Read About Peggy Saville Page 25



  "Convalescence," remarked Peggy elegantly, a week later on,"convalescence is a period not devoid of attraction!" She was lying ona sofa in her bedroom at the Larches, wrapped in her whitedressing-gown, and leaning against a nest of pink silk cushions, and,what with a table drawn up by her side laden with grapes and jelly, apile of Christmas numbers lying close at hand, and the presence of anaudience consisting of Rosalind, Lady Darcy, and Mrs Asplin, ready tolisten admiringly to her conversation, and to agree enthusiasticallywith every word she uttered, it did indeed seem as if the position wasone which might be endured with fortitude! Many were the questionswhich had been showered upon her since her return to consciousness, andthe listeners never grew tired of listening to her account of theaccident. How Rosalind had clutched too carelessly at the slendercandlestick, so that it had fallen forward, setting the gauze dress inflames, how she herself had flown out of the room, torn down thecurtains which draped the "harem," and had flung them round the frantic,struggling figure. With every day that passed, however, Peggy gainedmore strength, and was petted to her heart's content by everyone in thehouse. The old lord kissed her fondly on the cheek, and murmured, "Godreward you, my brave girl, for I never can." Lady Darcy shed tearsevery morning when the burns were dressed, and said, "Oh, Peggy dear,forgive me for being cross, and do, do be sure to use the lotion foryour arms regularly every day when you get better!" And the big doctorchucked her under the chin, and cried--

  "Well, `Fighting Saville,' and how are we to-day? You are the pluckiestlittle patient I've had for a long time. I'll say that for you! Let'shave another taste of the rack!" It was all most agreeable and soothingto one's feelings!

  One of the first questions Peggy asked after her return to consciousnesswas as to how much her father and mother had been told of her accident,and whether the news had been sent by letter or cable.

  "By letter, dear," Mrs Asplin replied. "We talked it over carefully,and concluded that that would be best. You know, dearie, we were very,very anxious about you for a few days, but the doctor said that it wouldbe useless cabling to your mother, because if all went well you would beup again before she could arrive, and if--if it had gone the other way,Peggy, she could not have been in time. I sent her a long letter, and Ihave written every mail since, and now we are going to calculate thetime when the first letter will arrive, and send a cable to say that youare quite out of danger, and sitting up, and getting hungrier and moremischievous with every day as it passes!"

  "Thank you," said Peggy warmly. "That's very kind. I am glad youthought of that; but will you please promise not to be economical aboutthe cable? They won't care about the money. Spend pounds over it if itis necessary, but do, do manage to make them believe that I am quiteperky. Put at the end, `Peggy says she is perky!' They will know thatis genuine, and it will convince them more than anything else." And sothose five expressive words went flashing across the world at the end ofa long message, and brought comfort to two hearts that had been near tobreaking.

  So soon as Peggy was pronounced to be out of danger, Mrs Asplin wentback to the vicarage, leaving her in the charge of the kind hospitalnurse, though for that matter every member of the household took it inturns to wait upon her. A dozen times a day the master and mistress ofthe house would come into the sick-room to inquire how things weregoing, or to bring some little gift for the invalid; and as she grewstronger it became the custom for father, mother, and daughter to joinher at her early tea. Peggy watched them from her sofa, too weak tospeak much, but keenly alive to all that was going on, among otherthings, to the change which had come over these three persons since shehad known them first. Lord Darcy had always been kind and considerate,but his manner seemed gentler and more courteous than ever, whileRosalind's amiability was an hourly surprise, and Lady Darcy's mannerhad lost much of its snappish discontent. On one occasion, when herhusband made some little request, she replied in a tone so sweet andloving that the listener started with surprise. What could it be thathad worked this transformation? She did not realise that when the Angelof Death has hovered over a household, and has at last flown away withempty arms, leaving the home untouched, they would be hard hearts thatwere not touched, ungrateful natures that did not take thought ofthemselves, and face life with a higher outlook! Lady Darcy's socialdisappointments seemed light compared with the awful "might have been";while Rosalind's lamentations over her disfigurement had died away atthe sight of Peggy's unconscious form. Perhaps, when Lord Darcy thankedPeggy for all she had done for him and his, he had other thoughts in hismind than the mere physical deliverance of which she had been theinstrument!

  Arthur had been kept well informed of his sister's recovery, and provedhimself the kindest of brothers, sending letters by the dozen, full ofsuch nonsensical jokes, anecdotes, and illustrations, as would havecheered the gloomiest invalid in the world. But the happiest day of allwas when the great news arrived that his name was placed first of all inthe list of successful candidates. This was indeed tidings of comfortand joy! Peggy clapped her bandaged hands together, and laughed aloudwith tears of pain streaming down her face. "Arthur Saville, V.C.,Arthur Saville, V.C.!" she cried, and then fell to groaning because somedays must still elapse before the medical examination was over, and herhero was set free to hasten to her side.

  "And I shall be back at the vicarage then, and we shall all be together!Oh, let us be joyful! How happy I am! What a nice old world it is,after all!" she continued hilariously, while Rosalind gazed at her withreproachful eyes.

  "Are you so glad to go away? I shall be vewy, vewy sowwy--I'll miss youawfully. I shall feel that there is nothing to do when you have goneaway, Peggy!"--Rosalind hesitated, and looked at her companion inuncertain bashful fashion. "I--I think you like me a little bit now,and I'm vewy fond of you, but you couldn't bear me before we were ill.You might tell me why?"

  "I was jealous of you," said Peggy promptly; whereat Rosalind's eyesfilled with tears.

  "You won't be jealous now!" she said dismally, and raised her head tostare at her own reflection in the mirror. The hair which had oncestreamed below her waist was now cut short round her head, her face hadlost its delicate bloom, and an ugly scar disfigured her throat and thelower portion of one cheek. Beautiful she must always be, with herfaultless features and wonderful eyes, but the bloom and radiance ofcolour which had been her chief charm had disappeared for the time beingas completely as though they had never existed.

  "I'll love you more," said Peggy reassuringly. "You are ever so muchnicer, and you will be as pretty as ever when your hair grows and themarks fade away. I like you better when you are not _quite_ so pretty,for you really were disgustingly conceited; weren't you now? You can'tdeny it."

  "Oh, Peggy Saville, and so were you! I saw that the first moment youcame into the woom. You flared up like a Turkey cock if anyone dared tooffend your dignity, and you were always widing about on your highhorse, tossing your head, and using gweat long words."

  "That's pride, it's not conceit. It's quite a different thing."

  "It's about the same to other people," said Rosalind shrewdly. "We bothgave ourselves airs, and the wesult was the same, whatever caused it. Iwas pwoud of my face, and you were pwoud of your--your--er--family--andyour cleverness, and--the twicks you played; so if I confess, you oughtto confess too. I'm sorry I aggwavated you, Mawiquita, and took all thepwaise for the decowations. It was howwibly mean, and I don't wonderyou were angwy. I'm sorry that I was selfish!"

  "I exceedingly regret that I formed a false estimate of your character!Let's be chums!" said Peggy sweetly; and the two girls eyed one anotheruncertainly for a moment, then bent forward and exchanged a kiss ofconciliation, after which unusual display of emotion they were seizedwith instant embarrassment.

  "Hem!" said Peggy. "It's very cold! Fire rather low, I think. Looksas if it were going to snow."

  "No," said Rosalind; "I mean--yes.
I'll put on some more--I mean coals.In half an hour Esther and Mellicent will be here--"

  "Oh, so they will! How lovely!" Peggy seized gladly on the newopening, and proceeded to enlarge on the joy which she felt at theprospect of seeing her friends again, for on that afternoon Robert andthe vicarage party were to be allowed to see her for the first time, andto have tea in her room. She had been looking forward to their visitfor days, and, new that the longed-for hour was at hand, she was eagerto have the lamps lit, and all preparations made for their arrival.

  Robert appeared first, having ridden over in advance of the rest. AndRosalind, after going out to greet him, came rushing back, all shakenwith laughter, with the information that he had begun to walk on tiptoethe moment that he had left the drawing-room, and was creeping along thepassage as if terrified at making a sound.

  Peggy craned her head, heard the squeak, squeak of boots coming nearerand nearer, the cautious opening of the door, the heavy breaths ofanxiety, and then, crash!--bang!--crash! down flopped the heavy screenround the doorway, and Rob was discovered standing among the ruins inagonies of embarrassment. From his expression of despair, he might havesupposed that the shock would kill Peggy outright; but she gulped downher nervousness, and tried her best to reassure him.

  "Oh, never mind--never mind! It doesn't matter. Come over here andtalk to me. Oh, Rob, Rob, I am so glad to see you!"

  Robert stood looking down in silence, while his lips twitched and hiseyebrows worked in curious fashion. If it had not been altogether tooridiculous, Peggy would have thought that he felt inclined to cry. Buthe only grunted, and cried--

  "What a face! You had better tuck into as much food as you can, and getsome flesh on your bones. It's about as big as the palm of my hand!Never saw such a thing in my life."

  "Never mind my face," piped Peggy in her weak little treble. "Sit rightdown and talk to me. What is the news in the giddy world? Have youheard anything about the prize? When does the result come out?Remember you promised faithfully not to open the paper until we weretogether. I was so afraid it would come while I was too ill to look atit!"

  "I should have waited," said Robert sturdily. "There would have been nointerest in the thing without you; but the result won't be given for tendays yet, and by that time you will be with us again. The world hasn'tbeen at all giddy, I can tell you. I never put in a flatter time.Everybody was in the blues, and the house was like a tomb, and a jollyuncomfortable tomb at that. Esther was housekeeper while Mrs Asplinwas away, and she starved us! She was in such a mortal fright of beingextravagant that she could scarcely give us enough to keep body and soultogether, and the things we had were not fit to eat. Nothing but milkpuddings and stewed fruit for a week on end. Then we rebelled. Inipped her up in my arms one evening in the schoolroom, and stuck her onthe top of the little bookcase. Then we mounted guard around, and setforth our views. It would have killed you to see her perched up there,trying to look prim and to keep up her dignity.

  "`Let me down this moment, Robert. Bring a chair and let me get down.'

  "`Will you promise to give us a pie to-morrow, then, and a decent sortof a pudding?'

  "`It's no business of yours what I give you. You ought to be thankfulfor good wholesome food!'

  "`Milk puddings are not wholesome. They don't agree with us--they aretoo rich! We should like something a little lighter for a change. Willyou swear off milk puddings for the next fortnight if I let you down?'

  "`You are a cruel, heartless fellow, Robert Darcy--thinking of puddingswhen Peggy is ill, and we are all so anxious about her!'

  "`Peggy would die at once if she heard how badly you were treating us.Now then, you have kept me waiting for ten minutes, so the price hasgone up. Now you'll have to promise a pair of ducks and mince-pies intothe bargain! I shall be ashamed of meeting a sheep soon, if we go oneating mutton every day of the week.'

  "`Call yourself a gentleman!' says she, tossing her head and witheringme with a glance of scorn.

  "`I call myself a hungry man, and that's all we are concerned about forthe moment,' said I. `A couple of ducks and two nailing good puddingsto-morrow night, or there you sit for the rest of the evening!'

  "We went at it hammer and tongs until she was fairly spluttering withrage; but she had to promise before she came down, and we had no morestarvation diet after that. Oswald went up to town for a day, andbought a pair of blue silk socks and a tie to match--that's the greatestexcitement we have had. The rest has been all worry and grind, andMellicent on the rampage about Christmas presents. Oh, by the bye, Iprinted those photographs you wanted to send to your mother, and packedthem off by the mail a fortnight ago, so that she would get them in goodtime for Christmas."

  "Rob, you didn't! How noble of you! You really are an admirableperson!" Peggy lay back against her pillows and gazed at her "partner"in great contentment of spirit. After living an invalid's life forthese past weeks, it was delightfully refreshing to look at the bigstrong face. The sight of it was like a fresh breeze coming into theclose, heated room, and she felt as if some of his superabundant energyhad come into her own weak frame.

  A little later the vicarage party arrived, and greeted the twoconvalescents with warmest affection. If they were shocked at the sightof Rosalind's disfigurement and Peggy's emaciation, three out of thefour were polite enough to disguise their feelings; but it was too muchto expect of Mellicent that she should disguise what she happened to befeeling. She stared and gaped, and stared again, stuttering withconsternation--

  "Why--why--Rosalind--your hair! It's shorter than mine! It doesn'tcome down to your shoulders! Did they cut it all off? What did you dowith the rest? And your poor cheek! Will you have that mark all yourlife?"

  "I don't know. Mother is going to twy electwicity for it. It will fadea good deal, I suppose, but I shall always be a fwight. I'm twying towesign myself to be a hideous monster!" sighed Rosalind, turning herhead towards the window the while in such a position that the scar washidden from view, and she looked more like the celestial choir-boy ofPeggy's delirium than ever, with the golden locks curling round herneck, and the big eyes raised to the ceiling in a glance of patheticresignation.

  Rob guffawed aloud with the callousness of a brother; but the other twolads gazed at her with an adoring admiration which was balm to her vainlittle heart. Vain still, for a nature does not change in a day; and,though Rosalind was an infinitely more lovable person now than she hadbeen a few weeks before, the habits of a lifetime were still strong uponher, and she could never by any possibility be indifferent toadmiration, or pass a mirror without stopping to examine the progress ofthat disfiguring scar.

  "It wouldn't have mattered half so much if it had been Peggy's face thatwas spoiled," continued Mellicent, with cruel outspokenness, "and it isonly her hands that are hurt. Things always go the wrong way in thisworld! I never saw anything like it. You know that night-dress bag Iwas working for mother, Peggy? Well, I only got two skeins of the bluesilk, and then if I didn't run short, and they hadn't any more in theshop. The other shades don't match at all, and it looks simply vile. Iam going to give it to--ahem! I mean that's the sort of thing thatalways happens to me--it makes me mad! You can't sew at all, I suppose?What do you do with yourself all day long, now that you are able to getup?"

  Peggy's eyes twinkled.

  "I sleep," she said slowly, "and eat, and sleep a little more, and eatagain, and talk a little bit, roll into bed, and fall fast asleep._Voila tout, ma chere! C'est ca que je fais tous les jours_."

  Rosalind gave a shriek of laughter at Peggy's French, and Mellicentrolled her eyes to the ceiling.

  "How s-imply lovely!" she sighed. "I wish I were you! I'd like to goto bed in November and stay there till May. In a room like this, ofcourse, with everything beautiful and dainty, and a maid to wait uponme. I'd have a fire and an india-rubber hot-water bottle, and I'd lieand sleep, and wake up every now and then, and make the maid read aloud,and bring me my meal
s on a tray. Nice meals! Real, nice invalidythings, you know, to tempt my appetite." Mellicent's eyes rolledinstinctively to the table, where the jelly and the grapes stoodtogether in tempting proximity. She sighed, and brought herself backwith an effort to the painful present. "Goodness, Peggy, how funny yourhands look! Just like a mummy! What do they look like when thebandages are off? Very horrible?"

  "Hideous!" Peggy shrugged her shoulders and wrinkled her nose indisgust. "I am going to try to grow old as fast as I can, so that I canwear mittens and cover them up. I'm really rather distressed about it,because I am so--so addicted to rings, don't you know. They have been aweakness of mine all my life, and I've looked forward to having myfingers simply loaded with them when I grew up. There is one ofmother's that I especially admire--a big square emerald surrounded withdiamonds. She promised to give it to me on my twenty-first birthday,but, unless my hands look very different by that time, I shall not wantto call attention to them. Alack-a-day! I fear I shall never be ableto wear a ring--"

  "Gracious goodness! Then you can never be married!" ejaculatedMellicent, in a tone of such horrified dismay as evoked a shriek ofmerriment from the listeners--Peggy's merry trill sounding clear abovethe rest. It was just delicious to be well again, to sit among hercompanions and have one of the old hearty laughs over Mellicent's quaintspeeches. At that moment she was one of the happiest girls in all theworld.