Read Advent Page 10


  "What is real and what is unreal in a world of endless possibilities is pointless." -- Adam

  Finally my transport reached its destination, oddly enough our destinations didn't coincide. This was but a half way point and I wondered how long I would have to wait until the next transport.

  “Midway station, all change please,” came a call from the driver, as the bus rolled to a halt. After a few moments negotiating my way, I disembarked. I walked a little distance to an open area. There were others there, enjoying the warm air this morning. Dragging my little case behind me, I joined the group a little distance away from the majority congregation. I parked my case and unbound my locks, letting my hair drop freely from my head, they had grown and looked a little unkept; a testimony of my time in solitude on the island. I thought back to the last few months... The nature island of Dominica was a relatively untouched beauty among the buzz of civilisation. I almost spat the words out but held my tongue. I am not a rebel, neither am I against the status quo. I am simply very aware of the alternative, still I will be judged by my words and my actions. No man could ever see into my heart and so they will never know my true intentions. I guess in the truest sense, it is only there that we are truly alone. I had once heard a quote '… a man can never be an island unto himself...'. I guess a man even in his most disconnected was always connected to the all; but a man surrounded could also be alone and a man alone could also be surrounded. The previous events were the final straw that broke the camel's back, spawning my decision of entering into solitude. With that I contacted the high commission and arranged my journey.

  I requested and acquired a small residence on a cliff side at the edge of the island, able to see the open sea and the beautiful island, all within a three sixty degree perspective. The lodging itself was very conservative, a design by a man called Fresco. It reminded me of other designs I had witnessed in some metropolitan areas, in attempt to consolidate space and resources. This however was in a league of its own; it had ample space, yet a very conservative and practical design. I was told there were a few other designs around the island and I saw them all but this was by far the most well suited for my needs... My mind was jerked to the present when I received a phone call...

  “Hello,” I heard my Godfather say.

  “Hello,” I replied.

  “Where the hell have you been?! Don't you know your parents were killed!! The authorities have been looking for you!!” my Godfather screamed down the phone. I had almost forgotten. Two of the founders of Olympus, my Mum and Dad are gone and those fools think I had something to do with it... “I've had to cover for you, the share holders are itching to share your spoils! It's chaos here. Where are you? I'll...” He was interrupted by my finger ending the call. Vultures... Truly all that is in this world is vanity. My parents’ death was a result of vanity and now that vile ego of the culprits seeks to finish the job. I know Olympus is involved but I don't know how or why, not yet any way... I had considered it while in solitude. I remembered a day, the most memorable of all my days throughout my solitary experience. It was the day I first met him and my mind drifted...

  I looked around me, noticing first the Moon low in the sky. Its time was over, turning east I could see the glare from a Sun that had not yet crested. It was a pretty sky and I walked towards the only seats in this open area. They were tall seats like you would find in a bar and most seats were vacant so I chose one, particularly because of its neighbour. I sat and gazed yonder but only for a moment...

  “Excuse me, could you please pass me the paper?” a female voice asked me. I looked to my left and grabbed the metropolitan paper and passed it her way, not without noticing and imprinting the image of a close friend. The paper read, '… arrested for obstruction of justice...' That will be a big blow to his corporation... Although my moment’s recognition was just that, a moment, she noticed. “Do you know him?”

  “Yes, he is the son of one of the founders of the Olympus programme and my friend.” I replied.

  “My apologies, I am sure he will be found innocent,” she offered, with a smile.

  “Thank you,” I replied “I am Tola.”

  “Sheena,” she replied offering her hand. I took it softly, brushing her soft smooth skin. “Ouch!!” she screamed as she jerked back her hand.

  “Static charge,” I said with a smile. She had a slight frown, as if convinced I had played a bad joke. She was pretty and I couldn't quite place her origins; she had reddish hair, but it also looked brown and her eyes held my gaze as I absorbed its beauty. “Sorry about that, it happens with me from time to time. I have been learning to control it for the past few months,” I said trying to offer and explanation.

  “Not so well, obviously.” Sheena replied pointedly.

  “So where have you travelled from?” I asked attempting to change the conversation.

  “Just a little north,” Sheena replied simply. “Yourself?”


  “That's a long way from here! What were you doing out there?!”

  “I guess I was like the Australian Aboriginals would say, collecting my stories,”

  “Oooh, a writer! I like stories!!” Sheena said excitedly. “Since we are going to be here for a while, you could tell me a story.”

  “Well I could tell you a most remarkable story, a true story. In fact, it is something that happened very recently, I don't have a name for it, but would you like to hear it?” I offered.

  “Alright, go on.”

  “I spent the last three months in solitude for a variety of reasons. One morning while I was going through my morning ritual, stretching and renewing my body. I followed through routines taught to me by my Father years ago. Then I noticed there was a man unlike any other watching me. He stood on the right of the house, but not close enough for me to make out his features. He slowly walked towards me, leaning every so often on the stout cane he carried. He was completely bald and was dressed in an unusual manner. It didn't seem like he came from civilisation.”

  “I thought this was a story, c'mon get to the good stuff,” Sheena interrupted.

  “Patience, it'll come in good time,” I answered. “It was a hot day and I was bare save a pair of Kente shorts. He wore a sleeveless short cotton coat about knee length and it was buttoned to the side. The same material was used for his baggy pants and on his feet were the simplest sandals. Like I said, I was in solitude and the venue was the most remote I could find, meaning I wasn't expecting company. Now my parents had only recently been killed...”

  “What?! Did they catch the killer? I am really sorry to hear that...” Sheena interrupted.

  “It's ok, the case is still under investigation. I am sure now you can see why I did what I did next. I was worried that he was sent to kill me, so I grabbed the axe I had driven into the tree stump nearby and walked briskly to intercept this intruder. Thinking about it now that really wasn't the best action. As we approached each other I began to hear him chuckle, when I was close enough I threw the axe at him and ran after it... I heard him shout, asking me if I really wanted to fight just as the axe missed him. The next was a blur and all I remember was laying on the ground, watching the sky above.”

  “He kicked your ass!”

  “Yes he did, but oddly enough he didn't kill me. Instead he offered me a hand and helped me up. He told me he had been searching for me and that he had teachings to give to me. I was still sceptical, however, if he wanted me dead I would be, so I gave him some time. He guided me towards the cliff, sat me down and he told me some things that astounded me. He sympathised with my loss and added that he was most worried about my well-being and then he asked about the headaches and the static discharge. I told him, what began next was weeks of concentrated training. Mind, body and soul he said, must always remain aligned in harmonious unity. He spoke to me of Logos, the life force, the word and the flow. He told me of cases of electromagnetic radiation released form individuals that influenced matter, I ha
d heard of them before in conspiracy theories and they were called Neomen. He also told me of other phenomena around the world and explained that my case was not so different. My training ended and he was gone.”

  “Is that it? That's a horrible story!”

  “Well the story isn't done yet, I completed my training and returned to civilisation. Now I am here talking to a rather attractive woman.”

  “Don't even try,” Sheena said with a smile “Wow, so you're a real life Neoman? What can you do?”

  “I will tell but first, tell me a little about you.”

  “Not much to tell, I am from Trinidad, I studied Linguistics and Philosophy. Oh and I practice Shaolin.”

  “You are more interesting than you let off. You must have quite an inquiring mind...” I started to say but my statement was interrupted by a ring tone. I reached for my phone as she reached for hers, it seemed we both had calls. My screen displayed 'unknown'.

  “Hello,” I said down the phone.

  “I hope you haven't forgotten your training,” I heard a voice and instantly I recognised it for my mystery tutor.

  “No, I practice every day.”

  “When the wind howls the mountains remain unmoved, however, if the wind is precise and persistent it will wear down the mountain,” he said ending the call. My mind mused over the idea that he had proposed. I looked over to Sheena, she had also ended her call.

  “Wrong number?” She asked.

  “It was him,” I replied a little dazed, where had he been for the past six weeks. I spent some time with him but still I didn't know who or what he really was. Besides that didn't sound like his usual jovial self, something is wrong...

  “Who? The man you just told me about?”

  “When the wind howls the mountains remain unmoved, however, if the wind is precise and persistent it will wear down the mountain. Does this mean anything to you?”

  “Hmm...” Sheena said, as she repeated the phrase under her breath thinking it over and finally she declared that it was a warning. “Think about it, the wind is a force, a kinetic. The mountain is at rest and a potential. A single effort of the wind will not change the mountain but persistence will wear it down, erode it.”

  “I see, so the message is to stand ground and disperse the force. But what is the force?”

  “Well you did say you were worried someone was after you.” Sheena said, just then I saw a few suits come into view. Shit! This is what he warned me about. Well I’m ready for them this time, he taught me many tricks. “Especially if you are a wanted man” Sheena added. I didn't tell her I was wanted, I turned to face her and found myself facing the barrel of a gun.

  Damn... She's an agent and she was so cute. I should have realised... Without another thought I vaulted myself over the chairs, no doubt discharging some static onto the metal bar along the way. Heads turned to see the commotion and screams soon followed upon recognition of Sheena's gun. I pushed the chairs down increasing Sheena's clumsiness in the commotion. The suits managed to catch up as I made my way, away from Sheena. They approached and had me surrounded... 'When the wind howls the mountains remain unmoved, however, if the wind is precise and persistent it will wear down the mountain...', then I will load the wind with everything I have... I stood my ground keeping equal attention on all my assailants. I reached into my pockets and pulled out the shock gloves I purchased on my way here. They had a powerful charge, even more so when added to my freakish discharges. I clenched both fists releasing charge in a warning. They surrounded me with the sound of retractable batons. So their orders were to bring me in alive that was always good to know. I quietened my mind and began to enter the state taught to me by my mystery tutor. He called it a resonant state that unifies mind, body and spirit. Making my fighting technique less like a technique and more like instantaneous reactions. They advanced slowly and I stood to my full height, fists held up at the ready.

  Two came at me from opposite sides... I stepped back and dodged an attack from the left, countering by twisting him towards the line of attack of the other assailant. I followed with a kick sending them both to the ground. They came again, this time four attacked but three came first and I blocked the first attack from my right, unbalancing him. I sent him to the ground with an open palm, spinning to present the attacker from behind with the same fate. He collided with another, leaving one more swinging wildly at me and with his baton in his right hand, he swung a downward diagonal aimed for my head, which I parried with my right fist. Then I brought my left fist into his side with full force, releasing some static charge in the process. In a smooth motion, I brought my right fist to follow, focusing my natural static charge as I did so and my fist contacted his face. The burst of combined charge charred his face and the force of the resultant blow sent him flying into his comrades. They were a little hesitant now, the commotion was clearing and they all approached slowly but surely. I bent and picked up two metal batons, they would be charged as a result of contact. A mighty wind that howls at me the mountain, and I will face them.

  There were twenty of them, well nineteen now, with their charged brother twitching on the ground a short distance from me; he isn't dead but he would be in hospital for a while. They circled me and I ran at them and they at me. I flipped, bringing my heel down hard on the head of one, leaving him unconscious. I swung to the right and took another off his feet, spinning with the motion I brought my left fist down on his stomach. I carried the motion and caught another with the full force of my fist in his stomach, I lifted him and threw him at two others. Five down... a few more came at me, I sharply rapped the batons across their faces sending them down quickly. Seven left... They too carried two batons, seeking to have equal ground. They made a rough circle around me and approached cautiously. I ran at one and they all came at me at a more hurried pace. I chucked a charged baton at my target, following it with a knee to his face. I propelled myself into the air, launching myself on top of another, while I chucked the other baton, which connected firmly with a head. I ran at the only one left who now blocked my exit as the others got up and followed, then I heard the shot of gunfire and I ducked, tucked and rolled. I came up with an upper cut knocking out my would be warden at the exit.

  “Tola stop!!” I heard Sheena shout. Another shot rang out and I felt a pinch in my thigh and I dropped to the ground in a clumsy tumble. Serves me right bringing gloves to a gunfight. I placed my hand over the wound, my mystery tutor would say '… matter is energy, energy is matter. It's all a matter of perspective, all interacts with one and consciousness prevails...' or something like that. It took all my will to control the flow within me and I tried to use it to force the bullet out so that my body could heal. He had told me that this was an ancient technique used by masters, it took effort but it worked, even if it was a little too late... They had me surrounded and subdued, I guess I needed more training.