Read Adventures of Jacko the Conjurer Page 19

Morning light broke, and Jacko woke from his opened eyed stupor. The snow was up to his neck. He didn’t even feel it pile up so high around him.

  He looked up to the sky and saw jets of red and blue still flying across the sky. Jacko closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Jacko couldn’t open his eyes; something cold and hard kept them shut. The ground vibrated. He remembered where he was. Someone walked around, above him, as he sat buried in the snow.

  There was the sound of loud static. It was the demons, probably tracking him. The ground quaked again, and the snow broke apart, revealing his location. Two demons tumbled off the side of the peak, as the vibrations grew stronger.

  Other demons and a few Titans close by held fast to keep from going over the side, too. Seeing Jacko, several of them and one god, clear like Pallas, sent bolts at him. Jacko didn’t flinch, and he didn’t think about it. Without moving a finger or blinking, he sent the bolts back at them, obliterating them on the spot.

  The others clearly didn’t expect Jacko to demonstrate such strength and will. At once, they all sent a rain of attacks, together, all of which Jacko sent back as the ground continued to quake.

  A black arm reached around his neck and yanked him out of his crevice. With uncanny strength, Jacko grabbed the demon by his neck, pulled him over his shoulder, and slammed him on the ground. Taking his palm, in a flat manner, he threw his body onto the demon, breaking through its rib cage, and pulling out its heart.

  The other demons and gods stopped as they watch Jacko savagely squeeze the still beating heart, into pulp; black blood oozed out all over his palm.

  Together, they tried their best, once again, but in his rage, Jacko had become indestructible. Using power of mind, he obliterated a demon that ran at him, turning him into bits of black mince on the snow.

  The sky rained down sulfur and lightning that struck several of the demons, dead. Red and white bolts bounced off him, but he may as well have been the sun, for he was too psychotic, too enraged, to be stopped.

  When three demons realized they were all that was left, they looked at each other, and then disappeared.

  Gaia appeared in the form of a girl, again, but she only stood there and observed Jacko for a moment.

  She disappeared, but he heard her voice echo in the air, “Go to the orchard and get your blessing. You are strong, but you are not, yet, strong enough.”

  Truth Comes to All