Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 28


  I watched in content silence from my wheelchair as Zell bid my parents “See ya later” accompanied by a hug. Dad received a more robust one than Mom, of course. Then Mom and Dad headed off toward Balamb at an easy pace and Zell pushed me--and my chair--toward Garden. “How you doin’?” he asked with a nudge to my back. “You OK?”

  I nodded, tilting my head back to smile up at him. “Great. My head hurts a little, but it’s loads better than earlier.” I lifted my head up again. “No more dizzy spells, either.”

  “Doctor, I think she’s cured.”

  I smiled and snuggled down into the blanket Zell had wrapped me in. “I’m glad.”

  “Me, too. That means Doc’ll let you dance at the ball and at the hotel--Say. When did you want to do that anyway? Next Saturday? The ball’s this Friday, so that’d give you a whole week to rest up and stuff. And I wouldn’t want Doc to get all in my face about not giving you any time to take it easy.”

  I giggled. “And you can show off twice.”

  Zell grinned. “I could show off even if we just danced in the infirmary.”

  “I know.” I flushed and said, “but I want to dance with you in front of everyone. Talk about romantic, with the stars and the orchestra and the guys in their awesome uniforms.”

  “Then I’m glad you’re feeling better. I don’t think everyone woulda wanted to move the dancing to the infirmary, though I woulda tried.”

  I giggled and tilted my head back again. “You silly.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows at me. “That’s me.”

  I rested my chin in my hand, I propped my elbow against the arm of the wheelchair. “This was fun, Zell. I’m glad you did it. And it was really great to see you and Dad hit it off.”

  “Your dad’s awesome! He’s gonna try and get tickets for the game next month for me and your brother and him. I guess the Timber Wolves are playing the Deling City Cannibals for a spot in the Play-Offs.”

  My smile became a bit dreamy as I envisioned future games and picnics and family outings as Mrs. Sally Dincht. It sounded pretty wonderful.

  “Dad and Zack will make a day of it,” I said in a wistful tone. “They’ll pick you up early, go out for breakfast, chum around a little bit, and then Zack will get you back into the players’ locker room so that you can meet the guys and get autographs. Then you’ll get lunch with the team manager and the best seats in the house. After that, you’ll go to dinner with the team.”

  The chair slowed and stopped. Then Zell turned it around to face him. His expression showed wonder and disbelief. “You’re kidding.”

  I lifted my chin from my hand as I shook my head. “Nope. Zack gets all the cool stuff because of being manager at the T.V. station. They broadcast the games now.”

  Zell placed a hand on each arm of the wheelchair and leaned in. “Players’ locker room?” I nodded. “Lunch with the manager?” I nodded again, my smile widening. “Dinner with the team?”

  I nodded and giggled. “Uh-huh.” Zell’s jaw worked, but he didn’t say a word. Which, of course, made me laugh. “Get used to special treatment, sweetie,” I told him, my eyes twinkling. “My brother has a V.I.P. pass to every game in Timber.”

  “Hot damn!” he finally exclaimed. His grin nearly burst from his face. “This totally rocks!”

  “I knew you’d love it.”

  Zell’s face went completely serious as he pushed away from the chair and rested a hand over his heart. “Dude, Sally, I am your slave for your entire life.”

  Laughing again, I shook my head. “Don’t be silly. I love doing things like this for you. And I know Dad is always looking for guys to add to his list of buddies to take to the games. Gives him and Zack an excuse to get rowdy.”

  “But this? I mean, Sally, we’re talking the Timber Wolves locker room! Time with the team!”

  I nodded. “Yup.”

  Zell smiled and leaned in close, forearms crossed and resting on my lap. “You are way too good to me, Meg.”

  I shook my head slightly. “Nuh-uh,” I whispered, and I couldn’t--and didn’t want to--look away from his blue eyes.

  Zell stayed quiet and close for another awesome moment. Then he said, “Do you have any idea how much I wanna kiss you right now?”

  I gave a very slight and slow nod.

  One side of Zell’s lips twitched upward moments before he pressed his lips gently against mine, which of course gave birth to a universe of possibilities and fantasies and fairytales of wedded bliss.

  Then he pulled back, almost reluctantly it seemed to me, and gave me a wink. “Come on, shy girl. Let’s get back to Garden. I can’t wait to tell Squall where I’m going next month.”

  My lips lifted in a silly smile as I nodded, and then he straightened and turned the chair back toward Garden. I sighed and closed my eyes, surrendering again to my daydreams that didn’t seem so impossible anymore.