Read Ad Infinitum Book One Master of the Nine Steps Page 1



  of the


  Copyright by John Northern 2010

  International Standard Book Number: 0-9632439-8-4



  Author's Note




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two—Part One

  Chapter Two—Part Two

  Chapter Two—Part Three

  Chapter Two—Part Four

  Chapter Three—Part One

  Chapter Three—Part Two

  Chapter Three—Part Three

  Chapter Four—Part One

  Chapter Four—P art Two

  Chapter Four—Part Three

  Chapter Four—Part Four


  This book is dedicated

  To all those

  Who utilize time,


  Expend energy

  To promote

  And spread

  Love and peace

  Throughout the lands

  Of our beautiful


  Troubled Earth


  In this story, the universal pronoun, 'man,' is all-inclusive for men, women, and children—searchers of the infinite—and is used in this context.

  It is much simpler, less awkward sounding, and smoother to use a one syllable pronoun to express the concept of people rather than using phrases such as men/women or hers and his, or she/he, or Ms/Sir, or any other.

  In essence, there is no sexism nor inequality of the sexes intended. It is, in fact, quite evident that men and women are equal upon the face of our planet, and throughout the infinite reaches of space, matter, time, and consciousness. Both are equal in the laws of infinity.


  The stars are endless, forever distancing in endless combinations. The planets, the solar systems, the galaxies, and more are never ending - an infinite array of space and matter forever existent. And in this existence there are forms of matter in space that cannot even be imagined in our limited sense of perception upon our insignificant planet. But where does matter begin? And where does it end?

  Scientists and philosophers have been asking these questions for centuries. But space and matter are infinite - forever in and forever out. And so to ask this is to ask - where is the beginning of infinity? And where does it end? But space and matter never cease; and only the imagination can form the answer to these questions. Only the continuous presence of thought can distance far enough to yield the laws that never change, the constant laws of infinity.

  And those who think in terms of beginnings and endings are those who dwell in the presence of relativity. And these are the laws of change; for so it is that they may not hold true from one Universe to the next. But always yearning and seldom learning the infinite laws are the ways of the relative thinker.

  Nevertheless, and still it is that the relative mode of existence is beautiful with its opposites and alikes, and all those between; for it is, indeed, ugliness which enhances beauty and makes it desirable; and it is hate which depicts the worth of love (an infinite law); and it is war which makes us understand the beauty and love of peace (but how absurd for the intelligent man to continue to war).

  And so it is that relativity is our way of life, for are we not relative beings? And we shall continue to experience this mode of being. But, for the thinker, whether scientist, philosopher, nexialist, or any of the other categories which man likes to fit himself into, it is necessary to understand not only the relative, but also the infinite point of view. But where is the truth? Where is the whole truth? Drop the cloak of relativity and see with an infinite eye. Look at the whole picture

  Still, many cannot; for man is a relative being with a relative eye that clouds the vision of infinity. And relativity forms the ego, which separates one man from another and indeed from the Universe. And the ego is a powerful entity, and often dictates the actions and thoughts of man.

  Down through the ages the ego of man has limited his evolution. Centering upon the self has made him unable to seek out the truth of the Universe. It has made him think of self as all-important; and dogmatism has become the pattern of his egotistic thoughts.

  Progressive thinkers of the past have suffered because of the ego of others. Galileo, for example, was put under house arrest for the last eight years of his life. He had proclaimed that the Earth was not the center of the Universe.

  Later, of course, it was proven that he was right. The Universe does not revolve around the Earth.

  This, then, led to the belief that the Universe revolves around our sun. But that too was incorrect. Today it is known that our sun, indeed, our solar system is nothing more than an insignificant speck on the edge of the milky way galaxy. Our sun is considered only a dwarf among the millions of giant suns throughout the known Universe.

  Ego, then, clouds man's reason and judgment. It wants to center everything around the man. To put aside the ego and relativity, and to look to the laws of the infinite will bring forth a perception that will act as a guide to the whole truth rather than a partial truth. Today, there are many who still let the centering limit their reality to the Earth. There are many who still believe that the Earth is the only planet which is inhabited by intelligent life.

  But there is no logic in this kind of thinking. There are billions and billions of planets in the known Universe. To think that we are the only intelligent life in the infinite reaches of space and matter goes against mathematical probability.

  An infinite number of intelligent life forms have come and gone before ours was even born. And still they come and go—as always they will. And ours is just one amongst the infinite.

  Someday soon, this realization will come to humankind—to our thought consciousness. And the truth will be known.

  And then the story in this book, which takes place on another planet, will not seem like fiction. There are even some of you now who realize that this book is based on a true story.

  And, indeed, it is the truth; but where does this truth come from? Does it come from the author? Does it come from a friend? Or a child down the block? Or from a stranger passing through town? Or from a psychic of well renown? Or from the mind that sees beyond? Or is it the imagination that forms a window through which we can see the infinite truth?

  But does it make a difference? For the truth is still the truth. And, logically, it is evident that it doesn't matter where in infinity truth is found nor how it is expounded; for the truth is always the truth. And this is one of the laws of infinity. And in this book there is a story of truth, and it matters not from whence the knowledge came. It only matters that those who read will understand that in truth they too can reach the spiritual heights of their desire, whether it be low or high, it will be the will that will prevail.

  This, then, is the importance of the truth—deep within the reaches of infinity on another planet a man and a woman once traveled through time. Their experiences and their loves are set forth in this book to bring about a better understanding of the life within the infinite and unchanging laws. And it will be seen that if we stride forth with effort and love, we can reach that place beyond the walls of the Earth. Indeed, we can reach the Ninth Step of the Master.


  The stars trailing paths

  Through the sky—

  The steppingstones of the Universe

  For man


  Always searching

  Macro micro cosmically

  The living within the
rooms of


  Lo, behold me

  I am the searcher

  I am every man

  And this is my story . . .