Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 26

  Chapter Seven

  Fairytale Options

  I heard a scuff of shoes and lowered my magazine--Combat King's recent issue--to see a totally and completely unexpected visitor. My stomach jumped as my grip tightened on the magazine.

  Sub-Lt. Cmdr. Seifer stepped farther into the room with crossed arms, a slight scowl, and an intense expression same as always. I swallowed hard and sent a quick glance over his right shoulder to the clock on the far wall. 8:15. Uh oh. I had totally and completely forgotten.

  Seifer uncrossed his arms and twirled Zell's normal chair around to straddle it, resting his arms along the back. “Excuse.”

  I cleared my throat. “Doctor's orders,” I whispered.


  I swallowed hard again, pointing at the bandage on my head and whispering, “Concussion.” My voice was close to a squeak.


  “Bad fall on the way to Balamb.” You know, he sounds like Fujin. And if I hadn't been so terrified, I probably would have smiled or laughed.

  Seifer pressed his lips together into a very thin line, making me almost flinch. “Time.”

  “A day or two. Dr. Kadowaki wants to keep an eye on me. And I've had dizzy spells. She might not let me--”

  “But you are joining my team?” he pressed.

  I blinked. “Oh. You mean it was only an option?”

  Seifer actually laughed, which took me totally by surprise. “An option? I guess you could say that.”

  “You would have just persuaded me to say 'yes'--”

  He pointed at me so quickly I leaned back. “Exactly.”

  I cleared my throat again as he lowered his hand. “I-I'm sorry for not telling you, sir,” I hesitantly began. “I've been forgetting little things like that. Dr. Kadowaki says it's only temporary.”

  “It is.”

  Not only was I surprised at his response, I was shocked he hadn't left yet. “Y-You've had a concussion before?”

  Seifer smirked. “You don't become SeeD without them.”

  I flushed and lowered my eyes to the magazine. “Yeah. I guess you don't.” Geez, Sally. Duh!

  Seifer stood and put the chair back the way it was. “I'll expect you in my office immediately after Dr. Kadowaki gives her approval, so don't do anything stupid at the beach with your parents.”

  My eyes widened as I carefully shook my head, which resulted in a wince and a hand to my head to keep it from spinning. “I won't.”

  Seifer scoffed and then pointed at me. “Ice it.” Then he turned and left the infirmary.

  I relaxed back into the pillows with a deep breath.