Read Advent Page 8


  “I am probably here and probably not, but my will to exist here and now makes it so... Do you attempt to challenge that will?” – Adam

  My breathing was steady even though I was running in pursuit of my target down an empty street. Had that been him or one of his thugs? What is this all about? I tried to consider all that I knew of my mission, then I turned into a littered street and I was greeted by silence; I had lost my target. I walked back towards my truck, black and gold the colours of my order, The Brethren, a growing African group charged with the honour of protecting the motherland. Highly trained and recognised by international states, we carried out missions as directed by our leaders; they called us peace soldiers and therein lay the paradox. I laughed to myself as I reached my truck, sitting in the drivers seat, I radioed the control tower...

  “Tower this is Bravo 252,” I identified myself. “Target has escaped, what does control recommend?”

  “Bravo 252 this is Control, return to Base.”

  I am pretty far from the Base and it would be a long journey back. I looked through the windshield towards the sky, the moon shone clear in the sky and it made my mind wonder… My mission was to recapture an escapee, but I was sure other agents were in pursuit... To think that the world was once again in a state of crisis, with terror attacks increasing, nature raging against humanity with its fury and unexplained occurrences becoming everyday events. Without us our brethren would perish, this was why I couldn't understand why my target would be against us. He tried to destroy our base! Damn mad man, we've lost enough Brethren operatives as it is... These fanatics refuse to see reason… My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. Glancing at my mobile, I saw it displaying 'Unknown', and I answered the call with my hands free.

  “You give up too easily,” a deep voice came from the other end and it wasn’t a voice that I recognised.

  “Who is this?” I asked and he laughed.

  “Turn right at the next intersection and continue until you see a warehouse,” he said simply and then the line went dead.

  That wasn’t my target, was it? My training suggests that I proceed with extreme caution, so I followed the directions and turned into what seemed like private land. After a few minutes of driving I entered the tree cover, until my truck could go no more. I stopped for a moment and considered alerting the base but I quickly disregard the thought. I turned off the engine and jumped out the car, my boots crushed nearby undergrowth; the road had merged into a footpath leading into the trees. I walked to the side of the truck and opened it, revealing why we were called soldiers of peace. I selected two pistols and secured them on my hips, I glanced momentarily at the experimental rifle. I grabbed it and started walking down the path through the trees, knowing my body armour would provide enough protection; it too was an experimental design. I will capture this target and General Tani will be pleased. Finally I saw it and the warehouse was imposing, it was a large metallic structure in a clearing surrounded by trees. I glanced down at my rifle and saw that the red LED was 'off', meaning that the pulse was armed. It would take too long too scope the entire perimeter first, so I proceeded through the threshold, into the building. There were a few lights high up in the ceiling and the warehouse looked cluttered...

  “Your pulse rifle will not work here,” I heard as a shadow passed across in the distance. I tried to shoot and the rifle sparked, I looked to the indicator and saw that the red LED was now 'on', so I tossed it aside and whipped out my pistols. That light was definitely 'off' when I checked last time. I heard him laugh, crazy fanatic.

  “Show yourself!” I called.

  “Showing my self is a tall order, besides you’ll only shoot at me,” he replied.

  “Damn right!” I shouted back. “You just tried to kill the general and destroy the base!!”

  “Yes. I did,” he replied, while I searched for where his voice was coming from.

  “Monsters like you is why I exist,” I stated as I readied my pistols.

  “From your current point of view I guess you are right and I am a monster, but allow me to expand your understanding,” he said as he stepped into view. He was a tall man and he was cloaked, his head and body were concealed; the sight of him seemed to twitch and I gripped my pistols tighter.

  “You wish to fight me,” he said simply.

  With my left hand I lifted my pistol and aimed, deliberately pulling the trigger. He moved too fast for my eyes and was already half the distance between us. I swung my right pistol, adding its rounds to the left, trying to track and predict his now zigzag approach. Before I knew it, he passed me and moments passed as his body breezed past mine, but before passing he tapped his finger on my forehead. Mad man, he's just trying to tease me. I swung the pistols round as he passed and he blocked my arm on the right and parried on the left, responding with an open palm at my chest. I twisted and spun on my heel bringing the butt of my pistol towards his head and he ducked but when he came back up, he faced the barrel of my pistol. For a moment it was silent and I felt a tingle at the back of my neck. I squeezed the trigger and two shots rang in quick succession, but he moved... He was so quick; he had knocked my arm away before I realised that I had missed. He grabbed my shoulder and planted his feet on my chest, pushing himself into the air, sending me hard to the ground a few feet away. The majority of force was deflected by the suit but still I hurt bad. I got up to see him standing within speaking distance from me. I held my guns limply at my side, they were useless against him, I couldn't kill him. I wouldn't even call this a fight, it seemed that I was outmatched.

  “You can kill me anytime you want, why are you toying with me?” I asked him and his image twitched again, instinctively I lifted my pistol.

  “I am probably here and probably not but my will to exist here and now makes it so,” he started “Do you attempt to challenge that will? “ He offered. What the hell! This loony psycho is going off on one. I thought and raised my pistol, slightly.

  “Why did you attack the Base? Who are you?” I asked.

  “Who I am is another tall order, let me simply say…” he replied, adding a short nod in acknowledgement. “I am Traveller but you may call me Adam." The way he says it! Like it should mean something to me. “It should, after all we have already met, not to mention the fact that your very genes know me.“ Did he just pick that from my mind? “I exist outside of space-time, your mortal thoughts may not hide from me,” Adam answered.

  “Stop that! What the hell is wrong with you, you maniac?! Why did you attack us?” I screamed. Now I was getting really vexed. Whoa… My head felt light for a moment... Maybe I should calm down.

  “Relax, in a few moments all will be revealed….” Adam's voice trailed off, while my head felt like it was swimming... Suddenly I was on a rooftop garden, dressed casually with a sombrero on my head. It's a breathtaking scene but how did I get here?

  “I brought you here to explain things to a calmer you,” I heard Adam's voice as an image of him appeared. “We are inside your mind with our mental selves,” he explained, taking a seat beside me and picking up a margarita. Pretty sure that wasn’t there a minute ago.

  “That’s your problem, you confine too tightly your limits of reality. What is real and what is unreal in a world of endless possibilities...” Adam answered to my thoughts yet again.

  “Be that as it may, you still haven’t told me why you attacked us,” I said and he looked at me with his odd eyes seeming to penetrate into me deeply.

  “Your leader isn’t who you think he is..." Adam began. “At first he may have started with good intentions, but your kin are hated by The Orion Confederation. One of them has taken complete control of your leader and plans to bring about Armageddon,” He added.

  “Hold on there mister. Are you trying to tell me you are the good guy and my leader is the bad guy? And you expect me to believe you?!” I interrupted him.

  “The line that divides such sides is not so clearly drawn,” he replied. “
What do you see?” he asked me pointing at a lake that had just come into existence.

  “A lake,” I answered him.

  “What is around it?” he asked and I looked.

  “Nothing just the lake.”

  “Are you sure there isn’t a forest?” he asked and I looked again certain that there wasn't, but it had changed and now there was a forest! “In your mind I can't change what is, but always I see all there is,” he added. “At least your distortion of perception is balanced. I am now going to show you visions from the Akashic records of truths. You may think of it as a recording of your general but open your perceptions to all realities; now that you know what you see may not be all there is to be seen. Look now and see...” he added as he stood gazing at clouds that began to collect together.

  Eventually I began to see images, it was General Tani and he was in his office handling paper work, nothing unusual here. Look deeper, the thought I felt seemed to say. I looked at the images again, which had now progressed through time and it was now darker, later in the day and that was when I first saw it. It was a beautiful being, its body shone like the purest crystal and it was segmented like an insect. Its clear crystal shone with colours that shifted between red, gold, blue and the faintest of green... I watched as days passed on video and always was that being present, apparently unnoticed by General Tani.

  The scene was now one of the conference hall at night. There were four guards, the general, the being and a representative from the New World Order. They seemed to be performing some kind of ritual and I saw colour from the being flow like a soft breeze towards General Tani; he levitated as the colour from the being seemed to fill him. His body began to spasm and he passed out. The guards quickly rushed to their General's side, neglecting the NWO representative.

  The crystal being walked to the NWO representative and calmly thrust its fist into the mans chest and he dropped instantly. The guards finally noticed and readied their guns. Too little, too late; the being slaughtered them like a deranged carnivore. When General Tani woke he saw the scene before him and quickly escaped, severing all connections of that night to himself. Around him was an aura I hadn’t seen before, it was gold with a tinge of red and it sometimes changed colour like the being that followed him.

  The days that passed were the same, the murders grew in number and the general changed, I began to understand why some usual things had happened on the base. I also understood why it seemed that we had lost more operatives than were accounted for; it was so bad we had to recruit twice last season. Adam speaks the truth and with that thought, the video stopped and the sky cleared.

  “I believe you but what do you want from me?” I asked.

  “I have given your being knowledge, a knowledge that will reveal itself to you with understanding and as time goes by you will know your role in service, but first you must stop General Tani,” Adam replied.

  “Any ideas?”

  “Loads but the quickest way to put it would be, stop him at all costs.”

  “Very helpful... How much time do I have?”

  “Not very long, he plans on using HARRP technology to destroy North America in an attack against the NWO, the deaths and blood will give him enough energy to open a large enough dimensional gateway for an invasion,” Adam explained. “No more than half an hour from now.”

  “What the hell?!” I replied. "You're just telling me this now! And what did you mean by knowledge and service anyway?”

  “When the time is right you will know, however, if you seek you will find.”

  “Your armour is a good design but it is lacking in some areas, I have modified it to improve your chances of survival. When you wake you will find your rifle and pistols missing, their elements have been merged and forged into an indispensable blade. You will need it for your mission. I have given you my knowledge of martial arts to add to your own, among your kin your skills are now beyond remarkable,” Adam informed.

  “There is a cloak by a door near where you will wake, cover yourself with it before you pass through the door. If you do not, you will surely die. The door will lead you through the hidden ways, I have plotted your path so you only have to stay on the road but be cautious and do not wander off the path. It will take but moments of your time to reach your destination but it will be instantaneous in this continuum. Any questions?”

  “So... How much time do I have left?”

  “That depends, time is relative,” Adam answered with a laugh “In the realm of the discarnate time doesn’t pass as you would understand. Any more questions?"

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked and he smiled as the vision began to fade.

  There was a bright light and suddenly I was back at the warehouse and I was sitting with my back to a crate. On my left side was the door Adam spoke about with a cloak on the ground beside it. On my right was a blade in a scabbard; I got up, picked it up and unsheathed it, revealing the blade. It looked like no other blade on Earth and I noticed its odd curves on the reverse. There were also five markers, which glowed a dull red. It was silver with a shinny blade and there was a groove on the hilt like a trigger. Scabbard in one hand, I raised the blade and held it vertically, its point in the air; I pulled the trigger and it roared. I felt a wave wash over me and I noticed the blue shimmer of the blade and the red glow of one of the markers. I brought the blade down in a true arc across the crate and for a moment nothing happened… Then the groan of the wood was heard as the top half slid to the ground.

  Sharp blade, I thought, as I walked towards the door. I wore the cloak and strapped my new weapon, facing the very normal looking door with a golden handle, considering my new mission. I believed in its truth and I believed it was right. I had felt a nagging before which had now ceased, now that I knew the truth. I guess I always knew, maybe I never truly believed in this new anti-NWO Brethren. Adam would probably say 'it is all about perception, your perspective, my perspective…', and with that thought, I turned the knob and opened the door. It was utterly dark and the little light given off by the path before me was all but eaten by the darkness. There was nothing to do but walk and so I walked, but as I followed the path I thought... I had always believed in my purpose and myself, everything else was just a condition, this was the reality that I believed. After the short walk, I saw another door, my exit. This place felt uncomfortable, like creatures watched me from beyond and I was grateful to leave.

  I turned the knob, crossed the threshold and found myself inside a building. I squatted behind a crater and scoped the area. I knew where I was and it was definitely not Africa, I thought, as I saw snow falling on the other side of the window. Was this Section Twelve? A new project, a building for implementing and maintaining Brethren cells, but as far as I knew it was still under construction.

  There was a work station ahead of me but there were military men everywhere and then I saw General Tani. If he is here, then here is where the problem will be solved. I continued to scope the room and I noticed another access point not far from my current position. Quickly, while maintaining cover, I made my way and retrieved information on the building and its occupants. I confirmed what I had thought, this was Section Twelve and the console for the launch of the HARRP systems was in this building, on the top floor. My plan was simple, head to the console and nullify the threat, then arrest General Tani for interrogation.

  I could see the service elevator not far from here, well let us put the Traveller's talk of reality to the test. I believed I was invisible and I strolled in plain view towards the elevator. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn’t, whatever the case I wasn’t seen and so I continued up the building towards the console. I got there to find the being waiting for me. It stood in all its glamour in front of the console and I would have to get through it, but without knowing how, I knew a truth. It was half itself so half its strength. It may have heard my thoughts the way it laughed and it approached me calmly, as I had seen it do to others. I could no longer control my rage tow
ards it, this thing that killed my brethren.

  “Stand aside or die,” I said to it as I drew my blade. I saw its face make a gasp and then it smiled as it continued its approach. I pulled the trigger, the blade roared and the being shrieked. I ran at it and I slashed upwards, it dodged, so I moved with the motion of the blade into a lunging attack, which pierced what seemed like mist and the being dispersed. I found myself beside the console and the being reappeared at the other side of the room. It was going to try to distract me, so I had to be quick. With my free hand I keyed in commands, knowing General Tani would be making his way up here soon. The being approached again as calmly as before, chuckling this time. I hit enter on the keyboard after finishing a string of commands… DENIED. Damn it. I could hear General Tani coming down the hall. Hell, the way I see it if he can’t use the console, he can’t launch. With that thought I brought my blade down on the console destroying the system, and just then General Tani opened the door.

  “Shade, what are you doing here? When did you get to Greenland?” General Tani asked.

  “I know what you are up to, your plans are ruined give yourself up,” I replied ignoring his question and he smiled.

  “Yes you may have destroyed a part of the plan but North America will still fall. I have in my hand the detonator for the HARRP systems, with that region in their sights. All I need to do is tell it when to engage and boom!” General Tani answered with a cruel laugh.

  “What happened to you? You used to have a dream to protect our people…” I started to say but then I saw the truth, the being controlled him completely and he had little choice. He was already dead, may his soul rest in peace. Meanwhile, I’ll prepare his body to follow.

  “Humanity calls and cries for help… Help me, oh help me... I am so weak... But still they murder the very being that carries them through space-time. They are like parasites, take, take, take, that is all a human knows. Well I have a solution, I kill two thirds of the population to ease the land and subdue your people with an overwhelming invasion. That way, we’ll be right here to help you…” General Tani trailed off into maniacal laughter. Pompous shit.

  “We are not parasites, we try to work with our planet. You however, are the definition of a parasite; using another's body to do your will, today you will die,” I said dryly as I walked towards him.

  “Death is meaningless to me, I will be reborn. Come at me,” General Tani said, materialising a blade out of thin air and then he charged.

  He attacked me, I parried and he returned with a stab to the midsection. I blocked and sent a left hook at his face, but he jumped out of the way. We circled for a few moments and then he charged me with his blade firmly pointed at me, but I flipped over him. The instant I landed, I moved to slash with my blade but he parried, spun and punched me hard in the back; it sent me across the room, into the bookshelf. My blade lay between us and my body felt broken, but then I felt a feeling wash over me, like there was new energy flowing through me. What was once General Tani walked towards me and yet I felt like I could do anything, run across the country, swim against the strongest currents… He stood right there, in front of me and lifted me off my feet. I could do anything, even defeat this being, I believed it and so it was real. I felt something different in my body armour like a vibration, a running engine. The flow I had felt before but much stronger and he glared at me, so I grabbed his head and pulled it in for a head butt, which took him by surprise. I pulled my legs together as I fell and released a double kick on his midsection, sending him a few steps back, then I got up and faced him. We approached each other, he swung a right hook that I blocked and returned, aiming for his face but he slapped it down with his free hand. He swung again with his right, I ducked and landed my right squarely in his side, he brought his elbow to my head knocking me off balance. He is coming at me, I can feel him... I thought as I regained my balance and blocked a kick to the head, followed by one to the side. I blocked the latter with my leg, spinning with it into a round house that he ducked. I felt my body move faster than ever, light as air, firm as stone. He lunged with a punch and I sidestepped catching him in the jaw; we swapped sides. He kicked at my legs but I moved and spotted a roundhouse sneakily following his kick. I dropped into a sweep and took him off his feet but before he could land, I mustered all my force into my right hand and landed a punch on him midair. The force sent him across the room, through tables and chairs leaving a bloody trail. I walked toward him picking up my blade on the way. I was bloodied, bruised and drained, the rush of energy I felt seemed to have all but vanished and I felt like I had been used to break furniture. He rose and moved to stand by the grand window. I saw the spectre of the being join the body, leaving its previous position as spectator. Even through all the blood he was still smiling; is this the face of evil?

  “You will not stop me," General Tani screamed as he jumped out the window and sprouted wings, holding the detonator in his hand. I couldn't let him use HARRP, and without a second thought, I ran, screaming as I jumped out the window giving chase. I pulled the trigger of the sword like a maniac, slashing in every direction. Blood and pieces of flesh filled my vision, until I heard the being scream no more; but then I realised that I was falling. I must die for the world to be saved, is this really how it ends? At least I will pass knowing I accomplished my mission and saved my brethren, then I felt a thought in my head that wasn’t my own.

  “Death is a perspective young lady,” Adam said.

  “Is this what you had planned for me? For me to end here?” I asked.

  “To this time-space you will seem to die but your mission isn’t over yet, I will send you to a place, and you will be known as the Golden Warrior, a title befitting your new form.”

  “I don't understand...” I interrupted.

  “Seek out one named Ayotola Johnson.” The ground was fast approaching... Well this is it... Goodbye beautiful world, thanks for having me. I hit the ground but I continued to fall, I was nowhere and then suddenly I was standing in the middle of a field. I gazed at my hands in shock, my skin had become golden.