Read About Dafne Page 13

Speaking of confusion

  In the last period, working to the cafe, to Dafne it happened to see Moris withdraw himself/herself/themselves with some client. The first time was not certain, but of a line made us case in every single occasion. Despite the certainty not to try anything and not to want other bonds, was very more serene when the attentions of that man were alone for her.

  An evening something more of a simple conversation happened with an affectionate client. To the cafe a young woman that was never sight had entered, a very fluorescent girl, in short skirt and tall heel. Not as soon as Dafne handed her the menù, the young churches of Moris. He went out of the back with radiant air; it immediately drew near for embracing the girl, that called Gloria. They gave the impression to know very well him. He/she invited her to drink something, but she specified that so you/they would have done you delay. Did Dafne observe with a lot of attention, and that state of mind bothered her/it; thing was that unbelievable desire to know who pits that girl? Because of the distraction broke a glass, and with enormous nervousness it went in the back to take broom and shovel.

  «You put the gloves before picking up the glass, I beg me» Moris recommended her, that had returned in the back to wear the jacket.

  «I didn't know what tonight you would be mancato.è Friday and there will be an unbelievable country house» he/she forcedly specified her with indifferent air.

  «Daf I know him/it, in fact it was not scheduled. It Glorifies is an old friend of family, we macaws grown together. He/she now lives in Verona, and I had not seen indeed her for so much time. It is here for an essay of music that there will be Sunday evening. Be a pianist! One aunt of mine entertains here her to Milan and therefore I take advantage to make to make her some turn of it» she explained him uninhibited.

  «Therefore will you hold her company the whole weekend? I ask you him because tomorrow, if you remember, I don't work.»

  «Calm Daf, will get by; I have asked to Sonia to make double turn.»

  Dafne deduced alone that Moris and Gloria would have spent together the whole weekend, as presumed.

  At two o'clock at night the last clients left the cafe. Dafne began to clean, Dani made box, while the other two boys, Sonia and Dimitri, cleaned the external zone.

  There was a lot of silence, they were all rather tired ones, when to the sudden one from the outside it thundered the voice of Dimitri.

  «Here is the great head! Well, where have you left her the bomb sexi? Here your supervision was not needed, you could also continue your evening!»

  «You are more and more coglione, Dimitri» Moris responded with irony entering to the cafe.

  «Forgive us boss, but this your friend had one I detach of thigh of another category! You do some the part of the sfigato to return alone here!» Dani intervened from the counter, while Dafne looked them at all and three with annoyed air.

  «You want a lot to still go on for? However, correct for information, it will have the thigh of another category but the blond platinum it is out indeed fashion.»

  After the prickly intervention of Dafne at the three was looked with dismayed air as children to which the ice cream has fallen for hardly earth. Alone took Dimitri the ball to the leap with friendly provocation.

  «But you know that if only could choose, I would be only with the redheads! Sinned that has spun never me!»

  They surrendered all to a sonorous laughter, up to when Dafne and Moris crossed the looks; they returned serious, with inexplicable embarrassment. Him taken some things and it waited that all had ended. The two was greeted and they did for going himself/herself/themselves each to his/her own auto. But Dafne returned back and reached him/it.

  «Moris, I am not sleepy. You?»

  «Ah yes? And thing you would like to do?» he/she asked her, spettinandola with nice movements.

  «I don't know him/it, you thing you have done tonight? Have you had a good time?» he/she asked Dafne in the attempt to make the tone more detached possible.

  «We have gone to a pizzeria of the center; I have brought her home toward midnight, any worldly program too much in short.» he responded fleeing.

  «Excuse and then? Do I want to say that is, thing you have done up to this time?» churches her without more reservedness.

  Moris didn't respond, simply it looked at her/it with an embarrassed smile.

  «Be'. we say that The have only brought her under house, to midnight. I had not seen indeed her for years, and you/he/she has been an impact some strange. Nothing of what however.»

  «I have understood everything. Be', me pleasure, is ago indeed a beautiful girl. Better that goes, it is slow indeed. We see us Sunday, if you are to the cafe.' night.»

  It tried to run away away, tormented by a state of mind that didn't want to make sense of himself/herself/themselves. Moris followed her/it and held back her/it.

  «Excuse but your desire to do something? I would propose to find a bakery that deprived some goodness, I still have hunger. Certainly that you are lunatic indeed, you!»

  To the four of the morning Moris and Dafne were eating a warm brioche, joking of the more and of the as two little boys. Of sudden she did him serious.

  «You have made the love?» churches without more delays.

  «Daf, me. that question is? I am me in strong embarrassment to talk to you of these things. you macaws not one friend of mines.»

  «Ok, so much I have understood» she uttered.

  «And thing you would have understood? Because know, I have not understood a cazzo instead, look at some! Because we are speaking of this? And if I/you had made sex with Gloria, thing it would change?» he/she asked Moris in annoyed tone.

  Was Dafne cross, and the unusual thing and that he/she didn't succeed to docks a true explanation; as you/he/she would have been able to give her/it to him? To think him/it with another did her/it go crazy, this it was by now evident. They were endless instants, in which Dafne extinguished entirely the rationality and reacted with the instinct. An instinct that told her to grab the face of Moris to kiss him/it.

  It was an unexpected kiss, craved for a long time by both, probably from the last time when you/they were interrupted in the back of the cafe. For him it was normal to desire her/it, it madly loved still him, perhaps more before. Instead you were spiazzata from that yearning, that would not have allowed this time to some rational thought to appease. He/she wanted him/it, he/she knew only this. It jumped to the place of guide, taking his hands and driving her with heat along his/her own body. Not succeeding in stopping himself/herself/themselves anymore, they moved him in the back seats, where they made him drag from those pleasant feelings.

  The dawn drew near with overbearance waking up a cloudy Milan. Dafne had fallen asleep. Moris would have tightened her for times, tormented by the thought that all could end, as it ends the night. Dafne opened the eyes and, after some movement to stretch the benumbed limbs, it gained a strange nostalgia in the look of the man.

  «It was so much time that I didn't feel me so protected; I am well with you, do you know him/it true?» in the face of Moris a smile stamped him to underline an immediate relief.

  «I feared that to the awakening you would be reformed. Also I am well with you, and I would not like to be with nessun'altra.»

  They abandoned to other effusions, up to that she proposed to return to take back his/her car. Comes on the place, they immediately noticed that something didn't go. Someone had broken a car window to the auto of Dafne.

  «But what devil is it?» he began, losing that few sleep that had begun to make himself/herself/themselves feel.

  «Scassatos have me the car!» Dafne exclaimed with nervousness.

  «Yes, but because to break the glass behind? Did you have something on the seats? What do I know, a purse?»

  «No, only the jacket, that is to his/her place there. But then that it means?»

  «Void Daf, will have been the usual foolish. I will do him/it mend from one friend of mine,
you are calm. It checks well that there am everything and careful to the glasses.»

  The two polished up the big one. A strange silence had invaded that annoying moment. They covered the auto with a cloth of fortune that Moris had in the cafe. Then he brought her/it to house.

  «You feel Daf, tomorrow that programs you have?» churches him before leaving her/it, with the embarrassment of whom doesn't want to pose himself/herself/themselves to curious fiancé.

  «I had taken one day of vacations, but perhaps at five o'clock I will come to make opening, hoping to come upon me in the head!» it said her with air from seductive died cat.

  «Be', the head will owe first to swindle out a blonde friend fashion, even without creating diplomatic accidents. Then at four and half o'clock it will give to pick up the girl most scheming of Milan.»

  «Certain, enough that to avoid diplomatic accidents you don't have to give her some satisfies!»

  Moris was excited by the bother shown by Dafne. It was jealous of him, and this did him/it go crazy of joy. A night as that, you/he/she could change indeed everything. The kiss of regard was more passionate.

  This had distracted them both from the bad mood of a little before. If they were him/it said with clarity, but the attempt of theft was not the first thing to which you/they had thought finding the car of Dafne in that state.

  The day later, at 16.30 o'clock, Moris was in front of the house of Dafne, punctual as a clock. The two was given a kiss to die. You/they were hindered, as two little boys to the first appointment. In that new day that he/she saw together them, two nobody succeeded in making the first footstep toward more intimate gestures, almost for fear that the other one had changed mind. In reality, the night you/they were communicated only before the intention to live this thing to the day, with any intention to define her/it. Moris knew well the lived of Dafne. For him attends him to be together was seemed endless, but it was well aware that Bob was not such a distant memory. In the good and in the evil that man had disappeared from too much little. For all the doubts of the case, it was very difficult for both to understand what the correct attitude would have been once arrived to the cafe in presence of other people.

  In car you/they had spoken only of job; Moris had anticipated her that later the week would have been very binding. You was lost in the consultation of the notebook, to be able to reconcile the hours to the cafe with the job in cooperative.

  «It will be a difficult week; the neighbor I have the turn of the home meals on the other side of Milan. But I will make her/it, calm. You know, I like a lot to make company to that people, they are all so alone ones. Or I am only perhaps selfish, because the thought that is people that it has more serious problems of mine, it lifts me» he/she explained her to wander from a feeling of perennial embarrassment.

  «I am happy that you like, however I would like to ask you a thing if I am able» he responded while it was parking the auto.

  «Certain» it authorized Dafne in curious tone.

  «When you think about returning to do your true job? In short, that more creative. The ask you him because it doesn't happen me dark than to feel to speak to you of thing you want to I give indeed in the life, paintings or stuffs of the kind.»

  «Moris, does already something in the life. I work to the cafe and I follow some projects that I adore» she responded communicating a certain bother.

  «But am I happy that you are well to the cafe and with the educators. but is it what you want to keep on doing indeed? Or is it for him that you want to be distant from your true world? Because if fos..»

  Dafne didn't allow him to finish the sentence. You/he/she had gone down from the auto without not even deigning him/it of answer. To some meter it considered us, it returned back and it opened the counter.

  «Moris you don't even have to dare to name him/it. Does this have immediately to be clear since, have you understood me well? Who believe yourself to be? Have not allowed a shrink to make himself/herself/themselves my facts, and I won't allow him/it you! I am well to do what I do. And nobody will ever tell me more thing to do in the life, anybody!»

  Dafne abandoned the car again beating the door. In an only instant, Moris understood that all the miraculous progress that Dafne had done in those weeks, were pure illusion. You/he/she had succeeded only in disguising the suffering behind his/her innate grim, of which he was riappropriata. Of certain you/he/she was not facing his/her past, you/he/she was covering with sand only it, in attends him to forget him/it. Moris absolutely had to do something for her, even though in strong crisis in to decide what. Dafne had been very clear and he didn't want to lose her/it. At the same time he/she thought about the evening before, exciting and only, in which Dafne had confessed him to be jealous and to be well with him. This last thought thrilled him/it and didn't want to afford himself/herself/themselves false footsteps jeopardizing everything.

  Once in the cafe, Moris called to harvest all, before it began the cram of the appetizer of Saturday afternoon.

  «Boys, communicate well you a novelty: next week will deal there with to organize a show for the exit of a new comic strip or something of the kind. I have received the application from a small agency that has to organize her/it this morning. You/they have thought about our cafe as location. As I said first to Dafne, it will serve the maximum collaboration of everybody. We will prepare her with the direction of the owner of the agency, you will have to satisfy every application of his, as far as possible obviously. I anticipate you that from the tone is seemed me a true harpy! But it will bring us money and visibility, therefore I beg me. Monday, even if we are closed, we see us at two o'clock. It will come here with one collaborator of his.»

  During that discourse from great demanding head, Dafne had held the low head the whole time. It was reformed for the reaction spropositata of a little before, but he/she was firm in not to want to discuss anymore of his/her choices or of his/her job. It was too much a painful memory. To the solo to relive that type of discourse, even though with Moris, you/he/she had felt the stomach burn her strong.

  The afternoon went by calm. Moris had been away the whole time. The situation and the scene of Dafne made the context too embarrassed, therefore you/he/she had decided to hurry some matters that Monday would not have been able to do. Dafne always looked toward the door hoping to see to return him/it. You felt in guilt for what you/he/she had said, he/she believed to have ruined everything on to be born. At the same time, the feeling to again have problems with a man terrorized her/it.

  In evening Moris returned. Dafne immediately dragged him/it in the back.

  «You have seen your friend?» he/she nervously asked holding he/she anchors him/it for the jacket.

  «It is your way to ask it excuses me?» churches him with a smile just mentioned.

  He/she didn't leave her time to answer. Careful, it checked that nobody arrived. It opened the door on the back and it dragged Dafne in the cortiletto behind the place. It conducted her toward an angle in shade and it began to kiss her/it on the neck, then on the lips, with greater fashion always. You he allowed to overwhelm encouraging those hands that encircled her/it with uncontrollable desire. Shortly after they were forced to stay himself/herself/themselves, before it was too late.

  «I regret for today afternoon, me not.» he interrupted her/it, with to hand on the lips.

  «I know him/it. I didn't want indeed your excuses. I am me to have asked a pirla question. Do you have to be serene only, ok?»

  Moris kissed her/it anchor, before hearing the voice of Dimitri in the kitchen.

  «You don't know how much I want you Daf, but we have to reenter. I go first me.»

  At three o'clock at night the place was finally empty and systematized; the other boys greeted Moris and Dafne. The last car was still in manoeuvre in front of the place, that already the two was intents to undress himself/herself/themselves, covetous to refer the love. After some instant she was stretched out on one of the tables, gasping, wh
ile Moris stirred her above, involved as it was the first time. Dafne turned the head toward the showcase to his/her right and a masculine figure that observed them indiscriminately flowed. Blood froze her in the veins; it made a sudden leap and it got further Moris with strength, dragging him/it behind the counter.

  «There is a man! Looked us! It was immovable there, it was there!» it howled Dafne in full hysterical crisis.

  «Where Daf, where? Where have you seen him?» churches him, while it was holding her/it firm to reassure her/it.

  Moris wore the pant and brought out him to look for whatever presence in the outskirtses of the place. He/she didn't see anybody. After a few minutes it returned inside, worried for Dafne and for the reaction that had had. Locked and it began to lower all the curtains to panel, that you/they hid in an instant the sight on the outside.

  «I have seen him, I have seen him Moris, believe me, it fixed us.»

  «I believe you small, I believe you. You have only to tell me if you have recognized him. Have you seen him in face Daf? Was it him?»

  «No, have not seen well him, have seen him few second and then. then The wases stretched out however. perhaps the build could be. Moris I don't know him/it, The don'ts know him/it! Do you believe pits him? Do you believe that I/you/he/she want to hurt me?»

  Dafne was stunned.

  «For what we know from Vanessa, for the fact that is a lunatic, it would not surprise me. If only had reported him/it cazzo! From the suits, tonight you sleep from me.»

  Moris knew not to have tests to go to the police, neither for that evening, neither for the damages to the car of Dafne. And he/she knew not to be able to make too pressures on the girl. Despite this the tension was made ingestibile.