Read Adventures of Don Lavington: Nolens Volens Page 38



  In the case of a leap like that made by Don, there was no suspense forthe looker on, for the whole affair seemed to be momentary. Jem saw himpass through the air and disappear in the mass of greenery with a loudrushing sound, which continued for a few moments, and then all wasstill.

  "He's killed; he's killed!" groaned Jem to himself; "and my Sally willsay it was all my fault."

  He listened eagerly.

  "Mas' Don!" he shouted.

  "Hullo, Jem! I say, would you drop if you were me?"

  "Drop? Then you arn't killed?"

  "No, not yet. Would you drop?"

  "I don't know what you mean."

  "I'm hanging on to the end of that young tree, and it keeps going up anddown like a spring, and it won't go any nearer than about twelve feetfrom the ground. Would you drop?"

  _Whish_! _Rush_! _Crash_! _Thud_!

  The young tree sprang up again, cleaving a way for itself through thethick growth, and standing nearly erect once more, ragged and sadlydeprived of its elegant proportions, just as a dull sound announcedDon's arrival on _terra firma_.

  "All right, Jem!" he cried. "Not hurt. Look here; spread your arms outwell and catch tight round the tree as you jump at it. You'll slip downsome distance and scratch yourself, but you can't hurt much."

  "I hear, Mas' Don," said Jem, drawing a long breath full of relief."I'm a-coming. It's like taking physic," he added to himself; "but thesooner you takes it, the sooner it's down. Here goes! Say, Mas' Don,do you ketch hold o' the tree with your hands, or your arms and legs?"

  "All of them. Aim straight at the stem, and leap out boldly."

  "Oh, yes," grumbled Jem; "it's all very well, but I was never 'prenticedto this sort o' fun.--Below!"

  "A good bold jump, Jem. I'm out of the way."

  "Below then," said Jem again.

  "Yes, jump away. Quick!"

  But Jem did not jump. He distrusted the ability of the tree to bear hisweight.

  "Why don't you jump?"

  "'Cause it seems like breaking my neck, which is white, to save those ofthem people in the village, which is black, Mas' Don."

  "But you will not break your neck if you are careful."

  "Oh, yes! I'll be careful, Mas' Don; don't you be 'fraid of that."

  "Well, come along. You're not nervous, are you, Jem?"

  "Yes, Mas' Don, reg'lar scared; but, below, once more. Here goes!Don't tell my Sally I was afraid if I do get broke."

  Possibly Jem would have hesitated longer, but the stump of the bush uponwhich he stood gave such plain intimation of coming out by the roots,that he thought it better to leap than fall, and gathering himself up,he plunged right into the second kauri pine, and went headlong down witha tremendous crash.

  For he had been right in his doubts. The pine was not so able to bearhis weight as its fellow had been to carry Don. He caught it tightly,and the tree bent right down, carrying him nearly to the earth, where hewould have done well to have let go; but he clung to it fast, and thetree sprang up again, bent once more, and broke short off, Jem fallingat least twenty feet into the bushes below.

  "Hurt, Jem?" cried Don, forcing his way to his side.

  "Hurt? Now is it likely, Mas' Don? Hurt? No. I feel just like ababby that's been lifted gently down and laid on a feather cushion.That's 'bout how I feel. Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Here, give's a hand.Gently, dear lad; I'm like a skin full o' broken bones. Help me out o'this tangle, and let's see how much of me's good, and how much 'll haveto be throwed away. Eggs and bacon! What a state I'm in!"

  Don helped him as tenderly as he could out into an open space, andsoftly assisted him to lie down, which Jem did, groaning, and wasperfectly still for a few moments flat there on his back.

  "Are you in much pain, Jem?" said Don, anxiously.

  "Horrid, lad, horrid. I think you'd better go on and warn 'em, and comeand fetch me arterwards; only don't forget where I am, and not find me.Look! There's two o' them birds coming to see what's the matter."

  "I can't leave you, Jem. You're of more consequence to me than all theNew Zealanders in the place."

  "Am I, Mas' Don? Come, that's kindly spoke of you. But bother thattree! Might ha' behaved as well to me as t'other did to you."

  "Where do you feel in pain, Jem?"

  "Where? It's one big solid slapping pain all over me, but it's worstwhere there's a big thorn stuck in my arm."

  "Let me see."

  "No; wait a bit. I don't mean to be left alone out here if I can helpit. Now, Mas' Don, you lift that there left leg, and see if it'sbroke."

  Don raised it tenderly, and replaced it gently.

  "I don't think it's broken, Jem."

  "Arn't it? Well, it feels like it. P'r'aps it's t'other one. Try."

  Don raised and replaced Jem's right leg.

  "That isn't broken either, Jem."

  "P'r'aps they're only crushed. Try my arms, my lad."

  These were tried in turn, and laid down.

  "No, Jem."

  "Seems stoopid," said Jem. "I thought I was broke all over. It must bemy back, and when a man's back's broke, he feels it all over. Here,lend us a hand, my lad; and I'll try and walk. Soon see whether a man'sback's broke."

  Don offered his arm, and Jem, after a good deal of grunting andgroaning, rose to his feet, gave himself a wrench, and then stamped withfirst one leg and then with the other.

  "Why, I seems all right, Mas' Don," he said, eagerly.

  "Yes, Jem."

  "Think it's my ribs? I've heared say that a man don't always know whenhis ribs is broke."

  "Do you feel as if they were, Jem?"

  "Oh, yes; just exactly. All down one side, and up the other."

  "Could you manage to walk as far as the village? I don't like to leaveyou."

  "Oh, yes; I think I can walk. Anyhow I'm going to try. I say, if youhear me squeak or crack anywhere, you'll stop me, won't you?"

  "Of course."

  "Come on then, and let's get there. Oh, crumpets! What a pain."

  "Lean on me."

  "No; I'm going to lean on myself," said Jem, stoutly. "I'm pretty sureI arn't broke, Mas' Don; but feel just as if I was cracked all over likean old pot, and that's werry bad, you know, arn't it? Now then, whichway is it?"

  "This way, Jem, to the right of the mountain."

  "Ah, I suppose you're right, Mas' Don. I say, I can walk."

  "Does it hurt you very much?"

  "Oh, yes; it hurts me horrid. But I say, Mas' Don, there arn't manychaps in Bristol as could have failed down like that without breakingtheirselves, is there?"

  "I think it's wonderful, Jem."

  "That's what I think, Mas' Don, and I'm as proud of it as can be. Here,step out, sir; works is beginning to go better every minute. Tidystiff; but, I say, Mas' Don, I don't believe I'm even cracked."

  "I am glad, Jem," cried Don. "I felt a little while ago as if I wouldrather it had been me."

  "Did you, though, Mas' Don? Well, that's kind of you, that it is. I dolike that. Come along. Don't you be afraid. I can walk as fast as youcan. Never fear! Think we shall be in time?"

  "I don't know, Jem. I was in such trouble about you that I had almostforgotten the people at the village."

  "So had I. Pain always makes me forget everything, 'speshly toothache.Why, that's the right way," he cried, as they turned the corner of asteep bluff.

  "Yes, and in a quarter of an hour we can be there; that is, if you canwalk fast?"

  "I can walk fast, my lad: look. But what's quarter of a hour? I gotmuddled enough over the bells board ship--three bells, and four bells,and the rest of it; but out here there don't seem to be no time at all.Wonder how near those fellows are as we see. I am glad I arn't broke."

  In about the time Don had said, they came to the path leading to theravine, where the cave pierced the mountain side. A few minutes laterthey were by the hot bat
h spring, and directly after, to Don's greatdelight, they came upon Tomati.

  "I was coming to look for you two," he said. "You had better not go farfrom the _whare_. Two of the tribes have turned savage, and are talkingabout war."

  Don interrupted him, and told him what they had seen.

  "So soon!" he said hurriedly.

  "Is it bad news, then?" asked Don, anxiously.

  "Bad, my lads! Bad as it can be."

  "Then that was a war-party we saw?"

  "Yes; come on."

  He then put his hands to his mouth and uttered a wildly savage yell,whose effect was instantaneous. It was answered in all directions, andfollowed by a shrieking and wailing chorus from the women and children,who came trooping out of their huts, laden with household treasures, andhurrying up one particular path at the back of the village, one whichneither Don nor Jem had intruded upon, from the belief that it led tosome temple or place connected with the Maoris' religion.

  A few minutes before the men were idling about, lying on the black sand,sleeping, or eating and drinking in the most careless, indolent way.Now all were in a state of the wildest excitement, and as Don saw thegreat stalwart fellows come running here and there, armed with spear andstone axe, he felt that he had misjudged them, and thought that theylooked like so many grand bronze figures, suddenly come to life. Theirfaces and nearly naked bodies were made hideous with tattooing marks;but their skins shone and the muscles stood out, and as they all groupedtogether under the orders of Tomati and Ngati, both Don and Jem thoughtthat if the party they had seen were coming on to the attack, thefighting might be desperate after all.

  In less time than it takes to tell, men had been sent out as scouts; andpending their return, Tomati led the way up the path, after the womenand children, to where, to Don's astonishment, there was a strongblockaded enclosure, or _pah_, made by binding great stakes together atthe tops, after they had been driven into the ground.

  There was but one entrance to the enclosure, which was on the summit ofa rock with exceedingly steep sides, save where the path zigzagged tothe top; and here every one was soon busy trying to strengthen theplace, the spears of the men being laid against the stockade.

  "May as well help," said Jem, sturdily. "I'm not going to fight, but Idon't mind helping them to take care of themselves."

  They set to and aided in every way they could, Ngati smiling approval,patting Don on the back, and then hurrying away to return with twospears, which he handed to the two young men.

  "My pakeha!" he said; and Jem gave an angry stamp, and was about torefuse to take the weapon, when there was a yell of excitement from allin the _pah_, for one of the scouts came running in, and as he camenearer, it could be seen that he was bleeding from a wound in theshoulder, and that he had lost his spear.

  As if nerved by this sight, Don and Jem seized the spears offered fortheir defence.

  "Yes, Mas' Don," said Jem; "we shall have to try and fight; seems to meas if the war's begun!"

  A wild shriek followed his words, and Don saw that they were but tootrue.