Read Ace of Diamonds, The Page 29

13: A Rising Curtain & A Setting Scene

  “Do you have the tickets?”

  Edgar patted the left inside pocket of his black suit in response to Setzer’s question. They made their way through the halls of Figaro castle to the west wing where Celes and Terra dressed for dinner and the visit to the Opera that evening. Relm was in charge of the children, but had made a point of letting them know how upset she was at not going with them.

  “Dinner is ready?” Edgar asked.

  Setzer nodded. “In the main room. Elegantly done, even if I do say so myself.”

  Edgar chuckled. “I’m sure it is. And Locke? What is he up to?”

  “Locke is grumbling about being put in charge of gathering the blossoms from the Kohlingen boutique for the ladies.”

  “Well if he’d done it sooner, he could have escorted Celes to the airship,” Edgar said between hardy laughs.

  “What I told him exactly.”

  “I suppose it doesn’t matter. Celes and Terra likely feel we’ve traveled back to old times and are making this outing as a group of friends. Which we are, of course.”

  Setzer chuckled. “Of course.”

  Edgar sent him a sidelong glance. “You don’t seem to be bothered much going . . . stag.”

  “Why should I be? I’m among friends. I’m off to see what should be an enjoyable performance. And—“

  ”And Maria holds your favor once again.”

  Setzer smiled and sent Edgar a twinkling glance. “Why do you say that?”

  “The expression currently on your face brings to mind Locke’s attitude when in the presence of or when thinking of Celes.”

  “Not much of a poker face?”

  Edgar smiled and looked away with a shake of his head. “No. Not much at all, but I dare say that’s all right. We botched your experience with her once, so you might as well attempt it again.”

  “I have.”

  Edgar looked again to Setzer, and his expression was clearly curious. “Forgive me for prying, Setzer, but I’m dying to know.”

  Setzer’s easy smile remained as they mounted the steps to the ladies’ room and stood to wait outside their door. “Much to my surprise--and you’re sworn to secrecy, Edgar--I believe I’ve found a port for this wandering gambler and his ship.”

  Edgar blinked, and then he smiled broadly as he cuffed Setzer on the arm. “I’m happy for you, Setzer. Truly. Does Maria know?”

  “Yes. I told her yesterday.”

  “Yesterday? Gods, man. How long have you been courting the woman?”

  Setzer chuckled. “We had a previous history, Edgar. I simply decided to take it up again.”

  “She was more than willing, it seems.”

  Setzer’s smile faded to a whisper before vanishing altogether. He crossed his arms and lowered his gaze as Edgar knocked on the door to let the ladies know they were there. “She has loved me all this time,” he said, awed. “While I have been engrossed in my own adventures and the thrill of the game, she’s survived her misery with the remnants of a once-bright passion.” Setzer shook his head. “I’m truly lucky that torture didn’t lessen the brightness and gentleness of who she is.”

  Edgar regarded Setzer for a silent moment before gripping his shoulder. “The women of our hearts and souls often have a greater strength than we could possibly imagine.”

  Setzer lifted his eyes with a reluctant smile. “This I’ve most definitely found true. She’s intoxicating, Edgar. Compelling and–“

  The door opened and the men found themselves surrounded by loveliness and laughter as well as choruses of how they were surely ‘the most handsome men in Figaro Kingdom’. Setzer and Edgar both laughed as they motioned the ladies away from the door and down the steps into the hallways of Figaro castle that would lead to the Falcon.

  Terra had dressed in a floor-length gown of deep red velvet with small and white embroidered blossoms randomly stitched throughout. The same white blossoms were randomly threaded into the curls and braids of her pale green hair. The cut of the bodice was off the shoulders, but an arch of lace in the front concealed any hint of indecency. Setzer smirked and looked away.

  Celes was a vision of pale yellow silk with white lace and green ribbon. Her long blonde hair was a random arrangement of curls and braids, as was Terra’s, but where Terra’s was up, Celes’ hung down and free to tease the air. Neither had her bodice been so modestly decorated with lace. Locke would be very surprised--to silence more than likely--for a full 10 seconds.

  “This is so exciting,” Terra said, breathless with anticipation.

  “You’ve led a sheltered life, lovelight, and this is but the first of many adventures we will have. Together,” Edgar responded, taking her hand and wrapping it around his arm.

  Terra’s smile brightened her face, but it couldn’t compare to the flush of her cheeks or the love that shined in her eyes. “Edgar, could we bring the children next time? I know they won’t understand it, but they’ll love the adventure and the heroic fights of sword and magic.”

  Celes and Setzer exchanged looks and smiles that both seemed to admit how adorable the couple was.

  “Of course we can bring the children. I dare say the Impresario would be willing to arrange a matinee for them.”

  Terra looked away with a continued bright smile. “That would be so much fun, especially if we could have a tour.”

  Edgar looked over at Setzer. “What do you think, gambler? Should we arrange it?”

  “I believe that would be a grand idea.”

  “You can wait until after the wedding, if you want to,” Terra told him with a sudden expression of seriousness. “You’re already doing so much.”

  “And now I will do more. Your children will soon be mine as well, Terra. I’ve no qualms with getting to know them better.”

  Terra’s eyes glimmered, which turned them an intriguing shade of purple. “Th-Thank you,” she whispered.

  Edgar patted her hand after a quick glance to Celes and Setzer, who both happened to be smirking at the stone floor at their feet.

  “It’s my pleasure, Terra,” he said finally, and his tone was regretful.

  Setzer laughed, attracting Edgar and Terra’s attention. “Kiss her, man, and be done with the waiting.”

  Terra flushed, Edgar’s ears burned, and Celes desperately tried not to laugh. Edgar didn’t argue Setzer’s demand and Terra didn’t protest the fond caress of lips on cheek near her mouth.

  “Finally,” Setzer breathed in mock relief.

  Edgar laughed this time, and Terra smiled as she lowered her eyes. “Oh Setzer, leave us alone,” she said with her smile in her voice.

  “And have no fun at all this evening? That’s not a very nice thing to ask of a man.”

  Terra giggled softly, moving her hand to clench Edgar’s. Edgar caressed the back of it with his thumb.

  “Does anyone have any idea what the Opera is about?” Celes asked as they exited Figaro castle.

  Edgar shook his head with a glance toward Setzer. “Didn’t ask. Terribly sorry.”

  “Oh, it’s all right,” Celes told him. “I was just curious. I’ve heard it’s one of the Impresario’s best.”

  Edgar nodded. “I’ve heard the same. In fact, I believe the performances have been sold out each night since it opened.”

  “Wow,” Terra breathed. “How exciting.”

  Edgar’s face softened as he met her wide eyes. “Isn’t it? And the Impresario was kind enough to reserve us the private box for no charge to my person.”

  “For all five of us?”

  “Indeed. He said he couldn’t think of accepting my money when we’d done so much for him already.”

  “Edgar, can we do something else for him?”

  Setzer motioned for Celes to board the Falcon ahead of him, as he knew Locke would be waiting inside. Setzer wanted to remain behind and watch the fascinating relationship of Edgar and Terra.

  “Why of course, lovelight,” Edgar answered as they paused at the foot of the r
amp. “What did you have in mind?”

  Setzer leaned against the frame of the entry to the Falcon with a slight smile and crossed arms.

  “Well, couldn’t we donate an addition to his Opera House? For a children’s theater?”

  “A children’s theater? What a splendid idea.”

  “And we could help him supply the staff and let people know about it when it’s complete, so that he doesn’t have to worry about it.”

  Edgar chuckled, drawing her close for a fond embrace. “I see I will have a difficult time keeping you distant from the business of Figaro, my sweet.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Edgar soothed as he pushed gently back. He caressed a curl from Terra’s cheek and kissed her briefly. “I believe the prospect of sharing a throne with an Esper angel such as yourself will be a pleasure. I’m glad of your interest.”

  Setzer chuckled with a slight shake of his head. “Come, come, love birds. Dinner awaits.”

  Terra raised herself up on tiptoes and pressed her lips against Edgar’s. When she pulled away, she looked up into his face with a girlish smile and giggled. Then she took his hand and pulled him aboard. Setzer followed with another shake of his head and another chuckle.