Read Adventures in Koba Page 4

  Trip followed her. He called to her, “Rosa, this is not the time to play a game.” Trip caught up to her. She was hiding behind a narrow tree and facing the other direction. “Sarah and Miss Kartel are going into the cave as we speak.” Then he reached up and grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

  Rosa’s eyes glowed yellow like a tiger. “I know,” she said in a strange low voice. “We’re going in there too along with my new friend. You call him the Enemy.”

  Trip wanted to talk, but he couldn’t. He was too terrified. He felt something like fangs dig in the back of his neck. Then he was dragged up the mountain like he was a fierce animal’s prey. All the time he was being dragged, Rosa followed him and looked at him with her creepy yellow eyes. Every time Trip tried to wiggle away, the fangs sunk deeper into his neck.

  Just then, the ground trembled below Sarah, Miss Kartel, and the fairies.

  “What was that?” one of the fairies asked.

  Miss Kartel walked in the direction of the cave entrance. “It’s blocked! Someone rolled the stone back in place. We’re trapped!”

  Fairies began screaming and weeping. One said, “I thought we were free!”

  “You still will be,“ Sarah said. “Prayer power got us in here. Prayer power will get us out.”

  Suddenly, they heard a terrifying voice come out of the darkness. “I am the Enemy. The fairies are now mine. I kidnapped them fair and square. If you take what is mine, I will take what is yours. Do you know what I could do to your brother, Sarah?”

  Trip said, “Don’t listen, you guys. Pray the stone away. Even if I die by the hand of the Enemy, it will be worth it. Pray the stone away.”

  As the fairies began praying, the Enemy said, “Think carefully before you do that.”

  “He’s a liar, and he’s been one from the beginning,” the fairy said.

  Sarah and Miss Kartel joined in the prayer, and the stone rolled away again like it did the first time. As the sunlight lit up the cave, Sarah saw her brother against the wall. She could see no sign of the Enemy though.

  “If you don’t give into the Enemy, he will run from you,” the fairy said to her.

  The fairies began changed to male and female angels. There were all types of strange looking angels. Some had four wings; other had six. Some had lots of eyes, and others looked like ordinary Kobans. After they changed, many of them flew upward into the blue sky above. Maria and a man angel named Bart remained.

  Sarah hugged her brother. She said, “I’m so glad you are okay. That was the first time I can remember being really scared. I was scared he was going to kill you, but you were so brave. Imagine that! You were brave!”

  Trip smiled. “I feel brave. I mean I don’t feel like a little mouse anymore.”

  “Mouse, huh?” Sarah let go and backed up. “Wait—where’s Rosa, Trip? Did you find her?”

  “That’s the bad news. I found Rosa, but her eyes were turned yellow like a tiger. She got me to follow her right to the Enemy. That’s how I got kidnapped.”

  Maria said, “She changed sides just like Miss Kartel—except our teacher turned from evil to good, and well, Rosa turned from good to evil.”

  “Can’t we save her?” Sarah asked her.

  The angel shook her head. “No, that would be like spitting on a fire to put it out. It would not do any good while she has pledged devotion to the Enemy. Besides, you would probably be kidnapped or injured or something worse.”

  “Is there any hope at all for her then?” Sarah asked.

  The angel covered her own heart with her hand. “If she changes her heart, Rosa can be saved by God. Just pray for her heart to be changed. Now let’s get you home unless you want to walk.”

  “No thanks, I am done being a brave knight for awhile. I’m ready to be rescued like a fair princess.” She held a hand out waiting to be lifted by the angel.

  Maria took hold of her hand, and she grabbed hold of Trip’s hand. The three flew up into the air as she flapped her huge wings. Bart carried Miss Kartel and flew from the mountain next. As they approached Green Hills, they flew right under a vibrant Koban rainbow. They landed safely on the ground near their cottage. When they walked inside, they found their mom and dad on their knees in their cottage praying for their safe return—which was indeed an answered prayer!

  Note to Readers

  Maybe you are like Sarah and you have never made a choice for God. Even though Jesus died on the cross for all the sins of mankind, you must personally accept the free gift of salvation. If you have never made this choice and would like to accept Jesus’ blood as payment for your salvation so that you can be in a good relationship with God, pray this prayer with me right now:

  Lord, I confess I have sinned against You. I claim Jesus’ blood as payment for my sins. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and my Savior. I believe He died and rose again. Send the Holy Spirit to teach me and guide me in the way I should go. Thank You that I am now reconciled to You, Father. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

  Congratulations on making such a wise decision! I pray you will maintain this close relationship with God by attending church and reading your Bible. Thanks for taking the time to read Adventures in Koba. I will see you in the non-fictional realm of heaven!

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