Read Actor for Hire Page 1

  Actor For Hire

  Jennifer Martinez

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © 2013 by Jennifer Martinez.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The Author holds exclusive rights to this work.

  Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.


  To my mother Janna and my husband Josh. You two have always been the ones in my ear telling me anything is possible. Thank you for believing in me and making this a reality.

  Chapter 1

  House lights down. “Places, places everyone!” I hear the stage manager say. Then the silent count down. Three, two, one. Queue curtains, Lights… “He told me to look at my hand…” I wake with a start, my alarm clock blaring the only noise obnoxious enough for me to wake up. Damnit. I love that dream. It was my first play, The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds. Paul Zindel wrote it. They say you never forget your first time and boy is that true. I was 12 when I told my mom acting was stupid and I didn’t want to audition for the gamma flower play but she insisted. I guess they liked my spunk. 2 months later it was opening night, the house lights went down, and I was alone center stage spilling out a monologue that hit too close to home. I could still repeat the entire monologue if I wanted to. Tillie became the part of me that sparked my future, my very own atom. From that day, November 3, 2003, I knew I was going to be an actor. I paid my dues. I did community and school theatre all the way through High School. During the summers I would go to acting and combat camps. Milla Jovovich was my idol. I wanted to be a strong, intelligent woman who could kick some boy butt! Now as I brush my teeth and put on my green dress all I can do is think back to that little girl and say thank you.

  Today is the day I graduate Blake High School. I will walk across the stage, shake the principal’s hand and start my next great adventure. The whole drive I am in a daze. It just doesn’t seam real. Finally all my dreams are becoming a reality. When I arrive at the Sun Dome I park and text my best friend, Brittany. “L8 agn?” I text. “I couldn’t find shoes! I’ll b there in 5” she responds. I decide to wait in my car for her. Brittany and I had been friends for 3 years. We met volunteering at the children’s hospital and have been inseparable ever since. She goes to Blake too but she isn’t in the Magnet program like me. Brittany has different plans. She wants to work for Club Med. She always says, “You will always know where to find me if you just look for hot men with big wallets.” I love Brittany. She is the ying to my yang. She pulls up in Big Red, her car and sticks her tongue out at me. We both get out of our cars, link arms and walk toward our final moments as Seniors. In two weeks, I will be moving to New Orleans to pursue my career as a Stunt Woman/Actor and she will be off to UCLA to terrorize the west coast for a few years. I tried getting her to go to LSU but she said the pockets just weren’t deep enough. Plus, she managed a full ride to a school smack in the middle of rich actors and hot surfers. There was no talking her out of UCLA.

  Once we get inside the Sun Dome its time to wait. The last students finally trickle in and they start playing the graduation march. Brittany squeezes my hand as we walk onto the floor of the arena. We sit and wait again for our names to be called so we can get our diplomas and enjoy our last two weeks together. Our row stands and walks to the stage to wait for our names. I start thinking about New Orleans and am pulled back into reality when I hear my name. “Kenna Tate, member of the Thespian Society, Key Club, All County Track runner 2 years in a row.” I walk up the rickety steps and glide across the stage, shake the principal’s hand, smile for the camera and exit back to my chair where I can daydream the rest of this ceremony. Brittany sits down next to me and we start whispering about the big party on Clearwater beach tonight. It’s a Tampa tradition passed down for who knows how long. All the graduating seniors from the area high schools go down to Clearwater Beach the week of graduation for one last hoorah before our whole lives change. I have never been a fan of parties but seeing as it’s the last high school party ever, I may as well go. Plus, Brittany has been begging me for weeks. She says she needs a wingman. The ceremony ends and it is time for my graduation lunch with my whole family. We go to my favorite restaurant, Arigato, and take up the whole 10-person hibachi table. Now it is time for my big announcement. My parents know I am following my dreams and moving to New Orleans but my family thinks I will get my BFA in Theatre from NYU. After everyone orders lunch I stand at the head of the table and get everyone’s attention. Now it’s my time to shine. “First off, I want to say thank you to every single one of you for supporting me all these years. You all mean so much to me and have always believed in me. Because of the wonderful support system you have all provided I have made the decision not to attend NYU in the fall.” Insert pause for dramatic effect. “Instead I will be pursuing my career as an actor/stunt woman in New Orleans.” Everyone stares at me with wide eyes and dropped jaws. God I love this! “New Orleans is actually home to a large amount of production studios and on location filming. Starting there will give me a better footing than moving straight to New York or LA.” I tell them. My family nods their heads and they all spread their congratulations around the table. Now there is no going back. It is out in the cosmos.

  Chapter 2

  The next two weeks fly by. The party at the beach was fairly entertaining. I watched some male cheerleaders trying to impress some girls and nearly wet my pants when one of them face planted in the sand. I packed up my brand new Kia Soul and said goodbye to my friends and family. Brittany and I were going on one last road trip then she was flying home to get ready for UCLA. The sixteen-hour car ride was filled with gossip about who hooked up at the beach and where everyone was going to college not to mention serious karaoke sessions whenever Kesha’s song Tik Tok came on. When we arrived in New Orleans we were shocked. The devastation from Hurricane Katrina five years earlier was still obvious on every street corner.

  We drove through the city and headed to Metarie where I found an affordable apartment that didn’t take me too far out of the action. We got to the apartment, unloaded the car and decided to look around the city. We went to the famous French Quarter with all its amazing food and street vendors. The people in this town were very artistic and I knew right away that this was where I was meant to be. We stopped at the Café du Monde for some beignets then took a carriage ride through the city. Brittany was constantly scoring any man we came across and I couldn’t stop looking at all the historical buildings. When it came time for dinner we went to The Alpine restaurant just off Jackson Square. I heard some friends talking about it last summer when they got back from a mission trip in the area and I couldn’t wait to eat there myself.

  We got back to the apartment we started getting ready. Brittany kept repeating “I can’t wait to go to Bourbon Street!” All I kept thinking about was making a good impression. “Did you know George Clooney was discovered while he was bartending?” I ask Brittany as I change my dress for the 3rd time. She shook her head no. I finally opt for a nice pair of jeans and a sparkly tank and start on my makeup.

  Chapter 3

  We arrive at Bourbon Street 2 hours later. Brittany and I don’t drink but we love to dance. We decided back at the apartment we would walk the entire street then pick a club to go dance. Every step brought more laughter and awe. It was the middle of summer, months after Mardi Gras and the street was still full of beads and boobs. We finally picked a bar called The Beach and headed in. We were dancing and enjoying the “sights” as Brittany liked to call them when she said the one thing she knew would get me. “I dare you to ride the whale. I bet you twenty bucks won’t do it.” She whispered in my ear. While walking up the stairs to sign the li
ability waiver I look back and glare at her. I can’t turn down a dare and I was always taught; if someone says you can’t, prove them wrong. My eyes drifted up from my soon to be awed friend and settled on a beautiful specimen of manliness. He was wearing a white button up shirt and dark blue jeans. The guy maneuvering the whale I was about to straddle called my name and snapped me out of my drool fest. As I walk up to the whale all I can think is I have to talk to him. Dauum. Coming from Tampa and having a little bit of country in me I know what to do when the whale starts bucking. I am able to ride the whale until the operator cranks it up to 10. I slide off the back and make my way down the stairs. When I walk off the stage I immediately start searching for my mystery man. I found him in the corner talking to some guy with spiky black hair and Brittany. I can always count on Brittany to play my wingman. I walk up to her with confidence and say, “You owe me twenty bucks!” “Yea, yea. Fine. I should have known better,” she replies. “This is Arthur and Timothy. Arthur, Tim, this is Kenna my B.F.F.” Tim nodded politely and said “Hey Kenna. Nice to meet you.” Arthur was another story. He softly grabbed my hand in his and raised it to his lips. He placed a soft kiss on my hand that sent a wave of heat coursing through my body then said, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Kenna.” When I heard his voice I nearly melted. It was strong yet kind, like a cello playing Beethoven. I have never heard a voice so melodic. He was someone I could definitely get used to listening to. Brittany elbowed my ribs right back into reality and asked if she could have the keys to the apartment. She and Tim wanted to go watch Toy Story. Knowing Brittany I just smile, nod and whisper to her to keep it on the futon.

  Chapter 4

  With my hand still lingering on Arthurs, he asks, “Would you like to go somewhere we can talk?” I nod, still unable to speak and he leads me out of The Beach and we walk silently, hand in hand to a little square tucked between 2 old brick buildings with Jazz music floating out of its courtyard. When we arrive at the square I am amazed that something so beautiful could be in the middle of Bourbon Street. He leads me to the back corner and pulls out my chair. When the server comes over he orders a coffee and I order water.

  “So, Kenna. Tell me about yourself.” He says, with his sapphire blue eyes looking straight into my soul. “I just moved to New Orleans today to follow my dream of becoming an actor slash stunt woman extraordinaire.”

  “You picked a good city,” he replied. “Did you know that NoLa is quickly becoming a first choice for film producers because of the lack of taxes?”

  “Yes! That’s why I chose it. Its nice to find someone who doesn’t question my decisions but understands my motivations.”

  “It is a beautiful city, with amazing opportunities.”

  “I can’t wait to learn more about it. How about you Arthur? What brought you to NoLa?”

  “I’ve lived here forever. My family was one of the original settlers of New Orleans. I love the city and have never had a reason to leave. It provides me with all I could ever want and need.”

  I look away from his eyes briefly and notice the square is nearly empty. I look at my phone and see it is four in the morning. “Holy Cow! It’s four am. Do you mind walking me to my car?” I ask Arthur, hoping that I will be able to end this night with more than a memory of an amazing conversation. “It would be an honor.” He replies as we walk back down Bourbon Street and towards my car. We get to my car and suddenly I don’t know what to do. I want to kiss him. I can’t explain it but I feel drawn to him. When I look into his beautiful eyes I see desire swimming in them. His warm woodsy scent, like the woods I grew up around flood my nose with familiarity and yearning. He rubs his soft thumb across my knuckles and I know he wants to kiss me too. He takes the keys out of my hand and places them in his pocket. Once he has successfully relocated them in his pocket his hand reaches up to my face. I press my cheek into his hand and finally drop the last wall keeping him from the truth now swimming in my eyes. He leans in and softly kisses my lips never moving his hands. He leans back for a split second before it is my turn and I kiss him. My heart rate quickens and I can feel the heat surrounding us. When his tongue slides into my mouth I cannot stand anymore. I lose my balance and fall into his strong chest. My breath catches as he releases my hand and wraps his arm around the small of my back. We stumble back and my back lands against the grey stone building I parked beside. His kisses begin to trail down my jaw and onto my neck where he bites me. I barely have time to register the pain before it turns into pure pleasure. I feel connected to him body and soul. When he pulls away I see his fangs slide back into his mouth and watch his tongue slide across his lips to savor the last of my blood. He places a strong kiss on my lips then follows the same trail back down to my neck. This time he doesn’t bite me even though I secretly want him to again. He simply kisses the holes on my neck and finishes his kisses with a little lick. He takes a step back and looks into my eyes for a moment before he says “Kenna, I love you but you are not ready yet. You have things to accomplish before I can ask you to be mine. Know in your heart that I will always look after you.” All I can do is smile and try to wrap my arms around him one more time. He grabs my wrists and there is a sudden change in temperature. I feel a shiver when he says in his sexy deep voice “You will not remember me in the morning. You went home with Brittany and watched Toy Story. Go home now.”

  Chapter 5

  Brittany and I wake up the next morning with the Toy Story menu still playing on my TV screen. I walk to the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on. We reminisce about our night at The Beach and talk about how different our lives will be now that we aren’t together. As I drive her to the airport we promise to keep in touch and call everyday. We also make plans for me to fly back to Tampa to ride with her to UCLA next month. As I hug my best friend goodbye I can’t help but think I should feel alone in this new city but I don’t feel the emptiness, instead I feel a warmth I cannot explain.

  Chapter 6

  I have been in NoLa for a year now and it is starting to toll on me. It was easy at first to get auditions but all I keep hearing audition after audition is you don’t fit the roll, we want someone taller. Sorry but you are too young. I came out here for an opportunity and all I have found is a critic’s circle. Maybe I was wrong, maybe I can’t make it as a professional actor. It seems that once again my honesty and lack of ability to kiss butts is keeping me from achieving my goals. I will keep trying though. I will try until I finally get a role. I cannot be a failure after so many people have put their faith in my abilities. I still feel that hidden set of eyes on me when I walk through the city. It’s like I have my own guardian angel following me around, making sure I stay on the right path. Brittany thinks I am crazy but I feel it. I am never alone in this city and it is for that presence, my angel, that I will keep trying. My angel is just one more reason I have to succeed.

  Chapter 7

  “Tell me about yourself Kenna.” The interviewer says. This is my third interview at Café du Monde and the final one before they make their decision. I need the money desperately. I have been here for two years and I have no more savings left. I have to face the music and get a real job. At least if I work here I can still go to auditions. “I moved here two years ago to pursue a career in acting. While that never panned out I fell in love with the city and know in my heart I can never leave. This is where I belong. My first day in New Orleans I visited the Café and it is a memory I will cherish forever. I hope that by working here I can help create that memory for other people,” I finally reply. “You’re hired.” Awesome! I finally have a job. I don’t have to go back to Tampa with my tail between my legs. I will make this work somehow. I have never failed at anything and I won’t stop now. “Any questions for me?” Stacy my new manager asks. “When do I start?” I reply with a big smile on my face.


  About The Author

  Jennifer Martinez is a beautiful conundrum. When she is not writing, she can be found surrounded by her amazing family and 4 do
gs. She loves who she is and doesn’t mind at all when she get strange looks from people. She is a tattoo covered, child and animal lover who looks forward to destroying peoples preconceived notions of what “someone like me” would be interested in. She lives by the motto; “You only live life once… you may as well make it interesting.”

  She loves to get lost in a good book and hopes that everyone will get lost in hers.

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  Don’t forget to check out my blog and Facebook to learn more about Kenna. Don’t Kill Dinner, Book 1 in the Rules Trilogy will be released Spring 2013.