Read Ace of Diamonds, The Page 18


  Setzer stepped within the well-lit entry hall of the Opera House and smiled. The orchestra practiced for that evening’s performance. According to the sign on the front desk, the performance had sold out. Setzer chuckled and stepped further in, wishing Marée was with him so he could tell her the humorous tales of adventure in the arms of the lovely and cultured Maria.

  “Mr. Gabbiani,” the Impresario greeted with a wide smile. “How are you?”

  Ridding the man of an earth dragon and a crazy octopus had put him in surprisingly good spirits toward Setzer, the infamous ‘Wandering Gambler’ who’d tried to abscond with his star performer. “Quite well, Impresario. Thank you. And you?”

  “Glorious. Glorious. You’re too kind.”

  Setzer motioned over his shoulder. “I believe I have some items in the hold of my ship that you were wanting.”

  The Impresario clapped his hands together once in delight. “Ah! Glorious.”

  “You have men available to unload?”

  “Of course. Of course.”

  Setzer gave a nod. “Good. I believe my visit is overdue.” He turned to his right and ascended the stairs leading to Maria’s dressing room.

  “M-Mr. Gabbiani!” The Impresario rushed after him. “Y-You mustn’t disturb her so few hours before a performance. It’s opening night of the new show!”

  Setzer chuckled. “Don’t you worry, Impresario. I’ll do my best to keep from tiring her out.”

  “Oh d-dear. Oh d-dear . . . ” he complained as Setzer knocked and entered.

  Maria’s tall and slender frame stood in front of the mirror as she minutely examined her appearance. Long, shining blonde tresses pulled back from her delicate face. Full lips colored to perfection. Silky skin of chest and arms perfected by the rich blue of the robe she wore before changing into her costume.

  Setzer’s eyes twinkled with his smile and the vision of memories he saw as he crossed his arms. “Maria, you steal my breath.”

  Maria’s pale eyes focused on his in the mirror. Her cheeks flushed, and she turned. “Setzer?”

  He bowed. “The very same.” He straightened to again absorb her cultured and elegant loveliness. “Success agrees with you heartily, my dear.”

  Maria smoothed her robe with trembling fingers and a hesitant smile. “Thank you.” She slowly lifted her eyes to his face. “You’re looking well. The wandering of your heart has kept you as fascinating as ever.”

  Setzer chuckled and stepped farther into the room. “While I thank you for the compliment, I feel I must confess my wandering has more of a purpose now than it did before. I’m afraid I’ve become a hero of one of your operas.”

  The music of her laughter danced in the air and tickled his ears. “You make that end sound as the doom to your existence.” Maria stepped closer as she held his gaze, the seductively soft ‘swish’ of her satin bloomers enhancing her femininity. “The end to purposeless wandering hasn’t been a curse, has it?”

  Setzer released a chuckle. “A curse? No. An unexpected end to the hand I held? Yes.”

  Maria took hold of his hands to hold him out at arms length. Her pale eyes compared his current physique to that of her memory. Finally, her eyes again met his and her lips were caressed with a delicate smile. “And what has brought the Wandering Gambler to my room on opening night?”

  “A shipment of goods from Jidoor, I’m sorry to say.” He tightened his hold on her soft hands and leaned forward to bestow a tender kiss on each cheek. When he pulled back, there was an odd expression on his face.

  “Why, Setzer,” she said in her gentle voice, “what’s wrong?”

  Setzer forced it away and released her hands. “Nothing, my dear. Nothing.” He cleared his throat and directed her to sit. She did so with a graceful motion of body and arm that had him momentarily hypnotized. He’d forgotten the allurement of her grace and culture. Of her delicacy and dependence. Such an extreme difference from Marée.

  Setzer leaned on the desk/vanity across from her as he tightly crossed his arms. “I’ve but only a few moments before I must be off again, Maria.”

  “And you came to spend them with me?” Her pale eyes twinkled with her smile. “I’m honored.”

  Setzer laughed. “Our history together deserved the visit, my dear. I am only sorry I haven’t visited more often. We had such fun together.”

  Maria lowered her eyes to her clasped hands. “My life within the Opera House hasn’t the alluring color of unexpected adventure, Setzer. I knew you would leave. I’m thankful of the memories I have.”

  Setzer’s smile vanished at her statement. It reminded him clearly of his comment to Marée in Kohlingen. “Maria.” She raised her eyes very slowly. Sadness shined there. Setzer released a slow and deep breath as guilt dealt none-too-gently with him. “Maria, I am so sorry. It was never my intention to hurt you.”

  Maria lowered her eyes again, twisting the belt of her robe between her fingers.

  Setzer straightened and made his way to sit beside her. He took her hands. “Maria, we were not meant to be together. If we had been, you would have been taken aboard my ship that day and not General Celes.” A tear collected itself in her eye and broke free to glisten on her cheek. He fondly touched it away before bringing each hand to his lips. “You, dear lady, will forever be on the pedestal of my memories.”

  Maria’s pale blue eyes rose from their scrutiny of their clasped hands to meet his eyes of silver. “I never wanted to be on a pedestal, Setzer,” she confessed in a musical tone of tears and dramatic misery. “I wanted to be with you. I wanted to be your song, and I wanted you to be mine.” Maria’s hands tightened as her eyes searched his. “Remember? Remember how we were together? It was a complete symphony. An opera of passion and love.”

  Setzer did remember. He remembered waking from a night of passion to the sound and song of her. He remembered the fire that would burn when she came to him at the end of a perfect performance. And still she would sing, beckoning his soul from him with her power of tone and word as easily as Marée had done with the intensity of her free spirit. Yes, Setzer did remember.

  “What do you want me to be?” Maria asked, almost desperate. “I’ve played so many roles, Setzer.” Her soft and warm hands released his to cup his face, teasing his cheeks and jaw with their gentle caress. “Tell me which you would want me to be. The commoner that gives her life for the safety of her true hero? The mermaid, so innocent yet determined to give all for love? The woman pirate so assured and--“

  Setzer stood sharply with the memory of ‘virgin mermaid’ exclamations and captain uniforms. He stepped away from her until an end table blocked his path with a clink and clunk. He steadied the table and himself with a hand behind him. Marée... He closed his eyes and lowered his head. “No, Maria. You should never change who you are. This is what attracted my attention that first fateful day.”

  There was a rustle and then the slight scent of flowers. Her warmth approached and surrounded him, bringing again the memories of life with her. It had been good. Her songs. Her warmth-- Setzer tensed when her hand took his, her other caressing his cheek.

  “I still love you, Setzer. I am too much a heroine to not. And as a heroine does, I will wait for you. The memories will be enough until then.” She pressed her rose petal lips against his cheek for a long moment, and then she gently squeezed his hand before releasing it and moving away, disappearing into a back room to change for her performance.

  Setzer slowly opened his eyes, fighting back the urge to follow and renew the memories. That part of his life had gone . . . Wasn’t it?