Read After Anna Page 19

  ‘Wanna come with me?’

  ‘Wish I could but I can’t. I’m getting snacks for the boosters, so I have to go buy oranges and bottled water. I’m going to sneak in some soft pretzels, too.’


  Kathy smiled slyly. ‘Best. Snack Mom. Ever.’

  Chapter Forty-one

  Noah, After


  ‘Dr Alderman, you and your wife held a barbecue on May 6 to introduce Anna to your friends, isn’t that right?’


  ‘Please read Commonwealth Exhibit 52 and then we’ll discuss it.’ Linda signaled to her paralegal.

  Noah turned to the screen to see a transcript he could’ve recited from memory:

  Mr Carter: Anna, please tell the Court what happened after the barbecue.

  Ms Desroches: It happened after everyone had gone home, the guests I mean, but before that, my stepfather gave me wine. He handed it to me during the party, when he was walking by, and he said, ‘Drink up.’ It was in a red Solo cup, so I thought it was a Diet Coke or something like that. But when I looked at it, I saw it was wine.

  Mr Carter: But you’re only 17, under the drinking age, isn’t that right?

  Ms Desroches: Yes.

  Mr Carter: Did you drink the wine?

  Ms Desroches: Yes, I figured it was okay because he gave it to me.

  Mr Carter: Did you feel the effects of alcohol?

  Ms Desroches: Totally, because I hadn’t eaten much.

  Mr Carter: So what happened afterwards?

  Ms Desroches: Everyone went home, and I was alone in a powder room near the staircase. The toilet wouldn’t stop running. My mother was upstairs putting Caleb to bed, and I thought Noah was outside, dealing with the grill.

  Mr Carter: Okay, go on.

  Ms Desroches: I heard Noah coming down the hall and I called to him to fix the toilet. And he came in, and I showed him it was running but he reached for me and – God, this is so horrible.

  Mr Carter: We understand.

  Ms Desroches: Anyway, he pressed me against the wall and kissed me, and I could feel that he had, you know, in his pants –

  Mr Carter: An erection?

  Ms Desroches: Yes, and while he kissed me he grabbed my breast and made a groaning sound that was really disgusting.

  Mr Carter: Did he say anything?

  Ms Desroches: Yes, he said, ‘I’m crazy about you. You have to let me fuck you.’

  Mr Carter: Then what happened?

  Ms Desroches: All of a sudden, I heard my mom on the stairs, and I called out, ‘Mom, help!’ And I ran out of the bathroom and to her.

  Noah waited for his question, sensing a collective repugnance in the courtroom. The testimony shone on the screen, so it couldn’t be ignored. You have to let me hovered over his shoulder.

  ‘Dr Alderman, you were drinking the night of the barbecue, weren’t you?’


  ‘How much did you have to drink?’

  ‘Three beers, with a hamburger and a hot dog.’

  ‘Were you affected by your alcohol consumption that evening?’

  ‘No.’ Noah had never heard the courtroom so silent. He knew the gallery and the jury were still reacting.

  ‘Isn’t it true that you gave Anna wine that night?’


  ‘Did you give her anything to drink?’


  ‘What did you give her?’

  ‘A red Solo cup with Diet Coke.’

  Linda smirked. ‘Dr Alderman, isn’t it possible that you were mistaken and that you gave her wine instead of soda?’


  ‘Did you say “drink up” when you handed her the cup?’


  ‘So Anna lied when she testified it was wine, is that your testimony?’


  ‘Dr Alderman, isn’t it true that you forcibly kissed her and embraced her while you had an erection?’


  ‘No.’ Noah could hear the jurors shifting. The gallery glanced at each other with nervous half-smiles. The sketch artist stared at him so hard she could have been memorizing his features, and reporters scribbled in their notebooks.

  ‘Did you forcibly kiss her and embrace her while you didn’t have an erection?’

  ‘No.’ Noah knew Linda was repeating the words to mortify him and shock the jury. It may have been shocking the jury, but he was beyond mortification.

  ‘Isn’t it true that you grabbed her breast?’

  ‘No.’ Noah remembered that Anna was wearing the blue-checked sundress she had worn the first day, without her jeans jacket.

  ‘It’s her word against yours, isn’t that right, Dr Alderman?’


  ‘Except you’re here, and she’s dead, isn’t that right?’

  ‘Objection, Your Honor!’ Thomas half-rose.

  ‘I’ll withdraw it, Your Honor,’ Linda said, before Judge Gardner even ruled. She faced Noah. ‘Dr Alderman, isn’t it true that you told Anna that you wanted to “fuck her”?’


  Judge Gardner frowned. ‘Counsel, find a euphemism, please.’

  Linda pursed her lips. ‘Dr Alderman, isn’t it true that you propositioned her for the second time?’

  ‘No, I never propositioned her, either time. I heard Anna calling from the bathroom, so I went in and she said the toilet was running.’ Noah told it exactly the way he had told it at the PFA hearing. ‘I bent over, took the lid off the tank, and looked inside, but everything seemed fine. I heard my wife coming down the stairs, and when I turned around, Anna was against the wall, and her bra strap was out. She called out, “Mom, help!” then ran out of the bathroom.’

  ‘So according to you, Anna is lying about this entire incident?’


  ‘Why would Anna make up such a lie about you?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Wouldn’t Anna have every motive to say nice things about you, in gratitude for your giving her a home, isn’t that right?’


  ‘So why would Anna make up such a lie when it would also cause her to end up in court for a PFA, which you could see she was plainly uncomfortable testifying about?’

  ‘I have no idea.’ Noah knew Anna wasn’t uncomfortable at the PFA hearing. She had acted uncomfortable, but she wasn’t.

  ‘So even you have no idea what her motive would be for making up such a lie, is that correct?’

  ‘Yes.’ Noah realized that the only answer to the question was yes, but it made it look like an admission.

  Suddenly in the back of the courtroom, the deputy stood aside, and the door opened. A woman in a jeans jacket left the courtroom. It was Maggie, and she was gone.

  Chapter Forty-two

  Maggie, Before

  Maggie sealed the leftover Indian food into the Tupperware tub, and Noah was upstairs practicing target words with Caleb. Anna had missed dinner, not answering any texts. In the meantime, Maggie had told Noah about the notes, and he’d agreed to let Maggie do the talking when they spoke to Anna about it, tonight.

  ‘Anna?’ Maggie heard the front door opening and went to the family room, where a beaming Anna was setting down her book bag, her hair flowing loose to her shoulders.

  ‘Hi, Mom. Sorry I’m late, but guess what, I think I made a friend!’

  ‘That’s great!’ Maggie hated to rain on her parade, first thing.

  ‘Her name is Samantha Silas, and she’s in the Poetry Club. And guess what else? They said I could join Phrases! I’m in!’

  ‘Wonderful, honey.’ Maggie got to the point. ‘But why did you miss dinner? I made vegetarian.’

  ‘Sorry.’ Anna puckered her lower lip. ‘I got caught up with Samantha. She gave me a ride home. I should’ve called.’

  ‘Yes, but lesson learned, right? Next time, you will.’ Maggie let it go. They had bigger fish to fry tonight.

  ‘We ate at
a pizza place called Morrone’s. Samantha took me, and the food is awesome. And the kids are so much nicer here!’

  ‘Really?’ Maggie sat down, gesturing to the chair. ‘Tell me everything.’

  ‘Okay, sure.’ Anna’s face lit up, and she plopped on the chair, crossing her legs in the long dress. ‘The Poetry Club is so much better. Anybody can join. You don’t have to submit. Samantha was showing me some of her poetry, and it’s really amazing.’

  ‘That’s wonderful.’ Maggie worried about the Island of Misfit Toys. ‘Is she one of the girls in the cafeteria yesterday?’

  ‘Yes, she’s a badass. She has sleeves.’

  ‘Doesn’t everybody?’ Maggie asked, confused.

  ‘No, tattoo sleeves.’ Anna giggled. ‘She knows a really authentic Japanese artist.’

  ‘You’re not going to get a tattoo, are you? Please don’t.’

  ‘Don’t worry.’ Anna grinned.

  ‘Thank God,’ Maggie blurted out, and they both laughed.

  ‘I’m really sorry I missed dinner.’ Anna’s expression softened. ‘You made vegetarian?’

  ‘Yes, Indian, but even Ralph didn’t beg for it.’ Maggie felt the ease between them return. ‘Did Samantha miss dinner, too?’

  ‘No, she gets her own dinner. Her parents are divorced, and her mother is never home. Samantha doesn’t have, like, any rules.’

  Terrific, Maggie thought, but didn’t say, and Noah started down the stairs.

  ‘Hi, Anna!’ he called out, cheery. ‘How was the first day of school?’

  ‘Great.’ Anna looked up at him. ‘Sorry I missed dinner.’

  ‘Sure, next time just give us a call.’ Noah crossed to the couch and sat down beside Maggie, loosening his tie. ‘Anna, listen, I’m really sorry about last night. I behaved terribly. I was out of sorts and I took it out on you and your mother.’

  ‘Thank you, I appreciate that.’ Anna smiled shakily. ‘And I’m sorry that I didn’t ask before I bought the car.’

  ‘That’s great, thanks. And if you need a driving refresher, I’d like to take you. It’ll be fun.’

  ‘Okay, great.’ Anna smiled, happily.

  ‘Then it’s settled. First lesson is when?’

  ‘Thursday night?’

  ‘You got it.’ Noah nodded, smiling back.

  ‘Great!’ Maggie felt they’d cleared one hurdle, but had one more. ‘Anna, there’s something else we wanted to talk to you about. It’s about your friend Jamie Covington at Congreve.’

  ‘Sure, what?’ Anna cocked her head.

  ‘I think you told me that she left school, right?’

  Anna hesitated. ‘Yes, why?’

  ‘I don’t know if “left school” means ran away, but if she ran away I’m sure her parents are worried about her, don’t you think? I’m just wondering if you know where she is. Do you?’

  ‘No.’ Anna’s smile began to fade.

  ‘Are you sure about that, honey?’ Maggie tried to soften her tone, but Anna reacted almost instantly, with a frown.

  ‘What are you trying to say?’

  ‘If you know where she is, then we have to tell her parents. She’s a runaway. Anything could happen to her. It’s dangerous.’

  ‘I don’t know where she is. I told you we weren’t that good friends.’

  ‘Are you sure about that?’

  ‘What are you saying? Where’s this coming from?’ Anna looked bewildered, her gaze shifting to Noah. ‘Is this from you?’

  ‘No, not him,’ Maggie rushed to answer. ‘I’ll tell you what happened. I was showing your room to Kathy –’


  ‘I wanted to show her your bed and everything. We were going to talk about wall colors. She’s my best friend. Kathy, your godmother. Remember I told you about her last night?’

  ‘Okay,’ Anna said slowly.

  ‘I picked up one of your textbooks, and this fell out.’ Maggie pulled from her pocket the note about Jamie leaving school and PG and Connie buying her a bus ticket. ‘From the note, it seems like you know where Jamie went, or PG and Connie do, because they bought –’

  ‘You read that note?’ Anna frowned deeply. ‘That’s my personal property.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I only found it by accident, but there is an overarching concern here, honey. Jamie’s safety.’

  ‘Are you saying I’m lying, Mom?’

  Maggie felt her gut twist. ‘Anna, if you, PG, or Connie know where Jamie went, then her parents have a right to know that. I wouldn’t feel good withholding that information from them, and you shouldn’t either.’

  ‘I don’t know where she went.’ Anna’s fair skin mottled with emotion. ‘Jamie said she wasn’t going to tell me because she knew her parents would ask us all and she didn’t want to put me in a bad position. I’m a bad liar. I get nervous when I lie and it always shows.’

  Maggie hadn’t considered that as a possibility. ‘You’re saying that Jamie didn’t tell you on purpose? You discussed that with her?’

  ‘Yes, totally. She didn’t tell anybody because she knew that we would all be asked, not just by her parents, but Ellen, the Housemaster, and the Head of School. She knew it would happen, so she didn’t tell us.’

  Noah interjected, ‘Are you sure, Anna?’

  ‘Yes,’ Anna answered firmly.

  Maggie touched Anna’s hand. ‘Honey, I believe you didn’t know, but PG or Connie must know. They bought Jamie the bus ticket.’

  ‘I don’t know if they did. They told Jamie they were going to, but I don’t know if they did.’

  ‘Who’s PG and Connie?’

  ‘Girls at school.’

  ‘Don’t you think we should ask them, or at least tell Jamie’s parents to ask them?’

  ‘They already did, and they said they didn’t know.’

  ‘Well, was that the truth?’ Maggie dialed back her tone. ‘I just think of Jamie’s mother and how she must feel, not knowing how her daughter is.’

  ‘You don’t know Jamie’s mother.’ Anna scoffed. ‘Jamie’s a total Parker, just like I was. Her parents only come to Parents’ Weekend for show.’

  ‘Honey, I still don’t feel comfortable withholding that information. Why don’t we call PG or Connie and ask if one of them bought the bus ticket? If so, then she’ll know where Jamie went. If not, that’s the end of it.’

  ‘I don’t want to.’ Anna pursed her lips. ‘I don’t want to start calling those girls. Please don’t make me. PG and Connie weren’t friendly to me anyway. They’re mean girls, straight up.’ Anna’s eyes started to well up. ‘Mom, I really wish you hadn’t gone in my room. This is my business.’

  Noah interjected, ‘Anna, what you’re saying would make sense if this was the only note, but it wasn’t. There were others.’

  Maggie stiffened. Noah had just busted her.

  Anna’s head swiveled to Maggie. ‘What’s he talking about? How does he know that?’

  Maggie felt stricken. ‘I did find some other notes –’

  ‘What, did you search my room?’ Anna jumped to her feet, wounded. ‘Why would you do that?’

  ‘No, I didn’t search your room. I looked in your textbooks, concerned about Jamie.’

  Noah interjected, ‘Anna, we weren’t born yesterday. You must know where Jamie is. I don’t believe that she kept it from you to give you deniability. So why don’t you just tell us, and we can call her parents.’

  ‘You’re accusing me of lying?’ Anna grabbed her backpack and purse, then edged toward the staircase.

  Maggie stood up. ‘Noah, Anna, wait –’

  ‘Anna, hold on.’ Noah rose. ‘You wouldn’t be the first person who lied to protect a friend –’

  ‘I’m not lying, Noah! You didn’t want me here in the first place!’ Anna reached the staircase and started upstairs.

  ‘No, I just want you to tell the truth and I –’

  ‘You’re the liar, Noah!’ Anna called back, hurrying upstairs. ‘You’re the one who said you wanted me here and you d

  Maggie went to the bottom of the stairs. ‘Anna, wait!’

  ‘I’m not the liar, Noah! You are!’ Anna yelled from the top of the stairs, before her bedroom door slammed close.

  Chapter Forty-three

  Noah, After


  Noah sat on the witness stand next to the enlarged picture of Anna on an easel. Nobody would believe that such a fresh face concealed a ruthless, deceitful heart, especially Maggie. They had been in the family room after Anna had run upstairs, when they’d confronted her about her missing friend, Jamie.

  You called her a liar, Noah! How could you do that?

  Honey, I said she was lying, I did not call her a liar. There’s a difference.

  No there’s not. And I don’t think she’s lying.

  She knows where Jamie is.

  You don’t know that.

  Yes I do. I know when a kid’s lying, and she’s lying.

  Noah, really? She’s my daughter, and what she said made sense. I should’ve thought of it before. Jamie didn’t tell her where she was going, on purpose.

  To give her deniability? What teenager thinks like that? No way. You had her dead-to-rights with the notes.

  Why did you tell her I found the other notes?

  What’s the matter with that? She has to tell us where Jamie is. There’s a girl out there on the streets. You know bad things happen. We just lost Mike.

  Noah, Jamie is not Mike. This is not about Mike.

  I know that, Noah had said, finding himself in the confounding position of making the opposite argument he had made in their last argument. They’d been fighting so much he hadn’t been able to keep track.

  I told you I would do the talking.

  I let you. Noah hadn’t begun to understand how he and Maggie had gotten so far apart. He hadn’t been able to remember the last time they’d agreed on anything. Maggie, you have to think about Jamie. She’s missing.

  She’s not missing, she ran away. It happens every day. It’s not Adam Walsh time.

  Her parents don’t know where she is. To me, that’s missing. We should call the school and ask them for the contact information for Jamie’s parents. We could call Jamie’s parents and tell them –

  What? To call Anna? To give her a hard time?