? And now on top of it all, they were keeping me from my island, from Jack!

  I felt something wet on my cheek - a tear. I wiped it away. I was not going to shed another tear because of the Perfects. They would not keep me from what I wanted any longer. I struggled, but managed to untie my boat and get it into the water. I almost got inside too. But couldn’t hold onto the boat with my casted arm, the boat slipped out of my fingers and I stumbled almost falling over. A little defeated, but not completely wet, I moved on to the next boat. I untied it- keeping the rope wrapped around my cast, climbed in and managed to launch the second boat. I grasped one oar with my good hand, rested the broken hand on the other and started to row, very slowly. It was uncomfortable, and definitely would not help the healing process, but I moved towards the island. The wind helped to push me along but I was moving at a snails pace.

  This was going to take at least five times as long as it usually did but I was determined. Maybe Jack would beat me there. I tried to focus on rowing, but my mind wandered to Jack. I missed the sound of his voice, the feel of him being close. I began imagining how I would feel when he finally showed himself, when I could finally touch him, or he touched me. A tingling sensation rushed over my whole body. I finally reached the island and just managed to secure the boat, it was difficult with just one arm. All I wanted was to hear Jack’s voice. Would he come? Was he still mad at me?

  My arm was throbbing and I was a little dizzy; the uneven ground didn't help. I stumbled to my seat and somewhat fell into it. My head started to hurt and I decided that maybe I should have given myself one more day to rest.

  The euphoric feeling I got from Jack’s voice worked like a painkiller for me.

  “Delilah, what happened to you?” he asked me.

  “Oh Jack!” I sobbed. I could no longer control myself. I told him what happened between gasps as the tears flowed freely.

  “I'll kill them Delilah, I will, every one of them! I swear that to you, I will rip out their hearts while they sleep in their beds!” Jacks words frightened me. Something in his voice said he was serious. Could he be serious? Why did my pain affect him so much? I wondered if it was normal for friends to react this way, but I didn't really know, I had no previous friendships to base it on.

  “They will get what's coming to them Jack, not to worry. I believe in Karma, and from what I've heard, she's a real bitch.” The tears stopped and my apathy returned.

  “How can you be so calm? She could have killed you!”

  That was a slight over reaction, I wasn't that high on the ropes. Boys! They were so dramatic.

  “Does it hurt much?” Jack asked.

  “It’s not too bad.” I lied. “At least I have the rest of the week off school. I won’t have to face anyone just yet.”

  “Are you able to come here more during the week, or are you under your parents’ supervision?”

  “I haven't been under parental supervision since I was seven-years old. I will be free all week.” I was thrilled, if Jack would be here, I would spend every day on the island.

  “Will you be here on the island or at home?” My stomach flipped and my palms started to sweat as I wondered if he was thinking the same thing.

  “That depends, Jack.”

  “Depends on what?” he asked. I thought he sounded hopeful.

  I took a deep breath; I wasn’t sure I could answer around the lump in my throat.

  “Well, after my fall, I don't think it's a good idea to be spending all day alone, especially on an island. What if I fell into the water?”

  “Then I would save you Delilah,” Jack replied.

  “You wouldn't be alone; not on the island at least.” I didn’t know what to say. No one had ever stayed with me just to keep me company.

  “But you have school Jack. You can't be here all day, you’d surely get into trouble.”

  “If you are going to be here Delilah, I will be here. I promise you that.” I had learned to take Jack at his word.

  “In that case Jack, I will be here.” I longed to see him, to feel his arms around me, to hold his hand, to feel him near me. I stood up from my seat and turned towards the sound of his voice.

  “Delilah?” I loved hearing him say my name.

  “Yeah,” I said in a whisper. My breathing was heavy and a whisper was all I could manage.

  “Close your eyes,” Jack instructed.

  “What? Why?”

  “Please Delilah, just close your eyes.”

  I closed my eyes tight and held my breath, not knowing what to expect. There was no sound at all, except for my heart pounding so loud I was sure they could hear it on the dock. Then I felt him. His arms slowly slid by my sides, tightly wrapping around me, I could feel his chest pressed against my back. I was filled with a strange sensation I had never felt before, but longed to feel over and over again. I felt warm, comfortable and chilled, all at the same time. His face was resting on the back of my head; my neck warming and cooling with each breath in or out. I kept my eyes closed as he instructed. I didn't want anything to make Jack let me go. His legs were pressed against mine and he gently stroked the side of my face with his hand. When he pulled me a little tighter to him, I could have melted.

  “I was so worried Delilah, I thought something terrible had happened to you,” he said. I couldn't speak, this was the first time anyone had held me this way, I was frozen. “Is this okay? Do you want me to let you go?” I shook my head, his grip loosened.

  “I meant no, I don't want you to let me go, ever!” I blurted out. Stupid, stupid! I scolded myself.

  “I won’t,” he replied.

  “You smell great,” Jack whispered in my ear.

  “Thanks.” I said, embarrassed.

  It was hard to believe this was real. It was more like a dream. Maybe I was still under the influence of the medication given to me in the hospital? I wished someone would pinch me.

  We sat like that for hours, watching the water creep onto the rocks and then slip away again. I rested my head on his chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating.

  “It’s getting late Delilah.” Jack said. I noticed the sun was going down.

  “I want to stay here.”

  “You’re parent’s will worry.” He was right. I didn't want him to let me go but I knew I couldn’t stay a minute longer. I closed my eyes again as he started to move, and didn't open my eyes, not even when I knew that he was definitely no longer behind me. I wanted him to know he could trust me.

  “I will be back tomorrow morning Jack, as soon as my parents leave the house.”

  “I will be here waiting for you. Delilah, thank you.” I couldn’t imagine what he was thanking me for.

  “You’re welcome Jack, I don't know what for, but you’re welcome.” I didn't turn as I stood to leave. I didn’t want to take any risks. I tried to keep my eyes as closed as possible, opening them just wide enough to see where I was going. I feared that opening them all the way would allow this precious memory to escape.

  I can’t say exactly how I made it home, or into my pyjamas and into bed merely seconds before my parents came in the door, but I did it. Thankfully, my eyes were already closed when my mom performed a surprise check on me, something to be aware of if I was not going to be home. My absence would not go unnoticed.

  That night I managed to keep the feeling of Jack holding me all through my dreams. It was so real, as if he was actually there in my bed, arms around my waist, his body pressed ti
ghtly to my back.

  I was still smiling when I awoke the next morning, in a lot of pain but smiling none the less. This was something painkillers could never offer. I was happy my parents left for work already, except that it meant I wouldn't have mom’s help washing my hair, a task that proved almost impossible with only one hand. Blow-drying and straightening were most definitely out of the question. Natural and wavy would have to do. I wondered why it suddenly mattered; I never cared before. My mom would surely be ecstatic, a feeling sure to be lost once I dressed. I grabbed breakfast to go; I wasn't willing to waste any unnecessary time on such miniscule activities as eating. However, from the note on the fridge, I knew I had to take the time to cover my tracks.


  I apologize for the meal that was not to your liking. I did tell your father you only eat your meat if it is well done, burnt almost. All flavour lost.

  I hope you managed to fend for yourself as discussed. We shall not insult your taste buds with leftovers from this moment on. Like I said at the restaurant, we would not require a doggy bag due to the lack of dog in our home.


  I couldn't help but wonder how many and what was the cocktail of choice? No harm no foul, lesson learnt, I thought to myself as I left the house. I was so focused on getting to Jack I missed the fact that I ran past the bus stop at the exact same time my school bus pulled away. Katie’s voice brought me back to reality.

  “Hey Delilah. I hope you feel better soon. We miss you!” I froze at her words. The voice was unmistakable, but she sounded sincere, which did not make the slightest bit of sense. I didn't turn to look at the school bus, for fear of what I may actually see. I stood frozen for a while, until thoughts of Jack waiting for me, pushed Katie's voice clear out of my head.

  I continued on my way to the docks, launched my boat carefully this time, and managed to get in on the first try. The rowing was just as difficult as it was yesterday. Then I remembered the boat, I had sent it out on the lake by itself but I was now sitting in it. Who brought it back and tied it up in the harbour? It was possible that it drifted back to shore on its own, but tying itself up? There had been so many strange things happening lately, my boring life now contained mystery. I was so consumed with my thoughts that I drifted on to shore at the island without remembering the journey.

  I managed to secure my boat, and took my spot on the beach. The air was a little chilly, I was thankful I wore a hoodie. The sky was a typical grey and filled with clouds. I found comfort in things that were somewhat miserable; blue sky and sunshine only irritated me, as if it were mocking me and my lack of joy.

  “Jack, Jack, Jack.” I thought to myself, wrapping my arms around my body to recreate the feeling of his arms around me, as if I could ever forget. I closed my eyes and a tingling feeling rushed through me again. It was so real, I could almost feel him holding me.

  “I missed you Delilah,” he whispered in my ear. I gasped; he was there, holding me again.

  “I missed you too Jack,” was all I managed to say. At least I said something. He gave me a little squeeze, I thought my heart would stop, or maybe explode. Why did his touch affect me so much? Was this normal?

  “I dreamt about you last night, but not in a perverse way at all, I assure you my thoughts were clean,” he said. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and wonder if I would be able to do the same.

  “I dreamt you were here on the island with a group of friends, and I was watching you have fun. You looked different, beautiful, too beautiful. It scared me.” I was confident that was one dream he wouldn’t have to worry about coming true.

  “Did I make you mad?” he asked.

  “No, I just don't know what to say really. It's not a dream that needs worrying about.”

  “Why do you say that?” I could feel him pulling away from me, I didn't want him to. Had I opened my eyes? Had I turned around too much?

  “Well, I don't have a group of friends for one. And if I did, I wouldn't bring them here.” I wasn't going to share Jack with anyone. I couldn't take the chance of him wanting to hold someone else. Besides, who on earth would I share him with anyway?

  “Why not?”

  “Well, this is my place where I come to be alone.”

  “But you’re not alone here Delilah. I'm here.”

  “Well, maybe I don't want to share you either.” My cheeks burned and my face turned red.

  “I don't think I want to share you either,” he whispered, pulling me closer. He stroked my hair with his hand. I concentrated as hard as I could, trying to imagine how big his hand was, then his arm; every inch of him that I could feel, I tried to envision. I could feel he was strong, my whole body weight was leaning against him and it didn't seem to bother him the slightest bit.

  We sat there for most of the day, neither one of us moving away from the other. I drifted off to sleep at one point, it was inevitable really, as I was still keeping my eyes closed the whole time he was there. I wasn't going to risk him leaving. But he never even shifted his position.

  “I will be right back,” Jack said breaking the silence.

  He moved so quickly I almost fell backwards, and I didn't have the chance to ask where he was going. I couldn't hear him close by so I opened my eyes. The bright light made me close them again quickly, giving them a rub to try and help them adjust. I was surprised in my lack of irritation by the sun, I smiled as it warmed my face and my thoughts swept instantly to Jack. I stood up and stretched, I was a little stiff from sitting in one position for so long. A price I was willing to pay ten times!

  I wanted to look around, to see why Jack left so quickly. It took everything I had to fight the urge. I wondered why he was willing to sit and hold me for hours, but still wouldn’t let me see him? Would I be afraid of him? Was he horribly disfigured, his face like one of a monster? Would I even care? I tried to think of the most grotesque image a face could have, yet I still wanted more than anything for him to come back and hold me again. Even a face like John Merrick, the Elephant man, wouldn’t make me want him to let me go. When I felt his face on my head, it felt as a face should, as far as I could tell. I just couldn’t imagine him looking anything but perfect.

  The word sent a shiver down my spine. I had already thought of the possibility that he was a Perfect, Sebastian even, and this was just another thing that I would regret. I knew the sound of Sebastian’s voice, he didn’t sound like Jack, he could be disguising his voice, pretending to be someone else, but would he be able to hold me the way he had if he was acting? Definitely an academy award winning performance if that was the case.

  I sat back down and closed my eyes. If this was the way it had to be I was okay with it. I would go blind if I had to. For Jack.

  “Are you hungry?” Jack asked from the bushes. I suppose it had to end at some point. We couldn't really sit on the beach that way forever. Even if I was willing to.

  “A little I guess, but I didn't think about that this morning. I was in a rush and I definitely don't want to leave yet.” I was worried that he wanted to leave and this was his subtle hint.

  “I brought you some dinner. I hope it’s okay?” I turned towards the bushes without thinking, but he was hidden. Jack had placed a picnic blanket on the ground with only one place setting. I assumed he was eating in the bushes.

  “Jack, this looks really great. Thank you.” I smiled. It was so sweet of him to plan this, and he was so quiet getting it set up, I hadn't heard a thing.

  “I told you I would take care of you.” I could see myself getting used to this. I never wanted to leave. I walked over to the blanket and sat down. The spaghetti looked exactly how I liked it. I took a bite and was quite impressed that it was still warm. Jack also had a can of my favourite pop and a bun to go with it. It tasted great; I hadn’t realized how hungry I actually was.

  “This is really amazing Jack.”

  “It’s just spaghetti.”

  “I meant the whole thing, you know, that you thought to bring
a picnic. You must have all the girls chasing you at your school.”

  “Why? Do girls like picnics?”

  “I think they like the fact that picnics are romantic.” My cheeks got hot again. Why had I said that?

  “Oh. Well, I don’t have girls chasing after me at school, thank goodness.” Jack seemed to find the idea quite funny, but I couldn’t imagine him not being sought after by all the girls.

  After our picnic I sat back in our spot on the beach with my eyes closed. I hoped and waited. I was thrilled when he joined me.

  “Delilah, do you ever wish you were one of the Perfects?” His questioned shocked me so much I almost spun around to look at him.

  “No. Never.”

  “Why not? Don’t you think it would make your life more simple?”

  “No, I think it would make things harder. I like being different. I like being me.” I think I did at least. “It would be hard and annoying to have to keep up with them. Besides, they never seem to actually just be themselves.” Jack sighed. I was getting a little worried. There was still so much about him that I didn’t know. Something was definitely different about Jack, and I kind of liked that, even though it scared me.

  “Do you ever just wish you were someone else, even if not one of the Perfects?” Was he wishing that I was someone else? I pulled away from him a little, but he pulled me back closer, without saying a word.

  “I don’t know what you mean Jack.” I didn’t know how to answer him.

  “Never mind.” He sounded sad, as though he desperately wanted to tell me something, but was too afraid or embarrassed to.

  “I used to wish I was someone that wasn’t picked on so much. Still me, kind off, just not so different. Or that being different was okay, and being the same as everyone else was weird. But not lately, I’m actually starting to be glad that I am me.”

  “What changed?”

  “I started coming here to the island.” Jack gave me a little squeeze, and my heart beat a little faster.

  We chatted for a while until I needed to go home. I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to move at all. But the last thing I wanted was to get grounded and not be able to come back to the island at all.

  Time seemed to go by far too quickly on the island; I wished it did the same at school. The next day was Friday, my days at home to rest were almost over. In three days I would be back at school, back to face the Perfects, worst of all Sebastian. But I wasn't going to give them anymore thought than I had to.

  The next day went about the same, except I took the picnic this time. It wasn't as good as the one Jack made; ham and cheese sandwiches were all I could manage with my arm. The day came and went in the blink of an eye. When I walked in the door late, I was thankful it was Friday night; my parents were out extra late as usual. I heard the end of a message playing on the answering machine as I closed and locked the door behind me. I checked it, assuming it would be my mom explaining where they were, but I was wrong, so very wrong. Katie was the last person I expected to call me.

  “Hi Delilah, it's Katie. I stopped by your house on my way home from school today with a card that we all signed for you. But you were not home. I will try again. I hope you’re feeling better. Bye.” I listened to the message three more times. It was strange, why was she calling me? Why did anyone sign a card for me? They must be being punished, maybe the teachers made them. Great, that was not going to help me at all.

  I lay awake most of the night, worrying about the Perfects and what horrible things they would have in store for me now. I dreamt of them tying me up with ropes in the gym, suspending me from the ceiling, naked. Sebastian staring at me and laughing while Mr. Prunkle stood there doing nothing but licking his lips perversely. The whole school standing around laughing. Why didn’t anyone help me? Then I heard his voice, Jack’s voice. He was laughing with them, shouting horrible names at me. Yet the worst part was I still couldn’t see him. Even in my dreams he was hidden from me. I awoke with a start, when I fell from the ropes.

  I returned to the island Saturday morning after my mom happily helped me wash my hair, once I agreed to let her blow dry and style it afterwards. She had far too much fun doing it. Going on about how I really was a pretty girl when I didn’t hide behind my ugliness, whatever that meant. I was too busy worrying about my dream that I wasn’t paying close enough attention to what my mom was rambling on about, and somewhere in the hour of primping I agreed to go shopping with her the following day. Clothes shopping. How careless of me this was going to be torture!

  “There you go. I am all finished. Oh Delilah, you do look beautiful,” my mom said. I was too terrified to look; something told me she had done far more to my hair than simply drying and straightening. I reluctantly looked in the mirror. The person looking back at me didn’t look like me at all; she looked beautiful, just as my mom said. Hair flowing and soft, straight at the top, curling slightly at the bottom. I wasn’t even aware that I had that much hair on my head.

  “Well, what do you think?” she asked, impatient to hear the verdict. When I looked at her, I saw something in her eyes I had never seen before. Whatever it was, I did not want to disappoint her.

  “It looks great Mom. Thank you.” It did look great, so I hadn’t exactly lied. It just didn’t look like me. My mom gave me a hug, it felt awkward, then she rushed off with my dad as they were already late thanks to my makeover. I dressed and headed for the island, my head still clinging to my dream.

  “Delilah, you look beautiful,” Jack said from the bushes, as soon as I sat down.

  “My mom did it. I had no choice.”

  “Well you look amazing. Close your eyes.” I wanted to tell him no. I wanted to make him show himself to me. I wanted to tell him that I refused to come here anymore if he didn’t. But I closed my eyes. As soon as his arms were around me, all thoughts of my dream vanished. I was once again lost in his arms. Jack was like a drug; no matter how wrong it may be, I had to have it, and as soon as I did, nothing else mattered. I was somewhere else, somewhere safe, somewhere happy.

  “You even smell beautiful,” Jack said as he breathed in deeply. I shivered when he exhaled and his breath danced across my neck.

  “Are you cold?” he asked. I simply shook my head, hoping he wouldn’t ask why I shivered. He pulled me a little closer, sending that familiar tingle through my body. Jack moved my hair aside, exposing my neck. I felt his breath again as he leaned closer.

  “You are beautiful Delilah, not just today, but everyday.” I held my breath. Jack stroked my neck again with the tips of his fingers. His lips pressed gently against my collarbone. This time the tingle that was more like an electric shock. His lips were soft; he kissed my neck three times before he pulled away. I closed my eyes even tighter and leaned back into him a little more, tilting my head slightly, trying not to look too obvious, but hoping he would kiss me again. He did. This time it was one long kiss, still on my neck. I let out a little moan; I hadn’t meant to. I foolishly hoped he hadn’t heard, yet there was no way he missed it, he was so close.

  I wasn’t sure what was happening. I felt lightheaded, the electric shock still moving through my body like nothing I ever felt before.

  “You are extremely hard to resist when you show up to the island like this Delilah.” Resist? Why on earth was he resisting? He could kiss my neck all day if he wanted to. I stopped thinking and gave myself to the moment. Before I realized what I was doing I turned around, trying to kiss Jack’s lips. My eyes were still closed, but I turned around. Jack disappeared immediately.

  “I’m so sorry Jack. I didn’t mean to. My eyes were closed, I promise I didn’t see you.” I frantically tried to explain. But it was too late, I had ruined it. Jack didn’t reply, I waited for what felt like forever, but he didn’t speak again. I was so angry with myself. Why had I ruined it? What was I thinking? Hours had passed, if Jack hadn't left, it was clear he didn't want to speak to me.

  “I’m really sorry Jack. Please believe me.” I called out before
I got back into my boat and went home. I had ruined my day; I had ruined the best moment of my life. I cried all the way home.

  It was only lunchtime when I walked in the front door; part of me regretted leaving the island. I should have stayed there longer. Jack may have spoken to me eventually. The thought only made me feel worse. I ate my lunch and put in a movie, vowing to spend the remainder of my day wallowing in self-pity.

  One movie ended and I put in another. Half-way through the doorbell rang. It startled me. I jumped up without thinking of who would possibly be at the door. I instantly regret it. I swung the door open and froze. Right there on my doorstep was Katie and Avery, Perfects. Katie’s long blond hair hung perfectly straight and shinned in the sun. She was tall, thin, too thin if you asked me, and looked amazing as always in her designer jeans and tight fitting shirt. Avery was the only brunette in the threesome, her hair was shoulder length but no less immaculate than the others. They always had that, fresh out of the salon look.

  I stared at them, like a total idiot for a moment, before composing myself.

  “Are you actually at my house? How do you even know where I live?” Such an idiot. It’s a small, town I reminded myself, everyone knows where everyone else lives.

  “How are you feeling Delilah?” Katie asked. She sounded different. I couldn’t quite tell why, but she sounded almost nice. Something must be wrong.

  “I'm recovering.” How the hell did she think I was feeling?

  “I'm glad, I feel just awful.” I stood there stunned. Could she actually be apologizing?

  “Like I explained to Mr. Prunkle, I saw you were looking kind of queasy on the ropes, so I tried to get you down, only I made things worse. I really didn't mean to pull your pants down Delilah, I swear to you!” Now I was really confused. Was what Katie saying true? Had it been an accident?

  “I know you have no reason to believe me, I have been truly horrible to you for a very long time now. When you fell off the ropes and I thought you were dead, I vowed, to whomever was listening, that if you were okay, I would make it up to you.”

  “You know, you look great today Delilah. I love what you've done with your hair,” Avery said. She also sounded quite sincere.

  “Oh, thanks,” I replied, still unable to process any of what they were saying. Why were they not being horrible to me? Mean, horrible, nasty, I could deal with, I had years of practice. But, this, nice? What the hell should I do with nice?

  “Maybe we could start making it up to you right now? What do you say? Do you have plans tonight?” I wondered if my plan of wallowing in self-pity counted?

  “No, I don't have plans,” I said, embarrassed.

  “I did, but he cancelled. His dad needed his help.” I lied, hoping it sounded believable.

  “He? Do you have a boyfriend Delilah?” Avery asked. Bitch, I thought to myself, and then scrambled for my response.

  “No, not a boyfriend, just a friend, a good friend, who happens to be a boy.” The two smiled at me like we were all the best of friends sharing secrets. I hoped we would be done soon, I had a movie to get back to.

  “See, I told Jess I had nothing to worry about. She made all that fuss for nothing.” Katie said while Avery nodded in agreement.

  “So, what do you say? Are you gonna come to the mall with us?” The mom voice in my head was telling me no, that this was a trick, don't fall for it. Say no thank you, go back in the house and lock the door. Since when did I listen to my mom? Inside my head or standing in front of me.

  “Sure, I guess, I’ll just grab my wallet,” I said, hoping I wouldn't regret it.