Read Again Page 22

  He’d wear Emi’s favorite suit and that cologne she loved so much and walk in hand in hand with Scarlet looking every bit the Hollywood diva that she was. It’d be perfect—perfectly tense.

  It was a dick move and he knew it. Emi had asked him to come along, not because she wanted to flaunt her boyfriend in front of him, but because she needed to save face after what happened that morning. Regardless of the fact that going back to her place was her idea, he’d willingly gone along with the whole thing. He was just as much to blame for how things ended up.

  His bringing Scarlet to this dinner would be for no other reason than to rub his relationship into Emi’s face. As much as he hated the thought of seeing her with Sabian, the thought of hurting her, even if she didn’t admit it, was worse. He couldn’t do it to her. But he did have a plan B if need be.

  As he walked into the restaurant, he checked himself out in the reflection of the glass door. He had worn Emi’s favorite suit and her favorite cologne of his. He might not be a dick, but there was only so much he could take, and plan B seemed like a viable one.

  Lynn was the first to greet him, getting up and hugging him. He was two for two when she complimented him on his suit and how good he smelled.

  “Damn, Syd”—Romero laughed from across the table—“thanks for making us all look like slobs by showing up in a suit and tie.”

  Sydney smiled, touching his tie casually. “I have to be somewhere after this or, trust me, I would’ve dressed down.”

  He circled the large table, purposely taking the long way around so he’d greet Emi and Sabian last. Valerie and Alex sat closest to Emi and Sabian. When he reached Valerie, she smiled big. “Where’s your girlfriend?” she asked. “I was hoping I’d get to meet a real A-list Hollywood movie star.”

  “She couldn’t make it,” he said, not bothering to correct her calling Scarlet his girlfriend. “She had some interview to do, but I’ll see her later on tonight.”

  Trying not to be too obvious about the deep breath he took before he turned to Emi, he smiled big as their eyes met. “Hey,” he said, leaning over to hug her as if he hadn’t seen her just that morning.”

  “Hi. I’m glad you made it,” she said with a timid smile then touched Sabian’s arm. “I’d like you to meet Sylvester Sabian. Sly”—she turned back to Sly—“this is my friend Sydney. The one you’ve heard so much about.”

  “I have.” He stood and reached his hand out to Sydney while putting his other hand on Emi’s shoulder. “Hey, nice to finally meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Sydney said, shaking his hand. “Obviously, I’ve heard a lot about you and not just from sportscasters either. Emi’s told me a lot about you too.”

  Not really but he’d embellished for the sake of hiding the fact that seeing another guy touch her felt even more unpleasant than he’d anticipated.

  He fucking hated it.

  Thankfully, before he could start working the enamel on his teeth, Sarah showed him the seat she’d saved him next to her and Angel—directly across from Emi and Sabian. Fantastic.

  He hadn’t even finished taking off his suit coat when Valerie and Sofie started grilling him about Scarlet. “So what’s she like?” Sofie asked. “I heard she’s a diva—not from any reliable source or anything—just from what I read when in line at the supermarket. The tabloids always have something mean to say about her.”

  “She’s actually very nice,” he said as he sat down. “It’s what I like about her best. When I first met her, I didn’t even realize she was a celebrity.”

  “No way.” Valerie gasped. “You didn’t know who Scarlet Brendon was?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head and smiled at the waitress who handed him a menu. “I never would’ve guessed she was one, if she hadn’t told me, because of how down-to-earth and sweet she is.”

  Lynn had let him know they’d all already ordered when she saw the waitress on her way back to the table. So he put in his order but played it safe, asking only for a glass of wine and a salad. He’d glanced in Emi’s direction a couple of times, and both times Sabian had been whispering something in her ear a little too cutesy. He knew it wouldn’t take much more to have him making a quick and dirty exit.

  Sydney kept any conversation he made with Emi and her boyfriend as generic as possible. He asked both Sabian and A.J. about the team stats and what they thought their chances were of making it to the play offs—all the sort of stuff you’d ask someone who played professional baseball. In turn, Sabian asked him about his line of work. Sydney kept that as simple as possible as well.

  Eventually, the conversation was brought back to the subject of Scarlet. “So are you two getting serious?” Sofie asked as she reached for the bread basket in front of Sydney.

  He handed it to her, not sure her asking this was good or bad. But he figured he’d spared Emi having to see him with touchy-feely Scarlet. He’d allow himself to answer this not so truthfully because it was necessary.

  “I don’t know. I was beginning to have my doubts because of the whole celebrity Hollywood thing. I didn’t think I’d have the patience for it. But it’s not so bad.”

  The waitress dropped off his glass of wine, and he thanked her, taking advantage of the moment to glance in Emi’s direction. She was moving the food on her plate around, but her sweet little brow was at it—nicely arched already.

  Hiding the smirk behind his glass, he almost felt bad going on about this, but this time even Eric, Sofie’s husband, inquired about Scarlet. “You met any of her celebrity friends yet?”

  “Nah.” Sydney shook his head. “It’s why I think maybe I can deal with this. She likes hiding out, laying low, and staying out of the limelight on her down time. Unless she’s promoting something, she stays away from all those ritzy parties. I’m sure I’ll meet them eventually, but I haven’t yet.”

  They asked a little more about her until Emi’s sister Liv announced it was time for the gifts. She brought out a bag from under the table and handed it to Emi. “But you already got me something,” Emi said, taking the bag.

  “This one’s from all four of us and, uh . . . someone else,” Liv explained and her brothers all smiled smugly.

  Emi glanced at them all a little suspiciously then at Sabian, who shrugged in innocence. Sydney smiled, praying it wasn’t going to be anything too uncomfortable for him. He watched Emi peek into the bag before pulling out the tissue and looking inside. It was just a card. As she opened it, something fell out, landing on the table. She picked up what looked like a small card or photo, smiling curiously—confused—then smiled even bigger. “Oh my God, how adorable! Whose dog is—?”

  “Read the card,” Liv said anxiously.

  “Happy birthday, Mommy,” she read out loud then gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth. “I can’t wait to meet you.” Her face jerked up to her sister. “You got me a dog?”

  Liv nodded excitedly. “A little teacup Yorkie like the ones you always said you wanted. I figured it could keep you company since you’re so far from home.”

  Emi hugged her, squealing, as Sydney breathed a sigh of relief. She quizzed them about where the puppy was, how old, and the gender. Liv explained it was a boy, he was about ten weeks old, and they’d put him up at a doggy day care center nearby for the day. The photo of the pup got passed around. She told Emi they’d pick the puppy up as soon as they were done with the dinner and that they had a loaded trunk with all the accessories Emi would need for him—including food. Then she added, “And you have a free groomer for life!”

  All the girls made the usual oohing and aahing noises as the photo got passed along, saying he was adorable. Sydney laughed when it got to him. The puppy was adorable, but they’d already stripped the poor thing of his dignity. He wore a tiny striped sailor shirt and a matching sailor hat. Liv wasn’t kidding when she said teacup. The puppy was actually in a teacup. Homer would have a field day with this little guy.

  When Sydney’s salad was brought out, he was able to enjoy it without t
he tension he’d been feeling in his gut from the moment he arrived. The gift opening kept Emi busy and unable to engage with Sabian as they had been earlier when Sydney tried desperately not to look at their annoying ear whispering. That alone had him clenching his teeth. He’d had no idea coming into this today this would be such a challenge.

  Everything was going smoothly, and Sydney had even finished his salad. It appeared the gifts were all done. A.J. had even begun to say he and Sabian had to get going to catch their plane. Sydney was home free. Then Sabian spoke up. “Wait. I still haven’t given her my gift.”

  A.J., who’d begun to stand, sat back down. Sydney’s hand reached for his wine glass, his jaw getting a workout once again. Even though everyone else was still ordering drinks, this second glass of wine was definitely Sydney’s last.

  “Alright, so . . .” Sabian cleared his throat. “As you guys know, even though Emi and I have been seeing each other for a couple months now, we’ve hardly been able to spend any time together.”

  “Good,” Nathan said with a smirk.

  Everyone chuckled, and Sabian shot him a playful glare but continued. “Good thing for you my schedule makes it almost impossible. But, and I wanted to do this in front of you guys,” he said, eyeing her brothers then Liv, “because I know she’s your baby sis, and even though she’s all grown up now—”

  “Not really,” Isaiah said, and there was even more laughter.

  “C’mon, man! I’m nervous enough,” Sabian said then continued with the worried act, making Sydney seriously anxious. “With the All-Star Break next week, I have three whole days off.” He fist pumped then frowned, shaking his head at A.J. “I know it’s bullshit that we didn’t make the team, but we know it’s all politics.” He turned back to Emi as he pulled out a folded envelope from the pocket in his shorts. “It’s only three days and two nights, but I remember you saying you’d always wanted to go to Maui.”

  Emi’s eyes widened just as Sydney’s stomach dropped. Hell no, this wasn’t happening. Her smile was a strange one. Then the, “Oh wows” and “How romantic” comments from around the table seemed to make her smile bigger, and she hugged Sabian, touching his face then pecking him. It was quick but far from painless, and that was it for Sydney.

  “I haven’t actually booked it,” Sabian said, giving Sydney an ounce of hope, “because there are options I wanted you to choose from first, and I wasn’t sure if you could take the time off from your summer classes. But I’m hoping you can.”

  As what looked like a small pamphlet of whatever excursion he had planned was passed around, Sydney stood up and started putting his coat on.

  “You’re leaving too?” Lynn asked since A.J. had already started making his round of good-byes.

  “Yeah, I have to,” he said just as his eyes met Emi’s.

  He couldn’t quite make out the expression she wore. Maybe she was as disappointed as Lynn sounded or something. Faced with the possibility of Emi going away to Maui for three days with this guy, Sydney went ahead with what he’d decided not to earlier: plan B.

  “Scarlet wouldn’t say what exactly she had planned, but I know it involves going out of town because she told me to pack a bag and make sure nothing was in it that would hold us up at the airport.”

  “Oh wow,” Sofie, who was near enough to hear, said, “how exciting!” She turned to Emi with a laugh. “You guys are gonna have to tell us all about your birthday trips as soon as you get a chance. We can all live the exotic impulsive jet-setting lives of celebrities vicariously through you two.”

  “How long will you be gone?” Emi asked.

  Her expression was a bit more telling now. Any excitement over her new puppy or trip to Maui vanished. She actually appeared troubled.

  “Not sure,” he said, pulling his keys out of his pockets. “But she did ask if I could take some time off work this week. I told her I probably could.”

  The troubled expression in her eyes turned into a hurt one, and Sydney had to wonder how much of what happened last night she remembered. With Sabian going around the table to say his good-byes to everyone, Sydney stared at her now.

  “Didn’t you two just go away not too long ago?” Valerie asked this time then thankfully addressed her next question to Lynn because Sydney couldn’t bring himself to look away from Em. “You said he made the tabloids when he was leaving or arriving at the airport.”

  “That’s when he went to see his mom.”


  The conversation turned momentarily to his mother and how she was doing, forcing Sydney to turn away from Em and address their concerned questions. But to his surprise, it was Emi who brought the subject back to his leaving. “Will you be bringing Homer over to my place?”

  Before he could answer, Sabian was at her side, slipping his hands into hers. “I gotta go, babe. A.J. already called to have a car pick us up.”

  Nathan and A.J. walked out ahead of him, saying they were getting the carry-ons out of the SUV they’d thrown them in.

  Instantly, Sydney felt his jaw lock. He watched as she turned to her boyfriend and nodded then turned back to Sydney. “I can watch Homer for you. I’ll introduce him to Oliver,” she said with what Sydney knew was a fake smile. It was nowhere near as natural as the beautiful one he’d grown to love. “It’s what I’m naming my puppy. Homer and Oliver will be best friends now.”

  Sydney swallowed hard, refusing to look down at her and Sabian’s entwined hands. He debated whether or not to tell her he was good. Lie and say he’d already asked Julie Anne to do it. He’d seen how disgusted Emi had been with his former cat sitter that morning. But he was having trouble thinking straight, and he wanted nothing more than to just get the fuck out of there, so he nodded.

  “Don’t leave then,” she said, her eyes almost pleading with him. “I’ll be right back.”

  Sabian said good-bye to Sydney, telling him once again how nice it’d been to meet him. All the talk of Sydney’s girlfriend Scarlet had clearly made Sabian feel better about Sydney’s friendship with Emi.

  “I need to ask you something about the key to your place before you leave,” Emi said as she started to the exit with Sabian.

  Sydney’s eyes dropped to her hand holding Sabian’s and he cursed himself as the jealousy overwhelmed him. She was going outside to kiss her man good-bye, and Sydney was left there to wait for her like an idiot.

  “Everything okay?” Lynn asked, breaking him out of his infuriating thoughts.

  “Dandy,” he said, touching his temple where the migraine that started much earlier was pounding now.

  “Are you still getting those headaches?” she asked, her concerned eyes searched his.

  “Only when I’m feeling a little tense,” he explained.

  “Have you gone back to the doctor for that?”

  “Yeah, they ran more tests, and my tension headaches were upgraded to migraines.” He frowned.

  “So what are you feeling tense about, Sydney?” she asked, glancing at the entrance then back at him.

  “Nothing.” He smiled, despite his pounding head. “I’d forgotten about it being upgraded from tension headaches to migraines, so I take the tension thing back.” He forced another smile, glad for the sudden loud laughter at the table so he wouldn’t have to look into Lynn’s inquiring eyes anymore.

  Already she was eyeing him strangely. If anyone besides Emi was able to tell that Sydney felt like exploding despite his desperate attempts to hide it, it’d be Lynn. He wasn’t just angry at Emi; he was furious with himself. Why did he wait so damn long? Why hadn’t he just reminded her this morning about last night, damn it? And why the fuck had he thought that after the year they’d had, but especially after last night, he could do this today?

  He focused on the guys at the table, all looking and still laughing at something on Romero’s phone screen.

  “Sarah,” Angel called out to her, still laughing. He waved her over to see whatever it was they were getting such a kick out of.

p; At that moment, Sydney realized why he’d been stupid enough to think he could deal with seeing Emi with her boyfriend. He had mistakenly assumed since he’d always been able to handle seeing Lynn with Angel it would be the same with Em. Not so at all. Further proof that he’d never felt for anyone what he was now feeling for Em. Not even with Lynn had he ever felt this kind of torment when seeing her with Angel.

  The biggest difference by far was that, as much as he’d loved Lynn in the past, he’d never once considered her his. As far as his heart was concerned, it’d claimed Emi months ago. She was his now, and after last night, to hell if he was going to just stand there and risk losing her. After last night, it should be clear to his dumb ass that he already had her. If that meant having to step it up and do whatever it took to claim her, so be it.

  “Go ahead,” Sydney said when she turned back to him, her expression a worried one, so he smiled to reassure her. “I’m fine really, just in a hurry. I gotta get out of here. I’ll meet Em outside.”

  He gave Lynn a quick hug and waved at everyone else, asking Lynn to explain why he left so abruptly then stalked towards the exit on a mission.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Taking advantage of the longish walk her brothers had to the SUV to get A.J. and Sly’s bags, Emi stood with Sly just outside the entrance, her mind made up.

  “I know this is not a good time to do this Sly, and we have so little time right now.” She squeezed his hand as his eyes narrowed in on hers. “We can talk more about this later on the phone, but I wanted to let you know at least one thing in person. This isn’t gonna work.”

  He shook his head as surprised as she knew he’d be. “Why? Is it because we hardly—?”

  “It has nothing to do with anything but the way I feel. You’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. I just should’ve been honest with you earlier. I apologize for that, but my heart is somewhere else, and I didn’t even realize it until just recently.”