Read About Dafne Page 11

  Speaking of past

  In the first months of 2006, the agency in which he/she worked Dafne had a big decrease of job. For such reason you/he/she was communicated her that for one undetermined period you/he/she would have worked only three days to week. The job liked her, also because you/he/she had succeeded in dealing himself/herself/themselves with some manual storyboards. Also the way according to which you/they had welcomed her had been positive. With a pair of girls you/he/she had exchanged the number, and every now and then he/she met her. Despite the actual working pleasure, that drastic cut of schedule didn't worry at all her. You/he/she would have started over looking for errands for portraits or frescos. And the occasions didn't delay to arrive.

  Bob was very taken from an advertising country and from the examinations of end semester of the school. In appearance they were enough serene months, as to define the life of Dafne serene pits by now a true ossimoro. To reach weekend without encountering himself/herself/themselves with his/her anger the maximum one had become some idyll. Yet, you/he/she had not considered the idea to leave him/it yet. Bob his/her mind and kept on trapping her heart. You/he/she had tried disgust for certain his/her attitudes, especially in to see to dirty him/it theirs impeccable and ardent sexual intimacy. Despite everything, he always succeeded in making the most precious creature feel her/it to the world, maintaining intact the ability to surprise her/it. You/they had tried to face the discourse of his/her violence but, inevitably, the compassionate outlets of Bob succeeded in making to feel her/it in defect: it was guilt of the stress. he/she didn't succeed in having self-control himself/herself/themselves. it kept on picking up him her with the person dark that it loved to the world without understanding its motive. And, despite the constant terror, Dafne believed him. From whatever point of view it analyzed the thing, it was literally incapable to give up him. This all it took is only for explaining his/her permanence in that house; you/he/she was disgusted, frightened, unhappy, but it was not ready to give up him. To you treat you/he/she was convinced indeed that with his/her love Bob would be recovered by that problem, hopeful of the fact that one day would have stopped indeed.

  Fifty-fifty February Bob had to leave Italy for a week. London would be brought to serve as chairman to a conference on the communication of mass. He/she asked to Dafne to follow him/it, but he/she personally heard the phone call between the head of the agency and she, that not the granted the necessary days of vacations, because of the schedule already meeting place. Bob was a lion in the cage; the thought to leave him/it to her tortured, but you/he/she could not allow that it lost the job after the weary difficulties to give him/it for him.

  Packing the suitcases, it looked at her/it for some instants, then it drew near her.

  «You won't make me regret having departed, true?»

  «But what do you say?» churches her with air stranita.

  In reality you/he/she had perfectly understood the allusions of the question. Bob feared an escape or some whim. The mind of Dafne it was confused. Bob thought about one disappearance of his, while she didn't distantly have even it considered. Who of the two it was the insane one?

  «He/she leaves alone, they were thoughts of the cabbage. If you go out I want to know him/it. And do I want to be calm Daf, of accord? And it avoids that old cafes, please» it sentenced with anxiety.

  It drew near her with demoralized expression. You kissed him/it. He/she wanted to feel been desired before his/her departure, or he/she perhaps wanted to engrave those feelings in the head trying to remember only those during his/her absence. They lost for a long time in those that had been for a long time their small erotic games. They made the love in energetic way. You howled his/her pleasure as it didn't happen for a long time. Some, hour later Dafne looked at their bodies still united, reflected in the mirror of the wall. It observed Bob, immovable under of her, in all of his/her statuary garishness, with the long silvered hair, I moved by the sweat and abandoned on the pillow. It observed for a long time then the face, that still preserved the expression pleasantly upset by the orgasm of it. It was that his/her Bob, it was that his image that it still loved hopelessly and that you/he/she would have liked to stop in the mind. It was February 12 th 2006. The day later, to the dawn, he would have departed. That departure, for Dafne, you/he/she would have changed everything.

  After having spent two hours to the telephone with Bob on the occasion of St. Valentine, decided Dafne that had to enjoy himself/herself/themselves somehow the days of absolute liberty that stayed her. In particular way, the girl was happy that his/her man had always detested the idea of the fixed telephone. The evening of February 15, Bob called her/it toward the eleven, before going to sleep. The silence gave him certainty that Dafne was at home. In reality, at 23.45 o'clock, the girl was already making capolino to the cafe of Moris. It was aware of to strongly betray the trust of Bob, but it was also aware of to have taken so many blows without never having done him/it. It was not calm with herself, but only with Moris you/he/she would have been able to make indeed two friendly chatters, and the desire was uncontrollable. Even if the contacts had not been frequent, their nice tuning rifiorì as if you/they were seen every week. They embraced with affection. Moris was radiant in to see her/it again, so much to get out of himself/herself/themselves the apron and to howl to the boys to the counter that would have made the client in honor of an old friend for that evening.

  They were departed two hours from that embrace of the beginning, and the two had talked to gust in an angolino of the cafe. You had told him all of his/her working developments and Moris it seemed enough pleased of it. However something told him that, in the private life of the friend, nothing pits indeed to place. It had at night confirmation disagreeable of it to the one, when the effect of the alcohol eluded entirely the defensive barrier that Dafne was built around. Moris had asked her a simple question.

  «And with him. the cohabitation is all right indeed as you want to make to believe?»

  To Dafne, in that instant, the world fell I set. You/he/she had held too for a long time the secret of his/her torments, so much not to be succeeded in pretending of nothing anymore. The affectionate tone of Moris, a bitterness of too much and the certainty that Bob was distant kilometers, brought her/it to a real psychological collapse. It began to cry as a baby to which you/they had torn away the most beautiful game. Moris hurried some fast matter to the cafe and entrusted one of his/her collaborators of the closing, thing that didn't easily happen, since on the job it delegated to work. But that evening a friend needed him, and by instinct definite to bring her/it to his/her house. To that point, after having tried to render less dramatic for a longer time possible, insistette so that Dafne told everything, up to that she removed the brake.

  «It is not everything perfect. Beat me, and him ago from a piece. To the beginning I/you/they have been done occasional, then you/he/she has become a routine. and The don'ts know thing anymore to I give» he/she confessed her of yarn, interrupted new by weeping.

  Moris threw a kick to the couch, doing himself/herself/itself escape different curses. It seemed to go crazy. It hardly realized that the thing had paralysed Dafne, the it drew near and the churches it excuses.

  «Forgive me small. From how long it goes on so with that bastard? You have to now tell me everything, everything!»

  Dafne, after a first hesitation, he allowed to drag from the events and it told of as the idyllic history with Bob you/he/she was turned into constant terror. He/she finally succeeded in freeing himself/herself/themselves of that enormous weight that in the time you/he/she had torn to pieces her, and to relieve himself/herself/themselves helped him to realize how much.

  But after the first agonizing story, Dafne didn't succeed in not speaking of his/her depth love for him, beginning to throw out numerous excuses and justification to those inexplicable violences.

  Moris understood that the mind of Dafne it was confused, that that of first you/he/she had been only a collapse, to
which the girl, tried hopelessly to set remedy.

  «How you love he/she anchors him/it? How do you do to say that loves yourself and that you will resolve everything? Cazzo Daf, gives you barrel all day long. Have come to the alone cafe because there is not! And I bet that he/she doesn't know him/it.»

  Dafne started over crying; those truths beaten in face lacerated her/it.

  «I don't know anything of him, Moris, nothing; you/he/she has been gotten married, then she is dead. that's all. His/her family is in Siena, but you has never introduced me them, she doesn't speak to us and I don't know why. with me you/he/she has become obsessive, as if The weres the only person of his/her whole existence, and The don'ts understand as is possible, considering that you/he/she is such to bright hand. But I love him/it Moris, I love him/it hopelessly, and I don't know whether to do for understanding.»

  Dafne went on, and more he/she spoke, more it entered the detail. It told all the doubts that you/he/she had had to the beginning to the friend, of as him you/he/she had confined their life in an impenetrable sphere of crystal, of his/her being become more and more obsessive, and of his fleeing past, been firm to the fast story of the history of Vanessa. Dafne hoped that speaking would have found a logic of it to that situation, or perhaps a solution; but in this Moris, it didn't seem quite prepared to help her/it.

  «Have to leave him/it Daf, and to tell her/it that whole dog should go to the jail! As you have done not to report him/it till now?» it said him trying to keep the calm.

  «But what cazzo say, don't even try to think him/it! Don't be for this that have spoken to you of my facts! I want only to understand whether to help him/it, to understand what it torments indeed it!» it thundered her in aggressive way.

  To that point Moris changed attitude trying not to lose over the trust of the girl.

  «You feel, tomorrow leave me the first hours of the morning to systematize two things. Then we depart for Siena and we look for the family of this guy. You talk to his/her parents and you try to understand us something; and then I hope for so much that you do a reason of it and can leave him/it.»

  Dafne was amazed; you/he/she had never thought about the idea to look for the Chellinis. In effects, that could be the only concrete way to understand what it tormented Bob and thing you/he/she could make her help him/it. Of course, reapproaching them, he would have found again the emotional stability that by now you/he/she had lost entirely. In a first moment that detective adventure was seemed her insane. Then the instinct told her that worse of so you/he/she could not go. It jumped to the neck of the friend to thank him/it. You felt motivated to the idea to go to Tuscany and, to that point, also less in guilt to have told everything to Moris. In to do him/it, he/she knew to have betrayed Bob, and he/she knew to betray him/it oltremisura invading his/her past. But it owed to try to every cost.

  Moris had asked her to sleep to his/her house but her, already torn to pieces by the senses of guilt, it refused in dry way.

  «It is always for him? Do you think that if he/she knew him/it it would beat you? I beg you Dafne, he/she thinks once about you for. It doesn't suit me that you are alone to house» without attending answer it opened the read couch. But she reached him/it.

  «It is not this. I prefer to sleep to my house because here I feel me to uneasiness, and then I don't want.»

  «Thing you don't want? Don't you want to sleep from a friend because he is a crazy person? I won't allow more than that scoundrel hurts you, that I/you/he/she am clear.»

  «I will sleep to house my Moris, and tomorrow morning I reach you to the cafe. Not do fear, are better now. You are helping a lot already me. And then I have to look for more possible references on the parents of Bob, otherwise as we find them?» concluded Dafne in reassuring way.

  Later it drew near immediately him to give an affectionate kiss on his forehead. But Moris threw back instinctively the nape handing her lips. Dafne grazed her, spaesata from what was happening. Despite everything, with greater surprise, it temporized. Left half open the eyes, and in the turn of few instants he/she succeeded in feeling its language. It stayed immovable, up to feel to softly slip her/it among the lips, that you/they by instinct invited him/it to continue. But as soon as it felt his/her hands tighten her life, Dafne it got further of release in the most total embarrassment. They looked for an instant without end. You/they could almost feel each other, the heart to beat with strength against the breast. The complexion ambrata of Dafne showed an evident blush. The air in that room was paralizzante. In complete silence they set out toward the cafe, where Dafne had left the auto. They greeted to monosyllabic, still stiffened by the uneasiness. They renewed later the appointment for the day, without the least indication to what happened.

  Once in house, Dafne resettò for an instant that absurd accident. It rummaged as a crazy person in the attempt to find something that gave her a right-hand on the parents of Bob. You/he/she had shaken, you/he/she had never made a thing of the kind. If Bob had discovered what had happened that evening you/he/she would have massacred her. It is in certain instants, the head told her that if you/he/she would be deserved him/it. The terror shook him with greater overbearance. Yet it had to hold the firm nerves and to conclude something, because that occasion he would not be soon as ripresentata. Did it have to take advantage of it; who better of the parents of Bob, would you/he/she have been able to lend her a hand to understand? Moris was right.

  Dafne perfectly remembered that Bob had brought away different scatoloni, before she transferred him. If the era always explained as a reasonable choice to create new space. At that time, while it was being troubled to look for some bond with the family of origin, he realized that in that house every trace of its past life was nonexistent; only working papers, garments and communes objects. Suddenly he/she jumped among her hands the nth cartelletta, in which it found some certificates. More than the content, the address was decisive, written on one of the envelopes.

  Roberto Chellini

  Avenue Mazzini 154

  53100, Siena

  It was what it looked for, it was certain of it. It was there that you/he/she would have found his/her relatives.

  To the eleven of the day later, Dafne and Moris were in the truck stop, when to her the jail cell rang:

  «You go in car to answer or he/she will never believe that you are at home. Cazzo is a true obsession!»

  After mezz'ora the two was again in highway, next to the exit for Siena. On the navigator, Moris had inserted the street and the civic one that Dafne had furnished him.

  When the two went down from the auto, they were seen a ladylike condominium. Dafne fell him to the bells. With immense joy and adrenalinica fear read the name of Lucio Chellini, without doubt the father of Bob.

  You turned toward Moris and lit up a cigarette.

  «Thing I tell him? How devil I have to introduce me": hi to all I am your preferred daughter-in-law"?. I don't know not even if they know that I exist.»

  «You are calm Daf, waits that someone opens the front door and salts; when you are to the plan correct sounds, you present and you ask to be able to enter. The rest will come from itself. Try to be the impudent ragazzina that worked with me! And for anything call me on the jail cell; I don't know you, but I cannot wait to return in Milan.»

  Shortly after, Dafne was in front of the door of the parents of Bob, sets that you/he/she had hoped for a long time to visit with him. And it was there instead of hidden, as a secret agent. You/he/she would be raced hurriedly away, but he/she succeeded in invoking his/her old impudence and it played.

  It opened a man of average stature, from the short white hair, ahead enough with the age. It had the air a lot of aristocrat; it removed from him the reading glasses and it observed Dafne for a pair of seconds.

  «Hi, is she the father of Roberto, true?»

  He observed her/it anchor, to that point with mistrustful expression. Dafne had the clean feeling to have picked up a crab.

sp; «Who looks for him/it?»

  The answer, even though raw, it gave her confirmation to be in the correct place.

  «Yes, you excuse me. The ams Dafne his/her companion. Pleasure.»

  They followed second of strong obstacle. You handed his hand, but the man didn't reciprocate, staying firm on the threshold. Dafne would have liked to sink. It pursued with a question, the least appropriate one, seen perhaps the circumstances.

  «You/he/she has spoken to you of me, by chance?»

  «Dafne. as the famous statues.» it said Mr. Lucio with air of sfottò; then it lifted the tone of the voice addressing toward the inside of the apartment,:

  «Sofia, come here! This time I don't want there to enter!»

  The man got further, leaving Dafne on the door, petrified. It heard the voices shaken from the kitchen, then of the murmurs. It seemed her to be a criminal. Something didn't go, by now it was more evident. A woman arrived from the dark and irritable air.

  «You also enter, but only for an instant, we are busy.»

  Dafne followed the woman deciding not to mention any reaction.

  «You excuse the intrusion. I passed of here for job and I have thought about coming. As I told his/her husband I am Dafne, Bob's girl. ehm. Roberto.»

  Dafne was still in the redemption, timorous to penetrate him inside that apartment.

  «And is it him that you/he/she has told her that we live here? Is it of under?» he/she asked the woman with little touch.

  «In reality me. be', it is burdens complicated. I am alone here. I wanted to make something nice for Roberto» Dafne responded with sudden courage «in short, he has spoken sometimes to me of you, in more occasions you/he/she has told me that we would have come to find you but. The wanted to understand how like The have never seen you and felt in this whole time.»

  Dafne felt him miss the strengths and fell session on the couch, despite any invitation to sit down himself/herself/themselves.

  «We besides not knowing anything of her don't know anything of Roberto. From years. And if I have to tell her/it all it doesn't interest us to clarify her nothing, because simply he for us doesn't exist. I regret for her, indeed. But we don't want to know nothing of Roberto anymore, nothing!»

  Those words were a pneumatic hammer in the head of Dafne; they were its terror that was concretized, also doing himself/herself/itself more puzzling than the expectation.

  «Because? What has happened of so much serious? You excuse the frankness, but I had realized that yours was not an idyllic relationship, and I am certain that this thing upsets him/it. she is his/her mother, and The have need to know.»

  The woman brusquely interrupted her/it.

  «Feels, to me it doesn't interest. You seem me a girl to place, therefore I deduce that if it is together us it is because you/he/she has not discovered yet of what pasta is made, otherwise you/he/she would not even have approached him/it. Is not there his/her zampino behind this visit, true?» he/she asked the woman.

  «No lady, believes me! Is Roberto in England up to next Tuesday and doesn't absolutely know anything of this thing. but is thing that The would have had to know for even not approaching him/it? In short it has a difficult character, but I love him/it. and The regrets that you don't want to try to resolve your problems. Because this separation is perhaps causing him a big discomfort, believes me» it said Dafne with depth transport.

  But the woman seemed not to be doesn't even touch some of it.

  «I repeat, I don't want to feel other. I beg her, I/you/he/she allow us alone and if it is intelligent I/you/he/she find another of it. Roberto doesn't have problems, himself is a big problem, a serious error that we would never have had to commit.»

  «But lady, Roberto is his/her child! Doesn't it even have heart for the trauma that lived? How can you/he/she speak of him to terms of error? I beg her lady, I want only to speak to her a moment, I have need to understand.» it begged Dafne.

  «Trauma? Is it now him the traumatized one? That man is alone good to cry I am set! You/he/she has had what deserved him. Feels, it doesn't even interest me to deepen. I am not well, and you/he/she is excluded that this conversation goes on. Please, goes!»

  The mother of Bob implacably conducted her/it toward the entry.

  The father of Roberto had remained in an angle looking out of the window, as if all of this didn't even touch him/it.

  «Mrs., if it changed mind Roberto and The we macaws in Milan, we cohabit in his/her old house. Even if I now believe to have understood from who has taken for some things.»

  Together with those hateful people, in that house Dafne left every hope. You/he/she had conquered an only certainty: as feared, Bob had some secret. The hardness shone through by that parents concealed something more serious of simple family incomprehensions. You/he/she had not gotten answers, going away with many more doubts of before. Is it to that point as you/he/she would have done to get clarity? And had thing brought a mother to try so much disgust above all? The only reasonable answer was that the woman knew the violent lines of his/her/their child. Yet that insensitive wickedness left her/it amazed.

  Dafne was in elevator, you/he/she was returning to the plain earth and it looked him at the mirror. You felt terribly stupid and discouraged. It seemed her to be in the impetuous vortex of a nightmare without end. You had accepted soprusi and barrel in name of the love, in the hope to help him/it, and he had lied only her the whole time. But on how many other things you/he/she had done him/it? Whether to hide her that with his/her/their parents there was total closing?

  At seven o'clock in the evening Moris and Dafne were to the cafe. When she received the call of Bob, he/she succeeded in pretending for miracle that was everything to place; it told him to be homeward for road of his and him, after his/her usual sweetness on how much it missed her and how much it desired her/it, he/she greeted her/it. Dafne raced in the bath of the place, where Moris found her/it in full hysterical crisis. A passage asked him to house. It was a cold evening of February, and in the head of the young woman, thousand questions and suppositions they thundered with insistence.

  «Perhaps it also beat his/her mother? But to that point his/her father would have reacted, don't you find? Or even you/he/she has done him and then it is degenerate. in that houses it is clear that his/her parents don't want to help me.» it hypothesized Dafne with extreme confusion.

  It seemed a defenseless child. It fixed the void. The hiccups interrupted her the breath and Moris, in its mind, it cursed Bob for as you/he/she had reduced such a special girl, for which he/she didn't succeed in understanding anymore what it tried indeed. He/she thought about the evening before, an egoist feeling himself/herself/itself in to do at that time it. You hated for having brought her/it to Siena, but at the same time you/he/she had gone as it hoped; Bob was a lunatic that his/her parents didn't even want more sentirs to name. Dafne would not now have been able to be together us anymore. But a sentence of her, interrupted of hit this conviction of his.

  «Moris I don't know him/it, am I magnifying her/it too much perhaps. after all thing The have felt? Two ill-mannered that deny his/her child? If you/they had had so much to tell me because you/they have not done him? I will tell more you, the relationship with that two enters it something with its uncontrollable anger. certain parents succeed in ruining the people Moris, it is to datum of fact.»

  «But thing cazzo you say Daf? The datum of done is that you have lost the sense behind that type! Is to put aside from everything a violent, does it check yourself at sight, and do you now know that it is also a liar. and I give you still defend him/it? Dafne returns in you, for charity! Only for every time that has beaten you would have had to leave him/it! A man that lifts the hands against a woman doesn't deserve anything!»

  «You know what there is, Moris? There be that he was right on you! You have always had in mind to sweep me, since the beginning, and he has always known him! And last night I have also had my confirmation. Do you want to
separate me from him to make your sparkling rider movements, true?»

  Dafne was visibly another person; he/she also vomited wickedness to hold his/her Bob in the reason, estranging from her whatever possibility to accept the failure of that history.

  «You don't even deserve an answer» it said Moris going away and beating the door. The run of Dafne was useless in the attempt to stop him/it.

  That house, without not even Moris, it seemed her a jail of sadness and loneliness. It voided a bottle of bitterness, collassando alone in the couch. To the morning you/he/she woke up by the jail cell: it was Marta, a colleague of the agency, that the churches how come you/he/she was not introduced in the office. Dafne arrancò some a little believable excuse. To the three calls of Bob of the time of lunch, he/she didn't answer. He was not worried granché; he/she knew her/it to the job, surely taken by some urgent matter. A message left her. Dafne was it pours again on the couch. At two o'clock in the afternoon he/she wrote a message to Bob, inviting to call him/it after back you are her, because the man day was frantic. It went to make himself/herself/themselves a long shower. It had to stay shiny, it had to organize all of his/her ideas, to apologize himself/herself/themselves with Moris and to understand whether to do with Bob. How was it able silent star and riabbracciare his/her man as nothing happened? And how many kicks would have taken if had told him him?

  Before stopping by Moris, Dafne brought him from the physician, to have a certificate to bring to the job and to ask a strong tranquilizer.

  In the late afternoon of that cloudy and I cool Friday 17, Dafne it entered to the cafe; last solo two boys to the counter, one of which, the most trusted friend of Moris, Daniel.

  «Hi Dani, is Moris in the back?»

  «No there is not. you/he/she has told me that it has appointments for to couple of days. I deal me with all self! Has not you/he/she told you him last night?»

  «I already knew about his/her appointments, but I believed to still do in time to find him/it; nothing, will try ago on the jail cell, thanks thousand, hi!»

  Dafne left the cafe, with the air of a person extremely disappointed that it strove him not to give to see him/it. It was strange, Moris would never have delegated the management of the cafe for two whole days, even to Daniel. It didn't dare call him/it, but it feared something had happened.

  After having strolled about for half Milan, been decided to reach the trilocale of the friend. Moris was in the house.

  When if it found her/it before, it hardly looked at her/it in the eyes. After the first seconds of embarrassment Dafne jumped to his neck, imploring to forgive her/it to it and excusing himself/herself/itself for the horrible things that you/he/she had told him. Moris stopped her/it, pronouncing closed the accident and accepting the excuses. Dafne noticed that the friend had been cold and unfriendly, as if excusing had done only her her a favor. This thing did her/it go crazy. All of this that concerned Bob seemed frozen in an angolino; at that time he/she wanted that Moris forgave indeed her, he/she wanted that the things returned as before. You/he/she would not have been able anymore by now to hold up alone that situation, and with Moris it felt to lose the only true friend.

  «Perhaps it is the case that goes, you will be busy thousand things» it said her desolate.

  «They are at home because it didn't suit me to work; I was incazzato, embittered, I thought indeed that between me and you there pits a beautiful relationship, but after your words of yesterday I have understood that it was everything lived in air.» he responded, while it was recovering and it folded up burdens shed suits in stay.

  «You are not to the cafe for our quarrel?» churches her with surprised air.

  «You have reduced her to a healthy desire to sweep, but I assure you that have not understood really nothing of me, nothing! Whoever to my place would have told you to leave him/it. From you waited me instead for you an applause? Or do you want that I/you/he/she come to pick him/it up in the airport with the festoons?» it released him from her and it returned to rearrange.

  «I hope to understand soon what I have not understood Moris. As it regards Bob. The don'ts know what The wills I give, but The know that The love him/it, only this.»

  It abandoned the apartment. He immediately directed him toward the door but it didn't do anything, he/she let her/it go.

  The evening later Dafne was on the couch, looking at Mullholland Drive, a film of his/her preferred director, David Lynch. It loved the sense onirico and to lines twisted of his/her films; his/her mind it wandered, scene after scene, and it morbidly needed at that time it.

  The bell of house brutally brought her/it to the real world. Pits it was convinced Moris, and idea liked her. But when it opened the door he/she saw entirely a different image from that that you/he/she had supposed: it was a woman, tall and extraordinarily beautiful. The long dark head of hair was impeccable. The green eyes were marked by a clear eyeshadow the fleshy lips underlined by a more intense color. He/she wore an adherent coat that drew her sides, a pant to low life and a shirt of silk from the pronounced collar. The redemption of house was flooded in an instant of an intense perfume.

  Dafne looked her/it at a pair of seconds, bewitched by his/her impeccable elegance.

  «Dafne, true?» he/she asked the woman, a glove removing himself/herself/itself.

  «Yes, but. her who is, gives you excuse?» he/she asked suspicious Dafne.

  «No, we don't know each other. Can I enter? I swear you that I am not armed and I don't want to sell you void.»

  Dafne winked, despite the wisecrack you/he/she had not distracted her from the mystery of who pits that woman. While he/she was still wondering how come an extraneous falls her in the house, the woman was already made road inside the residence. It was very sure of itself. It possessed ways and gait gifts. Dafne again tried to understand.

  «Allows me, can I understand who is and thing wants before entering to my house?»

  «Certain! Even if I have to admit that it is some embarrassing. however, Vanessa Ansaldo, to like.»

  Dafne stepped backwards turning pale rapidly, up to when it was found with the shoulders to the wall; only anchored to the wall he/she succeeded in standing up himself/herself/themselves standing. Vanessa went toward her, worried for the reaction of the girl.

  «No, not to approach you! Be me distant!» it howled bewildered Dafne.

  «Forgive me Dafne, but now I am me that I want to understand. My name is not you new, correct? Excuse if I seem you insensitive, but I would like to know what you/he/she has told you of me. What an I am ex furious wife? A murderess? You know, a reaction a tantino seems me excessive yours.»

  «Dead.» it whispered Dafne beginning to breathe to work.

  «Thing? What are you saying? Do you want that I/you/he/she take some water?»

  Dafne made him drive from the woman toward the couch. The head was as flood of air, a prickle stopped her the stomach and the limbs, as if you/they had just quartered her. It didn't understand, he/she didn't want to understand; once sat, he/she again jumped standing, getting further the woman with violence.

  «You are. you macaws her/it. wife?» he/she asked Dafne stammering.

  «Ex wife. And don't you know which effort both for me to return in this house. but that it means the sentence that you have said first?»

  Dafne he allowed to fall in earth beginning to cry without behavior. Vanessa remained of plaster in front of a similar crisis. But he/she was even more amazed when he/she heard what Dafne it howled desperate:

  «As you/he/she has been able? What does it mean? You were dead! Have you understood? Dead! He cried, it was everything true. What does it mean everything this? Who are?» the agonizing tears didn't allow her to continue, but Vanessa had understood, you/he/she had perfectly understood all.

  «Now calmed, I pray you, and tell me that you don't say seriously» it cordially said the woman, even though shocked.

  «Leave me alone, do leave me alone. thing you want from me, w
ho macaws? Is it a true joke?»

  «He/she listens to Dafne, I/you/they are shocked how much you, believe me; I thought that you/he/she had told you thousand lies on my account, or that you/he/she had not told you really nothing. But I could ever imagine a thing of the genere.è gone crazy entirely!»

  «Because you are then here after this whole time? What do you want from me? Or did you look for him?» he/she asked Dafne with air schifata.

  «You are crazy? I/you/they have been out here more than a hour to verify out of town indeed me that pits. Sofia has called me the other day, not as soon as you have gone away from their house. You/he/she has treated badly you and you/he/she has been sorry; but he/she wanted to understand the why of your visit, and taken by the desperation you/he/she has asked my help. Roberto is a monster Dafne, a man of whom I/you/they have freed to work. And the same is worth for them. I have left Italy to free me of him, and now suit in Switzerland. You have to tell me everything Dafne, now I am me that I want to understand.»

  The story of Dafne was long and weary. Vanessa held her hand; to lines it nervously walked in to listen to the aspects of that history. It was aghast listening you her of Roberto and the history of his presumed and false death.

  Then it was the time of the story of Vanessa; some things coincided with the version of Bob. You/they were gotten married and beloved a lot. But the version of the facts changed after a few times, when Bob began to abuse her/it.

  «It was the hell Dafne. Also with me it began from a normal jealousy as you have told me you. The bright life that has described you, it shone only for him. It is not true that have lived together with Milan. Our life of couple is initiated and ended in Tuscany. When I have left him I came here; he followed me and he/she bought this house. it didn't accept the end of our marriage. Took Sofia my parts, were very objective. It sustained my decision to go away of house, it said that I deserved more. And it is not to find effortless a mother-in-law of the kind, believe me.»

  Vanessa took back breath, looking out of the window for some second.

  «When you have left him?» he/she asked Dafne.

  «In the' 97. But only in the' 99, the year of mine" tragic death", I have gotten the divorce. It followed me, it tormented me, you/he/she had come even to threaten me. But not only. An evening I came here to spit him in face my tiredness my nausea. He for all answer misused of me. It held me segregated for a whole night as a dog. Only to think is badly us.»

  «As you have done to free you?» he/she asked Dafne, horrified by what you/he/she was listening.

  «I succeeded in striking him/it and to race away, looking for help; I don't even know me as. But out I didn't call once anybody. Definite that would be alone run away, this time far, to the sure one. I went to Switzerland and I kept in touch with the parents of Roberto, the only ones to which I told of that night. Once to the sure one I blackmailed him/it: if you/he/she had not signed me the documents for the divorce, I would have gone right-hand to the police. Do you understand because the mother of Roberto was so incattivita?»

  Dafne was tense, shaken; it began to feel himself/herself/themselves in serious danger. Yet something of Vanessa upset her/it.

  «To be affixed here from Switzerland it is your way of doing him her to pay? Because I find it hard to explain me this sudden interest in my comparisons.» churches Dafne with to strange, shiny distrust.

  «No Dafne. You have been you to look for some truths and me I/you/they have come only to tell you her, considering that his/her parents don't have the strength anymore of it. Rather, I wonder me how come to want anchors him/it to help and to bear. You are so young.» it said Vanessa with prickly tone.

  «Because I loved him/it. The wills be crazy but it is this way. But you rather, as have you been able to decide to leave him/it and not to report a real sequestration? Rather he/she leaves alone, it doesn't interest me to know other. I want to remain alone, I don't want to speak of nothing anymore. I have to abandon this place before going crazy entirely!» it said despaired Dafne.

  «It won't be enough for you to leave the house Dafne, trusted» Vanessa uttered in definite tone. But Dafne responded her as many resolved.

  «I don't know to your times, but now it is a teacher and an advertising of relief. Have a certain position that for him is everything, and won't jeopardize her/it to make cazzate! And if it will do him/it, I kill him/it with my hands. The won'ts wait for burdens two years as you!» Dafne hysterically responded.

  «Dafne, every time that has beaten you and you/he/she has misused of you, you/he/she has done something that had to not be done, and its career won't be certain to stop him/it. The same will succeed to torment you. Think well of us. If stay in the parts, that man will say and will try everything! You would be the second failure. It is sick!» it replied Vanessa, shaking himself/herself/itself as if the thing intensely concerned still her.

  «Vanessa, thanks you to have told me everything, you have done what you owed but now enough, I pray you. Tonight I have seen a ghost, and my life is completely destroyed. I cannot bear more other» concluded Dafne bringing himself/herself/itself toward the door.

  Vanessa dismissed him with the extreme elegance with which you/he/she had arrived.

  Dafne that evening smoked about ten cigarettes and voided varied glasses; he/she wanted to forget everything, it felt him die. To you treat he/she believed to dream. You/he/she had just seen what had always believed a premature dead body. Vanessa had been for her the competition, the memory, the first great love of Bob and his/her greater suffering; you/he/she had been all of this that he had made her believe.

  To the morning it made a long bath. It kept on rubbing himself/herself/themselves with the sponge up to hurt himself/herself/themselves; he/she wanted to cancel Bob from his/her body, from his/her soul, to wash him from every single perfume of that house. It hurt. By now he/she knew enough, that day had to think about thing to do of its life. Definite that for the time being it was necessary to return from his/her parents. Also fearing that choice, he/she knew not to have alternatives. It needed a sure place and immediately available, above all for the first days.

  While it was opening the closet to wear something, it felt to play to the door. He/she quickly wore a bathrobe and runs to open: it was Moris with the breakfast. Dafne tightened him/it strong, so much to hurt him. It bursted in tears and it told everything, entrusting anchors him of his only true friend.

  «I already know thing you will tell me, but I won't report him/it. The pray you help to bring away me my things, The wills be well. I will go from mine for some and in the meantime I will try to speak to him. I have to make him/it Moris. I don't succeed in doing me of it a reason yet, it is too much everything absurdity, a nightmare.»

  Dafne put on the head among the hands, with immense discouragement.

  «Have only to promise me that will see him/it in a public place, not here and otherwise I kill not alone it with my hands Daf, I swear him/it! And you have to see to send him/it him to that country, not to favor him/it. Be sick Daffy, is a sick man! Have you now understood him? My mother, even in the worse one of the films I have felt things of the kind!»

  You softly caressed him/it, it didn't say anything. They remained embraced on the couch, with Dafne that kept on crying, asking to the friend because the same happening a thing of the kind. Its mind was so shaken not to be succeeded in some way in finding peace. More time passed, more it realized what happened. Moris had not responded, you/he/she could tighten only her and to make to feel her/it to the sure one. He/she anchors in tears, took Dafne his/her hand, gently bringing him her to the mouth and beginning to kiss her/it. Moris was amazed, but the excitement was as much, to immediately lose the control. He/she kissed her. He loved him, you/he/she had always loved her, and in that instant, feeling to pant her/it between the tears and the sighs of that agitated kisses, it understood that you/he/she had always desired to make the love with her, to feel her/it his/her, to have her/it.

Dafne began to open him the shirt, while with extreme heat it kept on kissing him/it. Moris was tormented. You/he/she would have done instantly her his/her, but it hated the idea that happened in a moment of the kind. It was not so that you/he/she had imagined him/it.

  «No Daf, prays you. The pray you stop her/it» it told her brusquely getting further her/it.

  «Because Moris, doesn't desire me? I feel that you want me» it said her again trying to unthread him the shirt.

  «Thing you say? Certainly that I desire you, and you know him/it» it said him, almost bewitched «I desire you to die, but you are you that you don't want indeed me. You do only it for desperation, because you feel yourself alone. I don't want to reduce everything to an occasional sweep of which you immediately would repent, because I believe. The believe to love you. I believe to always have you beloved, from the first time that I have seen you. And hate to tell you that perhaps Bob is the first one to have I happen him/it.»

  To the sound of those words, the eyes were shelled her by the amazement. In reality, in his/her cuor, you/he/she had already realized him, but to feel made him/it a whole other effect. He/she didn't want to make to suffer him/it, but in that precise instant he/she wanted only to go on and to make the love. It was all of this that he/she knew.

  «Then you make the love with me, without thinking. I am in the abyss, I don't know anything. but The know that now The wants to be with you, and The know that it would make me be well.»

  After those words the bathrobe unthread him being naked among its braccias. He looked toward the ceiling, in the attempt to become distracted himself/herself/themselves and to take time, but when it felt the delicate breast of Dafne next to the face, Moris it overwhelmed her/it impetuous.

  A pair of hours later she slept deeply, exhausted because of that extremely difficult days. Moris was awake, perfectly conscious that that naked body doesn't be belong for a long time him, and that perhaps its soul and its heart you/he/she would never have had them. It tried to intensely enjoy himself/herself/themselves that instants, in which it was able he/she anchors to touch her/it and to admire her/it in his/her defenseless shine.

  When Dafne opened the eyes he there was not; it made an express turn of the house, but of Moris not even the shade. It hoped to find a ticket, but he/she again remained disappointed. Because andar street in that way? After a few times it was ready to go out; you/he/she would have gone from his, then in the cafe.

  Once open on the door, of forehead Moris was found, that was about to play:

  «There is out the van of the cafe with about ten scatoloni. The bring you them inside and I give you it decides which to use, ok?»

  Dafne was disappointed by that cold attitude and detached; suddenly they returned her to the mind the words of Moris of some hour before and he/she also remembered his/her own superficiality in to treat the thing. He had confessed her to love her and her, without a minimum of respect, you/he/she had reduced all to his/her selfish physical desire. Once in house, it thanked him/it for the scatolonis and then it grabbed him/it for a hand:

  «First you have told me some stupendous things; I will be seemed you a crazy person nymphomaniac, but I wanted only to tell you that those things I have felt her and I remember her to me.» the back of the hand kissed him, affectionately.

  «It was not the moment for some declarations, but I didn't want that I still believed that wanted only some sex.»

  «Moris I have never believed him! Never! That time I wanted only to hurt you. The wases angry with the world and with you that you tried to open me the eyes. Am crossing the hardest test of my life! Have lost the trust in myself, my thoughtlessness, has lost everything! And this me ago fear.»

  He tightened her/it. It looked at her with sweetness, caressing her long hair.

  «Not to fear, doesn't have him with you; you/he/she has been stupendous, and first you/he/she is cost me a lot of work to ignore you. But I know that it is not my moment. I will be nearby you. To have the most beautiful thing has been that has ever happened me. In the last days I was confused: I always thought of you, too much you missed me. But you now have to think only about putting again together the pieces, and to protect you from that bastard. The rest can wait.