Read Accuse Page 15

  Oh, Lord, this man is so damned beautiful. I want him so badly. Here. Now.

  But I’ll be good.

  “You know,” I say, shaking my head. “That tongue of yours…”

  “What?” he looks at me, intrigued.

  “Well, it was… very… talented.”

  His eyes widen, but he says nothing.

  I let my gaze travel over his chest, arms and shoulders. “You’re strong all over, so I was wondering.” I tilt my head and shoot him a mischievous look, “Can you do push-ups with that tongue?”

  Our eyes lock for a long moment, then we both laugh out loud.

  Chapter 22.

  “Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky, but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable.”

  ― Brené Brown


  Renata Koreman

  “You have a bit of a dominant streak in you,” I tell him. “Were you aware that you were bossing me around?”


  “Do you usually do that?”

  “Never—not like that.”

  I wait, but he doesn’t elaborate on his statement. Often, a therapist can just shut her mouth and people will tell her things. Human nature tends to make people want to fill the vacuum of an uncomfortable silence with speech. Sadly, that particular technique doesn’t seem to work with Grant. He likes silence.

  I quickly realize that I need to avoid asking him ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions. They don’t get him to talk. Stifling a sigh, I decide to change my approach.

  “Did you feel the urge to run at any time?”


  “Tell me, how did you feel?”

  He smiles. “Comfortable.”

  “That’s fantastic,” I say. “What an excellent start. Good for you.”

  He smiles. I smile. More silence.

  “Hmm,” I say. “Anything else to add?”


  I snort, showing my irritation. “I feel as if I’m pulling teeth here, Grant. Pretend I’m André for a minute, will you? We were just intimate, sharing sexual activities that were new for you. I could have hit upon negative triggers. Give me some more feedback, will you? What do you think André would want me to know?”

  Grant sighs heavily and leans back in his chair. He averts his gaze, seemingly studying an oil painting in the living room. I’ve observed this behavior before. A lot. This is the Grant who fully thinks things through before he speaks.

  “Sex has always felt dirty and disgusting to me,” he says. “It's been that way for as long as I can remember, so I expect it. But with you?” He shrugs. “Well… it wasn’t...

  Unfortunately, I’m drinking milk when he says this and I almost choke. My gulp and sudden burst of laughter causes me to do a spit-take, spraying milk all over the table.

  Grant jumps up to get the kitchen towel, which I grab from him and put over my face to smother my loud giggling.

  He glares at me, obviously not seeing the humor I see.

  “I’m sorry!” I say, once I pull myself together and wipe up the mess I've made. “Honestly. Thank you… I think.” I snicker some more. “It’s just that your comment was so flattering—in a back-asswards sort of way. What a compliment!

  I sit up straight and imitate André’s voice and accent, “And how was sex with Renata, Grant?” I switch to Grant’s Texas twang, “Oh, well, it wasn’t dirty or disgusting, not like I thought it would be.”

  Grant’s lips twitch into a smile as he finally understands how humorous his statement was.

  “Excuse me, I honestly didn’t mean to interrupt you, but that sure tickled me. Please continue. You were telling me something.”

  Grant frowns and once more averts his gaze as he thinks. Suddenly, he shoves his glass of milk out of the way and leans toward me. To my surprise, his expression changes. His eyes lock on to mine and his face transforms into a look of… what? Wonder? Realization?

  “I was able to get into it and enjoy it because my attention was focused on you,” he says, abruptly ardent. “I connected with you. I wanted to please you. It made everything we were doing seem

  Good and clean and right somehow.”

  Wow! What a tribute.

  I maintain my composed expression—at least I hope I do. “Thank you,” I reply.

  Could I be as important to him as he is to me? Does he know how much I care? My breath catches and my stomach flutters. My gaze falls to the crackers. Maybe I’ll have another one. I’m not hungry, but it will distract me.

  I look away from him because I can’t quite face the intensity I see in his eyes.

  I have a huge crush on Grant. I love the man, but I don’t think it's right to talk to him about it. Hell, I don't think it's right to even feel this way. It certainly crosses professional boundaries.

  André’s advice echoes in my mind. Focus on him. Be in the present. Be the counselor. This is not about you.

  I can't confess my love. Especially, not yet. Certainly not just now. His issues must come first.

  Grant gives me a faint smile. “Can I ask you a question?”

  I relax, glad to change the subject. “Sure.”

  “Why were you so turned on? I mean, without us touching each other, we really just pleasured ourselves. What’s with that? Are you usually so…um,” he frowns in concentration, searching for the right word. With a sexy, wry smile he finally says, “passionate and ah… excitable?”

  I grin. “You mean horny?”

  He looks at me sheepishly and laughs. “Yes!”

  “Well, first of all, my period's due tomorrow, and honestly, I’m always ultra-horny right before my period. I swear, even fire hydrants look good to me then!” I quip.

  Grant stiffens.

  Have I shocked him by mentioning the unmentionable? He hasn’t had much experience with women, but I’m not going to treat him with kid gloves on this subject. A woman’s monthly cycle is a part of life, so I refuse to ignore the obvious or dance around the truth. Since we're going to be living together for a while, he might as well get used to it.

  “So,” I continue, ignoring his tension. “My hormones were part of it. But what we did together wasn’t merely masturbation. Simply playing with myself never gets me that hot. I told you before—you flip every ‘on-switch’ I have. And tonight, watching you, seeing your desire for me in your eyes…”

  I pause to fan myself exaggeratedly, while trying to cajole him into a smile. His lips twitch at my silly antics. He’s so damned cute! On the hottie scale of 1 to 10, Grant bats 1000.

  “Mmm, just hearing your sexy pillow talk…”

  For a heartbeat, I’m drawn back to those heated moments. The raw hunger I’d felt to have the hard, long length of him deep inside of me. I shake my head to clear my mind and take a deep breath.

  “We’re just so damned compatible,” I say with a broad grin. "I bet we could both climax non-stop all night long and all of tomorrow. I don’t think we'll ever find an end to that heat.”

  “I agree,” he says, his lips firm, his expression grave.

  Grant’s still wearing his super-serious expression. It cracks me up when I’m trying to be lighthearted, but I manage to curb my laughter.

  We sit there, stupidly staring at each other once more, but saying nothing. It’s so ridiculous, yet it’s something we seem to do a lot.

  A thought strikes me. “So, you touched me… ”

  “Yes,” he says, and a smile tugs at his lips.

  “And you didn’t experience any need to run away?”


  “So tonight was a success?” I suggest.

  His face fills with satisfaction. “A complete success.”

  “Wonderful,” I say. “OK then, how about we move forward to the next part of our night? Let’s lie down on your bed together, but we’ll keep our clothes on. I want to work toward you learning to accept and appreciate physical closeness.”

Grant's entire body stiffens, but I ignore his reaction. I know touch is an issue. If I explain myself, perhaps he’ll come to terms with my plan.

  “For a start, we can just lie down beside one another,” I say. “Trust me, you’ll be comfortable enough to actually touch me after a while. The main goal here is to just enjoy it. Once we get to that point, whenever you're ready, we can get into some hardcore cuddling!" I joke.

  Appearing suddenly lost and out of his element, Grant's eyes widen slightly. His discomfort is almost palpable. Through what I can only assume has been years of practice and sheer force of will, his features remain composed—but his eyes!

  He can’t hide the anxiety in eyes.

  He looks as though he’s approaching a state of panic.

  Someone sure as hell fucked him up. For all I know, it might've been a number of someones. I want to ask Grant about his childhood. I want to know the details. Who hurt him so deeply? But once again, I decide that it’s better to wait.

  Now is not the time for that. He’ll tell me when he’s ready.

  “You know what?” I say suddenly, “You already moved mountains tonight. Let’s leave the whole touching exercise for another day. It’s getting late and I have no idea if Briley will sleep through the night. Let's just hang out for a while and then get some sleep.”

  Grant nods his agreement. The tension leaves his body as fast as it came, clearing the air. In discussing certain topics, such as touching, I risk the chance of pushing him too far. If we stop now, we’ll end our night on a positive note.

  “There’s no rush,” I add. “You did so well, Grant. I hope you're as pleased as I am about your progress tonight. You blew me away.”

  He smiles and the powerful masculinity that is such a part of him slams into me with the force of a semi. I’m suddenly dizzy and breathless.

  Dazed, I smile back.

  I know I’ve made the right decision. We have weeks to spend together and plenty of time to touch each other.

  I had no idea how wrong I was.

  Chapter 23.

  “Search Warrant: A court order authorizing the examination of a place for the purpose of discovering contraband, stolen property, or evidence of guilt to be used in the prosecution of a criminal action.”

  — Webster’s Dictionary


  Detective Bronowski

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too, princess.”

  Janice Bronowski, the youngest of three children, lay tucked into bed with her favorite toy, a stuffed pony. Her long brunette hair stood out in stark contrast to her white sheets. With her perfect button nose, red lips and brown eyes, she was a beautiful child.

  Janice got her looks from her mother, thank God.

  Roman Bronowski bent over and kissed his daughter goodnight. Impulsively, Janice threw her arms around his neck, holding on as if she would never let him go. Her slim, young limbs squeezed him tight.

  She might just as well have been squeezing his heart.

  His phone rang inside his pocket.

  “Are you going back to work, Daddy?” Janice asked sleepily.

  He shook his head. “Not if I can help it, sweetie. Sleep well.” Roman switched off her light, shut the door and answered his phone.

  “Bronowski,” he answered, as he made his way down the stairs.

  “Judge Morrison came through,” Lee Brewer, the District Attorney, said. “We’ve obtained the warrant for the Chester Wilkinson case.”

  “Excellent. Did we get everything we asked for?”

  “Computers, phones, and medications at his home and workplace.”

  “OK. Should I call in the team?”

  “The State doesn’t want to pay overtime,” Lee said. “It’s already been three years. It can wait until tomorrow morning.”

  “OK,” Roman replied. “I’ll text everyone. We can hit both places simultaneously at 7 a.m.”

  “I’ll have the legal paperwork sent to your home.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Keep me informed,” Lee said. “You have a good night now.”

  “Sure. You too.”

  Roman ended the call, put his phone back in his pocket and poured himself a couple of fingers of whiskey from the bar.

  His wife, Angela sat in front of the TV, utterly absorbed. She was watching CSI.


  Fucking CSI.

  Roman liked the show well enough, except watching it was too much like taking work home. It also irritated the hell out of him at how easy it always was for the assholes in TV Land to solve their cases. Every crime they worked on was neatly wrapped up with a pretty bow on top within the allotted one-hour episode.

  If only life could be that way.

  Few crimes were so easy or obvious to solve. Enforcing the law was rarely tidy. Crimes occurring in his neck of the woods was messy, took serious time to resolve, and all too often remained unsolved with the perpetrators still at large.

  “Who was that, hon?” Angela asked absently. Her gaze never left the TV.

  “Just work,” he said.

  A familiar, unwanted emotion welled up inside of Roman. He resented the attention his wife continually devoted to the TV. There was a time when they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

  How long had it been since he’d last gotten laid? It had been a while—more than a week anyway, and probably closer to two. He was frustrated at how he always had to wait for his wife to make the first move. Her constant rejection was killing him.

  How did it come to this? he wondered.

  What was the old joke? How do you stop a woman from fucking? Marry her!

  In Roman’s mind, there were no truer words. He shook his head.

  I’m actually jealous of CS fucking I, he realized. Here I am, a real life detective right here in her own home, in her bed and she ignores me to stare at the fake ones on TV!

  A commercial came on. Angela turned her brown eyes toward him with a look of displeasure on her face.

  “You’re not going back to work tonight, are you?”

  “Hell, no,” he said, walking over and slumping down onto the couch next to his wife. “’I have an early start in the morning though.”

  Angela raised her eyebrows, her lips twisting into a naughty smile. “Good, because I was thinking we would get to bed early tonight,” she murmured with a seductive lilt to her voice.

  Roman set his drink down quickly. “Oh, babe, that’s a great idea,” he said eagerly, placing an arm around her. “You look really tired. Why don’t we go to bed right now?”

  “Shh, shh!” she said, physically withdrawing from him, her eyes again focused on the TV, as the show came back on. “You can take me to bed… right after this episode of CSI.”

  Chapter 24.

  “Scars are not injuries… a scar is a healing. After injury, a scar is what makes you whole.”

  — China Miéville


  Renata Koreman

  Grant and I spend a pleasant half-hour chatting at the kitchen table. By tacit agreement, we speak only about light, easy subjects. He tells me stories about his garden and André, while I tell him stories about Mitten and André.

  André is a topic that makes us both of us smile.

  The progress Grant’s made in one day is awe-inspiring. How far will he go if I’m here with him for months? I have so much hope for his future… and mine.

  When we finally get up from the table, I let Mitten inside the house so he can sleep with me, as he usually does. He immediately comes inside, rubbing himself against my legs as soon as I call his name.

  With Mitten on my shoulder, Grant and I check on Briley. He’s sleeping soundly.

  “Goodnight, darlin’,” Grant says in the hallway outside my bedroom. He leaves his hands at his sides, leans over and gives me a chaste kiss, a soft and sweet press of his lips to mine. “And goodnight to you, Mitten,” he adds, giving my cat a gentle scratch under the chin.

ight,” I reply. “See you in the morning.” I raise my hand and gently run my fingertips over his facial scars.

  Grant’s body trembles and his eyes widen slightly. He tries to mask his response, but he likes it when I caress the disfiguring marks on his face. Does he sense my acceptance of him by that simple gesture?

  Touching his scars is a spontaneous and irresistible desire on my part. They’re beautiful to me. His injuries don’t define him, yet they show the world just how strong he truly is. For the hundredth time, I wonder how in the hell he got them and why it’s such a damned secret.

  Will he ever tell me? If we stay together, I hope he will. I like to think that a committed, long-term relationship is based on trust. For it to work, both partners need to be open enough to bare their souls.

  I brush my teeth, wash my face and get ready for bed. It’s been a significant day of progress and firsts. So much has happened that I’m both emotionally drained and physically exhausted.

  Something Grant said earlier is on my mind.

  I was able to get into it and enjoy it because my attention was on you. I connected with you. I wanted to please you. It made everything we were doing seem good and clean and right somehow.

  I grin, thinking about how I can use such extremely valuable information in future sessions. When his attention is focused on pleasing me, he is apparently able to get out of his own head. So? All I have to do is get him to concentrate on pleasing me.

  I am so not complaining!

  Sex with Grant is as hot as hell.

  Sounds like a win-win and more particularly, an erotic win for me. I lick my lips, imagining the things he might do to me—or let me do to him, while he concentrates on my pleasure.


  I picture myself naked, on my knees, and sucking his raging hard-on. Grant’s large hands are on my head, he’s directing my movements. I flash on the image of him taking me doggy-style, or driving in deep with me bent over a chair, or shoved up against a wall. I picture his mouth tugging at my breasts, or with his face down between my legs once more, licking and sucking…