Read About Dafne Page 8

  Speaking of Cassandra

  That spring was very warm, and not only for the climate. Weeks had passed by the disagreeable happened, and Dafne had begun a stage remunerated near an agency with which Bob often collaborated. It was a place of prominence with clients of notable prestige. In the staff, it recognized different people that Bob had introduced her in past or that in other occasions you/he/she had seen of escaped together with him. One of these were a woman, that looked at Bob with clearer interest and that Dafne, obviously considered from immediately an enemy,: Cassandra, a rich and refined heiress of the Brianza, art director of profession.

  To the beginning of the stage, the owner of the agency had formally introduced the two women:

  «Cassandra will place side by side you on the graphic part, is one of our horses of race! From what says Roberto you are firm from some with the programs that interest us. This is a limit. From what you will see in this agency, the rhythm doesn't forgive, not even the interns. In two weeks you owe to have recovered all!» then the manager turned him to Cassandra, confirming the concept «I beg me Chessi, you/he/she has to use everything to the perfection in maximum two weeks.»

  Dafne hated that people spoke of her as if there was not, but she also knew not to be able to propose the usual his/her rispostacces to the owner of that place. If you/he/she had not been for Bob, you/they would never have considered her. Sbottando would have let his/her man lose the face, and you/he/she would never have done him.

  After the first week, Dafne had already reached the ceiling of the patience. Cassandra was among the most unpleasant women that you/he/she had ever known; it didn't lose occasion to disqualify her/it, exalting to big voice every difficulty of his, both with Bob and with the owner.

  «But as it is possible that has frequented the courses of your school and that I/you/he/she am so back?» it told one day Bob, during a break coffee.

  «I know him/it, and I think that sooner or later I will leave that place really for the superficiality with which you/they treat certain subjects. And however it was firm from a piece, from the time. Its winning paper is the head; it has a creativeness out of the commune, you should aim at that. Besides, you should see how it paints» Bob answered, trying to throw out his/her girl from the hindrance.

  «I don't know him/it, you should address then perhaps her toward some gallery of art. Even the publicity doesn't impassion him as you would like. You see, I don't believe is only matter of knowledge, rather of desire. To the moment I have to always see all of his/her jobs again, also the stupidest things» it pricked Cassandra.

  «No, the publicity likes her; surely it is spaesata. but you will see that when it will pass to the part most important creative and, he/she will know how to surprise you!»

  «Be', I hope that the ragazzina doesn't pretend to begin from creative manager. The mess-tin exists for everybody, Robi, anybody excluded. Difficulty to believe that you live together and that is not exploiting the" number one" of the sector to learn the more possible. Robi, I would be a sponge to your side» it told Cassandra the attempt to adulate him/it.

  «Be' Cassandra, does perhaps other when we don't work. otherwise it would seem me to live in to spot, don't you find?» it specified Bob with prickly sarcasm.

  «Ok, has recepito! However you would be able at least to invite to introduce her/it him a tantino more sober. You know how the boss reasons, also the eye wants its part.»

  «It is not a customer, and it won't have relationships with the clients. And however I don't believe that Claudio will make appreciations on Dafne, trusted!»

  «Correct for precise statement, it won't be a customer, but here, as you would owe well to know, in the moments of flood all have to know how to manage everything: to comfortably be to the pc or to find himself/herself/themselves to manage a photographic set with the clients that breathe you on the neck. The beautiful times are ended in which stuck us to his/her own armchair. It seems me that you are not very objective Roberto. In short, creeds that your Dafne can manage all this?»

  After this last question, Cassandra turned the heels and returned in the office. Bob remained of stone, crushed by an avalanche of thoughts, with in hand his/her coffee by now cold.

  The morning later, Dafne and he were absorbed in the bathtub, overflowing of foam.

  «These salts are beautifully, don't you believe love?» it said her massaging his legs.

  «Yes, excellent. you feel Daf, that you say of it if today we went to center to make burdens shopping?»

  «Thing you want to buy love? Do you have to take other pole? Shirts?»

  «Really I thought to of the suits for you, I want to do you some gifts. Do you know, even something nice, different, that exalt your physicist, that you say of it?»

  Dafne got up in hurry from the tub, it recovered the bathrobe and it more quickly squirted still in the living room. Only few second and it reentered in bath as a fury.

  «Even something style Cassandra? And even better changing the color of hair? What do you say of it?»

  «Be', if a day I saw your natural color I would not be sorry. you would be very beautiful certainly» it said him going out of the tub.

  «You are a stupid!» it howled her.

  «Qual Daf is your problem? Do you make me go crazy as six, but that there is badly if for once I desire to see you in another way? And then in certain environments it also needs to know him to adapt. Am I an alone stupid because I do you him to notice?»

  «No, are a stupid because among all the agencies of the world have brought me in the only flood of sows fighette, that spends the whole time looking me crooked and to convince you that I always mistake something! And not to tell me that this gimmick of the shopping is flour of your sack Bob! Do you have to put you in head that I will be never neither as Cassandra, neither has as Vanessa, understood?»

  Bob immobilized her/it against the wall, with strength.

  «Perhaps is not you clear that don't have to speak of Vanessa! And then hands in comparison to the people with which bushels collaborating, understood? Have you understood me Daf?» without attending answer he dispersed, leaving her on the wrists marks that remained her for different minutes.

  Dafne was in the bed, still in bathrobe. Bob entered and the you/he/she laid down him of side.

  «Dafne you cannot use that language with me; I am not a little boy to which to address as you want. You don't have idea of how much people will live in the unattainable dream to enter an agency of the kind. We try only to make a turn and to see if we find something that is well you and that you like. You have a so beautiful physicist that will be easy.»

  This way saying inserted under her hands to the bathrobe, to embrace more intimately her.

  Dafne opposed a first resistance. You/he/she was embittered, absorbed in his/her thoughts and in his/her humiliation. At that time to feel his/her hands bothered her, perhaps for the first time. You removed, speaking to him without not even looking at him/it in face:

  «If I am well with everything, then you should not ask to suit me to me for the style of somebody else.»

  Bob for all answer still tried to touch her/it; Dafne shifted him in more definite way.

  «It doesn't suit me, I don't believe whether to resolve so our discussions are helping a lot us of these times.»

  Bob still drew near her.

  «Not to pretend that I/you/he/she don't go you; I want you, and also you, as always.»

  It began to graze her/it with definite pleasantness, up to appease his/her resistance.

  «And if today I didn't want instead yourself?» churches her, with gasping breath more and more, despite the attempt to appear indifferent.

  «If I didn't feel yourself excited, I would already have stopped.»

  To that point his look was her so near to be stunned it as every time that it looked at her/it in that way; its hands were making the rest and Dafne him he abandoned.

  This time, after having made the l
ove, they escaped every tenderness. He was dressed again and he/she invited her/it to do the same, always convinced to reach the shops of the center.


  In the weekend Bob prepared to Dafne a romantic supper. You/he/she had turned on candles of every type creating the ideal environment for his/her eccentric girl.

  Dafne got back home, and some instant remained on the threshold, pleasantly surprise.

  «Thing is?»

  Him the it drew near and it helped him to remove the jacket.

  «It is for you, for us; I/you/they have lately been very nervous. It is one stressful period for both, I want that this evening is perfect, love.»

  Dafne had spent days a lot of difficulties, you/he/she was felt diminished by his/her man, it felt not to be to the height of Cassandra during the job, a true fish water's fuor. It felt that everything escaped her of hand. He/she remembered the aggressive attitudes of Bob, more and more frequent, and it often feared to lose him/it. But not as soon as he called her/it love, of hit it returned sure and satisfied, and the doubts faded away. Bob was right, that was alone an ugly moment. You/he/she was allowed to blind from the comparison with Cassandra and this was ruining everything. If you/he/she was striven to improve, then that period would have passed. Dafne was made load of everything, also of what had never depended on her. And the gesture of that supper convinced even more that Bob respected her/it, and that you/he/she would never have been able to lose him/it, or you/he/she would have lost his/her same life.

  «I/you/they have been hateful in this period, and do you organize me a surprise?»

  «Perhaps I have also mistaken me Daffy, or you have perhaps misunderstood my intentions. I like as you are, I would like only that on the job I/you could give the maximum one. You have a good opportunity among the hands. Cassandra has noticed a certain hostility on your behalf. And despite this tomorrow you/he/she has invited us to supper, both!»

  Dafne withdrew him in an instant, everything had suddenly returned grey.

  «Have ruined everything! I don't have any intention to see that stupid over the schedule I work! I am me that I don't go her to genius, and I was not wrong me, considering that doesn't waste time to come to make the victim with you every time that is able! God Bob, has done me really a beautiful surprise of the cazzo!»

  Taken the jacket and he/she left the apartment. He didn't do in time to stop her/it.

  Shortly after Bob fell to the art cafe of Moris, some that would have found her there. It drew near to the counter and churches of her:

  «Dafne is in the back with Moris, you/they are smoking a cigarette, if it waits.»

  The guy didn't succeed in ending the sentence, that Bob beyond the counter had passed for reaching them. It made a big effort to sustain himself/herself/themselves peaceful.

  «I looked for you from some, also cellular sule. I wait you in car.»

  Moris got up and did for shaking his hand, but Bob already turned for leaving.

  «Dafne, doesn't believe that this guy is everything to place, allow me him. thing you macaws, his/her puppet? Because you don't go on to tell me as the things do they go and indeed because falls here so incazzata?»

  But Dafne was not prepared to the dialogue anymore, neither to remain more there a second, knowing that Bob was to few meters, clearly raged. It was an appalling feeling.

  «It is as I told you first Moris, we are some nervous ones because of the job, but everything is all right, normal administration. I have been wrong to come here without telling him nothing; I also had the silent telephone. I now escape.» it said of hurry wearing the jacket with apparent nervousness.

  «No Daf, you felt like speaking and to smoke a cigarette with an old friend; and that type has come to take back you as it does him with a dog that escapes from the garden. But are you prepared to be to the leash indeed? Or are you the strong girl that doesn't send her to say? Also the sudden way according to which you have resigned has never convinced me.»

  «You are right, I don't send her to say: you don't know anything of me tantomeno of my companion. Don't take yourself certain confidences. I greet you.»

  Dafne and Bob reentered to house. For the whole trip you/they were not said a word. Bob had not even looked at her in face. You/he/she had never seen him/it so tense. It was afraid to have made a great foolishness letting with the only person that the ability had to make to become furious him/it being found.

  Once arrived, Bob closed you/he/she brings her/it to the shoulders and you/he/she turned him to Dafne with dry tone:

  «You have done him he/she waits for or had you already programmed to go to find him/it?»

  «But thing you say? I was stopped by Jessica and I have not found her. and I know The have thought about serving me to beer as Moris. I don't see us nothing of badly! I don't make you the third degree when late or disappear! I pray you, now we leave alone and we let's sleep above, I don't want to quarrel.»

  It tried to draw near to him, but it was inclined with vigor.

  «It stays where you are, I don't believe in a word. Did day, want to do me her to pay? What motive did you have for being alone in the back? What did you want to show? What did you want there to do with that failure of the cazzo?»

  Bob had begun to howl. It threw to the air the pillows of the couch, for then to do the same with a vase of glass, shattering him/it in thousand pieces against the wall of the stay. Dafne was squirted in bath, frightened by that uncontrollable anger.

  Bob followed her/it beating on the door with strength:

  «You open and Daf I, that cazzo wanted to do respond? What did you want to show? Did you want to slander me with the first imbecile?»

  «You frighten me Bob, calmed. calmed The pray you!»

  On the other side it felt to beat and to still inveigh for some, before an anxious total silence even more.

  Dafne him made not account than time had passed. That apparent calm was interrupted by some hits on the door. Bob invited her/it to go out, with a tone of voice this time submissive and checked. Dafne was afraid, he felt shake and unarmed, but it opened him. Bob the takings in arm and it brought her/it toward the room. It began to strip her/it with delicate but definite movements. The look of the man was fixed on its face, intense. You would have liked to speak, not certain to make the love. The first feeling in to feel those hands was of tension, but more Bob went on, more her he allowed to transport from that apparent return to the normalcy, together with the pleasure that only with him you/he/she tried. It was happy for the fact that Bob was not angrier and that the same ones desiring; only for this reason you/he/she would never have stopped him/it. After having left her/it in laundry it loosened her hair and it began to kiss her/it anywhere. They were kisses from the bitter taste, but after the first instants they were inexplicably an alone thing.

  He hardly freed him of his/her immense pleasure, Dafne it got up and he/she talked him to breath still twisted.

  «Bob we have made the love? Because to me this time you/he/she is seemed different. I don't succeed in not thinking about what has happened before, when I am me closed in bath; and to what is happening us from some» and it lost him in a sudden outlet.

  «No my love, begs you not to cry. Have gone in beast to see you with that guy, know him/it! We have only to relax us and you will see that everything serene will return. I don't want to see to cry you.»

  Bob tightened her/it to itself in an energetic embrace, reassuring.

  «Tomorrow evening we go to dinner from Cassandra, so we ask her to make to be you home next Fridays; I want one long weekend to go together away. Do we need it, doesn't it seem you?» churches him with hurry, holding tightened the woman of his/her life, that unarmed he allowed to wind.

  «Because you don't bring me from your parts, in Tuscany? I have realized that for some reason you want to be far of it, but we perhaps need to feel us more united possible in this moment; for me it would be beautiful to see where you were born and grown.» <
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  When Bob finally answered her in affirmative way, the heart exploded her of joy, as didn't happen for a long time her.

  Dafne felt him complete close to Bob. Despite this, in the most intense period of his/her life, over him it didn't have anybody. You/he/she had allowed that history to isolate her/it from the old contacts, the all worsened by an environment of hostile job. Bob was his/her only point of reference, the only person indeed partecipe of his/her life, by now completely monopolized by the will of the man.

  The fear to lose this reference had made her weak, totally incapable to defend the dignity and his/her own liberty. With little work, Bob succeeded in making to absolutely feel her/it in guilt for futile things.

  The supper from Cassandra was very bad oltremisura. The woman didn't lose occasion to tell his/her guests to Dafne and the others the enormous success of the advertising countries that Bob and she had created together, without counting the short and elegant attire that had decided to show off, despite the not exceptionality of the event. To midnight you/they had remained only their three in the terrace of an attic that dominated on half Milan.

  «The trip remembers yourself to Hamburg, Robi? There him that there was to laugh, however has been without doubt our country more succeeded! And it had been knowing only us for a couple of months.» it specified with extreme antipathy.

  Dafne was nervous, you/he/she had never felt anything of the trip to Hamburg, neither of the two strong agreement. Besides it disdained the way with which Cassandra displayed the thing in the clear attempt to make her/it ingelosire. Then not lost time to exploit his/her prickly sarcasm.

  «Strange, Roberto has reported me in the detail of a lot of publicities of success but this of which you speak you/he/she has not even named him to me among the important jobs. But I am certain that has been a good collaboration.»

  Bob, once to the car, it sank in an enormous laughter.

  «Is unbelievable, are indeed a viper! You have destroyed her in the pride!»

  «Be', didn't I know what you had traveled together for job; you are really intimate then?» churches her with provocative tone.

  «Intimate are the lovers and the friends Dafne. You are only a colleague; I have known her/it since 2002, and that year we have been one day and a half to Hamburg to introduce a country, that's all. For the rest, I see only her when I collaborate with his/her agency.»

  «Yes, but she owes to have aimed to qualcos'altro in that trip besides the success of a country. And it still aims us expensive my. And if you were objective as you are him/it for Moris, you should see him/it.» it said Dafne with touch.

  «But Cassandra follows you in one of the most important agencies in Milan, that Morises he/she offered you a maid job. Before the jealousies the point has always been this. Now promise me that up to the end of your stage you will try to go her to genius. It is a good spring board Daf, few they depart from places as that. And it would be the maximum one if Claudio assumed you. But you/he/she has been clear: I count a lot, but it won't assume only you for gentleness in my respects. And however you could become essential as future freelance.»

  Dafne would never have contradicted him. It was to the seventh sky, because before the terrible instants of the days seemed enfeebled. Bob was serene again. You looked at him/it trying to imagine the bad look that you/he/she had seen to slip out from that eyes in those sad occasions. In that instant, the face of its man seemed incapable to dye him of so much anger. Yet you/he/she had seen her and lived, and it labored to free himself/herself/themselves from the fear that similar scenes could be repeated.

  Cassandra decided not to grant on free Fridays to Dafne motivating the all with the excessive massive structure of job. The country to which you/they were working would have departed to brief, and this didn't allow truce any component of the team, inclusive interns. The weekend in Tuscany was postponed to given to destine him. Dafne was not quite amazed of it.

  The first June the girl showed a poster to Bob.

  «Damage a party to the art cafe Friday evening; it will be a party completely devoted a seventies, with a complete exposure of works and photos of the period and music to theme. It would be nice to go together us, I adore the parties years seventy!» it proposed with submissive air fearing pits a desperate attempt.

  «And then as you could miss?» he responded, pacifically.

  «Indeed? Oh love, will be amusing!» it exclaimed enthusiastic.

  «No, I won't come Daf; Fridays are in Turin the whole day. I will give to take you in late evening. I beg only you to give the correct confidence to that type. I am trying to give you trust and I don't want to repent me of it.»

  Dafne had gained one note of bother in the tone of Bob, but it was happy to not to have had to discuss, and definite to appreciate his/her effort. That evening would have been a gold occasion to see old knowledges again and to forget the serious faces and you plan that it was forced to see in agency.

  That Fridays evening a true panacea revealed him. Bob missed her, but at the same time you/he/she was enthusiastic in to see Moris, the old colleagues and the usual ones affectionate of the place again.

  Toward half evening, from the stereo they went out the notes of Strange Days of the Doorses; Dafne was to the entry of the place in the middle of about ten people that you/they drank their drinks. Moris drew near her. In an instant of truce you/he/she had left the counter to grant him a cigarette.

  «Well succeeded evening, true?» he/she asked her putting an arm around her neck.

  «Your evenings are always it.»

  «I am happy that you are here; you were the last person that I expected me to see. The regrets for the last time, The have made your business and The didn'ts have to allow me» he/she affirmed Moris with involved air.

  «No, you don't have to excuse you of nothing, I/you/they have been a cafona; I thought that you would not even have drawn near» she responded.

  «How I would be able? Be and will be always the craziest employee that have had! That evening seemed that your vivacity had disappeared, that the solar ragazzina that I had had among the feet was extinguished. I wanted only to recommend not to allow you anybody to hinder what you are. But as all the non in demand suggestions, I could avoid.»

  It threw from the cigarette, some embarrassed for what had just said.

  «And him where it is?» he/she asked Moris with interested air.

  «It will come here later. However, already that we are in matter, I care to tell you that Bob is not what you have intended you. He/she works from crazy, and out of his/her world it is always very mistrustful. Then the cohabitation is not easy. It needs to come him I meet quite a lot.»

  Dafne labored to continue in the embarrassment not to find other valid justification for the attitudes held by Bob in the few occasions in which you/he/she was ended to the cafe.

  «Already, all things that for one as me they are distant years light. However, for what I have seen, a thing is very evident: it is jealous lost of its woman, and I believe that I would be also it me to its place!» concluded Moris, certain to have found the only way to throw out the friend from that enormous difficulty.

  To every way it was satisfied, because you/he/she had succeeded in telling her thing he/she thought, in the hope that she could reflect us above. You/he/she was excused before cleverly for the suggestion of the time, observing anchors him/it to him. Moris embraced him with affection, almost by instinct. It felt Dafne extended as a rope of violin. It was not before anymore the natural and spontaneous girl of, this it was clear.

  To the one at night Bob entered the place, finding Dafne to the table with some girls; you/he/she drew near and he asked her to accompany him/it to the counter to order a beer. It had the tired air, and she appreciated a lot his/her effort in to want him to stop. That man's apparition ever seen didn't pass certain unnoticed. A lot of girls were exalted for that attractive and mysterious presence, but Bob felt out place in unbelievable way.

p; With Moris they were greeted as soon as, and Dafne looked for an immediate way to manage the uneasiness.

  «We go out? I want to smoke.»

  Bob nodded. It was silent, apparently calm.

  «You have had a good time?» he/she asked her with interest.

  «Yes love. but macaws me missed! Is it to you as you/he/she has gone to Turin?»

  «Well, but I tell you tomorrow. For tonight with the job I have closed, I am exhausted.»

  Dafne reentered for a fast turn of regards. Then they directed him toward the auto of Bob, parked a little far.

  Entered desert alley, they crossed two boys coming from the opposite direction; they decidedly had the air few sober. One of the two stopped him to stare at Dafne. It was James, the guy English with which the girl had had the disagreeable meeting during the disappearance of Bob.

  Dafne tried to ignore him but James not lost the occasion to be silent:

  «My darling! Be really you! Always very beautiful!»

  Bob went him before, but Dafne tried to hold back him/it.

  «You know this drunk of merda?» it immediately howled vexed Bob.

  «You talk to me? What his/her boyfriend you are? You are fortunate, with me you/he/she has done some the difficult one!» after this first frecciata, James turned to the friend «however you/he/she has some beautiful breasts!»

  Bob was him I set in an instant and you/he/she began to strike him/it. Dafne and the other boy succeeded to work in getting further him/it. Bob was a fury. Not as soon as James fell in earth, too much drunk to react, Bob returned in itself and dragged away Dafne. The girl was stunned, stopped by that unexpected scene.

  Once in house, Bob entered for first. Dafne followed him/it sobbing as a child. The man had driven as a crazy person without saying an only word for the whole journey.

  «Who cazzo was? And when cazzo you have given him confidence? Answer me!»

  «You/he/she has been when you have disappeared, during the first Christmas; I thought I/you had left me, I was desperate.» it told her among the hiccups trying to approach him/it, but Bob escaped, walking in stay as to lion in the cage.

  «Therefore did you already know me? And that cazzo has done us? Are you swept him/it to you?»

  «But thing you say? No Bob, swears you him! I/you/they have gone his/her home for a party. I have drunk some and that you/he/she has tried only us. But I swear you that nothing serious has not happened, it was drunk also him. I beg you Bob you have to believe me!» it begged her.

  Bob for all answer pushed her/it with strength.

  «Only tried eh? And your beautiful breasts you/he/she has imagined only her? According to you worth to be with a liar that makes him palpate to the first quarrel? And thing I should wait later me? You answer!»

  «Bob you you gone n'eri, has been also your guilt if I have been reduced to that way!» it howled Dafne in the attempt to excuse him.

  That further accusation let Bob, that began to strike her/it went crazy entirely. This time it was not a fast instinctive gesture. It beat her, so much to be broken her lip. After instants that seemed her endless, Dafne it felt truce from the hits. It stayed unarmed and painful for earth, until him it went to close him in bath, distorted.

  Dafne escaped in bedroom. The eyes went her on the specchiera, and at that time it realized only to have the bloody underlip. Bob went out of the bath, and their looks were crossed, for an endless instant. It fell her to the feet, tightening her legs and beginning to cry desperate. It kept on asking it excuses her, saying that it didn't understand what him had passed for the head.

  Dafne seemed not to react; the shock of that beating had estranged her completely. Bob conducted her/it in bath, you/he/she bathed her lips with sweetness, holding her/it hold among the braccias. It continued to caress her/it and to take care of her face, in the attempt to make to disappear that blood, evident sign of what had just done. Dafne didn't succeed in saying an only word, neither to react somehow. Silent and suffering, it continued to listen to his/her complaints and his/her excuses.

  «Everything my love will go. well The wills calm down me and will speak, The didn'ts want. my love The didn'ts want! I don't know what is taken me, I don't know him/it my love, forgive me, I/you/they have never been so jealous.»

  The takings in arm and it brought in bed her. Hold held her to itself the whole night, cuddling continuously her, except in the few moments in which you/he/she had surrendered to the sleep.

  To the morning Dafne opened the eyes. It was a hard hit to become himself/herself/themselves account that was not treated of a nightmare. Luckily it was Saturday, and you/he/she would not have worked. Gone down by the bed, still benumbed, you/he/she immediately was reached by him.

  «Love as you feel yourself? Do you want some tea some milk? Tell me something» churches suppliant.

  «Give me an instant Bob; I don't want anything, I pray you» she responded turning himself/herself/itself on a side, to give his shoulders.

  «Love goes, well but you tell me that you are well, I pray you.»

  «How I could be well Bob? As? Last night you were another, I didn't recognize you. You could kill that boy to kicks and you have also hurt me. I have never done you nothing, but you keep on not entrusting you» it said her bursting to cry.

  «No love I beg you not to say other. I have lost the head, I know him/it, but it is because I love too much you. I know that it is not a justification, but I am afraid to lose you and this it makes me react badly. I pray you forgive me.»

  Bob had an agonizing tone as a defenseless child on the point to be abandoned. Also crushed by that discouragement, it was beautiful in embarrassing way. His/her excuses, loaded of strong pathoses, were convincing so much that Dafne could not ignore him/it over. It tightened him/it beginning to reassure him/it. The victim consoled the executioner paradoxically feeling himself/herself/itself in guilt in to see him/it so tormented.

  Dafne had forgiven him/it. Again. It madly loved him/it, and that fond and thoughtful attitudes had still transported her in the most attractive dimension of their love story, that sort of passion and beautiful promises, of mutual trust and sweetness. Bob stayed nearby her the whole day. A small crust on the lip was all of this that he/she assiduously remembered that episode.

  Dafne had told in the detail thing you/he/she was happened in that sad night of Saint Stephen, and Bob had embraced her the whole time, listening with visible tension.

  «Because you didn't speak then of it? Do I want that our relationship is sincere, because I didn't know anything? I would have beaten him very before and expeditious to the first barracks. Daf, I want indeed to trust you, but so you don't help me.»

  It dragged her to itself, making to feel her the warm one of his/her open abdomen.

  «Bob, if Friday had arrived someone there would you be ended in barracks. and would you/he/she have been worth of it? I hope only that were so you intoxicate not to say anything.»

  «It won't say anything. It is only a pig. Import only me that has understood that it doesn't have anymore to look you. I would like a true family with you, and I don't want but a situation so.»

  Without finishing the sentence the face it covered him with the hands, to hide in vain the expression that dampened him to the alone thought of thing you/he/she had done once her reentered to house.

  You gained his/her state of mind and it seduced him/it before the ugly thoughts of the evening returned as before among them they were already it. They made the love, with the passion that only two completely fused souls the one to the other one could conceive. He kissed her/it in embarrassed way, for fear to hurt her. Dafne serenely drove him/it inside of itself, lost in his/her eyes, lost in that extreme love.

  You/he/she had just felt that Bob wanted a true family with her. He/she now knew that the eternity comparison with the importance of Vanessa was a nonexistent fear. In the desperation he had spoken of family, and she grabbed on to that hope forgetting the whole rest.
Dafne still ignored that the episode of that Fridays night would have been replied soon, the first one becoming of a long series of disagreeable beatings, that you/they would be done less and less sporadic.