Read Aberrant (short) Page 7

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  The party

  “Hey Delilah, are you excited for tonight?” Sebastian asked as he flipped my hair playfully at my locker. I couldn’t help but smile. His touch made me shiver.

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “You guess so? Well from what I heard there are quite a few boys who are very excited,” Sebastian teased, “maybe, possible suitors would be a better word.”

  “Hey you two, could this day drag on any longer?” Katie asked. Sebastian instantly dropped the piece of my hair I hadn’t realized he was still holding.

  “I know. I can’t believe it’s not even lunch time yet.”

  “Typical guy, always hungry.” Katie laughed. She held on to Sebastian’s arm as if she was staking her claim, reminding me that he was already taken, and was off limits.

  “Delilah, did you know that Kevin is especially excited? He told me he plans to claim you as his tonight.” Katie smiled and winked at me, I guess I was supposed to be flattered by this.

  “Delilah I didn’t realize you were such a prize,” Sebastian laughed, which earned him daggers from Katie. He just laughed as he walked away to his next class.

  “Hey, congratulations with Sebastian, Katie.” I was trying to smooth things over, just in case she had the wrong impression.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well you two are together now right?”

  “Not yet,” Katie admitted, “I’m hoping it will happen tonight though. I have a plan that might help to hurry him along.” She smiled slyly.

  Finally lunch time came. We sat at the usual table and swapped lunches. The main Perfects were there, planning out the evening. Kevin was going to bring some alcohol as his older brother was more than happy to buy it for him. For a small fee of course. Lisa’s parents owned the town’s pizza restaurant, so she was bringing the food, Chris was bringing dessert, courtesy of his parents’ ice cream shop. Everyone else just had to show up.

  Katie and Avery were going to touch up my hair and makeup after school; we were going straight to Katie’s house and we would be spending the night there. This was going to be an evening full of firsts for me. I was excited, but nervous too. Everything was happening so quickly. It felt like the more nervous I was, the faster the afternoon went. The last class of the day came: double English. My new favourite subject, not because I was any good at it, or enjoyed the lessons. But because Sebastian sat right behind me, and neither Katie, Avery nor Jess were in that class. I was free to talk to Sebastian all I wanted. I made sure I never initiated the conversation though, that wouldn’t go over well if Katie was to find out. But if he talked to me first I was simply being polite, and that I could see nothing at all wrong with.

  “So do you have anyone in mind for tonight?” Sebastian asked not even five minutes into the class.

  “No,” I lied. I couldn’t tell him the truth. I wouldn’t.

  “Not one guy here catches your eye at all?” He leaned in closer, I felt nervous.

  “No one that is available.” I hoped that wasn’t too obvious.

  “So you have your eye on someone else’s guy? Uh oh, they better keep a close watch on their man, who ever it is,” He teased.

  “That’s not what I meant, I would never do that to anyone.”

  “What did you mean then?” Thankfully the teacher looked our way so I could avoid answering, at least for a little while.

  “There are a few guys that are hoping you pick them,” he continued, a bit quieter.

  “Well I was hoping to just see what happens. I’m new to all this. Nobody ever paid any attention to me before.” It was true, and I wasn’t used to it at all.

  “Maybe someone did, just you didn’t see it.” I thought about that possibility for a moment, but couldn’t agree. I twirled my hair around my finger again, until it got stuck, as it often did. I tried to get it out without Sebastian seeing, but his smile and giggle told me I was unsuccessful.

  “You have beautiful hair. I love to watch you curl it around your finger.” I felt my face go red as he took a piece of my hair and twirled it around his own finger. Why did it have to be Sebastian that Katie liked? She could have any guy at school, any guy in the whole town, why did it have to be him? I couldn’t help but wonder if Sebastian liked her too?

  “Your hair is soft.”

  “Thanks,” I whispered. Why would he say things like that to me if he liked Katie? Not that it mattered. As long as Katie liked him, Sebastian would be off limits to me.

  “I was hoping Delilah,” Sebastian was whispering so close to me, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

  “I was hoping that maybe, maybe you would think about picking me tonight?” I was shocked, I whipped my head around, forgetting that he was twirling a section of my hair. It pulled painfully out of his fingers.

  “Why would you say that?” What was he saying, what was he thinking? Didn’t he know how hard this was for me?

  “I was just hoping, that’s all,” he said defensively.

  “What about Katie?” Had he not thought of her, how she would feel?

  “What about Katie?” Was he serious? Was he that big of a jerk that he would do that to her? Would he dump her for me? Or did he think he could have us both?

  “Well, how could you do that to her?” I asked.

  “I’m totally confused Delilah. Do what to her?” He looked like he really had no idea what I was talking about.

  “Why would your picking me tonight affect Katie?”

  “I can’t pick you because you are with Katie!” I was furious, and keeping my yell to a whisper didn’t seem as effective, but the last thing I wanted was for anyone to hear and tell Katie.

  “Delilah, Katie and I are not together.”

  “Well maybe not yet, but by the end of the night you will be, Katie already told me.” He wasn’t going to fool me.

  “Katie and I will never be together. Ever!” he said. Despite his whisper the intensity of his voice was clear. I was confused. Katie was so sure that they were going to be together tonight. Regardless of Katie’s error I was still not free to pick Sebastian tonight; he was off limits. I didn’t know if I should tell her and risk being the one to hurt her. Then she could blame me and go right back to where we were two weeks ago, worse even. I decided Sebastian should be the one to tell her. I wasn’t going to do anything but support my friend.

  “I’m sorry Sebastian, but I couldn’t hurt Katie like that. She really likes you, and even though you may not like her in return, I wouldn’t be a good friend if I picked you. As much as I may want to.” I turned around to the front of the class, afraid that looking at him might make me change my mind.

  “I hope that Katie is actually being a friend to you Delilah.” Why was it so hard for people to believe that someone wanted to be my friend? I was shocked; first Jack and now Sebastian. Was I that horrible? Was it so unbelievable that someone would just want to be my friend?

  When the bell had finally rung signalling the end of the day, I couldn’t get out of class fast enough. I didn’t want to risk my eyes fixing on Sebastian, or for him trying to persuade me to change my mind. I didn’t think it would be that hard really. I was fast at my locker and made it onto the school bus first. I went right to the back, there was no longer any question in my mind about were I was supposed to sit. I hoped that Katie and Avery got on before Sebastian. As I waited I wondered what might happen if Sebastian met Katie in the hallway. Would he tell her then and there about our conversation in English class? Would he tell Katie he wanted me to pick him, and that I told him she really liked him? I was nauseous. It crossed my mind to just run, get off the bus and run. But run where? I couldn’t go to the island anymore. I couldn’t go home; what if my mom was there? I would have to tell her everything. I decided I would just have to deal with it.

  Katie walked on the bus followed closely by Avery. They sat down next to me then turned to face me. I held my breath and closed my eyes. I was ready. The
y both squealed. I wasn’t expecting that.

  “I am so excited for tonight!” They both shouted together. Sebastian hadn’t said anything, thank goodness. Now all I had to do was pick someone else tonight before he did.

  “Me too!” I tried to squeal as they both had, but it sound more like a dying cat.

  “This is going to be great! Did you get any homework?” Katie asked.

  “Nope, not a thing,” Avery said.

  “Nothing.” I added.

  “Great! we can hang out together all weekend!” I figured I wouldn’t tell them until tomorrow that I had to go shopping with my mom. I didn’t want to spoil the mood. Besides, maybe my mom wouldn’t be able to go again. Or maybe she would be happy to postpone, if it was so I could hang out with my new friends whose shopping skills she likes so much.

  I glanced out the back window of the bus as it began to pull away. I was shocked to see Art, staring at me. He was getting into his car, one of the few from our school who were able to drive, or had their own car to do so. I stared right back at him, his eyes seemed to trap mine. I couldn’t turn away. I wondered if he had been invited to Katie’s party. I doubted it. He likely wouldn’t have come even if he was invited.

  “Do you know who all is coming?” I asked when I was no longer able to see Art.

  “I don’t know exactly, but there will be lots to choose from. Don’t worry,” Katie assured me.

  “What time did you tell everyone to get here Katie?” Avery asked.

  “Around six o’clock, you don’t think that’s too early do you?” I looked to Avery to answer; I had no idea what time a party should start.

  “That’s perfect, especially because we will have pizza. It’s supper time.” I was starting to get more nervous, there were only two and a half hours to go.

  “I told Kevin to get you fruity coolers, that’s what we drink, they taste kind of like juice. I didn’t think you would want beer, it's very fattening, and it's not very lady like.” I hadn’t really thought about that, I had never really had a cooler or anything with alcohol in it before. My mom let me have a sip of wine at special occasions, but that’s it.

  “Thanks, how much do I owe him?”

  “Nothing, I took care of it. It’s my gift to you,” Katie smiled.

  “Thanks Katie.”

  “No problem, you can get it next time, besides, you may not like them.”

  “Have you drank before Delilah?” Avery asked. I panicked, I didn’t want them to think I was a total looser, so I lied.

  “Only a few times, I've never been drunk or anything though.” That was somewhat of the truth.

  “You’re not missing much really, besides you are too skinny to be throwing up so much.” I wasn’t sure what that meant, but they seem to buy my story.

  When we finally reached Katie’s stop I was relieved to be getting off the bus. It felt like Sebastian stared at me the whole way. I wasn’t sure I could take his eyes burning me any longer. Katie waved goodbye to him as flirtatiously as she could, telling him she was looking forward to seeing him again soon, then blowing him a kiss. I wished I could have seen his reaction.

  The three of us walked around the corner and up the street to Katie’s house.

  She lived in the ‘Money’ section of town at least, that’s what the rest of the town called it. Avery and Jess lived on the same street as Katie, which was only a few streets over from my house, I hadn't realized how close we all lived. The houses were the newest in town. Most of the families that lived there had the house built for them. That was the only way my mom would move. She said she has never liked anything used, and a house was no different.

  Katie’s house was a large spread two story. It had a three car garage attached on the front and a driveway that curved so you could go to the garage or just keep driving and be back on the road again. Her front yard was landscaped and according to my mom that was the only way to get them looking so pristine. Her house had a double front door and two columns that made the entrance look grand. I thought it was too much for our little town, and was glad my house was more modest. The inside of Katie’s house was just as ostentatious. A spectacular chandelier hung from the ceiling in the entrance, and directly in front of me was a grand open spiral staircase with beautiful wrought iron spindles and a mahogany banister, which looks like it was built for sliding down. All the doors had arches above them, and large windows lined the walls letting in all the natural light required to light the whole house. The house looked like a show home, everything was so clean and tidy and, well, perfect. I couldn’t help but wonder if the same house cleaner that cleaned our house did Katie’s too.

  “Who’s thirsty?” Katie asked as she went right to the kitchen.

  “You read my mind,” Avery said. I hoped they were not going to start drinking alcohol already. How on earth would they make it through the party?

  “Delilah, do you want a pop?”

  “Sure, thanks.” I was relieved, there was no way I could start so soon. We moved up stairs to Katie’s bedroom where I hung up my dress to let some of the wrinkles fall out before the party. We made beds for Avery and me to sleep on. Katie thought it would be best to do them now while we were still able to think clearly. I didn’t like the idea of drinking at all, if I could find a way to avoid it all night I would.

  Katie’s room was enormous. One of the benefits of being an only child was that her parents had knocked the wall down between the two rooms to make one large one. She had a walk-in closet at least three times the size of mine, and hers was filled with clothes, shoes, jackets and bags. She even had her own full bathroom, equipped with an old fashioned claw tub. Katie was definitely spoiled. Her room had a sitting area with a flat screen T.V on the wall that got every channel. She had her own desktop computer, even though she brought her own personalized laptop to school. The room was decorated the way I’m sure my mom would have loved mine to be, pink walls with a darker pink accent wall where her bed was. The carpet was a plush cream shag which I’m sure was very hard for the maid to keep clean. Her bed looked to be king-sized, four poster and covered with puffy pink satin bedding. There was enough pink for a princess; enough to make me want to throw up. I couldn’t imagine myself spending a lot of time in that room, it made my head hurt. The walls were lined with book shelves that were full of stuffed animals. More nausea. I wish I had that many book shelves, for my books though.

  “So, what do you think of my room Delilah? It's probably similar to yours, it's a typical girls room. Both Avery and Jess have rooms almost the exact same.”

  “Yea but like half the size,” Avery added.

  “My room is nothing like this at all.” It wasn’t. My walls were the same creamy colour as the rest of the house; my mom refused to let me paint them black. They were covered in poster of things I liked; Transformers, Star Wars, The Phantom, and an 82 Mustang GT. My bed had a black comforter on it and black matching curtains covered my window. I had a few book shelves that were overflowing with books, and I had read every one of them. Maybe that’s what having no friends did to girls.

  “Oh well, I’m sure it’s not far off, it’s just a typical girl’s room.” If they only knew. I laughed to myself.

  “We should start getting ready right away; we wouldn’t want people to start coming while we still look like this,” Katie said pointing to her outfit. I didn’t see the problem, she looked great, she always did. Katie showered first, then Avery followed, I wasn’t even going to attempt it with cast, the last thing I wanted was to have to ask one of them to help. Katie did her hair similar to mine, only hers was far curlier. Avery did the same, but hers wasn’t as long. They did their make-up and then worked together to touch up mine. After looking in the mirror, however, it looked like they did a little more than just a little touch up.

  “Well, do you like it?” Avery asked, she did most of it, while Katie answered the phone.

  “It doesn’t look like me, it looks great. Thanks.” Avery smiled, she was obviously pro
ud of her work. We heard Katie shouting on the phone outside of her bedroom door, something was wrong, and our plans were apparently being ruined.

  “I can’t believe it!” Katie said, slamming her bedroom door.

  “What’s wrong?” Avery asked.

  “My parents! They are on their way home. They cancelled their plans this weekend. Some crap about work or something.” I was a little relieved. The party would be cancelled, I wouldn’t have to drink, or pick a guy. I did my best to act totally disappointed.

  “What time will they be home?” I asked, hoping it wouldn’t be too late.

  “They will be here by 6:00.” Katie was fuming.

  “My parents won’t let us have it at my house, not after the last one,” Avery said. I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened at the last one, but figured I probably shouldn't ask.

  “Mine won’t let me either,” I said as they both looked at me. I wouldn’t even dare ask my mom, she would surely freak right out at the thought.

  “Oh this sucks! I was really looking forward to it. Everything was planned and people were excited. What do we do now?” We all sat around, trying to think of something. All I could think about was Sebastian and how he had twirled my hair in English.

  “I’ve got it!” Katie squealed.

  “What, what?” Avery seemed very excited, maybe she had plans to hook-up with Chris tonight.

  “Let’s have it on the island!” My heart stopped. The island? No, we couldn’t. What if Jack was there? No, I couldn’t let them; that was my place, or it used to be at least.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea Katie,” I tried to explain. “There are only six boats, and I don’t know how safe they all are. Besides, there’s no lights or electricity or anything.”

  “That’s okay. We can build a fire and I have a portable stereo. We can check the boats before we get in them, and make a few trips if we need to.”

  “Katie’s right Delilah, it’s a great idea, and there are no parents there.”

  “Let’s grab some blankets and stuff. I’ll text the others and let them know what’s going on. Don’t worry Delilah, this will be even better than having it here.” Their minds were made up, and there was nothing I could do or say to change them. We were moving the party to the island. I hoped Jack wouldn’t be there. But maybe he should be there. After all, he was horrible to me the last time we talked, he didn’t think that Katie and Avery were really my friends. Maybe seeing me with them would show him he was wrong. Maybe he would see me in my dress and think I was too beautiful to resist any longer, and he would come running out of the bushes and kiss me, on the lips this time.

  “It will be fine Delilah, don’t worry,” Avery said as she handed me a blanket.

  “You’re right, this could be fun. Should we get some marshmallows to roast on the fire?” They both smiled at me.

  “That’s a great idea I will go check if we have any.” I managed to relax a bit. There was nothing wrong with moving the party to the island. It wasn’t mine, or Jack’s, and if Jack didn’t like it, well that was just too bad.

  We left for the docks at 5:30; Katie wanted to be gone before her parents got home. She must have been really angry with them. We were the first ones to the boats, so I showed them the safest one. I knew it would make it there and back, it had before. It was nice to not have to row the boat, I was sure my wrist had appreciated the break over the last few days. It felt strange coming to the island with Katie and Avery. It wasn't that long ago I had told Jack I wouldn't bring anyone to the island, but that was before, before he chose to push me away. Before I had friends, before I was a Perfect.

  “I can't believe we never thought about this before,” Katie said as she helped Avery secure the boat.

  “Delilah you are one sneaky girl. You kept this all to yourself.”

  “Well I didn't do it intentionally really, I just didn't have anyone to share it with,” I blurted out. I had such a big mouth sometimes.

  “Well you do now right? You have us.” Katie smiled. She was right, I did. I now had friends to come to the island with. Something about that thought stung, but I pushed it aside to focus on the party.

  “Look, here comes the next boat!” Avery squealed as she waved her arms like crazy so the people in the boat would see her. I couldn't help but laugh a little, how could they miss the island? Thankfully Avery took my laugh as a sign that I was excited too.

  “The alcohol has arrived,” Katie announced and so had the pizza and the dessert, all on the same boat. I watched as the boat got closer and closer, until I noticed a fourth person in the boat, it was Sebastian. I quickly turned away, my palms were sweaty, and my breaths were quick. I was more aware of every move I made, every direction my eyes turned, seemed to be obvious that I was trying not to look in his direction. I felt even more self conscious of my outfit, like I was naked; I tried to cover myself up wrapping my arms around my body.

  They secured their boat and seemed just as excited as Katie and Avery to be on the island.

  “This was a brilliant idea Katie,” Kevin said as he handed out the alcohol.

  “As much as I wish I could take the credit for this, it wasn't my idea, it was Delilah's.”

  “Oh, I see. Smart and beautiful, lucky me,” Kevin said with a smile. I felt a sting again. It didn’t make sense and it was starting to get annoying. I ignored it and smiled back at Kevin, trying my best to flirt.

  The next boat came filled with four more people then the next boat, then the next. I was shocked that all five boats made it across, and grateful that I had ridden in the one that I was certain was secure.

  It was all going so well, everyone was eating and drinking and having a great time. This was it, this was what it was supposed to be like to be teenager, and I loved it.

  Kevin hadn't left my side since he got there, and he hadn't given any other boy a chance to talk to me either. I was quite flattered. He obviously wanted me all to himself. He talked a lot about Katie, and how they used to date until they had a fight. But now they were good friends. I could see why people were so fixated on Katie, she was stunning. Far too beautiful for Echo; she looked like she belonged in California or in New York. She had a way of making everyone want to do as she said with just her smile. All the boys were helpless around her, it was rather amusing really. She seemed to cast a magic spell on them, leaving them unable to think or do anything for themselves. Her wish was their command. Kevin clearly wasn't over her. I suppose I should have been jealous really, but it didn't seem to bother me at all. Maybe it was because I knew that Katie wanted the one guy in town that didn't want her. The one guy in town, the whole world maybe, that wanted me.

  “You look beautiful Delilah,” Sebastian whispered to me while Kevin was talking to Katie. He placed his hand on my lower back and I thought I was going to faint.

  “Here Delilah, you have to try it, it’s so yummy!” Katie insisted, handing me a cooler. I decided not to resist it any more; it may make spending all my time chatting with Kevin and wishing it he was Sebastian a little more bearable at least.

  “Okay, I will give it a whirl.” I tried to sound as though it wasn't my very first drink ever.

  Katie handed me a drink she had opened for me. She was right, it tasted just like juice. It was delicious.

  “You’re not supposed to chug it Delilah,” Katie laughed.

  “Sorry, I was thirsty.” Katie and Kevin laughed, I wasn’t sure what was so funny, but I decided to laugh too. Katie handed me another drink, instructing me to drink this one slowly or I wouldn’t make it through the rest of the evening. I was thankful she was looking out for me. Jack and Sebastian had both been so very wrong. If she wasn’t my friend, she wouldn’t have cared how much I drank, or how quickly I did so. A little piece of me wished that Jack was there, even if only so he could see how wrong he was.

  I had halfway finished my second drink when I noticed the last boat was on its way. It was getting dark out, but the flashlights they were u
sing to guide their way were really bright.

  “Alright, now the party will really start,” Kevin said. His voice sounded odd, it made me feel a little nervous. My nerves settled down quickly as I finished the remainder of my drink.

  “Done already? Wow. How are you feeling?” I thought Kevin was sweet, he seemed to be quite concerned.

  “I feel fine, no different really.” And that was the truth, I didn’t, maybe they were just juice and this was a joke, although from the look of Avery and Lisa, they were definitely drinking more than juice. They were stumbling around, dancing and singing. They looked to be having far more fun than I was, somewhat stuck next to Kevin.

  As soon as he was preoccupied I snuck away to join the girls.

  “Hey Delilah!” they yelled, tipping their drinks to me.

  “Hi Avery, hi Lisa. How do you like your drinks?”

  “We love them, want one of ours?” Theirs looked different and I was curious if it would affect me differently.

  “Sure I’ll try one. I don't think mine are working right.” I laughed, so did Avery and Lisa.

  What they were drinking was pretty tasty too, a little bit stronger than mine, but still good.

  “Oh look, Jess is here,” Lisa squealed. I whipped my head around a bit too fast, it made me dizzy. Something seemed to be working now.

  What the hell was she doing here? Who had invited her? She was going to ruin the party, I was sure of it. I think. My thoughts were beginning to get a little foggy. I shook my head a little, trying to clear it. But that just made it worse and I stumbled.

  “Careful Beautiful, you don’t want to fall over and ruin your dress now do you?” Kevin said as he held me up.

  “You think I am beautiful?” I slurred.

  “Very beautiful, too beautiful. You should be careful.”

  “How can someone be too beautiful?” I giggled. The drinks were most definitely working now.

  “When you are too beautiful, you make it hard for boys to resist you, then that’s not fair to us. It’s teasing.” I didn’t have the slightest clue what he was talking about but I smiled anyway.

  “Hey Delilah.” I turned around to see Jess standing right behind me, she was wearing the exact same dress that I was. That bitch! What the hell was she doing? I was furious, why would she show up to my party, wearing my dress?

  “Delilah, I’m sorry. I was wrong about you, I see that now. I want to be your friend.” I suddenly wished that I hadn’t had anything at all to drink. I wasn’t sure I could rely on my thoughts right now, should I be angry or forgive her? I felt strange, good, but strange.

  “Come on Delilah, forgive her. She said she was sorry,” Kevin whispered in my ear. He had his arms around me from behind. It felt familiar. He moved my hair and kissed my neck.

  “Forgive her.” He breathed. It wasn’t quite the same as with Jack, I didn’t feel the tingling sensation or the electric shocks, but it did feel nice to have someone want to touch me.

  “Okay, I forgive you,” I said. I didn’t know if I meant to or not, it felt like something had taken over my body.

  “Thanks Delilah,” Jess said, before she ran off to Katie, probably to tell her the good news that they could be friends again. I really didn’t care.

  “Come for a walk with me.” Kevin said, pulling me into the trees. I don’t think I could have resisted if I wanted to. It didn’t feel like I was actually in control of my own body any more. I glanced around Katie, Avery and Jess smiled and nodded at me, giving me the thumbs up sign. I caught sight of Sebastian who was looking strangely at me, I tried to give him a smile, but I don't think it worked to well.

  We hadn’t gone very far when he stopped suddenly, he turned towards me and gently leaned me up against a tree.

  “Look at you, Beautiful. You really do look amazing tonight, you know that?” I wondered how much he had had to drink. “I would have never imagined a week or two ago that I would want to be here like this with you. You have changed so much.”

  “Thanks, I guess.” I think he meant that as a compliment, this would have been far easier with a clear head.

  “You know, I never thought I would like anyone else after Katie. But I think I can see myself getting to like you.” Hum, that seemed odd, even with my head as foggy as it was, I was still able to tell that he didn’t sound quite right. His voice seemed different somehow.

  Before I knew what was happening, he kissed me, full on the lips. This was my first real kiss. He opened his mouth, forcing mine to open also. I closed my eyes, I was a little dizzy. It didn’t really feel like I imagined it would. Or at least it didn’t really feel the way I imagined it would with Jack. I wished it was Jack kissing me here on the island right now. Kevin's lips felt fierce and hard, forceful almost.

  Then I felt Kevin’s hands on my thighs. I panicked. What was he doing? Why had I worn a dress? I tried to push him away, but he moved in closer.

  “Kevin, wait.” I tried to say with his mouth still on mine and his hands moving further up my dress.

  “I told you, you shouldn’t look so beautiful,” he said before he pushed me back on the tree harder this time and began kissing me again.

  “Kevin stop, please!”

  “Look Delilah, you are the one that wanted this party. You are here on the island looking for a guy right? Well I am the guy you are looking for.” He kissed me again, his hand moved all the way up my dress. I didn’t want this, I didn’t want any of this at all, I wanted Jack.

  Kevin had me pinned up against the tree so hard I couldn’t move. He had one hand up my skirt moving into my underwear, while his other hand grabbed my breast, all the while he continued to kiss me. But he was kissing me so hard my mouth hurt, I could feel his teeth on my tongue. Tears started to stream down my cheeks. I thought as hard as I could about Jack. I didn’t know what else to do. I tried moving but I couldn’t and the more I tried, the more Kevin thought I was enjoying it. He finally stopped kissing my mouth, trying to undo his pants and kissing my neck.

  “Kevin, STOP, I SAID NO!” I shouted desperately. Suddenly he flew backwards hitting a tree hard and slid to the ground. He had obviously hit his head, he reached his hand back to rub it. When he pulled his hand back it was covered in his own blood. I don’t know how, I hadn’t touched him, or at least I didn’t think I had. He was furious.

  “You little tease!” he snapped. “Why would you bring me into the bushes and start kissing me like that? You were liking it, I could tell.” I wasn’t, I wasn’t liking it at all, I said to myself. He moved on me again, quickly pressing his lips to mine, harder, but before his hands reached me he was thrown backwards again. “You bitch!” He shouted before storming off to rejoin the party.

  I felt bad. I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help wonder if I had given him the wrong idea? Had I made him think that was what I wanted? And I didn’t think I had pushed him, I couldn’t have, there was no way I am strong enough to do that, but someone or something had. If only I could get my thoughts straight.

  I waited a moment longer and then went back to join the party. I made sure that I stayed away from Kevin.

  “Do you want another drink Delilah?” Jess asked, smiling a little too much. Everything seemed wrong.

  “Yes, thanks.” She handed me the drink. I was sure this wasn’t going to help at all to make things seem more clear, but at least it may take the edge off.

  “I took the cap off already for you, these ones can be rather tricky.”

  “Oh, thanks.” She was trying to be nice at least, I kept telling myself, maybe I should just give her another chance, everyone makes mistakes right?

  I drank it fast, I wanted to get the incident with Kevin out of my head. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say to Katie and Avery. I hoped I wouldn’t have to say anything, that Kevin would just say he wasn’t interested after all.

  “Hey you two, wanna play a game?” Katie shouted to me and Jess.

  “Oh I love games! Come on Delilah.” Jess replied tugg
ing me by the arm.

  Everyone was sitting around the large campfire they had made. Avery and Chris were sitting together, so were Mike and Jess. Lisa was sitting on the ground in front of her boyfriend Jason, and Katie was sitting in between Kevin and Sebastian. The only spot left was next to Kevin. He waved me over with a smile. He must have gotten over the incident in the trees already. Maybe I was making a big deal out of nothing. I smiled back, slightly, and went to sit down next to him.

  I looked around the beach searching for everyone else, but it was just those sitting around the campfire that were left.

  “Where did everyone else go?” Was the party ending already? I wondered what time it was, maybe it was far later than I though, it was quite dark now. I assumed time must pass faster when you have been drinking.

  “They all chickened out already. They couldn’t handle it any longer.” Jason laughed.

  “Chickened out about what?” I was confused. Not to mention that everyone looked a little foggy and seemed to be talking funny. I felt so strange.

  “They were too afraid to be here in the dark,” Katie said.

  “What, really?” I laughed, I think it was me at least. “Why on earth would they be afraid of the island in the dark?” What was there to be afraid of on the island? It was just the same in the dark as it was in the light.

  “Delilah, don’t you know what happened here fifty years ago?” Katie asked. I racked my brain, but all I could think about was how funny the flames of the fire looked dancing around as they were.

  “No, why? What happened?” Kevin handed me another drink and a stick to roast marshmallows.

  “Fifty years ago, to the day in fact, this island burned along with the whole sheriff’s department and some volunteers that were helping to search for some missing teens.”

  “And the creatures that killed all them other teens before, don’t forget about them,” Jason added. I thought they were telling ghost stories. I had never heard about that before, even when I Googled the town for a school project, nothing had come up about kids getting murdered. My toes were tingling, it felt funny. I took my shoes off and let my feet sink into the rocks and sand.

  Avery looked scared. I decided I would just ask my mom about it. If she didn’t know, I had no doubt she would find out.

  “I heard that it was Vampires that were killing the teenagers that came to the island,” Jess said.

  “Makes sense, that’s why they burned the island, that’s the only way to kill a Vampire.” Katie said.

  “If it was Vampires, why didn’t they just turn into bats and fly away before they were burned in the fire?” Kevin asked. I couldn’t help but laugh, these guys must watch far too many really old horror movies, they needed to read more. I didn’t realize they were all looking at me, waiting for me to explain my outburst.

  I was really feeling the effects of the drinks now, and it was very strange. It was like being outside my own body; like I was watching myself yet had no control over what I was doing. Every time I did something or said something, it was over exaggerated and louder than I anticipated. I had a little control over my thoughts, but not very much, I felt strange, but I liked it.

  “Well Delilah? You obviously know something about Vampires, please, enlighten us.” Kevin seemed a little insulted.

  “Vampires don’t really turn into bats. There is actually no connection to bats at all, other than the fact that some bats drink blood, but mostly from cows, not humans.” I was impressed with myself for remembering, but more for the fact that I managed to say it all in one sentence.

  “Really, and how do you know that?” Kevin asked.

  “That’s because Delilah is a Vampire,” Katie said. I laughed again. I couldn’t help it that time. Me a Vampire? I couldn’t even eat my steak if there was any blood in it, and I almost passed out every time I had a blood test. I actually did pass out once, after my dad cut his finger really badly trying to fix our gate. A Vampire; I giggled again.

  “That is, after all, the exact reason why we brought you here tonight, on none other than the fifty year anniversary. We have to kill you Delilah. If we don’t you’ll summon the others and then they will kill the whole town.” I wanted to laugh again at Katie’s story, but something was wrong, her voice didn’t seem like she was joking. I looked around at the others, trying to read them. If only I hadn’t had so much to drink, I might have been able to think clearly.

  “She has been coming here with her Vampire friend for a long time now. They have been plotting their attack.”

  “Katie, I think you have had far too much to drink. Listen to what you are saying, it’s not funny,” I said. She seemed strange, they all did.

  “I am not trying to be funny at all. The thing is Delilah, none of us have had anything but juice to drink, even you.” What was she talking about? Kevin had brought alcohol for everyone, I drank four-or-five-or six, I couldn’t quite remember how many exactly. Everything was so foggy. I knew I must be drunk, I didn’t feel right at all. I wanted to run straight to the boat and row back to shore as fast as I could without looking back, but I couldn’t move. They were probably just playing a trick on me, trying to scare me, that was all. I tried desperately to convince myself.

  “She has already tried to bite Kevin, look,” Katie said, showing the others a very strange looking bite mark on his neck.

  “She did it in the trees. She lured me back there tantalizing me. You know how they do that, it’s part of their powers. They are irresistible when they want to be. That is why she has changed lately, that’s why she suddenly looks the way she does.” What was he saying? Were the others actually believing him? I couldn’t really tell. “We were just kissing at first, and it was nice. Then she got carried away,” he lied. I got carried away? I wanted to scream. Had he forgotten that I had to push him off me?

  “If that is really what happened Kevin, then why didn’t she drink all your blood? Why are you still alive?” Sebastian asked. Oh thank goodness he was being logical.

  “Because that wasn’t the plan yet, was it? She rushed things.” Kevin was so full of it.

  “Vampires can’t kiss someone without drinking all their blood. They can’t help themselves,” Katie added.

  “Delilah, seriously? You bit him. How did you stop?” Avery asked. I wanted to answer, I tried, but my head wasn’t working at all.

  “She threw me to the ground. She could have killed me,” Kevin tried to explain.

  “I didn’t, it wasn’t me,” I finally managed to say, “you were going too far, I wanted you to stop. You had your hands all over me. You were undoing your pants. I wanted you to stop so I pushed you back, that’s all.”

  There was something not right, they weren’t kidding at all. They seemed to really think that I was a Vampire. Katie, Jess, and Avery smiled at each other, then turned to me. They looked evil, they were serious. They had really brought me here to kill me. They couldn’t have really planned this whole thing, could they? This past week, being my friends, the shopping trips, the party? They had been so convincing, I thought they were really my friends. How could they have done all that? Were they really that evil?

  I was scared. Jack had been right, so had Sebastian, he had even tried to warn me. Sebastian must have known all along. Was he a part of this? Had he told me that he wanted me to pick him tonight as part of their ridiculously elaborate plan? He twirled my hair; knew how many times I twirled it. He told me that he didn’t like Katie, that he would never be with her. Lies, it was all lies.

  Then I remembered Jack’s dream that I had come to the island with a group of friends. And now I had. He said that I was happy, and I was at first. Then the sting of what Kevin said to me made sense. He said I looked beautiful, too beautiful. That was Jack’s dream, it had come true. Jack said that it scared him. I knew then that I should be scared too.

  They really were that evil. Katie, Jess, and Avery had brought me to the island with a plan. a plan to kill me. And there was absolutely nothing I coul
d do about it. I was going to die. I thought as hard as I could about Jack. If I was going to die on the island, I wanted Jack to be the last thing I thought about.

  “So why isn’t she killing us all right now Katie?” Sebastian asked. “I mean, if she really is a Vampire, she has the strength to kill each one of us right now.”

  “We have already thought about that. We were not about to take that chance Sebastian, so we drugged her. That way we wouldn’t have to worry about her killing us.” Katie sounded rather pleased with herself.

  “Katie, have you lost your mind? You can’t go around drugging people, you could have killed her,” Sebastian yelled.

  “Are you forgetting my parents are doctors? I know a little about medications Sebastian. Give me some credit.”

  “Are you saying your parents knew about this? Did they give you the drugs to give to Delilah?”

  “Oh Sebastian, don’t be ridiculous. My parents would never do that. No, I had to trick them into telling me what the right drugs were. It wasn’t very hard though. They are always so wrapped up in their work it makes them unaware of my life, and rather gullible.” There was something sad about Katie’s explanation. Her life was so similar to mine that it was hard not to understand, even just a little, how misguided she was.

  “So let me get this straight. You spent this last week pretending to be Delilah’s friend, convincing her that you were throwing her this party to help her pick a guy to date from our school, all because you believe that she is a Vampire, and comes here to meet up with her Vampire boyfriend? You did all this to trick her? To get her to come here so you could drug her and kill her?” Sebastian asked, I wondered why everyone else seemed to be in on it except him? Why was he the only Perfect that didn’t know the truth?

  “Exactly! Well almost. We are not exactly sure if she has a Vampire boyfriend, or if she brings boys from other towns to feed on.” Like that little detail made even the slightest bit of difference. “But you have to understand Sebastian, we did it all to save the whole town. Delilah would kill us all, just the same as the others did fifty years ago. It was just a matter of time.”

  “Katie’s right man, my dad told me all about it. He even showed me the records from the police department,” Kevin explained.

  “Then why did you go into the trees with her?” Sebastian asked. Kevin let out a little laugh, he sounded cocky.

  “Dude, she’s a chick. Even a Vampire chick is better than nothing. Besides, like Katie said, they are irresistible; it’s part of their powers.” Yep he was definitely cocky, and terribly misinformed. If I was a Vampire, which at that moment I couldn’t help but wish I was, chick or no chick, I would have killed him without any trouble at all.

  “You're all deranged, you know that? You seriously think Delilah is a Vampire!” I was glad that even though I was unable to defend myself, Sebastian was doing a terrific job, maybe he could save me.

  “So you just plan to kill her? How?” Well that may not have helped much, but I hoped he was going somewhere with that question.

  “The only way you can kill a Vampire silly, you have to burn them at the stake,” Avery said. Stupid Bitch, that’s witches! I screamed in my head. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

  “And how did you plan to get away with it? Don’t you think people will tell the cops that she was here with you?” Ah ha, they had messed up already.

  “Of course they will; we will tell them that too. However when she left, upset because Kevin refused to have sex with her, we don’t know where she ran off to. She got on her bike and rode away. They will find her bike by the highway, and assume that she hitch hiked out of town. She will be listed as a runaway.” Dammit, they thought of everything.

  “And how do you plan to stop me from telling them the truth?” Katie stroked Sebastian’s face, but he pushed her hand away. She glared at him, obviously not accustomed to rejection.

  “Well, we could kill you too?”

  “I would like to see you try,” Sebastian said. Mike, Chris and Kevin all stood up. Would they really kill their friend? I felt something wet run down my cheek. I must have some feeling left but I couldn’t move or speak; I just sat there. I was now trapped inside a statue. This couldn’t be good at all.

  “Come on Sebastian, think about it. Who would they believe? You, or all of us? Don’t forget, Kevin’s dad is the sheriff.”

  “Besides, we figured we would give her the chance to prove she is mortal first, right Katie?” Avery seemed a little nervous, she looked at me, just for a second, then turned away.

  “Yeah, yeah. But like I said, we have to be careful, we don’t want to risk anything.” Katie said.

  “What are you talking about?” Sebastian demanded. Jess got up and moved out of my view; I wasn’t able to turn to see where she was. I was getting nervous, terrified, but whatever I was drugged with had paralysed me. I wanted to run more than anything. I tried ordering my legs to stand up and walk, but they ignored me.

  “Just let me fix her up a little first Katie, you know, while she is still so, cooperative.” From the sound of her voice, Jess was right behind me.

  “Go ahead Jess, work your magic,” Katie laughed.

  “Jess, don’t you dare touch her,” Sebastian warned. Mike, Chris, and Kevin held him back. He was trying to fight them off, but he couldn’t shake off all three of them.

  There was a strange snipping sound. I felt a tug at my head, then I saw pieces of my hair being tossed to the ground in front of me.

  “She looks fantastic Jess, you did a great job!” Katie said.

  “You bitch!” Sebastian yelled. I wasn’t sure if he was yelling it at Jess or at Katie, maybe both.

  “Do I need to give you some of this too?” Katie asked Sebastian, who was still being held by his friends. She had a syringe in her hand, I could only hope whatever was in it wouldn’t hurt, and would kill me quickly. I was ready now. And I hoped that this time, God was ready too.

  “Katie, just stop it. Come on, you and me will leave here and go hang out, just the two of us.” Katie almost smiled at Sebastian, but Avery and Jess reminded her to stay focused.

  “It’s too late for that now Sebastian. Like I told you, we are doing this to save everyone. We can be together after I’m done.” She smiled at him and Avery and Jess nodded their approvals. “Now, we are going to give her a little of this, and it will make her feel almost normal again. Then she is going to kiss Kevin one more time, right here, in case she gets carried away. If she can just kiss him, and not try to kill him, we will believe that she is not a Vampire.”

  “And if she does try to kill him Katie? How the hell do you plan to stop her?” Sebastian demanded.

  “With this one.” Katie said, holding a second syringe in her other hand. “You see, we are being more than fair, we are giving her a chance to prove herself.” Katie smiled, and then waved at Avery and Jess. “Get her up,” she instructed before turning to Kevin. “Kevin, are you ready?” she asked.

  “She has already tasted him, she will be able to resist, then you won’t know for sure,” Sebastian said. Katie turned to him.

  “What? How do you know that?” she asked.

  “I did a report on Vampires last year in school, once they taste someone, they can resist them, besides, she already was able to resist him once.” A fact that I had never heard of and from the looks of it, neither had any of the others.

  “Is this true?” Katie asked Avery and Jess.

  “I don’t know Katie,” Jess replied.

  “It does make sense though, don’t you think?” Avery noted. Katie was mad. She turned to the other boys.

  “Well, which one of you two will do it then?” she asked them.

  “I ain’t doin’ it,” Chris said.

  “Me neither, she wont be able to resist twice” Mike added.

  “Don’t be such babies! One of you will have to do it. How will we know for sure if you don’t? Are you both really willing to risk the lives of the whole town?” Katie sna

  “I will do it,” Sebastian said. Katie whipped around, it was obvious that she was furious.

  “No way! Not you. Mike? Chris?” she demanded, but both boys simply shook their heads at her.

  “I wasn’t asking you for permission Katie.”

  “But Sebastian, I don’t want you to,” she replied, she looked hurt.

  “Katie, I don’t give a damn what you want,” Sebastian said, “besides, you need to know the truth right?”

  “Yes, but I...”

  “So let me do this for you,” Sebastian said, moving forward and stroking her cheek. Katie smiled. She nodded, and I felt myself being lifted up, and moved forward.

  “You look beautiful,” Katie said, maliciously.

  “Doesn’t she? My best work so far I think,” Jess added.

  “Yeah, she does,” Sebastian said. He was looking deep into my eyes as though he was trying to tell me that he meant it.

  “I am going to stick you hard with a needle Delilah, within a few seconds, you will feel normal again. Well, normal for you at least.” The girls giggled. “Then you are going to kiss Sebastian. If you can do that without trying to kill him, we will let you go, no harm no fowl. Don’t bother trying anything stupid, or I will stick you with the other one, and you will be unconscious. Do you understand?” I wasn’t sure exactly how I was supposed to answer, I think I may have blinked, either way I felt a hard stab in my thigh. A few seconds later, just as she had said I would, I started to feel my body again.

  “Can you move and speak?” Katie asked.

  “Yes,” I said weakly. I was in shock, and terrified. I wanted to cry, to scream, run, but I was too afraid to do anything but what she said.

  “Do you understand what you have to do?”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Okay, are you ready?” Katie asked. I only nodded this time. I was now looking right at Sebastian. I was going to kiss him, just like I had dreamt. Although in my dream I wasn’t kissing to save my life.

  “Are you ready?” she asked Sebastian this time.

  “I’m ready,” He replied.

  “Okay, but no funny stuff,” She warned, looking right at me.

  Sebastian leaned in close to me, then grabbed me around the waist. His lips reached mine and I melted. I had dreamt about this kiss, I had longed for this kiss. I didn’t care how or why at that moment, I just kissed. He pulled me even closer to him, one hand reached up and cradled my cheek. My hands wrapped around his neck, pulling his head closer.

  “Okay that’s enough,” Katie said. But we didn’t stop, our body’s just got closer.

  “Stop it!” Katie screamed.

  “You see,” Sebastian snapped, still holding me close to him, “Delilah is not a Vampire, I’m still alive.”

  “I see. You want to be with her?” Katie looked crazed.

  “Katie, you have your proof, now leave her alone. Come on Delilah, I’m taking you home,” Sebastian said. Katie screamed. The last thing I can remember was something hard hitting the back of my head, before I died.

  * * * * *

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