Read About a Dragon Page 25

  “What gave you that idea?”

  “I can smell it.”


  “Don’t be ridiculous—” she began to lie.


  “Oh, all right. I find you a bit…intimidating when you’re like this. You’re so very large and fangy.”

  “Is that even a word?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Then what would give you ease, Talaith?”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “How do I make you comfortable with who I am? Because nothing will change the fact that I am a dragon. I can shift to a human form, but I am in no way human. And to be quite honest, I have no desire to be.”

  “Does it matter whether I’m comfortable with you or not?” she asked carefully.

  “Aye, Talaith. It matters greatly.”

  Talaith let out a trembling breath, refusing to read any more into that statement than what he actually said.

  “It’s just that so much of you looks, um, dangerous.”

  “We are predators. We hunt. We kill. We feed.”

  Talaith took a step away from Briec. “If that is supposed to make me feel better…”

  “It’s supposed to let you understand who and what I am. But I’m not a monster, Talaith. I would never hurt you. Or anyone you care for.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you?”

  “Aye,” she replied with all sincerity. “I do.”

  “Well, that’s half the battle then, isn’t it?” It took Talaith a moment to realize he’d begun to walk around her in a circle. “The question is, sweet Talaith, what do we need to do to ease your other concerns?”

  “Well…eek!” She jumped as his snout brushed against her back.

  “Well what?”

  “I…uh… I really don’t know…uh…what are you doing with that?”

  The tip of Briec’s tail slid down her back, across her ass, and slowly down her legs. She wore leggings, but they weren’t made of thick material. So when his tail wound itself around her leg, she felt it to her very core.

  “Briec, I—”

  “Continue, Talaith. Tell me what scares you.”

  Everything? “Well that’s a vast list.”

  “I meant about me, or my kind, specifically. We’ll have to deal with the litany of your other fears another day.”

  She glared at him. Arrogant bastard. “Well, your fangs are a tad unsettling.”

  Briec’s head swung down until they were nose to snout. Then he pulled back his lips to reveal those huge, white fangs.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Go ahead,” he said through his teeth, “touch them.”

  “Not on your life.”

  “Talaith, you have to get over this fear.”

  “No I don’t. I can run away. Screaming. Like a girl.”

  His tail tightened around her leg and she knew he wouldn’t let her go until this insane nightmare was over to his satisfaction.

  “Touch them, woman.”

  Closing her eyes tight, she reached and felt around. Considering these were fangs, she couldn’t feel anything that hard.

  “Talaith…that’s my nostril your hand is in.”

  “Oh, by the gods!” Desperately wiping her hands on her trousers and squealing, her body now shook in disgust as opposed to fear.

  “Try that again, shall we? With your eyes open this time.”

  “Don’t you have some kittens to torture? Or some town to destroy?”

  “Talaith,” he said with an exaggerated sigh, and she knew she was dealing with Briec the Arrogant. “You and I—I feel—are destined to be together.”

  “Oh, good gods,” she groaned.

  Briec went on as if he hadn’t heard her. “So in order for us to make this work, we need you to get over your tiny little insecurities.”

  “Your arrogance makes my eye twitch.”

  “Only because I’m challenging you.”

  “No. I’m relatively confident it’s because you’re arrogant,” she barked. “No, no. Forget it, dragon. I’m not sticking my hand in your mouth.”

  Sighing heavily, he sat up. “Fine. How about this then…”

  Again she squealed as the tip of his tail unwound from her leg and suddenly appeared in front of her face. “Would you watch that thing. You’re liable to take off my nose or something!”

  “Touch it.”

  “Actually, I like my fingers attached to my hands.”

  “Fine. How about touching my horns?”

  “Well, this conversation just went horribly wrong.”

  “You’re making this difficult.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re trying to show me.”

  Frustrated, Briec shifted to human and walked up to her until they were mere inches apart. “That you and yours are safe with us. You have nothing to fear. Nor does your daughter. And you never will.”

  Her expression softened and a smile began to form on her gorgeous lips. Of course, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect for Éibhear to run past the forest entrance. Normally, not too odd. He was a young, playful pup. Yet it was the fact that he had Iseabail hanging onto his tail that had panic hitting Briec’s system.


  “What’s wrong? You just went more white than usual.”

  Éibhear shook his tail. “Get off! Get off! Get off!”

  Laughing, Izzy continued to cling to him.

  “Is that Izzy?” Talaith turned to look behind her, but Briec grabbed her shoulders and forced her back to face him.

  “You know how I feel about you Talaith,” he nearly yelled, desperate to keep her distracted.

  “I do?”

  “Of course you do.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since last night.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t have time for this. I promised Morfyd I’d meet her over at the groves.” She again turned to walk down the path to the clearing, but Éibhear reappeared, this time slamming his tail on the ground, trying to dislodge an unrelenting Izzy.

  Briec took firm hold of her shoulders and spun her back to face him. He had to think of something fast or all his “you have nothing to fear” work would be lost. So he said the first thing that came to his mind…”I love you.”

  Both shocked at his words, they could only stare at each other.

  Finally, she spoke first, “You what?”

  Now that he’d said it, he realized something. “I love you. I actually do.” He grinned. Who knew loving someone would feel so wonderful?

  “You love me?”

  “Yes.” So happy about this, he barely noticed Éibhear taking flight and dragging Izzy through the trees trying to knock the girl off. “Now you say it back to me.”


  “Say it back to me. Say you love me. Because we both know you do.” How could she not?

  “Och!” She pushed his hands off her shoulders. “Do we now?” Reaching up, she grabbed one of his nipples and twisted.

  “Ow! What the hell did you do that for?”

  “Accident,” she bellowed, then stormed off.

  Stunned, Briec shifted to dragon. Which was good, because Izzy landed right on his back.

  Panting from the exhilaration, she yelled up to Éibhear, “You’re being unreasonable!”

  “Stay away from me,” Éibhear barked. Briec had never heard his brother sound so unnerved before.

  “Your brother is a big baby.”

  “For a dragon he actually is a baby.”

  “What’s wrong? You sound sad.”

  “I told your mother I love her and she walked away.”

  Izzy scrambled up his back. “I wouldn’t worry about it. She’s simply frightened of her feelings for you.” The girl sat on his shoulders. “Give her time.”

  “What if I don’t want to give her time?”

  “Your risk. But I know she’s well worth the wait.” He knew she spoke more of herself than of anything else.
r />   “I know she is.”

  “Good. Now will you take me flying? Your brother is an unreasonable crybaby.”

  “No. I will not take you flying.”

  “Why?” she whined the question, but instead of irritating Briec, she got him to smile. Especially when she dramatically slumped down against his neck.

  “Because your mother doesn’t want you flying anywhere. And I’m going to respect that. But I will walk you back to the castle.”

  “Fine. Besides, I think I saw Gwenvael around.”

  Briec had only taken a step when he immediately stopped. “Stay away from Gwenvael.”


  “Because he’ll only get you into trouble. And no more bets with him.” He’d have to talk to his brother, too. He wasn’t about to take the risk Gwenvael would start having those long conversations he’d been known to have with young males Izzy’s age where he insisted on discussing adult matters.

  “Oh, all right.”

  “Good.” Briec started off again, but her next words almost had him tripping over his own claws.

  “So when can I start calling you Daddy?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Morfyd looked up from the herbs she’d pulled. “Are you all right, Talaith?”

  Brows drawn together in a dark frown, her lips mashed into a thin line, she shook her head.

  “What’s wrong?”


  Morfyd leaned back, wiping her brow with the back of her hand. “Lying will only irritate me.”

  Digging around certain roots so as not to ruin them for Morfyd’s spells, Talaith grumbled, “Your brother told me he loved me.”


  “And he must be lying. He can’t love me.”

  “Why not? Is there something wrong with you I wasn’t made aware of?”

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  “Of course I’m not.” Actually, she was. “But as arrogant and irritating as my dear brother is, I don’t think you should dismiss him so easily.”

  “I wish I could dismiss him. I wish I could walk away.”

  “Why? So you can be this miserable all the time as opposed to occasionally?”

  Talaith finally looked up at her, and her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Gods, you’re treating me like family, aren’t you?” she accused. And she sounded terrified.

  “You are family.”

  “I am not.”

  “You are.”



  She could see Talaith preparing herself to get good and frothy when Annwyl rode up. She easily jumped down from that mammoth stallion Morfyd knew would look wonderful on a spit with a little bit of seasoning and walked over to the two women. She dropped to her knees and on to her back, her arms flung wide.

  “I feel strange today.”

  Talaith shook her head and went back to gathering the roots while muttering under her breath, “That is simply too easy.”

  Morfyd worked hard not to laugh and, instead said, “Perhaps you’re under the weather, my queen.”

  “No. I don’t feel sick. And don’t call me that anymore.”

  “It’s probably the full moon. It’s the time of dragons tonight, but it still affects us all.”

  “Is that why you two witches are out here? Doing your evil work?”

  “You seem to appreciate my evil work when it helps your army.”

  “That’s because as a monarch, I can be that ridiculous.”

  “Good to know, my liege.”

  Talaith put more roots in a basket she had beside her and showed Morfyd what she had. Morfyd indicated two more and Talaith went back to digging.

  “So, am I leaving?” Talaith asked softly.

  Annwyl frowned. “I don’t know. Are you?”

  “I’m asking you. Fearghus seemed determined that I go.”

  “Don’t worry about Fearghus. I reasoned with him and we came to an understanding that satisfied us both.”

  Morfyd glanced at her oldest brother’s mate and queen of the land. “You forgot to put your bindings back on after having your dirty, disgusting way with my brother.”

  Annwyl’s hands immediately went to her chainmail-covered, but unbound breasts. “Shit.”

  “No, no, Annwyl. Truly.” Talaith reached over and patted Annwyl’s shoulder. “I do appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made for me.”

  Annwyl threw one forearm over her eyes, ignoring Morfyd’s laugh. “Sarcastic cow.”

  Talaith relaxed back in the tub, the water steaming around her. By the time she and Morfyd finished gathering all the supplies, she was a little sore and covered in dirt and sweat. Yet nothing a hot bath couldn’t cure.

  She wished she could go with Morfyd tonight and do some spellcasting, but it had been much too long. Although Arzhela had returned her powers to her, Talaith’s skills were still extremely weak. Get on the wrong side of one of Morfyd’s spells and she could end up someplace she’d rather not be with no way home. Or open a doorway she could not close. No. She’d wait. Actually, Morfyd had given her a few books to get her started and promised she’d train her in those basics she’d most likely forgotten.

  When Talaith finally thought long and hard about it, she realized she wanted to be the witch she was born to be. She wanted to heal the sick, protect the weak, destroy those who would bring pain and destruction to those who were unable to defend themselves. What she definitely didn’t want to do anymore…kill for a goddess. Her days as an assassin were over now. She no longer wanted that in her life and she wouldn’t have Izzy subjected to it.

  To be quite honest, she had enough scares watching Izzy watch Annwyl. That wasn’t merely admiration or awe she witnessed in her daughter’s eyes. That was envy. And, to Talaith’s horror, it had nothing to do with Annwyl being queen. No, her daughter watched her while she trained with her men or rode that giant of a horse.

  Talaith had a sinking feeling her daughter’s ambitions had nothing to do with court life or catching the eye of the cutest knight.

  Sighing, Talaith slipped farther into the tub, not surprised when a few minutes later her daughter knocked and walked in.

  “Is it all right if I have dinner in my room tonight?”

  Talaith looked up and couldn’t help smiling at how beautiful her daughter was. And how lucky Talaith was. Not only to have finally gotten to meet her after all these years, but that her daughter survived with her wits and heart intact. Unlike Talaith, there was no bitterness in Izzy. No callous distrust of everyone. A glowing, happy girl who loved life but didn’t fear death.

  How did I get so lucky?

  “Of course you can. Is everything all right?”

  “Aye. Just don’t feel like smiling and being polite tonight.”

  She knew exactly how the girl felt, but if Talaith didn’t go, she knew Briec would think it was because of him. Of course, he’d be right.

  “I understand. Feel free to eat in your room. You know, Izzy, you don’t actually have to ask me that. I’m sure you can decide where you’d like to eat without my help.”

  Izzy shrugged. “I know.” She rubbed her hands against her leggings. “It’s just…”

  “It’s just what?” she prompted when Izzy stopped.

  “I don’t know what I should and shouldn’t be asking you. I mean, this is all a bit new to me.”

  Talaith held her hand out and her daughter took it gratefully, crouching beside the tub and holding Talaith’s hand close to her heart.

  “I have no idea what I’m doing either, love. So we’ll figure it out together. You and me. Does that sound about right to you?”

  “Aye. Except….”

  “Except what?”

  “What about Briec?”

  It took all Talaith’s strength not to pull back her hand in shock. “What about him?” Damn. She didn’t mean to sound so angry. A bit of a clue something was wrong.

  “Shouldn’t you both be making decisions together?”
  “And why would we do that?”

  “Because he loves you.”

  Dammit. “Does he now?”

  “Aye. And it hurt him you didn’t tell him that after he told you.”

  Now Talaith did snatch her hand back. “And how do you know that?”

  “He told me after I fell out of the sky.”

  Briec…quickly forgotten. “Pardon?”

  Now Izzy showed true annoyance. “Well, you can blame Éibhear for that.”

  “I can?”

  “Aye. If he’d just taken me flying when I asked him too, I never would have grabbed on to his tail which led him to drag me through the trees trying to get me off.”

  All those muscles Talaith had unknotted when she first got in the tub were now tight and painful.

  “You did what?”

  “Why are you yelling at me? You should be yelling at Éibhear.”

  “You ask me if you can eat dinner in your room, but you don’t ask me if you can torture Éibhear to take you flying?”

  Truly perplexed, Izzy asked softly, “Why would I ask you that?”

  Éibhear lifted up the heavy bed, with Briec face down on it, and checked again.

  “What are you doing?” his big brother asked, voice muffled by the bedding he’d buried his head in.

  “Looking for my sword. The one Annwyl gave me. I was going to wear it at dinner.”

  He dropped the bed back down and Briec grunted.

  “Exactly how long are you going to mope over this, Briec?”

  “Until I die of old age. Now you won’t have to ask me that damn question again.”

  Éibhear opened his closet and rifled through there. “I hate seeing you like this.”

  “Aye,” Gwenvael agreed from his safe position on the windowsill. “You are quite pathetic.”

  “I will kill you,” Briec warned without lifting his head from the bed.

  “Well, what did you expect Talaith to say to you?”

  “I expected her to tell me she loves me.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t…ow! What the hell was that for?”

  Éibhear shook his hand out. It was true. Gwenvael did have an amazingly hard head. “Accident.”

  Gwenvael’s body tensed and Éibhear prepared himself for a fight when a loud banging at his door stopped them both. They figured it was Fearghus from the sound of it.