Read Afloat and Ashore: A Sea Tale Page 16


  _1st Lord_.--"Throca movonsas, cargo, cargo, cargo." _All_.--"Cargo, cargo, villianda par corbo, cargo." _Par_.--"O! ransome, ransome:--Do not hide mine eyes" _1st Sold_.--"Boskos Thromuldo boskos." _Par_.--"I know you are the Muskos' regiment, And I shall lose my life for want of language.--" _All's Well That Ends Well._

  The Crisis was tacked, as soon as the body of Smudge was cut down, andshe moved slowly, her crew maintaining a melancholy silence, out ofthe little haven. I never witnessed stronger evidence of sadness in theevolutions of a vessel; the slow and stately departure resembling thatof mourners leaving the grave on which they had just heard the fall ofthe clod. Marble told me afterwards, he had been disposed to anchor,and remain until the body of poor Captain Williams should rise, as itprobably would within the next forty-eight hours; but the dread of anecessity of sacrificing more of the natives, induced him to quit thefatal spot, without paying the last duties to our worthy old commander.I always regretted we did not remain, for I think no Indian would havecome near us, had we continued in the harbour a month.

  It was high-noon when the ship once more issued into the broad bosomof the Pacific. The wind was at south-east, and as we drew off from theland, it came fresh and steady. About two, having an offing of ten ortwelve miles, orders were issued to set all the larboard studding-sails,and we stood to the southward and westward under a press of canvass.Every one saw in this change, a determination to quit the coast; nor didwe regret the measure, for our trade had been quite successful, down tothe moment of the seizure, but could hardly be prosperous after whathad passed. I had not been consulted in the affair at all, but thesecond-mate having the watch, I was now summoned to the cabin, and letinto the secret of our future movements. I found Marble seated at thecabin table, with Captain Williams's writing-desk open before him, andsundry papers under examination.

  "Take a seat, Mr. Wallingford," said the new master, with a dignity andmanner suited to the occasion. "I have just been overhauling the oldman's instructions from the owners, and find I have done right inleaving these hang-gallows rascals to themselves, and shaping ourcourse to the next point of destination. As it is, the ship has donesurprisingly well. There are $67,370 good Spaniards down in the run, andthat for goods which I see are invoiced at just $26,240; and whenyou consider that no duties, port-charges, or commissions are to bededucted, but that the dollars under our feet are all our own, withoutany drawbacks, I call the operation a good one. Then that blunderingthrough the Straits, though it must never be talked of in any otherlight than a bold push for a quick passage, did us a wonderful deal ofgood, shoving us ahead near a month in time. It has put us so much aheadof our calculations, indeed, that I would cruise for Frenchmen for fiveor six weeks, were there the least probability that one of the chaps wasto the westward of the Horn. Such not being the fact, however, and therestill being a very long road before us, I have thought it best to pushfor the next point of destination. Read that page of the owner's idees,Mr. Wallingford, and you will get their advice for just such a situationas that in which we find ourselves."

  The passage pointed out by Captain Marble was somewhat parenthetical,and was simply intended to aid Captain Williams, in the event of his notbeing able to accomplish the other objects of his voyage. It had aplace in the instructions, indeed, solely on account of a suggestion ofMarble's himself, the project being one of those favourite schemes ofthe mate, that men sometimes maintain through thick or thin, until theyget to be ruling thoughts. On Captain Williams it had not weighed afeather; his intention having been to proceed to the Sandwich Islandsfor sandalwood, which was the course then usually pursued by North-Westtraders, after quitting the coast. The parenthetical project, however,was to touch at the last island, procure a few divers, and proceed inquest of certain islands where it was supposed the pearl fishery wouldsucceed. Our ship was altogether too large, and every way too expensive,to be risked in such an adventure, and so I told the ex-mate without anyscruple. But this fishery was a "fixed idea," a quick road to wealth,in the new captain's mind, and finding it in the instructions, thoughsimply as a contingent course, he was inclined to regard it as the greatobject of the voyage. Such it was in his eyes, and such it ought to be,as he imagined, in those of the owners.

  Marble had excellent qualities in his way, but he was not fit to commanda ship. No man could stow her better, fit her better, sail her better,take better care of her in heavy weather, or navigate her better; andyet he wanted the judgment necessary to manage the property that mustbe committed to his care, and he had no more ideas of commercial thrift,than if he had never been employed in any of the concerns of commerce.This was, in truth, the reason he had never risen any higher in hisprofession, the mercantile instinct--one of the liveliest and most acuteto be found in natural history--forewarning his different owners that hewas already in the berth nature and art had best qualified him to fill.It is wonderful how acute even dull men get to be, on the subject ofmoney!

  I own my judgment, such as it was at nineteen, was opposed to theopinion of the captain. I could see that the contingency contemplatedby the instructions had not arisen, and that we should be acting more inconformity with the wishes of the owners, by proceeding to the SandwichIslands in quest of sandal-wood, and thence to China, after a cargoof teas. Marble was not to be convinced, however, though I think myarguments shook him a little. What might have been the result, it isdifficult to say, had not chance befriended the views of each of us,respectively. It is proper to add, that Marble availed himself ofthis opportunity to promote Talcott, who was brought into the cabin asthird-mate. I rejoiced greatly in this addition to our little circle onthe quarter-deck, Talcott being a man of education, much nearer my ownage than the two others, and united to me by unusual ties since ourcommon adventure in the prize. I was not only rejoiced to be able toassociate with him, but to hear him called _Mr_. Talcott.

  We had a long, but mild, passage to the Sandwich Islands. This groupoccupied a very different place, in the opinions of the world, in theyear 1800, from that it fills to-day. Still it had made some smalladvances in civilization since the time of Cook. I am told there arechurches, taverns, billiard-tables, and stone dwellings in these islandsnow, which are fast turning to the Christian religion, and obtaining themedley of convenience, security, vice, roguery, law and comfort, that isknown as civilization. It was far different then, our reception beingby men who were but a small degree removed from savages. Among thosewho first came on board us, however, was the master of an American brig,belonging to Boston, whose vessel had got on a reef, and bilged. Heintended to remain by the wreck, but wished to dispose of a considerableamount of sandal-wood that was still in his vessel, and for the safetyof which he was under great concern, as the first gale of wind mightscatter it to the winds of the ocean. If he could obtain a fresh stockof goods to trade on, he proposed remaining on the islands until anothervessel belonging to the same owners, which was expected in a fewmonths, should arrive, on board which vessel he intended to embarkwith everything he could save from the wreck, and such wood as he couldpurchase in the interim. Captain Marble rubbed his hands with delight,when he returned from a visit to the wreck, his arrangements allcompleted.

  "Luck is with us, Master Miles," he said, "and we'll be off for thempearl fisheries next week. I have bought all the sandal-wood in thewreck, paying in trumpery, and at prices only about double Indian trade,and we will heave up, and carry the ship round to the wreck, and beginto take in this afternoon. There is capital holding-ground inside thereef, and the ship can be safely carried within a hundred fathoms of hercargo!"

  All turned out as Marble had hoped and predicted, and the Crisis wasback at her anchorage in front of the village, which is now the city ofHonolulu, within the week named. We got our supply of hogs, and havingprocured four of the best divers going, we sailed in quest of CaptainMarble's Eldorado of pearls. I was less opposed to the scheme than Ihad been, for we were now so much in advance of our time, that we cou
ldafford to pass a few weeks among the islands, previously to sailing forChina. Our course was to the south-west, crossing the line in about 170 deg.west longitude. There was a clear sea, for more than a fortnight, whilewe were near the equator, the ship making but little progress. Gladenough was I to hear the order given to turn more to the northwardagain; for the heat was oppressive, and this was inclining towards ourroute to China. We had been out from Owyhee, as it was then usualto call the island where Cook was killed--Hawaii, as it is calledto-day--we had been out from this island, about a month, when Marblecame up to me one fine, moon-light evening, in my watch, rubbinghis hands, as was his custom when in good humour, and broke out asfollows:--

  "I'll tell you what, Miles," he said, "you and I have been salted downby Providence for something more than common! Just look back at all ouradventures in the last three years, and see what they come to. Firstly,there was shipwreck over here on the coast of Madagascar," jerking histhumb over a shoulder in a manner that was intended to indicate abouttwo hundred degrees of longitude, that being somewhat near our presentdistance from the place he mentioned, in an air line; "then followedthe boat business under the Isle of Bourbon, and the affair with theprivateer off Guadaloupe. Well, as if that wern't enough, we shiptogether again in this vessel, and a time we had of it with the Frenchletter-of-marque. After that, a devil of a passage we made of it throughthe Straits of Magellan. Then came the melancholy loss of CaptainWilliams, and all that business; after which we got the sandal-wood outof the wreck, which I consider the luckiest transaction of all."

  "I hope you don't set down the loss of Captain Williams among our luck,sir!"

  "Not I, but the stuff is all logged together, you know; and, inoverhauling for one idee, in such a mess, a fellow is apt to get holdof another. As I was saying, we have been amazingly lucky, and I expectnothing else but we shall discover an island yet!"

  "Can that be of any great service to us? There are so many owners readyto start up and claim such discoveries, that I question if it would dous any great benefit."

  "Let them start up--who cares for them; we'll have the christening, andthat's half the battle. Marble Land, Wallingford Bay, Talcott Hills, andCape Crisis, would look well on a chart--ha! Miles?"

  "I have no objection to see it, sir."

  "Land ho!" cried the look-out on the forecastle.

  "There it is now, by George!" cried Marble, springing forward--"Ioverhauled the chart half an hour since, and there ought to be nothingwithin six hundred miles of us."

  There it was, sure enough, and much nearer to us than was at alldesirable. So near, indeed, that the wash of the breakers on the reefthat so generally lies off from the low coral islands of the Pacific,was distinctly audible from the ship. The moon gave a strong light, itis true, and the night was soft and balmy; but the air, which was verylight, blew directly towards this reef, and then there were alwayscurrents to apprehend. We sounded, but got no bottom.

  "Ay, this is one of your coral reefs, where a man goes on the rocks fromoff soundings, at a single jump," muttered Marble, ordering the shipbrought by the wind on the best tack to haul off shore. "No notice, anda wreck. As for anchoring in such a place, a fellow might as well run aline out to Japan; and, could an anchor find the bottom, the cable wouldhave some such berth as a man who slept in a hammock filled with openrazors."

  All this was true enough; and we watched the effect of our change ofcourse with the greatest anxiety. All hands were called, and the menwere stationed, in readiness to work the ship. But, a few minutessatisfied us, the hope of clawing off, in so light an air, was to thelast degree vain. The vessel set in fast towards the reef, the breakerson which now became apparent, even by the light of the moon; the certainsign they were fearfully near.

  This was one of those moments in which Marble could show himself to bea true man. He was perfectly calm and self-possessed; and stood on thetaffrail, giving his orders, with a distinctness and precision I hadnever seen surpassed. I was kept in the chains, myself, to watch thecasts of the lead. No bottom, however, was the never-failing report;nor was any bottom expected; it being known that these reefs were quiteperpendicular on their seaward side. The captain called out to me,from time to time, to be active and vigilant, as our set inshore wasuncontrollable, and the boats, if in the water, as the launch could notbe for twenty minutes, would be altogether useless. I proposed to lowerthe yawl, and to pull to leeward, to try the soundings, in order toascertain if it were not possible to find bottom at some point short ofthe reef, on which we should hopelessly be set, unless checked by somesuch means, in the course of the next fifteen or twenty minutes.

  "Do it at once, sir," cried Marble. "The thought is a good one, and doesyou credit, Mr. Wallingford."

  I left the ship in less than five minutes, and pulled off, under theship's lee-bow, knowing that tacking or waring would be out of thequestion, under the circumstances. I stood up in the stern-sheets, andmade constant casts with the hand-lead, with a short line, however, asthe boat went foaming through the water. The reef was now plainlyin sight, and I could see, as well as hear, the long, formidableground-swells of the Pacific, while fetching up against these solidbarriers, they rolled over, broke, and went beyond the rocks in angryfroth. At this perilous instant, when I would not have given the poorestacre of Clawbonny to have been the owner of the Crisis, I saw a spotto leeward that was comparatively still, or in which the water didnot break. It was not fifty fathoms from me when first discovered; andtowards it I steered, animating the men to redoubled exertions. We werein this narrow belt of smooth water, as it might be in an instant, andthe current sucked the boat through it so fast, as to allow time to makebut a single cast of the lead. I got bottom; but it was in six fathoms!

  The boat was turned, and headed out again, as if life and death dependedon the result. The ship was fortunately within sound of the voice,steering still by the wind, though setting three feet towards the reef,for one made in the desired direction; and I hailed.

  "What now, Mr. Wallingford?" demanded Marble, as calmly as if anchorednear a wharf at home.

  "Do you see the boat, sir?"

  "Quite plainly;--God knows you are near enough to be seen."

  "Has the ship steerage-way on her, Captain Marble?"

  "Just that, and nothing more to boast of."

  "Then ask no questions; but try to follow the boat. It is the only hope;and it may succeed."

  I got no answer; but I heard the deep, authoritative voice of Marble,ordering the "helm up," and the men "to man the weather-braces." I couldscarcely breathe, while I stood looking at the ship's bows, as they felloff, and noted her slow progress ahead. Her speed increased sensibly,however, and I kept the boat far enough to windward to give the vesselroom fairly to enter the pass. At the proper moment, we moved towardsthe inlet, the Crisis keeping more and more away, in order to follow.I was soon in the pass itself, the water breaking within ten fathoms oneach side of me, sending portions of its foam, to the very blades of ouroars; but the lead still gave me six fathoms. At the next cast, I gotten; and then the shin was at the point where I had just before foundsix. Two breakers were roaring behind me, and I pulled round, and waitedfor the ship, steering to the southward, sounding as I went. I couldsee that the ship hauled up, and that I was already behind the reef.Straining my voice, I now called out--

  "Anchor, sir--bear a hand and anchor, as soon as possible."

  Not a word came back; but up went the courses, followed by thetop-gallant-sails, after which down went the jib. I heard the fore andmain-top-sail-halyards overhauling themselves, spite of the roar of thebreakers, and then the ship luffed into the wind. Glad enough was I tohear the heavy plunge of one of the bowers, as it fell from the catheadinto the water. Even then I remained stationary, to note the result. Theship took her scope of cable freely, after which I observed that she wasbrought up. The next moment I was on board her.

  "A close shave, Mr. Wallingford," said Marble, giving me a squeeze ofthe hand, that said more for his fe
elings than any words such a beingcould utter; "and many thanks for your piloting. Is not that land I see,away here to leeward--more to the westward, boy?"

  "It is, sir, beyond a doubt. It must be one of the coral islands; andthis is the reef that usually lies to seaward from them. There is theappearance of trees ashore!"

  "It's a discovery, youngster, and will make us all great names!Remember, this passage I call 'Miles's Inlet;' and to the reef, I givethe name of 'Yawl Reef.'"

  I could not smile at this touch of Marble's vanity, for concern leftme no thoughts but for the ship. The weather was now mild and the baysmooth; the night was fine, and it might be of the last importance tous to know something more of our situation. The cable might chafe off,probably _would_, so near a coral reef; and I offered to pull in towardsthe land, sounding as I went, and otherwise gaining the knowledge thatmight be necessary to our security. After a little reflection, thecaptain consented, ordering me to take provisions and water in the boat,as the duty might detain me until morning.

  I found the bay between the reef and the island about a league in_breadth_, and across its entire _width_, the soundings did not varymuch from ten fathoms. The outer barrier of rock, on which the seabroke, appeared to be an advanced wall, that the indefatigable littleinsects had erected, as it might be, in defence of their island, whichhad probably been raised from the depths of the ocean, a century or twoago, by some of their own ancestors. The gigantic works completed bythese little aquatic animals, are well known to navigators, and give ussome tolerably accurate notions of the manner in which the face of theglobe has been made to undergo some of its alterations. I found the landeasy of access, low, wooded, and without any sign of habitation. Thenight was so fine that I ventured inland, and after walking more thana mile, most of the distance in a grove of cocoa and bananas, I cameto the basin of water that is usually found in the islands of thisparticular formation. The inlet from the sea was at no great distance,and I sent one of the men back to the yawl, with orders for the boatto proceed thither. I next sounded the inlet and the bay, and foundeverywhere a sandy bottom, and about ten fathoms of water. As Iexpected, the shoalest spot was the inlet; but in this, which I soundedthoroughly, there was nowhere less than five. It was now midnight; andI should have remained on the island until morning, to make furthersurveys by daylight, had we not seen the ship, under her canvass, andso much nearer to us than we had supposed possible, as to satisfy me shewas drifting in fast towards the land. Of course I did not hesitate, butpulled on board.

  It was as I suspected. The rocks so near the reef had chafed off thecable; the ship struck adrift, and Marble was under his canvass waitingmy return, in order to ascertain where he might anchor anew. I told himof the lagoon in the centre of the island, and gave him every assuranceof there being water enough to carry in any craft that floats. Myreputation was up, in consequence of the manner the ship had been takenthrough the first inlet, and I was ordered to conn her into this newhaven.

  The task was not difficult. The lightness of the wind, and uncertaintyabout the currents proving the only source of embarrassment, I succeededin finding the passage, after a short trial; and sending the boat ahead,under Talcott, as an additional precaution, soon had the Crisis floatingin the very centre of this natural dock. Sail was shortened as we camein, and the ship made a flying moor; after which we lay as securely, atif actually in some basin wrought by art. It is my opinion, thevessel would have ridden out the hardest gale, or anything short of ahurricane, at single anchor, in that place. The sense of security wasnow so strong upon us, that we rolled up our canvass, set an anchorwatch of only one man, and turned in.

  I never laid my head down, on board ship, with greater satisfaction,than I did that night. Let the truth be frankly stated. I was perfectlysatisfied with myself. It was owing to my decision and vigilance thatthe ship was saved, when outside the reef, out of all question; andI think she would have been lost after she struck adrift, had Inot discovered her present berth. There she was, however, with landvirtually all round her, a good bottom, plenty of water, and wellmoored. As I have said already, she could not be better secured in anartificial dock. In the midst of the Pacific, away from all custom-houseofficers, in a recently discovered and uninhabited island, there wasnothing to fear. Men sleep soundly in such circumstances, and I shouldhave been in a deep slumber in a minute after I was in my berth, had notMarble's conversation kept me awake, quite unwillingly on my part,for five minutes. His state-room door was open, and, through it, thefollowing discourse was held.

  "I think, on the whole," commenced the captain, "it will be better to_generalize_ a little more,"--this was a favourite expression of theex-mate's, and one he often used without exactly knowing its applicationhimself.--"Yes, to generalize a little more; it shall be Marble Land,Wallingford Bay, Yawl, Reef, _Talcott_ Inlet, Miles's Anchorage--and ad----d bad anchorage it was, Miles; but, never mind, we must take thegood with the bad, in this wicked world."

  "Very true, sir; but as for taking that anchorage, you must excuse me,as I shall never take it again."

  "Perhaps not. Well, this is what I call comfort--ha! Talcott?--IsTalcott asleep, Miles?"

  "He and the second-mate are hard at it, sir--full and by, and going tenknots," I muttered, wishing my tormentor in Japan, at the moment.

  "Ay; they are rackers at a sleep! I say, Miles, such a discovery asthis will make a man's fortune! The world generalizes in discoveries,altogether, making no great matter of distinction between yourColumbuses, Cooks, or Marbles. An island is an island and he who firstdiscovers it, has the credit. Poor Captain Williams! He would havesailed this ship for a whole generation, and never found anything in theway of novelty."

  "Except the Straits--" I muttered very indistinctly, breathing deep andhard.

  "Ay, that _was_ an affair! Hadn't you and I been aboard, the ship neverwould have done that. We are the very offspring of luck! There was theaffair of the wreck off Madagascar--there are bloody currents in thePacific, too, I find, Miles."

  "Yes, sir--hard-a-weather--"

  "The fellow's dreaming. One word, boy, before you cut loose from allreason and reflection. Don't you think it would be a capital idea topoke in a little patriotism among the names; patriotism goes so farin our part of the world. Congress Rocks would be a good title for thehighest part of the reef, and Washington Sands would do for the landingyou told me of. Washington should have a finger in the pie."

  "Crust isn't down, sir."

  "The fellow's off, and I may as well follow, though it is not easy tosleep on the honour of a discovery like this. Good night, Miles!"

  "Ay, ay! sir."

  Such was the account Marble afterwards gave me of the termination of thedialogue. Sleep, sleep, sleep! Never did men enjoy their rest more thanwe did for the next five hours, the ship being as silent as a church ona week-day, during the whole time. For myself, I can safely say I heardnothing, or knew nothing, until I was awakened by a violent shake of theshoulder. Supposing myself to have been aroused for an ordinary watch atsea, I was erect in an instant, and found the sun's rays streaming intomy face, through the cabin-windows. This prevented me, for a moment,from seeing that I had been disturbed by Captain Marble himself. Thelatter waited until he perceived I could understand him, and then hesaid, in a grave, meaning manner--

  "Miles, there is a mutiny in the ship! Do you understand me, Mr.Wallingford?--a bloody mutiny!"

  "A mutiny, Captain Marble! You confound me, sir--I had thought ourpeople perfectly satisfied."

  "Umph! One never knows whether the copper will come up head or tail. Ithought, when I turned in last night, it was to take the surest nap Iever tasted afloat; and here I awake and find a mutiny!"

  I was on my feet and dressing in an instant, as a matter of course,having first gone to the berths of the two other mates, and given each acall.

  "But how do you know this, Captain Marble?" I resumed, as soon as therewas a chance. "I hear no disturbance, and the ship is just where we lefther," glancing th
rough the cabin-windows; "I think you must be mistaken,sir."

  "Not I. I turned out, ten minutes since, and was about to go on deck toget a look at your basin, and breathe the fresh air, when I found thecompanion-doors fastened, precisely Smudge-fashion. I suppose you willallow that no regular ship's company would dare to fasten the officersbelow, unless they intended to seize the craft."

  "This is very extraordinary! Perhaps some accident has befallen thedoors. Did you call out, sir?"

  "I thumped like an admiral, but got no answer. When on the point oftrying the virtue of a few kicks, I overheard a low laugh on deck,and that let me into the secret of the state of the nation at once.I suppose you will all admit, gentlemen, when sailors laugh at theirofficers, as well as batten them down, that they must be somewhat near astate of mutiny."

  "It does look so, indeed, sir. We had better arm the moment we aredressed, Captain Marble."

  "I have done that already, and you will each find loaded pistols in mystate-room."

  In two minutes from that moment, all four of us were in a state foraction, each man armed with a brace of ship's pistols, well-loaded andfreshly primed. Marble was for making a rush at the cabin-doors, atonce; but I suggested the improbability of the steward or Neb's beingengaged in any plot against the officers, and thought it might be wellto ascertain what had become of the two blacks, before we commencedoperations. Talcott proceeded instantly to the steerage, where thesteward slept, and returned in a moment to report that he had found himsound asleep in his berth.

  Reinforced by this man, Captain Marble determined to make his firstdemonstration by way of the forecastle, where, by acting with caution, asurprise on the mutineers might be effected. It will be remembered thata door communicated with the forecastle, the fastenings of which were onthe side of "'twixt decks." Most of the cargo being in the lower hold,there was no difficulty in making our way to this door, where we stoppedand listened, in order to learn the state of things on the other side ofthe bulkhead. Marble had whispered to me, as we groped our way along inthe sort of twilight which pervaded the place, the hatches being on andsecured, that "them bloody Philadelphians" must be at the bottom of themischief, as our old crew were a set of as "peaceable, well-disposedchaps as ever eat duff (dough) out of a kid."

  The result of the listening was to produce a general surprise. Outof all question, snoring, and that on no small scale of the gamut ofMorpheus, was unequivocally heard. Marble instantly opened the door, andwe entered the forecastle, pistols in hand. Every berth had its tenant,and all hands were asleep! Fatigue, and the habit of waiting for calls,had evidently kept each of the seamen in his berth, until that instant.Contrary to usage in so warm a climate, the scuttle was on, and a trialsoon told us it was fast.

  "To generalize on this idee, Miles," exclaimed the captain, "I shouldsay we are again battened down by savages!"

  "It does indeed look so, sir; and yet I saw no sign of the island'sbeing inhabited. It may be well, Captain Marble, to muster the crew,that we may learn who's who."

  "Quite right--do you turn 'em up, and send 'em all aft into the cabin,where we have more daylight."

  I set about awaking the people, which was not difficult, and in a fewminutes everybody was sent aft. Following the crew, it was soon foundthat only one man was missing, and he was the very individual whom wehad left on deck, when we had all gone below on securing the ship. Everysoul belonging to the vessel was present in the cabin, or steerage, butthis solitary man--Philadelphians and all!

  "It can never be that Harris has dared to trifle with us," said Talcott;"and yet it does look surprisingly like it."

  "Quite sure, Miles, that Marble Land is an uninhabited island?" said thecaptain, interrogatively.

  "I can only say, sir, that it is as much like all the other uninhabitedcoral islands we have passed, as one pea is like another; and that therewere no signs of a living being visible last night. It is true, we sawbut little of the island, though to all appearances there was not muchto see."

  "Unluckily, all the men's arms are on deck, in the arm-chest,or strapped to the boom or masts. There is no use, however, indillydallying against one man; so I will make a rumpus that will soonbring the chap to his bearings."

  Hereupon Marble made what he called a rumpus in good earnest. I thought,for a minute, he would kick the cabin-doors down.

  "'Andzomelee-'andzomelee," said some one on deck. "Vat for you make somuch kick?"

  "Who the devil are you?" demanded Marble, kicking harder than ever."Open the cabin-doors, or I'll kick them down, and yourself overboard."

  "Monsieur--sair," rejoined another voice, "_tenez_--you air_prisonnier_. _Comprenez-vous_--prisonair, eh?"

  "These are Frenchmen, Captain Marble," I exclaimed, "and we are in thehands of the enemy."

  This was astounding intelligence; so much so, that all had difficulty inbelieving it. A further parley, however, destroyed our hopes, little bylittle, until we entered into an arrangement with those on deck, to thefollowing effect: I was to be permitted to go out, in order to ascertainthe real facts of our situation; while Marble and the remainder of thecrew were to remain below, passive, until the result should be reported.Under this arrangement, one of the cabin-doors was opened, and I salliedforth.

  Astonishment almost deprived me of the power of vision, when I lookedaround me. Quite fifty armed white men, sailors and natives of France,by their air and language, crowded round me, as curious to see me, as Icould possibly be to see them. In their midst was Harris, who approachedme with an embarrassed and sorrowful air--

  "I know I deserve death, Mr. Wallingford," this man commenced; "butI fell asleep after so much work, and everything looking so safe andout-of-harm's-way like; and when I woke up, I found these people onhoard, and in possession of the ship."

  "In the name of wonder, whence come they, Harris? is there a French shipat the island?"

  "By all I can learn and see, sir, they are the crew of a wreckedletter-of-marque--an Indiaman of some sort or other; and finding a goodoccasion to get off the island, and make a rich prize, they have helpedthemselves to the poor Crisis--God bless her! say I, though she is nowunder the French flag, I suppose."

  I looked up at the gaff, and, sure enough, there was flying the_tri-color!_