Read About a Dragon Page 12

  Her room now stood empty, so he continued on farther into the cave, following her scent. As her scent became stronger, his dragon body tightened in anticipation, realizing where she’d disappeared to.

  He finally stood outside the cavern filled with hot springs. She’d been using this place every night to bathe. Apparently that was her current plan. He silently watched her as she untied the bodice of her dress, sighing as the tight material loosened around her flesh. She’d just started to peel the dress off her shoulders when she abruptly stopped, her entire back snapping straight.

  Holding the dress up in front of her, she slowly turned and glared at him. “Can I not get five minutes to myself?” she spit out between clenched teeth.

  “Not when you’re hiding something from me.”

  Briec walked into the cavern and, using an old trick his mother once taught him, sealed off the cavern entrance. It was a parlor trick. It only looked as if stone blocked the way, but it was effective and powerful. His brothers would never be able to find them unless they went to Morfyd for help. Last he heard, she and his eldest brother’s bitch mate were on some battlefield somewhere.

  Talaith let out a trembling breath when she realized he’d cut off her only means of escape. Taking a step back, her hands still holding up her dress, she demanded, “Why did you do that?”

  “I wanted some time with you alone. So we can talk.”

  “About what?”

  He shifted to human and took a slow step toward her while she took a slow step back. “About Madron soldiers searching for you. About a dead soldier in an alley.”

  “Why they want me is none of your business.”

  “It is when they tried to kill me as well.”

  “Then you should have left me there.”

  “Aye. I should have. They would have been dead sooner, I think.” He dragged his gaze up her body until he reached her eyes. “And the soldier in the alley?”

  “He grabbed me. I was defending myself.”

  Another step forward. “You could have called for help.”

  Another step back. “He covered my mouth.”

  “So, you…the merchant’s daughter, living the last sixteen years in a tiny little peasant village outside Madron as a dutiful wife, easily took down a well-trained soldier bent on taking you?”

  “Who said it was easy?”

  “You walked from that alley without a hair out of place or sweat on your brow, little witch.” Another step forward. “You hadn’t even dirtied your gown.”

  “Wait!” She stumbled back, her entire body trembling. Placing one hand on a large boulder, she took a deep breath. “Just wait.”

  “I can smell so many emotions swirling around you, little witch. Rage. Hate. Resentment. Even panic. But you know what I don’t get from you, sweet Talaith?” He smiled as her dark brown eyes stared at him. “The scent of fear.”

  That’s when she bolted.

  Where she thought she might be going, she had no idea. He’d blocked off the exit with a spell she knew to be as old as time itself and then proceeded to stalk her around the cavern demanding answers. Answers she could never give.

  She’d tried once to tell someone what was going on. An old healing woman in the village she thought might be able to give her some help. Talaith barely mentioned Arzhela’s name when pain so intense she felt she’d die on the spot racked her young body. For ten days and nights, Arzhela kept her like that. Kept her alive but in blinding pain.

  Talaith learned her lesson the first time. She never spoke of Arzhela again, and that was the day she knew she’d always be alone. She’d always fight this battle on her own. That no one would ever be able to help her.

  Not even handsome dragons who seemed to enjoy snatching human females from their homes.

  Not surprisingly, Briec caught her easily, pulling her body up against his. Her back to his chest. Honestly, why couldn’t these dragons shift into clothes? As it was, she was weak from the long day and frightening night.

  As soon as the soldier grabbed her, Talaith’s training kicked in with a vengeance. It hadn’t occurred to her someone might be merely trying to distract the dragon brothers so they could get hold of her. But by the time the soldier pulled her into that alley, she’d already retrieved her dagger from the holster tied to her boot.

  “Scream and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” he warned her. But she had no intention of screaming, silence and stealth her weapons as much as her dagger. He lowered her to the ground and his hands loosened around her body. That’s when Talaith quickly pulled one of the small pins she kept nestled in the leather wrapped around the hilt of her blade. She spun on her heel, slapped her free hand over his mouth, and stabbed him with the long thin pin. She hit six key points in his throat in less than four seconds.

  Her trainers would be proud.

  Grabbing his throat, the soldier—who turned out to be older and with only one eye—stared at her in shock, unable to say a word. The poison she’d chosen from her collection ensured quick action. She lightly pushed him on the shoulder once. He fell back like one hard piece of stone, crashing to the ground as the poison worked its way through his system. By the time she slipped the pin back into the secret spot on her dagger and the dagger back into its sheath, he was dead.

  Now, her dagger lay off in a corner with her boots. Dammit. Poor planning, Talaith.

  Especially with Briec’s impossibly warm hands holding her close against his naked body while she struggled to keep her gown up above her breasts. It was a battle she was currently losing.

  “Let me go, Briec.”

  “Not until you tell me the truth. Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

  “Nothing is going on.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not.” She really wasn’t. No orders sent to her. No demands for her at all. In fact, the goddess had been frighteningly quiet these days past. Talaith didn’t know why, but she’d enjoyed the loss of Arzhela’s presence surrounding her…smothering her. Holding for ransom the only thing that had ever mattered to Talaith these long, painful years.

  He held Talaith easily, her back against his chest. The bastard was right—she felt no fear. Not from him. Not anymore.

  “Let me go, Briec.”

  His arms tightened around her the tiniest bit. “I need answers, Talaith.”

  “There are no answers I can give you.”

  He lowered her to the ground and turned her to face him. His gaze held such confusion. “That’s a strange thing to say, little witch.”

  “Not really.”

  “Why won’t you trust me?” If she didn’t know better, she’d swear he sounded hurt. But she did know better. This was Briec the Arrogant. He felt nothing, especially for her.

  “Trust you? I trust no one. Why would I trust you?”

  The smallest smile curved those delicious lips. “You do have a point I suppose.” Violet eyes swept down the length of her and her trembling started again. A look from this male had her shaking with desire.

  “Fine. I will leave you to your secrets. It’s not like you’ll be staying forever.” She fought hard not to let him know how much that statement hurt. “But there is still something I must know, Talaith.” He swept her hands away from her dress. “And I must know this right now. No more avoiding.”

  She stared up at him with narrowed eyes. “What?”

  “My kin…family. I need to protect them as they would protect me. So if they’re in any danger—”

  Startled, she shook her head adamantly. “No, Briec. I’d never hurt your family. And Gwenvael doesn’t count.”

  Briec finally grinned at that. “You’re actually right.”

  “And Éibhear. I’d never let anything happen to him. He’s so cute and sweet and—”

  “You can stop now,” he growled. Releasing the material of her gown, he allowed it to slip down her body and pool at her feet. “I need no more clarification on that subject. I just needed to be sure.”

  “Well, in case your old age has caught up with you, dragon, I tried to leave and you wouldn’t let me. You brought me here. You are keeping me here. I can promise that getting trapped here with you and your brothers in this lovely cave was not part of any grand scheme of mine.”

  One big hand slid across her shoulder and to the skin above her breasts. “Thank you for pointing that out.”

  She smiled. “Just trying to help you out, you poor old thing. How old are you anyway? Two, three thousand years?”

  That’s when he shoved her into one of the bigger hot spring pools.


  By the time she’d pulled herself to the surface, he was there. Naked, hot, and quite determined.


  “No.” He pushed her to the pool’s edge, her back against smooth stone. “We’re done talking. Let’s find other uses for that acid tongue.”

  She braced her hands against his chest, pushing him away while he grabbed hold of her waist. “Oh, yes, that’s me. She of the acid tongue. While you, Lord Dragon are rife with charm.”

  “Rude cow,” he snarled.

  “Overbearing bastard,” she snarled back.

  The only warning she got was the narrowing of his eyes, then he was kissing her.

  She tried to fight him off…in a way. She knew she punched his shoulder at least once. But as his tongue slid between her lips and he pulled her body tight against his, she really did lose sight of her ultimate plan—whatever that ultimate plan might have been. She didn’t know anymore.

  All she knew was that she was naked. He was naked. They were alone. The hot water of the spring caressed her body while his strong, rough hands gripped her tight. And it had been so long since she’d been with anyone—human or otherwise.

  He released her mouth, only to move down to her throat. Where the noose had bit into her flesh, he licked the still-healing wound gently, causing her to pant and whimper. Then, against her ear, he said, “Tell me to stop, Talaith. Tell me you don’t want this.”

  She frowned in confusion. “Why…oh!” Her eyes crossed as the tip of his tongue dipped into her ear. “Why are you saying that to me?”

  “Because you seem to always do the opposite of what I tell you.” Big hands gripped her breasts, the thumbs dragging slowly around her nipples. “I wanted to ensure your silence.”

  She laughed and she could feel his mouth smiling against her neck. “Cheeky bastard.”

  “Aye. You do bring out the worst in me, little witch.”

  One of his hands released her breasts, but his mouth quickly took the empty spot. His tongue lapped at her nipple, his teeth gently grazed it. So lost in the feel of his mouth on her, she didn’t notice where his free hand was until his middle finger slid into her.

  She gasped, her head thrown back.

  That strong finger moved around inside of her, exploring her. “Gods, you’re tight. Exactly how long has it been?”

  Longer than she was willing to admit. “None of your business.” She winced as he pushed two fingers inside her.

  “Well that statement screams years.”

  “You know, you keep talking and annoying the living hell out of me.”

  His fingers never slowed their steady, probing invasion. “You’re right. We should be like you—Talaith, she of the few words.”

  She had a very rude remark at the ready, but he licked his lips and again attached them to her breast. Talaith’s head rested against the edge of the pool as her body arched into him.

  Digging one hand into his long hair and the other gripping his shoulder, Talaith held him to her. Her hips moved of their own accord, following the movement of his fingers. Gasps filling the cavern, he played her body effortlessly, making her lose control. But when his finger slid across her clit again and again, Talaith couldn’t hold back any longer. Her mouth opened and a long, drawn-out groan shuddered out of her. Then her entire body bowed, a brutal climax slamming through her.

  His fingers pushed back inside her, scissoring open several times. “Much better.” She didn’t know what he meant until he turned slightly and his hands gripped the back of her knees, lifting them up and apart. Horrified at how exposed he’d made her, she tried to pull away from him, but his erection pushed against her sex, demanding entrance…and receiving it.

  His cock slid inside her and wet heat wrapped around him, welcoming him home. Briec closed his eyes, shocked at exactly how good being inside this woman felt. So soft. So beautiful. So damn difficult.

  “We…we shouldn’t be doing this,” she panted out desperately.

  Dammit! But that wasn’t a firm “no”—so he needed to distract her before she said the word he dreaded. The one word that would make him stop.

  Well, she was human. Didn’t they usually like compliments and things? It couldn’t hurt.

  Ignoring his body’s demand to pound into Talaith like his life depended on it, he said, “You have very strong thighs.”

  He felt her entire body tense suddenly. Uh-oh.

  She pulled back a bit to look into his face. He didn’t like the scowl she suddenly had but she no longer looked panicked either. “Sorry?”

  Briec cleared his throat. He didn’t think she realized it, but she kept tightening around his cock over and over again. Clench. Unclench. Clench. Unclench.

  It was driving him absolutely mad.

  “You have strong thighs and are very, um, handsome.”

  There. That should work.

  “Handsome?” she hissed. “Are you fucking me, Lord Dragon, or buying a horse?” Well, he had wanted to distract her.

  “I was trying to compliment you.”

  She sighed. “Here’s a thought, dragon…don’t speak. I believe I can go a lifetime without your compliments.”

  Smiling, he asked, “Is this one of those times I should say I’m—”

  “Sorry? Yes!”

  He kissed her neck, enjoying the feel of Talaith against him. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Oh, well, isn’t that—”

  He cut off her, most likely, sarcastic remark by thrusting fully into her until his balls slapped against her. She groaned, her arms wrapping around his shoulders.

  “Lovely,” he panted out between hard thrusts, “I’ve actually found a way to keep you quiet.”

  Her arms tightened their hold as she bit the side of his throat and by the dark gods did that feel good. “Some moments I absolutely hate you.”

  Briec smiled, enjoying his little witch more than he thought possible. She never backed off, but he liked that. It made everything a little more fun.

  “Perhaps,” he groaned out as he thrust into her tight pussy, forcing her body to accommodate him. Making her breathless. Making her demand more. “But other moments you’re absolutely mad about me.”

  Her legs, held wide open and tightly in his arms, began shaking. Her panting turned harsher and more vocal.

  Briec tightened his grip on her, pulling her down hard as he continued thrusting into her. “That’s it, sweet Talaith,” he ordered, barely holding his own climax at bay. “Come for me.”

  She choked on a sob, while heat and wetness drowned his cock. It was all he needed. Moaning, he released inside her, enjoying the feel of her hands tightening in his hair.

  For several minutes the pair stayed locked together—their heavy breathing and the soft gurgling of the hot springs, the only sound in the cavern.



  He smiled at how sated she sounded. “Are you all right?”

  Lifting her head from his shoulder, she glanced around as if suddenly remembering where she was.

  “Uh, um, aye.” She leaned back, her hands against his shoulders, trying to push him away again. “I’m fine.”

  He could see the embarrassment on her face, but he had no idea why. What exactly could she be embarrassed about?


  “We better get back.”

  “Back where?”

  “Um…to…uh…” With a heavy, defeated sigh, she shrugged. “Somewhere.”

  No. No. This wouldn’t do. No regrets for what they had done. Especially since he planned to keep doing it for quite awhile, over and over again. He had yet to tire of her.

  Briec wrapped his arms tight around her and pushed his chest into hers.

  Startled, she looked up at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting you used to the way things are going to be for awhile.”

  “What do you—” She gasped when, still brutally hard, he began fucking her again. Long, slow strokes now he could take his time.

  Stunned, she said, “How did you…how can you…”

  Briec leaned in and whispered softly in her ear, “Remember, sweet Talaith? Not human.”

  Her own body now matching him thrust for thrust, she moaned back, “Clearly.”

  Chapter Ten

  It was the long tongue on the back of her knee that woke her up. Forcing her eyes open, she looked over her shoulder to see Briec, naked and beautiful, stretched across the enormous bed. His big arms placed on either side of her legs, holding his body over her as he leaned forward and again licked the back of her knee, reveling in it as if someone had spread the finest honey on her skin.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Waking you up.” His voice sounded raw and husky from sleep and sex. She liked it.

  Nipping the sensitive flesh, he grinned. “See? You’re awake now.”

  “How long did I sleep?”

  “Too long.”

  It didn’t feel like too long.

  When he’d finally exhausted her in the hot springs, he’d picked her up and carried her back to her bed. After quickly drying her off, he’d set her down and got in behind her, muttering something like, “It’s about time you let me in this bed.” Too tired to ask what the hell he meant, and enjoying the feel of his strong arm around her as he drifted to sleep, she instead buried her head in the pillow and quickly dropped off.

  Now here he was, dragging that gorgeous body up and over hers, his warm, wet tongue leading the way.