Read Advertising for Love Page 8

  Chapter 8

  Thursday morning brought with it chaos at T & G Mallaby. Grant woke up in a foul mood, once again burnt his breakfast, stormed out of his apartment and blazed into his work. He thought he would catch up on the work left incomplete as a result of taking an early mark the day before. Seeing Becky’s car in the parking lot at 6.30 am brought some relief to him. Then seeing Tizzy’s car parked beside Becky’s reversed the condition again. ‘Hadn’t anyone been able to sleep last night?’ he thought

  He left his briefcase on his desk and walked over to their department. He needed to know if Becky was going to be in for the day. His appointments and meeting depended on her plans. As he neared the room he heard Becky.

  “I knew this would happen. I told Grant to keep Branson away from you.”

  “It’s not Bra..nson. It’s me” Tizzy sounded nervous

  “You loved it here. Until last week; T & G Mallaby was your life. So what has changed in this past week?” Becky asked the question.

  “Becky you are having a baby. In less than seven months you will be gone. I can’t go through the meetings, the socialising. I hate it.”

  “So what will you do? Find another job. Please talk to Grant. He knows your work, he can work something out.” Becky pleaded.

  “I can’t Becky, I just can’t. This past week, instead of being a help, I have added to his problems. Oh, I know my work is good, but the job needs someone who can carry out the public relations as well. I can’t, we all know that.” Tizzy pleaded

  “Tizzy, the same arrangement that exists between us can continue with the person that takes my place, and I am not even sure of my plans yet. I am working through them now. It could work Tizzy, just give it a try. If you leave now, we will never know.” Becky words were her prayer as well.

  Tizzy leaving! Grant knew he could not let that happen. That, damn Branson! It had to be him. Tizzy was fine until yesterday. He would give Branson a piece of his mind later, but first he had to talk to both Becky and Tizzy.

  Becky and Tizzy took one look at Grant and knew that he was upset. They also knew he had overheard their conversation, so there was no point in pretending that their conversation had not taken place.

  Grant spoke to Becky first, asking about her health and then asked if she was feeling well enough to return to work. Becky assured him that she was and made an appointment to see him at eleven that morning.

  Next Grant looked at Tizzy. Her hands were clasped together. So tight was her grasp that the knuckles of both hands had turned white. His eyes softened. Becky noticed the change and frowned.

  “So what’s this about wanting to leave?” He questioned.

  “G…Grant. I am not good at meetings, and at socialising…”she started

  “From what I saw last night, I don’t think you really have a problem with either” Grant had not meant to sound either angry or sarcastic but that is exactly how he sounded.

  Tizzy’s face fell and Becky’s frown deepened. She had been away for less than a week. What the hell had happened in that short time? They rarely spoke but whenever they had in the past, Tizzy and Grant’s conversations had always been civil. Now there was a totally different ball game in play, with Becky still not sure as to who was playing what.

  Looking at Tizzy’s face, Grant once again realized he had said the wrong thing.

  “I am sorry. I should not have said that. It’s really none of my business.” Grant corrected the situation.

  Becky sensed that the moment had come when she should leave. Under the pretext of making another coffee she left them alone.

  “Look Tizzy, I’ll be honest. I know you are not comfortable at presentations. But the few I have seen you at, you were quite good. In fact you are getting better with each one. Give me a little time and I will work things out so that you do not have to participate in the presentations if you do not want to. Ok? Now I am asking you to be honest with me, is this the only reason for your wanting to leave?”

  Tizzy told herself that she should feel happy that Grant thought so well of her and her work, that he was prepared to work around her problem. But instead she felt more miserable. For the first time in over ten years she wanted someone to look past her work and at her, but all Grant was seeing was a valuable employee. Yes she would love to stay and work for him forever, but it was not Becky’s absence that was worrying her, it was Grant’s presence. And then there was Trisha. Much as she liked the woman, she knew she could not go through the future, seeing them together. The pain she felt now would be nothing compared to the pain she would suffer then. But what answer should she give? She could never tell him the truth, and lying to him was not an option

  “Grant if I could stay, I would, but…”Tizzy had just begun, when Grant cut her short

  “In that case, I won’t stop you. When do you want to leave?” Grant questioned abruptly.

  “As soon as you find someone else” Tizzy began

  Just then the phone rang and Becky ran in and answered it. Grant and Tizzy listened.

  “Hi Peter, I am very well, thanks. Did you want to speak to Grant? To Tizzy? Yes sure you can.” With that Becky handed the phone to Tizzy

  Tizzy looked at Grant, held her hand over the mouthpiece. “I won’t be long” she whispered.

  “Branson better not be the cause for your resignation.” The cutting remark floated in the air even after Grant had left the room.

  Once again Becky frowned. And Tizzy spoke into the mouthpiece only to find that her voice had died within her. It took a few sips of water for her larynx to work again.

  By then Becky had followed Grant out of the room.

  “Grant, wait up, this is a pregnant woman chasing you.” she called after him

  “I am sorry Becky, what is it?” he growled

  “Maybe I should ask you that, what is it Grant?” she returned.

  “Look Becky, maybe I should have listened to you. You asked me to watch over her. You said Branson would scare her away. Last night they were dining together, and today she resigns. I think Peter has had some influence over Tizzy’s decision to leave, wouldn’t you say that?”

  “Dining with Branson? Tizzy? Are you sure?” Becky could not believe her ears. Tizzy did not socialise with anyone apart from her and Roger. Dining with anyone else would be out of the question and especially not a man she hardly knew. Grant had been given the wrong information. She was sure of it.

  “I saw her myself. She arrived with Branson and believe me, he was all ears.” Grant could not hide his irritation

  “And you think he is stealing one of your employees, is that it? But Grant, he is just a client. He does not run an advertising business. He is not competition. Why would he even bother to do that?” Becky could not see the logic behind such a move from Branson.

  “Becky, don’t you see, he is not stealing an employee, he is dating one.” Grant fumed back.

  Becky burst out laughing, but Grant continued to smother in anger.

  “Grant, did you hear yourself. Tizzy is not interested in any man, I hoped for a long time that she would find someone nice or someone nice would find her. But Tizzy will never get involved with any man. At least not at the moment” Becky commented trying her hardest to be serious and without giving too much information.

  “How can you be so sure Becky? Branson is rich, he has power, and he is also lonely. Tizzy is talented. And when she chooses to be, she can be quite attractive and she is also alone. Branson said Tizzy reminded him of his dead daughter. That would explain only his motive for a relationship. What is hers?” Grant babbled on

  “Grant what are you really upset about, Tizzy leaving us or Tizzy dating Branson?” Becky could not understand Grant’s reaction. Yes Tizzy was a brilliant employee, but even brilliant employees left. It was never the end of the world. But Grant was acting as if it was. And the way he had looked and spoken to Tizzy. Would she be wrong, if she said, Grant was interested in Tizzy himself. Surely he could not be jealous of Bran
son? But there was definitely a jealous undertone to his voice when he had spoken to Tizzy last.

  “Why would I be upset if she dated Branson? Tizzy is a grown woman. At any other time if she liked Branson that would be fine, but Tizzy is very fragile at the moment and vulnerable. You yourself asked me not to let Branson scare her away. But Branson must be using his leverage as a valuable client, to force Tizzy into going out with him” Even Grant realised that his argument was sounding weak. In this day and age, that kind of intimidation did not work.

  Becky heard Grant but her mind was elsewhere. Suddenly she asked, “You said just now, ‘when she chooses, she can be quite attractive’, what did you mean by that?” then before he could reply, she fired her second question to him “Grant are you interested in Tizzy yourself? Is that what the problem is?”

  Grant became silent. ‘Interested in Tizzy? What an understatement. No Becky, he wanted to say, I am not interested in her, I have gone way past mere 'interest'.

  “The problem is Branson. He is going to cost me a very valuable employee.” His phone rang and with than Grant made it very clear that the conversation was over. He asked Becky to come in for the meeting at 11 am.

  Becky walked back to her desk. On route she popped into Roger’s office. “Roger, have you noticed anything strange with Grant?”

  “He seems to be very thoughtful lately but I would hardly call that strange. The poor guy has been holding the fort single handedly for five years, and now with our little problem, I have been told Grant has basically taken it all on himself. Tizzy has managed things beautifully but with her problem, it’s Grant who has done all the presentations and conducted the meetings.” Roger hoped he had been helpful

  “I don’t mean strange as in overworked. I mean strange as in, do you think he is emotionally involved with a lady?” Becky tried to beat around the bush in her attempt to be loyal to everyone.

  “From what I heard, he met Trisha last night again, that makes it twice in less than a fortnight”

  He replied thinking that he had solved the puzzle

  “Roger, please pay attention. Do you think he is interested in someone at work?” Becky decided to pursue her chain of thoughts

  “At work, come on Becky, as long as the work is done, Grant is least interested in the figures or faces around here. The only figures Grant is interested in are the ones on the paper, besides there is only one beauty here as far as I am concerned, and I have already married her.” Becky beamed with joy at his remark but she still hadn’t heard what she came for.

  “You are a sweetie, I am lucky to have bagged you” she answered.

  “But ..” she started

  “Becky, who do you have in mind? You know you do, so let’s hear it” Sometimes Roger knew his wife better than she knew herself.

  “OK since you asked and only because you asked,” Becky began “I sense something odd between Grant and Tizzy”

  “Tizzy!” Roger burst out “Oh come on Becky, Tizzy hates men.”

  “She does not hate men, Roger, she is afraid of them. There is a difference.” Becky fiercely defended her friend. “Did you know she dined with Branson last night?”

  “Now that you mention it, I did overhear something in the lift the other day. Branson apparently asked Tizzy out for lunch. Grant it was said made his displeasure known. I just thought it was because Grant does not like employees being involved with clients. But I still think you are wrong Becky. Tizzy is not Grant’s type.”

  “Roger, I noticed something today. There was softness in Grant’s eyes and tone when he addressed Tizzy. Then Branson rang for Tizzy. You should have seen Grant. He was blazing mad. I have never seen him that way before. And Tizzy, she resigned today.” Becky continued

  “Resigned? This is getting serious whichever way we look at it. What the hell is she going to do? How will she manage alone? Maybe Grant or Branson is not the problem. Maybe Tizzy is nervous about being on her own, as she will be, after our baby arrives and you are not here.”

  “No, that’s not it. She knows the same arrangement could have been made with my replacement. No it’s got to do with Grant. Look honey, I have to get to the bottom of this. Would you mind if I went to Tizzy’s place after work? We can’t talk here, and I think a talk is urgently needed. For my sanity, if not for any other reason.”

  “Yes my little Sherlock Holmes, go solve your case. I have a sales call to make at seven anyway.” Roger thought Becky’s imagination had gone way overboard this time but he also knew telling her so, would have no effect on her enthusiasm to solve her mystery.

  Once back at her desk, Becky was lost in her work. It was 11.05 am when she remembered her meeting with Grant. Picking up her folders, she raced to his office. Grant was not there. Becky took a seat and waited for almost twenty minutes before ringing Grant on his mobile.

  “Yes.” he growled into it

  “Grant, it’s Becky here. I am at our 11 am meeting. Where are you? Is everything alright?” she spoke hesitantly

  “Oh hell, sorry Becky, I am in the middle of something at the moment. We’ll have to meet later. I will ring you when I return to work.” And with that he was gone.

  “And have a nice day to you too” Becky yelled back into the dead phone.