Read Adventures With Eric - Eric's Magic World Of Misadventure Page 2

Chapter Two

  The snow was melting on the ground and the sun was beginning to warm the days now. Spring was finally on its way. Eric looked forward to the days when he could work in the garden with Nana. That was the best time of year for Eric, because he could make mudpies and plant seeds in them to watch them grow into yummy fruits and vegetables. Eric especially liked watching the corn grow big and tall.

  By July, he would walk through the corn stalks and marvel at how they were much taller than he was. He and Nana would play hide and seek in the corn. Eric always thought the corn stalks looked like tall scarecrows. The corncobs, Eric would pretend, were the ears and the leaves were floppy arms. Yes, Eric liked the garden very much. Eric liked it mostly because he would spend a lot of time with his Nana.

  Eric was at school one of those warm snow-melting days, when his daddy got a call from Eric's uncle in Hawaii. It was not good news... not to Eric. When Eric came home from school, his daddy hugged him and placed him on his lap.

  "Eric, I have some exciting news for you," his daddy told him.

  Gleefully Eric asked with hopeful eyes, "Are we getting a dog?"

  "No Eric, your uncle Ben called me today. He needs help running his hotel, and he asked if we would come to Hawaii to help him."

  Eric thought for a minute. He did not remember what Hawaii was like, because he was just a baby when they moved to Canada. He had seen many pictures, and knew the hotel was right by the Ocean.

  Still hopeful, he thought for another minute before asking, "Can we get a dog when we are in Hawaii?"

  Eric's father chuckled. He knew Eric had wanted a dog for a long time, but a dog was a big responsibility for a small boy.

  "Maybe when you are six, Eric," his daddy replied.

  Eric sighed and wriggled his nose thoughtfully. He was disappointed, but it would not be long before he would be six. For young Eric, it was still a long time to wait.

  "So what do you think Eric? Does Hawaii sound like fun? You will have cousins around your age to play with too," daddy told him.

  The thought of finally having someone to play with suddenly excited Eric. He did not have many kids his age to play with in the neighbourhood now.

  "Yes!" Eric said excitedly. "When do we go?"

  "We will take the airplane next Friday, after school," his daddy told him.

  Daddy showed Eric how many days on his calendar. Eric counted with him. Eight days, and they would be on a plane to Hawaii. Eric was a little worried because he had never been on a plane before. He would sit with Nana, Eric thought. Nana always made him feel better when he was scared. Nana! Suddenly, Eric remembered he had to tell Nana the good news.

  Eric anxiously searched the house for Nana. He finally found her in the garden, readying the flowerbeds for early planting. Eric was so excited he thought he would burst. He just had to share the news with Nana. He would help Nana pack too. Eric knew Nana liked it when he helped her.

  Nana saw Eric coming and took off her garden gloves to greet Eric, as Nana always did, with one of her warm hugs.

  "What's all the hullaballoo for, Eric? You look like a jumping bean ready to sprout!" Nana exclaimed as she bent to wrap her arms around him.

  "Nana, I have something really exciting to tell you." Eric took Nana's hand and started pulling her toward the house. "Come with me Nana, so we can pack while I tell you all about it."

  "Whoa there Eric, where are you taking me in such a hurry?" Nana held up her hand to stop Eric from going too far.

  Nana had some news for Eric too. Nana was sure Eric was not going to like her news.

  "Eric, come and sit over on the bench with me. I need to tell you something too."

  "But Nana, Nana, we are moving to Hawaii to help Uncle Ben run his hotel! Isn’t that exciting?"

  Eric started hopping on one foot, then the other, in his excitement. However, when Eric looked at his Nana and saw how serious she looked, Eric got a funny feeling in his tummy. He stopped hopping and sat down beside Nana.

  "What's wrong, Nana? Why aren't you happy? We will be able to take long walks and collect shells on the beach every day," Eric's voice trailed off.

  Eric was sure that Nana would love to do these things with him. Wouldn’t she?

  Nana explained that she would not be going to Hawaii with the rest of the family. Nana needed to stay and look after the house in Canada. This news upset Eric a lot. He could not imagine not having his Nana around all the time.

  "Please Nana, you just have to come," Eric pleaded with a single teardrop rolling down his cheek.

  "I am sorry, Eric, but I am needed here. Someone has to look after the house and garden. I promise we will talk on the phone every Sunday, and we can write letters to each other."

  Nana would miss Eric and his sisters and brother too. Nana held Eric for a long time on that garden bench while they talked about how Eric would work hard to learn to read and write better. Eric didn’t know it, but Nana was going to send someone special to watch over him in Hawaii.