Read Ace of Diamonds, The Page 13

  7: Paths, Plans, and Trusting Lady Luck


  Setzer looked up from the examination of the deck of cards in his hand as he waited in the open hallway of Figaro castle. “Locke.”

  Locke Cole’s steel-gray eyes were angry and determined as he strode out of the double doors leading to the throne room. He held a folded paper in his hands and a note carrier for a pigeon in the other.

  “The plan?” Setzer asked.

  “Don’t know yet. I’m just letting Celes know what’s going on and having her go to Mobliz to take a look-see.” Locke jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Edgar’s with her. She’s really shook up.”

  Setzer pushed from the wall and moved to the exit of the castle and the message depot. Locke followed. “Understandably so, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, I guess I’m stating the obvious.”

  Setzer held open the door into the covered hallway that led to the exit and the engine room. “It’s all right. It’s better than saying nothing.”

  Locke gave a shrug and continued to make his way to the exit. “I guess. I just wish I knew what the hell was going on. Kidnapping? That hasn’t happened in years!”

  Setzer followed Locke out into the sunshine and to the left of the castle. “I’ve a hard time believing it myself. Especially when I didn’t think anyone knew Mobliz existed.”

  Locke gave Setzer a nod and a look that seemed to shout “I know” as he rolled up the note, placed it within the tube, and then laced the tube to the pigeon and sent it on its way. That done, they hurried back to the castle.

  Edgar just entered the open hallway. “Setzer, can you give us a few more details?” he requested as the trio met in the center of the open hall. “We’ve little to go on and can’t act unless some positive fact is known.”

  “The only ‘positive fact’ I know,” Setzer began in an agitated voice, “is that Terra’s kids are gone. How in the hell are we to discover who is responsible?” And what if Marée is somehow involved?

  Edgar rubbed his chin in thought. Locke tapped the toe of his boot into the ground. “What has Terra told you?” Edgar asked.

  “Only that she was alone in her garden when she heard a scream and then yelling. She didn’t see anyone or anything.”

  Edgar absently nodded.

  “What about you?” Locke asked suddenly. Setzer focused his gaze on the treasure hunter. “I’ve been so busy with plans for the wedding and the party I haven’t really been anywhere. You have, though. Notice anything odd?”

  Setzer thought back, pressing his lips together in exasperation. Odd? Meeting a woman that fascinates me at all is odd enough! Finding out she knows Terra and Relm shouldn’t even be possible! But something in his trip to Zozo poked at his attention. “Zozo.”

  Locke and Edgar’s expressions were incredulous. Setzer focused his attention on them. “I was in Zozo on a personal matter when I happened upon a poker game with some particularly high stakes. Never one to pass up a challenge, I bought myself in and proceeded to notice a very odd man indeed.”

  “An odd man, eh?” Locke asked slowly. “What kind of odd man?”

  “What was his name?” Edgar interrupted.

  “Ledo.” To hell with the man’s name! Terra’s kids are gone and Marée has disappeared! Let’s get the hell out of here and do something!

  “What was he doing there?” Locke asked. “Just playing poker?”

  Setzer’s gaze sparked as he gestured to the two of them. “It doesn’t matter. Go get Terra. I’ll be on the Falcon.”

  Locke and Edgar gave a nod before moving away. Setzer turned for the exit, striding outside and onto the Falcon. He slammed aboard and stalked through the main room to his private office. Once in the safe silence surrounded by a memory of Marée’s presence, he relaxed.

  Setzer took in a deep breath and changed his eyes to her portrait. He stepped forward and took it up, holding it gently between his hands. He had no reason to believe she was in danger. No reason to believe she’d been in Zozo. Dreams rarely came true, and what other than a dream had convinced him she had embroiled herself in a dangerous adventure?

  Setzer released another breath as he carefully hung the portrait on the section of wall prepared the previous night. He crossed his arms as he examined the intoxicating intensity of her. I will leave you to your own protection, Marée. Lady Luck will have our paths cross when the time is right. He reached out and caressed her cheek and lips. Our paths will cross again. Then Setzer heard Terra, Edgar, and Locke board the Falcon. He turned to enter the main room, leaving his concern and terror behind him.