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  Chapter 17

  Sunday morning, the sun woke everyone up with eager anticipation. More than five hundred people wanted 10 am to arrive soon. And no one wanted that more that Grant and Tizzy themselves.

  Betty had transformed her home into a floral garden. The lawn had been broken up into segments. The wedding was taking place in the central lawn, with the aisle, in line with the back door of the house. Ten seats had been placed on either side of the aisle, going back into twenty-five rows. A gazebo had been set up on a raised platform. The pillars were covered with yellow garlands that wound themselves up to the top. On the left of the wedding area, an open air dining area had been organised with each table holding a central floral decoration of yellow roses. The area on the right had seats scattered all around, a sort of waiting room for those that came in too early. At 9.30 the guests that had been waiting in that area were asked to move into the central region.

  The guest room downstairs had been opened up for Grant and his best man. Tizzy got ready in her own room and Becky was given the room next to her. The make-up artist and the hairdresser had already completed their jobs and Tizzy now stood in her wedding dress in front of the mirror. Even she was astounded by her reflection. She prayed she would not let Grant down. A knock on the door brought her out of her reverie, as Peter and Betty came in. She need not have worried. The look in their eyes, told Tizzy that Grant would be just as astounded.

  Betty opened the box in her hand. Set amidst the blue velvet was a diamond and pearl set. Hanging from the center of the necklace was a large teardrop shaped blue sapphire pendant. Tizzy found herself gaping at the magnificent jewellery.

  “Tizzy, this was Peter’s gift to me at your mother’s birth and we want you to have it.” Betty tried to place the box in Tizzy’s hand.

  “Grandee it’s truly beautiful, but I can’t. It is ...” Tizzy replied.

  “Tizzy, it will give us so much happiness. When Cynthia was a little girl she always wanted to wear this. I never let her. It is something I have never forgiven myself for. Let me make amends today.” Betty said tearfully.

  “Grandee don’t you start crying. It’s taken over an hour to get me looking like this. If I start crying now….” Tizzy said

  “Oh no you don’t child. Grant wants the wedding to start at 10, not a minute later. Honey you are everything we have now. Don’t disappoint your Grandee, she has waited a long time for this moment.” Peter said

  Tizzy looked at both of them then turned so that Betty could clasp on the necklace. The matching earrings completed the picture. Not wanting to ruin the dress and makeup, Betty gave her a gentle hug and then left the room in a hurry. The tears in her eyes were just as threatening as the one in Tizzy’s.

  Peter looked at his grand-daughter. ‘Thank you Lord, for the miracle that you have performed in our lives’. With that prayer he placed Tizzy’s hands on his left elbow and walked out of the door, beaming with happiness and pride.

  Becky met them at the top of the stairs. She openly gaped at Tizzy, and then blew a soft wolf whistle. No words were needed. They walked down together. At the base of the stairs, they stopped and took their places. Tizzy froze.

  “Grandpa, I can’t,” she whispered.

  “If you run now child, you will give up one who is truly the best person in your life. Don’t do that Tizzy.” then with a twinkle in his eyes he removed what looked like a brown paper packet from his pocket “Grant sent me prepared.”

  Tizzy looked towards Grant. He was looking ahead, with Roger standing beside him.

  The bridal march began and the first of the wedding guests turned to look towards her. Just then Grant turned and found that this time the breath had truly been knocked out of him. He could not look away even when the kids began their march.

  First Kathy walked up, keeping in step with the music. Her while organza dress had little yellow roses embroidered in it. She also carried a basket of yellow roses. Then her brother Kramer followed in a navy suite, white shirt and a yellow rose in his lapel. Behind them Becky carefully edged forward. Her lemon chiffon dress blew lightly in the breeze. And then there was Tizzy. In her chiffon and silk gown beautifully offset by the sapphire, Tizzy carried a trailing bouquet of white and yellow roses. Pammy had insisted on gifting that and had made it herself. Now it lay gently against Tizzy’s dress, moving softly as the wind blew.

  Tizzy moved forward. As she stepped out into the open pin drop silence fell over the crowd. All eyes were now focused on the bride. Becky could not help the smile that escaped her controlled features. Marina was standing there her mouth agape and eyes bulging out of their sockets. ‘something old, something gray indeed, that will teach you’ thought Becky.

  Tizzy refused to look at anyone, keeping her eyes focused on the ground ahead. “Look up Tizzy, not down. Look at him. There is the man who loves you the most in this world, who fell in love with the old Tizzy and is taking away the new.” Peter whispered, knowing that unless she did that, there was still a chance Tizzy would turn back. Tizzy did as he said and looked into the eyes of the man she had waited for, for a whole lifetime.

  Grant was still too stunned to react. He could not wait for her to reach his side. She looked like an angel floating towards him. The only woman he had ever truly loved was now just minutes away from becoming his wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for all eternity. Soon she would be his wife, and he could finally let go of all his fears. Never again would he be parted from those cobalt blue eyes.

  And then he saw Tizzy freeze, unable to move forward nor retreat back. Grant saw the terror in her eyes. He knew he had to do something himself. Leaving his position, he walked slowly towards her. Then as he reached her he took her free hand in his.

  “Just hold my hand. I am here now, forever by your side. Just keep looking at me. And remember there are only you and me here. Everyone else is just in our imagination.” he whispered.

  Peter placed Tizzy’s other hand in Grant’s free one and moved back. After that everything was like a dream. Grant walked back with Tizzy and five paces later they were standing at the dais. The ceremony began, the vows made and the wedding bands sealed their fates. Tizzy stuttered, she teared up, she clenched onto the Grants arm. but none of it mattered. not to them, nor to the guests that had come to witness their marriage. When they next faced the crowd, they did so as husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Grant and Trizella Mallaby.

  The reception and lunch followed. The speeches were said, leaving a lot of people in tears, or hiding it. The video and the cameras captured every moment of that precious day. When it came to their turn, Tizzy refused to speak forcing Grant to do the honours on their behalf. Then they cut the wedding cake. Simultaneously several white doves were released from the four corners off the garden.

  At the very first table Grant reintroduced her to Trisha, who gave her a big hug and said “Tizzy, Tom had always wanted Grant to find love. I am so glad he has found it with you and I truly believe Tom had a hand in your marriage.”

  “I don’t understand.” Tizzy said.

  “Grant, don’t you find it strange that Tizzy’s initials are the same as Tom’s? Now the company name will always remain the same as Tom wished.”

  “I wish I had met him. From all that I have heard, he seemed to have been a wonderful person.” Tizzy replied not wanting to sound too complimentary as Mike stood beside Trisha.

  “He was ‘the’ most wonderful person. That is why it took me so long to find someone who is equally wonderful and not in the least bit intimidated by Tom’s memory” Trisha replied, giving Mike a gentle push.

  Mike had met Grant and the two had liked each other instantly, and were now busy in conversation. Grant was saying “I will ring you once we are back in Sydney.”

  They then went to each table and thanked everyone. Grant faced Greg at the second table. Beside him, his wife Marcia still feeling weak remained seated in her wheelchair and her tw
o kids Kathy and Kramer sat beside her.

  “Grant, Tizzy came like an angel in our lives. We are so glad she found someone equally worthy. Take care of her” Marcia spoke faintly.

  “I will. You just concentrate on getting better yourself. You have a lot of people counting on your doing just that.” Grant spoke gently

  “I’ll do that.” Marcia smiled.

  After that, Grant and Tizzy continued from table to table greeting every guest personally. Grant had the satisfaction of seeing several people look a bit ashamed when Tizzy spoke to them. He remembered one of them clearly. She was the woman who has passed the remark the day Tizzy had given him a lift. Now she gaped at Tizzy with open admiration. Marissa, seated at the same table murmured her congratulations, never taking her eyes of Tizzy.

  At one o’clock that afternoon they left in Grant’s car and drove straight to the airport. Soon after their arrival they commenced their journey that consisted of a flight and a launch to Hayman Island. They docked at Hayman Island just before five that evening. The sun was setting and the striking orange was a stark contrast to the deep blue sea.

  So beautiful was the view that Grant insisted they watch the sunset before going to their room. Grant had his arm casually about Tizzy’s shoulder, but when he felt her move closer to him, he tightened his hold. They sat on a ledge by the pool until the sun disappeared and then walked hand in hand in the direction of their room.

  Once inside a strange awkwardness fell, neither wanting to take the wrong step, neither wanting to say the wrong thing. Finally Grant suggested that she use the bathroom first to freshen up and then they could proceed to the restaurant for dinner.

  Dinner was wonderful, but again Tizzy could not eat anything. Noticing her nervousness, Grant asked her to dance. But this made things worse for Tizzy. At a distance she could at least pretend that her heart was not thumping. Now, in his arms, she knew he would hear it as well. But it wasn’t Tizzy’s heart that Grant was worried about but his own. Holding her in his arm, yet not being able to express his love, was the hardest thing he ever had to do. Before the dance finished, he took her back to their table. At an arms distance he still had a chance of fulfilling his promise. or did he? Especially, when she looked up at him with those hypnotic eyes. They drank their coffee in silence and then left the dining room.

  Instead of going to their room, they walked along the beach for a while still holding hands like lovesick teenagers. Then when it got a bit chilly and he felt her shiver, they returned to their room with neither had spoken much.

  “G grant, are you upset” Tizzy asked

  “Upset? Why would I be upset on the most wonderful day of my life?” he asked

  “It’s just that you have been very quiet. You even left the dance floor abruptly.” Tizzy said

  “Tizzy, how can I explain what I am feeling without scaring you again?”

  “Grant, I am not scared, not of you.” Tizzy replied

  “I gave you a promise, but you are making it very difficult for me. Every time I look at you, all I want to do is take you in my arms.” Grant began

  “Then do that Grant. I don’t want you to keep that promise either” Tizzy whispered.

  “Tizzy, are you sure?” Grant asked unbelievingly

  “Very sure. When you kissed me at the wedding I knew that very moment that I wanted to be your wife in every sense of the word.” she said in a low voice.

  “And you kept that to yourself all this time. Tizzy?” he raised an eyebrow.

  Tizzy looked into Grant’s eyes and then suddenly overcome with shyness she hid her face in his shoulder. With his hands on either side of her face, he gently pushed her head back. Then, as he had done for the past few nights he lifted her chin and kissed her. But this time the kiss did not end. Instead, lifting her gently in his arms, Grant carried his bride to their bed.

  Chapter 18

  Eighteen months after their marriage, Grant and Tizzy, once again stood together in front of family and friends. This time all eyes were on a little bundle cradled in Tizzy’s arm, all ears listening as she was christened, Caitlin Cythia Elizabeth Mallaby. She had inherited every feature from her father except two. Those cobalt blue eyes and the brown tresses had made it through to one more generation.

  Once the rites were over, Caitlin was back in her father's arms. It could be confidently said, that when she was not feeding, she could always be found in the crook of her dad's arms. Tizzy had the luxury of holding her baby only when Grant was at work. She had even given up asking for her turn, for all it meant was Grant’s turn always followed a second after hers began.


  At Caitlin's birth, Grant had introduced flexi-time for all staff. On becoming a parent he knew the anguish and problems parents faced, and he made many more changes to accommodate those parental needs. A long day care centre was set up at the premises. Job share and part-time work was encouraged. Paternity leave was offered to all fathers with Grant being the first to avail of the benefit.

  Caitlin's birth brought about another couple of changes. A new home was the first. Straight from the hospital, Grant had driven them to their new address. A five-bedroom mansion just seven houses down from Peter and Betty. How he had managed to organise everything and keep it a secret from Tizzy, amazed everyone especially Tizzy herself. They then rented out the penthouse. Becky and Roger had already bought Tizzy's home from her. Working three days from home, it was now Becky who had converted the room upstairs into her studio.

  Grant and Tizzy had set up the internet business with Tizzy heading that division. She worked mainly from home, going into work the same two days as Becky. Despite all these changes, the company expanded both in profit and in workload. Grant ended up recruiting four more staff in the department, among whom was a husband and wife team who they considered absolutely brilliant. The only file Tizzy held onto was that of Peter Branson. The rest of her clientele was from the net. She was not able to avoid meeting the clients totally however it no longer traumatised her as it once would have done.

  Through their marriage Grant had shown time and time again, what a perfect husband he was, but never more than when he took Tizzy, Peter and Betty for a drive one evening and stopped in front of a huge white building set amidst sprawling lawns. It was named, 'Caitlin’s world”. It was to be a safe haven for unwed mothers. It was Grant’s tribute to the mother-in-law he never met. Grant had set up a trust, which would fund the center’s financial needs. It offered free and temporary lodging until the single mothers could establish themselves in their own homes.

  And as for Grant, he still could not believe the happiness that had come his way. The fulfillment of his brother’s dream, the love of a very special woman, and the joy of his own child! He had watched with pride as Tizzy blossomed on a daily basis. After a year of speech therapy she had even begun giving her own presentations. It would take longer for her to feel totally confident but she had made the start on her own and of her own free will.

  Now outside the little church, he stood and looked from mother to child. He watched with pride and took credit for creating the two most beautiful women in the world. What he did not know, yet, was that his third creation was already on her way! It was therefore a good thing for Grant and Tizzy that his parents too had decided to move to Sydney as well. Their grandchild, they said, had become too strong a magnet for them.

  The end

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