Read Again Page 20

  Sydney was momentarily distracted from his caveman thoughts when she began swaying her hips again. Finally, she turned to face him, the playfulness in her eyes again. So this is how we were going to play this? Ignore the elephant in the room. Instinct had him thinking, Fuck that! Either we talk about this shit or I’m out of here. But it was a completely unreasonable thought. It was just the insane jealously doing the thinking, and as much as his heart had claimed her, he’d just heard confirmation that she belonged to Sabian more than she did to Sydney.

  The only consolation was that Sabian’s girl was looking at him the way she had all night. Like he was the one she wanted to be with. Even before she’d begun to drink tonight, he’d seen it in her eyes. Felt it in the way she’d gazed at him. Drunks didn’t lie and she was making a few things crystal clear at the moment, though he knew better than to go along, damn it. His eyes roamed up and down that enticing body that, despite that last interruption, had his dick going hard again.

  Emi danced up to him again, playing with his tie. Sydney said nothing but stared into her eyes, still clenching his jaw. She ended up taking his tie off and began dancing with it playfully. “These clothes are way too stuffy.” She tugged at her blouse, bringing it out from where it was tucked into her skirt. His heart nearly burst through his chest when she began to unbutton it in a striptease kind of way, swaying her hips from side to side. Already his cock was completely ready to go in his pants.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his eyes glued to her hands that unbuttoned each button.

  Unbelievably, she giggled. Once her blouse was unbuttoned, Sydney sighed in relief again when he saw the white cotton camisole she wore underneath. Continuing to sway her hips, she pulled the blouse off and spun it around in the air until she tossed it aside with another giggle. “I’ve never stripped for anyone,” she said, laughing even more when she’d apparently seen the look in his eyes. “I’m not going to for you, silly! Well”—she spun around, looking over her shoulder at him with that same smoldering gaze she’d started off her dance with—“not all the way anyway.”

  Dancing around the kitchen, she used his tie as a prop. She brought it around her waist and then lowered it slowly over the ample swell of her glorious ass. “Oh, I know!” she said then rushed over to the speaker and phone on the counter. “Bring the champagne and glasses. I forgot about what I wanted to show you.”

  Glad for the disruption and the fact that she turned away, giving him a chance to adjust his crotch, Sydney began gathering the two glasses and the champagne bottle. He cleared his throat then glanced up and froze. Emi was headed for her bedroom in a rush. She stopped at the door and glanced back at him with a smile. “C’mon. I really want you to see this.”

  He started toward her slowly, doing his best to remain calm and gather his thoughts. This wasn’t something quick she planned on showing him. She’d taken the music with her and asked him to bring the champagne. Whatever it was she was going to show him she planned on being in her bedroom for a while.

  Sydney reminded himself that Emi was a good girl. So she’d had a little too much to drink and she’d lost a bit of her inhibitions. That wasn’t unheard of, especially in an inexperienced young girl. But she wouldn’t just cheat on her boyfriend. And Sydney would never dream of taking advantage of any girl, regardless of age or experience. Least of all Emi. Only she was going to be harder to resist than most. Just holding her hand did things to him he hadn’t felt since his high-school years with Lynn.

  He shook his stiff shoulders and arms as he neared her bedroom door. “Loosen the fuck up,” he muttered under his breath. “It’s just innocent celebrating.”

  When he walked through her bedroom door, he saw her at her dresser, setting up the speaker and phone. A new song with a sensual rhythm and beat started up, and so did her hips. She swayed them, peering over her shoulder at him with those impassioned eyes—eyes that would be the end of him if she didn’t stop looking at him that way.

  She pulled something out of a drawer, but the movement of her hips never slowed. If anything, it got more and more provocative as the music sped up. “I need to get out of this skirt,” she said, working the zipper on the side of her waist, nearly making Sydney’s heart stop.

  His expression must’ve reflected just how terrified the thought of her undressing in front of him made him because she skipped the giggling and all out laughed. “I’ll be back,” she said, taking the champagne glass from him as she sashayed by him on her way to the bathroom.

  Sydney knew it was the bathroom because her bedroom was set up just like his; only difference was she had a sliding door that opened up to the pool area. He walked over to the sliding door, taking deep breaths. “You can do this. Just be cool and polite, and the night will be over before you know it.”

  “What do you think?”

  Sydney braced himself but was instantly breathless when he turned to take Emi in from top to bottom. She’d replaced the skirt with a pair of tiny satin sleep shorts. Almost immediately, he noticed she’d also rid herself of the bra she’d been wearing under the camisole. His heart thudded at the sight of her perky tits and nipples that practically begged to break through the thin material. She may as well have been wearing lingerie that accentuated every one of her abundant curves, but that wasn’t the worst part. She was pointing downward, and his eyes roamed down legs that seemed to go on forever until he saw what she was really referring to:

  A pair of glittery blue-and-white stilettos.

  Seeing her in her sexy sleep clothes had been enough to make him rock hard again. The shoes had him holding his champagne glass a little lower in an effort to block the throbbing bulge he was sure had to be visible even through his slacks. Luckily, she was still looking down when he glanced up at her for a second.

  His eyes returned to her shoes as she moved her leg sideways to show off the sides of each the stilettos. One side displayed a white star while the other had the word Cowboys written in blue and white, equally shimmering glitter all the way from the top back end of the shoe to the bottom front open-toed end.

  “You like them?”

  “Very nice,” he said as she attempted to walk in them cautiously.

  “My sister sent them to me for my birthday,” she said, smiling brightly. “She has a pair just like them. I told you we’re big fans.”

  She slowed when she began to wobble, holding her champagne glass out in front of her for balance, and began to giggle again.

  “Careful,” he said, holding out his hand as she got a little closer to him. “Those look dangerous.”

  “I just need to get used to walking in them,” she said, reaching for his hand, and he took it. Instantly, she laced her fingers in his, making him swallow hard, but he focused on making sure she was stable.

  Emi attempted to dance in the ridiculously high shoes. “My sister and Valerie are naturals in these. Valerie gets down,” she said, shaking her hips in a lowering motion to the upbeat music playing now. Sydney held her hand tightly, making sure she was okay. “Whoa!” she said, leaning into him as she nearly lost her balance.

  With his champagne glass still in his hand, Sydney reached around her slender waist, feeling the soft satin against his skin as her body leaned against his. She looked up at him, her smile waning slowly, and then took a sip of her champagne. “So this is what it feels like to be Scarlet around you.”

  “This is what it feels like to be Sabian around you.”

  “Not really.” She drank the rest of her champagne, making no attempt to pull away.

  Sydney was thankful that the angle he held her in was slightly sideways so other more penetrating parts of his body weren’t pressed up against her.

  “I’ve only been around him once since we became”—she lifted her hand to make an air quote—“an official couple, and my brother was with us almost the whole time.”

  That confused Sydney. Clearly, they’d done more, but he refused to ask about the comment she’d obviously cut off befo
re Sabian could finish.

  Now she pulled away from him, though Sydney held her hand firmly as she took the few steps to where the champagne bottle sat. She poured herself some more and then refreshed the glass he’d been babying the whole time. Her foot bumped his and she looked down.

  “You should take off your shoes, Syd. Get comfortable.”

  “No,” Sydney said, shaking his head. “That’s cool. I’ll probably be leaving soon anyway.”

  She stopped sipping her champagne and pouted. “What? But we’re having fun.” With that, she began moving her hips slowly again. “Dance with me.”

  “I’m telling you,” he said, trying to keep his eyes on her face and not look down at anything he was certain would further the situation going on in his pants, “you’re gonna regret this tomorrow morning.”

  “I’d never regret doing anything with you.” She slowed the rhythm of her hips and stared into his eyes. Before he could respond to that, she added. “I love you, Sydney.”

  His heart walloped even as his head reminded him that she’d had way too much to drink. Glancing away because he had to, he cleared his throat.

  “It’s okay to tell your best friend you love him, right?” Emi squeezed his hand, giving him no choice but to stare into her eyes. Beautiful eyes that gazed at him in a way that made his heart swell.

  “Yeah, it’s okay.”

  “Because I do,” she said, her voice softening into a whisper. “It was why I was so hurt that you didn’t call me first when you left to see your mom a few weeks ago.” She took a step forward, bringing her body against his again. “Do you love me?”

  “I do.” The words flew out without thought.

  With heels so high they were nearly eye to eye now, Emi brought her lips dangerously close to his. He could smell the champagne on her breath, feel the warmth of her breath against his mouth, and he was sure she could feel if not hear his heart pounding in his chest.

  “Say it,” she whispered against his lips. “Tell me you love me.”

  “Emi,” he said breathlessly as he closed his eyes, trying desperately to fight the urge to taste her mouth. “We’ve both had a lot to drink tonight and—”

  “No,” she said, squeezing his hand again. “I’m not saying this just because I’ve been drinking. I really do love you, Sydney. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”

  He nodded in agreement. If she was going to put it that way, then he could agree completely. “Okay. I mean it too. I love you.” He tugged her hand toward the bed. “But I really think you need to get in bed. You have a long day tomorrow.”

  “Stay with me,” she said as she brought one knee onto her bed. “Please?”

  “That’s not a good idea,” Sydney said, his heart beating even more rapidly now. He lifted the down blanket, remembering how anal he’d been about picking the perfect one for her when he bought it.

  “But I’ve had one of the best nights of my life. You staying with me would make it perfect.”

  She started to slide in the bed but wouldn’t let go of his hand. “You have a boyfriend,” he reminded her even as he felt his jaw tighten. “I don’t think he’d—”

  “I don’t love him,” she said, her sweet eyes searching Sydney’s. “Do you love Scarlet?”

  “Not at all.”

  Again the words flew out without thought, and he felt like kind of an asshole about being so quick to say it with such conviction, but it was the truth. If love, true love, was what he felt for Emi right that moment, then he was certain he’d never felt it until now.

  Emi smiled, tugging at his hand. “Then say you’ll stay.”

  It hurt to do it, but he had to. As much as he’d wanted to, he knew he shouldn’t. Sydney shook his head. Emi would be asleep soon anyway; he could see it in her heavy eye lids. And she’d likely not remember any of this conversation.

  “You have a boyfriend, Em. And I know you—”

  “I’d break up with him,” she said, lifting her head, her dreary eyes trying to focus on Sydney’s. “I’d do it to be with you if you asked me to.”

  “I would,” he whispered back, leaning in close enough to kiss her, confident that she wouldn’t remember any of this, “but I don’t do part-time, half-assed relationships, sweetheart. The day I make you mine . . .” He paused, staring deeply in her eyes. Drunk or not, he could feel it in her words, see it in her eyes. She meant it when she said she loved him and more than just a friend. Meant it when she said she’d break up with Sabian for him, and suddenly he knew he’d stop at nothing to make her his, but only on his terms. He didn’t think it was too much to ask. No way would he agree to anything less. “The day I make you mine,” he said again, swallowing hard as he lowered his eyes to her lips, “you’ll be mine and only mine, completely and utterly committed. So until you tell me you’re ready for something that serious, I can’t let anything else happen between us. It’d be torture for me, Em.”

  She stared at him for a moment, blinking in slow motion, and then brought her hand behind his neck. “Stay with me,” she whispered as he gave into her pulling him closer and kissed her lips softly.

  He stopped to lick his lips but couldn’t help going in for another one. Kissing her felt so incredibly perfect he knew he should stop but couldn’t. Their tongues entwined in perfect rhythm as if they’d been doing this forever until it got so frenzied he was sucking her tongue and he knew he had to stop. He pulled his lips away, breathing hard, and stared at her.

  She smiled, inhaling deeply as her eyes closed. “I love you, Sydney.”

  “I love you, Em.”

  He lay down next to her, staring at her beautiful peaceful face as she fell into a deep slumber. All the days, weeks, and months leading up to this he’d told himself he could deal with being just friends with her. With the sweet taste of her mouth still on his tongue, he knew now, without a doubt, he had to make her his. It’d be a challenge because somehow he didn’t think she’d admit to everything she had tonight once sober. And even as honest and blunt as she’d been tonight, the one thing she didn’t say—despite her pleas that he stay with her tonight and her offer to break things off with Sabian for him—was that she’d be willing to commit like he needed her to.

  Falling in love with you was beyond my control...

  Chapter Sixteen


  It took a millisecond to confirm that what woke Emi was her doorbell and not just something she’d been dreaming. In the next second, she saw him, Sydney, standing by her bed, half-dressed, staring at her with the same alarm in his eyes as the one she was feeling in the pit of her gut. She brought her hand to her mouth and gasped when the memory of last night assaulted her.

  “Nothing happened,” Sydney said, holding up one hand in front of him and pointing to her front room. “Someone’s at the door. You expecting anyone?

  Emi had barely jumped out of bed, covering herself when she saw what she was wearing. Then she heard the voices calling out to her: first her sister, then A.J, and then, good God, Sly. In a complete panic, she grabbed a sweatshirt and threw it over her head.

  Just as quickly Sydney scrambled around her room, picking up his shoes from the floor and his wallet from her nightstand. In a composed voice she knew was meant to calm her, he said he’d leave through her sliding door, which meant no one would see him or know he’d spent the night with her—in her bed.

  Feeling the slightest relief but at the same time guilty because she remembered being the one who insisted on coming back to her place when he didn’t seem so eager, she began apologizing until he stopped and peered at her

  “Don’t worry about it.” He smiled so sweetly her heart doubled over. “If I hadn’t wanted to, I wouldn’t have. And for the record, you may not remember, but we had a good time. At least I know I did, but I’m pretty sure you did too.”

  A visual of her shamelessly dancing for him in the skimpy clothes she’d woken in made her face flush. She forced a mortified smile, feeling like an idiot. Sydney said no
thing more, but the smirk on his face only furthered the heat that had already set her cheeks ablaze.

  She walked him out, thanking him and apologizing again, feeling terrible about having to throw him out the back sliding door. As soon as she closed the door, she rushed out to the front room, thankful the sweatshirt she wore—an old high school favorite she’d swiped from her brother Nathan—was long enough to cover the skimpy satin shorts she wore.

  To her horror, not only was it A.J., Livi, and Sly who stood outside her door but her two other brothers, Nathan and Isaiah, and her brother-in law Enzo as well. “I overslept,” she gasped, opening the door all the way so they could all come in. Each one stopped to hug her as they entered.

  “Hey,” Nathan said with a big smile, staring at her sweatshirt. “The fighting Cougars. I haven’t seen that sweatshirt in years.”

  “That’s ’cause I took it from you years ago,” she said, hugging him. “I’m sorry I overslept. But I can get ready in under fifteen minutes.”

  “You have time,” Sly said, hugging her a little longer and tighter than the rest of her siblings, but he peered at her once he pulled away and lowered his voice. “What happened last night? You hung up on me.”

  Emi’s eyes opened wide in a panic. “I don’t remember talking to you,” she whispered, bringing a hand to her disheveled hair. “I guess I had too much to drink.”

  “You said you’d just gotten home and were real tired,” he said, searching her eyes a bit suspiciously. “I guess you fell asleep.”

  She nodded, wracking her brain as the faint memory of hearing his voice in the kitchen came to her but not much else.

  “Just let me use your bathroom real quick before you jump in the shower, Em,” A.J. said, already rushing into her bedroom.

  Her heart rate sped up, remembering the champagne bottle and two glasses in her room, not to mention the stilettos still sprawled out at the foot of her bed. Liv, Enzo, Nathan, and Isaiah began setting down the coffee cups and muffin box they’d walked in holding on her kitchen table when one of their phones went off, buzzing loudly against the tabletop.