Read Adventures of Don Lavington: Nolens Volens Page 10



  "Speak, woman!" cried Mrs Lavington hoarsely; and she shook littleSally by the arm. "What do you mean?"

  "I don't know, ma'am. I'm in such trouble," sobbed Sally. "I've been avery, very wicked girl--I mean woman. I was always finding fault, andscolding him."

  "Why?" asked Uncle Josiah sternly.

  "I don't know, sir."

  "But he is a quiet industrious man, and I'm sure he is a good husband."

  "Yes, he's the best of husbands," sobbed Sally.

  "Then why did you scold him?"

  "Because I was so wicked, I suppose. I couldn't help it, sir."

  "But you think he has run away?"

  "Yes, sir; I'm sure of it. He said he would some day if I was so cruel,and that seemed to make me more cruel, and--and--he has gone."

  "It is impossible!" said Uncle Josiah. "He must have met with someaccident."

  "No, sir, he has run away and left me. He said he would. I saw himgo--out of the window, and he took a bundle with him, and--and--whatshall I do? What shall I do?"

  "Took a bundle?" said Uncle Josiah, starting.

  "Yes, sir, and--and I wish I was dead."

  "Silence, you foolish little woman! How dare you wish such a thing?Stop; listen to what I say. Did my nephew Lindon come to the yard lastnight?"

  "No, sir; but him and my Jem were talking together for ever so long inthe office, and I couldn't get Jem away."

  Uncle Josiah gave vent to a low whistle.

  "Please ask Master Don what my Jem said."

  "Do you not understand, my good woman, that my son has not been home allnight?" said Mrs Lavington, piteously.

  "What? Not been home?" cried Sally, sharply. "Then they're gone offtogether."

  Uncle Josiah drew a long breath.

  "That Master Don was always talking to my poor Jem, and he has persuadedhim, and they're gone."

  "It is not true!" cried Kitty in a sharp voice as she stood by thetable, quivering with anger. "If Cousin Don has gone away, it is yourwicked husband who has persuaded him. Father, dear, don't let them go;pray, pray fetch them back."

  Uncle Josiah's brow grew more rugged, and there were hard lines abouthis lips, till his sister laid her hand upon his arm, when he started,and took her hand, looking sadly down in her face.

  "You hear what Kitty says," whispered Mrs Lavington; "pray--pray fetchthem back."

  Little Mrs Wimble heard her words, and gave the old merchant animploring look.

  But the old man's face only grew more hard.

  "I am afraid it must be true," he said. "Foolish boy! Woman, yourhusband has behaved like an idiot."

  "But you will send and fetch them back, Josiah."

  "Don't talk nonsense, Laura," said the old man angrily. "How can Ifetch them back? Foolish boy! At a time like this. Is he afraid toface the truth?"

  "No, no, Josiah," cried Mrs Lavington; "it is only that he was hurt."

  "Hurt? He has hurt himself. That man will be before the magistratesto-day, and I passed my word to the constable that Lindon should bepresent to answer the charge made against him."

  "Yes, dear, and he has been thoughtless. But you will forgive him, andhave him brought back."

  "Have him brought back!" cried Uncle Josiah fiercely. "What can I do?The law will have him brought back now."

  "What? Oh, brother, don't say that!"

  "I must tell you the truth," said Uncle Josiah sternly. "It is the sameas breaking faith, and he has given strength to that scoundrel'scharge."

  "But what shall I do?" sobbed little Sally Wimble. "My Jem hadn't doneanything. Oh, please, sir, fetch him back."

  "Your husband has taken his own road, my good woman," said Uncle Josiahcoldly, "and he must suffer for it."

  "But what's to become of me, sir? What shall I do without a husband?"

  "Go back home and wait."

  "But I have no home, sir, now," sobbed Sally. "You'll want the cottagefor some other man."

  "Go back home and wait."

  "But you'll try and fetch him back, sir?"

  "I don't know what I shall do yet," said the old man sternly. "I'mafraid I do not know the worst. There, go away now. Who's that?"

  There was a general excitement, for a loud knock was heard at the door.

  Jessie came in directly after, looking round eyed and staring.

  "Well, what is it?" said Uncle Josiah.

  "If you please, sir, Mr Smithers the constable came, and I was to tellyou that you're to be at the magistrate's office at eleven, and bringMaster Don with you."

  "Yes," said Uncle Josiah bitterly; "at the magistrate's office ateleven, and take Lindon with me. Well, Laura, what have you to say tothat?"

  Mrs Lavington gave him an imploring look.

  "Try and find him," she whispered, "for my sake."

  "Try and find him!" he replied angrily, "I was willing to look overeverything--to try and fight his battle and prove to the world that theaccusation was false."

  "Yes, yes, and you will do so now--Josiah--brother."

  "I cannot," said the old man sternly. "He has disgraced me, and openlydeclared to the world that the accusation of that scoundrel is true."